Arduino based Timer for grinding coffee, with estimated dose weight
- Rotary encoder rotation adjusts time duration.
- Pushing encoder powers the relay for set duration, and stores changed duration to EEPROM
- Holding Calibration button allows rotary encoder to adjust the dose weight for the given duration, changing the time/weight ratio (calibration is a single reference point, and assumes dose weight is linerarly proportional to grind time)
- Releasing the Calibration button stores dose weight to EEPROM
Fritzing diagram coming soon Arduino Uno LCD 16x2 over I2C Rotary Encoder connections -Clock -> D2 -DT -> D3 -SWITCH -> D4 Calibration Button -> D5 Relay -> D6
Relay wired to switch active line of extension cable, between wall socket and coffee grinder (left in on position)
Commenting is limited, and code is kinda cobbled together. I may refine it. Video coming after final assembly.