Fiskalizimi .NET SDK allows you to talk and generate your e-invoices programmatically from your own solution to Flexie CRM fiskalizimi automation platform.
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Fiskalizimi .NET is using Newtonsoft.Json, JWT and System.ComponentModel.Annotations dependences. Target frameworks are netstandard 2.0 and netstandard 2.1
Below it's just a simple example on how to use it, you would find more in the examples folder
using CRM.Flexie.Fiskalizimi;
// New invoice object, for B2B scenario using Bank Payment
Invoice invoice = new Invoice()
// Invoice Details
InvoiceType = Fx.B2B,
BusinessProcess = Fx.BUSINESS_PROCESS_P1,
PaymentMethod = "ACCOUNT",
PaymentType = "NONCASH",
Currency = "ALL",
CurrencyRate = 1,
VatTotal = 40.00,
TotalBeforeVat = 200.00,
TotalAfterVat = 240.00,
// Customer Details, in this case using tax identifier
ClientName = "John Doe",
ClientNuis = "M01315009J",
ClientAddress = "ZIP ... 12345",
ClientCity = "Tirane",
ClientCountryCode = "ALB",
// Bank Details
BankName = "Some Random Bank",
BankSwift = "ALBALL",
BankIban = "AL00010001111111111111111111"
// You can send additional data to Flexie CRM in case you have a full subscription
// and want to create integrations or getting deeper with your financial data
// invoice.FlexieWorkflowAdditionalData = new Dictionary<string, object>()
// {
// { "CustomData", "Some costom data" }
// };
List<Dictionary<string, object>> items = new();
// Obviously here would be your own items
foreach (var fakeItem in new int[] { 1, 2 })
InvoiceItem item = new InvoiceItem()
// Use your own ERP or financial platform item ID/Code/BarCode/Whatever
ItemCode = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Item = "Artikulli " + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Qty = 1,
QtyUnit = "Cope",
QtyUnitUblCode = "XPP",
Price = 100,
VatRate = Fx.VAT_20,
TotalBeforeVat = 100,
TotalAfterVat = 120,
VatTotal = 20
catch (Exception ex)
// It might trigger an exception in case invoice item values are not validated
invoice.Items = items;
// Initialize main fiskalizimi object with your own Flexie CRM KEY
// The current key is for DEMO purpose and you can try right away
// and also operates in the TEST environment of Fiskalizimi service
Fiskalizimi fiskalizmi = new("Tw8Yewd1U0d4hViNzGrbLliRlteKTMBT");
// Send it to Flexie CRM to finalize the Fiskalizimi process,
// there are also optional ToJSON() and ToDictionary() methods on Invoice object.
Invoice invoiceData = fiskalizmi.NewInvoice(invoice);
// invoiceData would have the full invoice object, including
// 1. nslf
// 2. nivf
// 3. qr code url
// 4. vat group to print on invoice
catch (Exception ex)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.