Fiskalizimi PHP SDK allows you to talk and generate your e-invoices programmatically from your own solution to Flexie CRM fiskalizimi automation platform.
Clone this repo into your own environment
git clone
cd fiskalizimi-sdk-php
Use the package manager composer to install Fiskalizimi PHP SDK dependences, which are just 2 of them, Guzzle and Firebase JWT.
composer install
Below it's just a simple example on how to use it, you would find more in the examples folder
use Flexie\Fatura\Fiskalizimi;
use Flexie\Fatura\Fx;
use Flexie\Fatura\Invoice;
use Flexie\Fatura\InvoiceItem;
require __DIR__ . "/fiskalizimi-sdk-php/vendor/autoload.php";
$invoice = new Invoice();
// Invoice Details
// Customer Details, in this case using Personal ID as tax identifier
$invoice->setClientName("John Doe");
$invoice->setClientAddress("ZIP ... 12345");
// Bank Details
$invoice->setBankName("Some Random Bank");
// You can send additional data to Flexie CRM in case you have a full subscription
// and want to create integrations or getting deeper with your financial data
// $invoice->setFlexieWorkflowAdditionalData([
// "customData" => "Custom Data",
// ]);
// Obviously here would be your own items
foreach([1, 2] as $_) {
$item = new InvoiceItem();
// Item details
$item->setItem("Artikulli - " . uniqid());
// Add to invoice items
// Initialize main fiskalizimi object with your own Flexie CRM KEY
// The current key is for DEMO purpose and you can try right away
// and also operates in the TEST environment of Fiskalizimi service
$fiskalizimi = new Fiskalizimi("Tw8Yewd1U0d4hViNzGrbLliRlteKTMBT");
try {
// Send it to Flexie CRM to finalize the Fiskalizimi process,
// there is also an optional toJSON() method you can use here.
$invoiceData = $fiskalizimi->newInvoice($invoice)->toArray();
// $invoiceData["nivf"], and some other variables would be added
// to the initial payload which is sent to Flexie, this way you
// have the full invoice object including all details from Fiskalizimi
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Handle errors here
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.