A very basic application to help with foreign words memorizing. It's based on a well-known concept of a paper card, with a foreign word written on the one side and its translation - on the another one. In the app, cards are organized in stacks and each card can contain an image. The app has a multilanguage UI (Russian and English so far). Import and export of stacks is supported to help you share with others.
Memorizing words: select stack, press Learn, select desired language on cards' faces via drop-dow list. Look at the word, if you know the translation - press Known! and it'll be not shown again until you finish learning. If you don't know the translation - click on the word, try to memorize, then click Unknown! - thus you tell the app to show the word again later. The app will continue showing cards until you mark all of them as known. Counter on the top shown thq quntity of cards remaining.
Additional info: Each card has an additional field named Comment, utilizable on your discretion. In the app's settings there's an option to select what side of the card the comment field will be shown on. For example, write there a transcription and select Foreign side of the card to show it alongside with the foreign word. Or a nuance of usage (i.e. AmE/BrE) etc.
Import & Export: select stack, press yellow sign in the bottom-left corner to go to editing mode. There you'll find two buttons. Export allows you to save current stack to a file. Import reads a new stack from file and saves it in the app's database.
TODO list:
- counters of words and attempts
- test mode in addition to learning mode
- image operations (check format, auto resize)
You're free to use the app anyway you want, preserving original author notice. If you don't need souce codes, download just the FlashCards.zip file, unzip anywhere and run .exe