A basic implementation of Conway's Game of Life in HTML5, use mouse and click on the canvas to trigger cells or use WASD/ZQSD + Enter (better precision). Activate the calculation by setting the timer with the below form (and stop it before drawing or you'll see nothing) or use the Step button to see the changes step by step. You can change the dimension of the canvas with the second form.
Try it here.
v.0.5 :
Initial release.
v0.55 :
Added tick counter
v0.6 :
Added keyboard support
Better render algorithm (now much faster/smoother with a high number of cells)
Fixed mouse position after scrolling
v1.0 :
Better compute algorithm, now depend of the number of active cells, not of the total number of cells
Added Step button
Changed files/code layout, conway.js now correspond to a Conway object, all other code has been moved to main.js
Slightly changed page layout
Add a save function to save patterns in localStorage