Create toys from your mind with our Discord app and get it shipped to your address with a Flow NFT.
Key Features • How To Use • The Project • Future Updates • Last PatchNote • Credits
- Input colors, words, styles
- Within seconds watch the image being generated.
- Edit your input in case of mistake
- You miss one of the inputs? Don't worry, you can edit them before the generation.
- Initiate and handle several generation at the same time.
- Let your mind talk freely by launching several generation.
- Interactive Inputs
- We let you chose among 25 different colors. 625 combination possible.
- Discord Support Available
- In case of any issues come to our discord. We help for free ;)
- Feedbacks are important
- We listen to our user. Come to our discord over #Feedback.
- Weekly updates
- Fixing bugs is a thing. We add features every weeks on top of that.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd MindToy-Discord-Bot
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Setup Mysql Database
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install mysql-server
$ sudo mysql_secure_installation
# Create a user
$ CREATE USER 'bot'@'host' IDENTIFIED WITH authentication_plugin BY '123456789';
# Add the credentials to ./src/config/config.json
$ cd /src/config/config.json
$ nano config.json
# Replace Paypal REST API KEY
# Replace Scenario API KEY
# Replace Discord bot Token
# Replace Main Discord Guild ID
# Replace Niftory API KEY
# Run the app
$ cd src
$ node index.js
APIS get your credentials for the api we uses below.
Paypal: Get started with PayPal Developer
Scenario: Getting Started with Scenario API
Discord: Get your discord bot token
Niftory: Getting Started with Niftory
Note If you're willing to help the project, see this guide to fork the repo and build additional features.
- Mind Toy is a brand that offers co-creative product design with On-demand manufacture.
- Customers, aided by ai image generative models can design and receive physical items 100% unique to them.
- Brands, IP, and creators can connect with customers via co-creative engagement and sell products together with fans.
- All inside a simple to use Discord bot that allows users create, mint and order physical collectibles.
💡Customers design unique physical goods
🤝Brands co-create products with fans
🧠Combining fine tuned Stable diffusion with a bespoke pipeline to colour 3D print objects
🚀Integrating FLOW & Niftory API to mint licence NFTs on the blockchain for a new co-licencing model.
- With FLOW Blockchain, Mind Toy is designing an innovative co-licensing business model using NFTs and split royalty smart contracts.
- Mind Toy is planning solutions for secondary marketplace sales/rentals of NFT licenses.
#co-creation #NFT #smartcontracts #AI #3Dprinting #Discord #secondarymarketplace
As for the future we plan many updates. Starting from March 6, 2023 5:00 PM we are about to introduce to more commands. As time goes we we unfold more and more of our vision of mind toy as well as future addition to our app.
March 6, 2023 5:00 PM UTC+1
/collection: With this command you'll be able to retrieve all your past generation. From that you'll be able to scroll right by packed image of 4, magnify your creations, delete the useless ones and mode.
March 13, 2023 5:00 PM UTC+1
/collection Additions: We are planning to allow you to purchase toys from your previous generations. It implies not being scared of missing out something as you'll be able to get your toy and nft at any time.
March 13, 2023 5:00 PM UTC+1
The future will unfold the present!
Version: 1.0.2
New Features: - /collection - Allows you to access and retrieve all your previous generations. No need to be scared to miss out an opportunity. You are now able to magnify those images as well directly from this commad. - A beautiful readme has been added to the github repository. You can see it here:
Changes: - The /toy command now starts by being public. We think its the best way to share generations and input. However don't be worried, the payments are still private as well as the minting.
Bug Fix: - The /mint duplication bug is now fixed.
Notes: - The project is now open source. You can check it out here
Next Major Update:
Who knows
💻 Project Head Developer: Florian Lepage
💡 The Idea Guy & Project Manager Josh
Node.JS • Discord.JS • Niftory • Paypal • Flow Blockchain • Scenario