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eldertramontin edited this page Jan 29, 2018 · 23 revisions


The FloripaSat project consists of an initiative of students from Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC - Brazil) to develop a scientific cubesat. A Cubesat is a type of miniaturized satellite for space research, meassuring multiple units of 10x10x10 cm and weighing no more than 1,33 kg per unit. FloripaSat-I is an 1U cubesat whose main goal is to involve the students in a full space mission, developing all the modules of a nanosatellite and its own ground station. This project is within the Brazilian Space Program, UNIESPAÇO, promoted by the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB).

On the next sections, there will be an overview of the project mission, hardware, software and transmission information.mission, space and ground systems.

Relevant Links

General Description For a brief description of our satellite check

Oficial Website with news, blog, crew, much more about our group and projects

Software Source Repository

Software Documentation

Have anything to say? Contact us at

Project Coordinator: Prof. Eduardo Bezerra