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Java importance sampling experiments

These simulations use the PRISM model checker engine to simulate Markov models.

Build Instructions

Tested on Ubuntu 20 WSL and Centos 7


  • Install the following packages (package names for Debian/Ubuntu Based):
    • openjdk-17-jdk (or 13; 17 preferred)
    • build-essential
      • gcc
      • g++
      • git
      • make
  • Clone this repository and run ./bin/ to install Prism from source


  1. Run ./gradlew build


  • Run ./gradlew -v. Gradle should be 7, JVM should be 13-17
  • Java version not available?
    • Debian/Ubuntu Based: run apt update
    • Arch-based: pacman -Syuu
  • Error Cannot find symbol ... Prism* ... or package parser/prism does not exist
    • Prism is not installed/compiled correctly
    • Run ./bin/


Common Arguments

Usage: ./bin/ <command> [OPTION]...
-v Verbose logging (Info level)
-vv Verbose logging (Debug level)
-vvv Verbose logging (Trace level)
--quiet Suppress logging to console, except for errors

Stochastic Simulation

Usage: ./bin/ simulate [OPTION]...
-M Transition multiplier (default: 2)
-Tmax Maximum transitions before truncating (default: 1,000)
--Nruns Number of stochastic runs (default: 100,000)
--raw Print raw output values, no labels
--model Prism model file name

The absolute path to /.bin/ could be added to the user or system path as a symlink imsam if desired. Later version may have an install option to do this.



An example of using the PRISM Java API can be found at /docs/

VS Code

If using WSL , the following configuration is a recommended basic setup

  1. Clone the repo
    • Use Windows file system (ex: C:/Users/<username>/git-clones/): Allows use of windows programs such as Git Extensions, but impacts performance
    • Use Linux file system (ex: ~/git-clones/): Harder to access from Windows, but much better performance
  2. If using Windows file system, create a symlink in WSL by running ln -s /mnt/c/Users/<username>/git-clones/usu_importance_sampling ~/
  3. Open VS code and install the Remote - WSL extension
  4. Click the bottom-left green button and open a WSL instance

Recommended VS Code Extensions (Installed in WSL instance)

  • Extension Pack for Java
  • GitLens (Optional, but recommended)
  • Code Spell Checker (Optional, but recommended)

Adding Dependencies/Libraries

Dependencies can easily be included from the maven central repository. You can find libraries by using There are a lot of libraries available, so make sure you are actually using the one you want. When looking for a library, ask if what you need is already available in a library that is already included. If not, try to find the most mainstream library and look at when it was last updated.

The Apache POI library (MS Excel files) would be added by inserting the following in the dependencies section of build.gradle.

dependencies {

    libBundle "org.apache.poi:poi:5.2.2"

Tutorials will say to use implementation or compile instead of libBundle. The libBundle is a custom configuration used to bundling the libraries into a single jar file.

Logging and Output

Documentation link

This utility uses the org.apache.logging.log4j library (log4j v2). The main configuration is in the src/main/resources/ and setup is handled by Main. Each class should use it's own logger to help distinguish were a log message was generated. An example logger for MyClass is shown below.

Using System.out is discouraged as using the logger is provides message level filtering and logging to file.

Soft errors should use the logger as output. Hard/fatal errors should usually throw an exception. All exceptions are caught and logged by the main class.

package imsam;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

public class MyClass extends Command {

    final static Logger logger = Main.getLogger(MyClass.class);

    public int exec() {"MyClass is running");
        logger.debug("This is an example class used to show how to use logging");
        for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
            logger.trace("Iteration " + i);
        logger.warn("This class does nothing. Why are using it?");
        logger.log(Main.LOG_ALWAYS, "Example MyClass completed successfully");

Log Level Audience Description Integer Value
ALWAYS Result or data output. Usage: logger.log(Main.LOG_ALWAYS, msg) 0
FATAL Use ERROR instead 100
ERROR Something is broken and needs fixing immediately 200
WARN Something isn't right, but the application can still work 300
INFO Everyone Basic information about the program (requires -v option) 400
DEBUG Developer/Adv. User Details about what the application is doing (requires -vv option) 500
TRACE Developer Super detailed stuff. Probably use this inside loops (required -vvv option) 600

Argument Parsing

Documentation link. Option and Argument are the most useful.

This utility uses the org.kohsuke.args4j library. The Main class handles parsing the arguments, then passes control to one of the subcommands. All subcommands extend the abstract class Command and are registered in Main with the @SubCommand annotation.

A template subcommand MyCommand is provided below

package imsam;

import org.kohsuke.args4j.Argument;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option;

public class MyCommand extends Command {

    @Argument(index=0,required=true,metaVar="a",usage="first operand")
    public int a;

    @Argument(index=1,required=true,metaVar="b",usage="second operand")
    public int b;

    @Option(name="--diff",usage="perform a difference operation, instead of addition")
    public boolean diff=false;

    public int exec() {
        if (diff) {
        } else {


Verbose logging options are already implemented by the abstract class Command.

Example model generator config file

  • Note: JSON does not actually support comments
// Placeholders:
//      %i% - the index of this model, from 1 to "iterations"
//      %numberOfStates% - number of states in the model
//      %targetState% - the target state used when generating the seed path
    "iterations": 10,   // (optional; default=1) number of models to generate
    "numberOfStates": 100,  // (optional; default=10) number of states in each model
    "targetState": 99,      // (optional; default=1) the target state used when generating the seed path
    "outputFilename": "",
        // (optional; default="") name of Prism output file, can include placeholders
    "transitionCountDistribution": {
        "type": "discrete",     // probability distributions must always include a type
        "values": {             // key-value pairs for discrete distributions
            "1": 5,
            "2": 2,
            "3": 1,
            "4": 7,
            "5": 3,
    "transitionRateDistribution": {
        "type": "uniform-int",
        "seed": 26152745,       // optionally specify random generator seed
        "min": 1,               // minimum value (inclusive; default=0)
        "max": 10,              // maximum value (inclusive; required)

Additional documentation for specifying probability distributions can be found here


Importance sampling experiments from the USU team






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