In this repository, you will find several predefined Smart Lists covering all the use cases of the component.
This list includes:
- Hyperlinks to Detail record page
- SOSL Search on record
- Use of the RecordType field (if no record types are defined on Lead in your org, you need to delete the field definition SLHomeLeads_RecordType)
- Display HTML formula as an image. Requires a field called Visual_Rating__c displaying a variable image depending on the lead rating (field definition = SLHomeLeads_Rating)
- Use of the Owner field
- Display clickable url labels (Company and Website must be populated on the test records)
- Standard actions Create, Update, and Delete records with Record Type support if available on Lead
- Custom Screenflow actions for assigning leads to a new owner
This list can be added to the Home Page
This list includes:
- Customizable Tile Header on Lead Name and Status
- Dynamic Badge Styling for Lead Rating. Pre-requisite, create a text formula field for the styling:
- Label: Rating Badge Style
- Name: Rating_Badge_Style__c
- Type: Formula / Text
- Formula: IF( ISPICKVAL(Rating, "Hot"), "bc:#2e844a;tc:white", IF(ISPICKVAL(Rating, "Warm"), bc:#feca39;tc:black", "bc:#2172d5;tc:white"))
- Hyperlinks to Detail record page
- SOSL Search on record
- Use of the RecordType field (if no record types are defined on Lead in your org, you need to delete the field definition SLHomeLeads_RecordType)
- Use of the Owner field
This list can be added to the Home Page
This list includes:
- Dynamic Field Styling. Pre-requisite, create a text formula field for the styling:
- Label: Rating Style
- Field Name: Rating_Style__c
- Formula: IF ( ISPICKVAL( Rating , 'Hot'), "icn:utility:priority;icc:seagreen;icp:hidevalue", (IF ( ISPICKVAL( Rating , 'Warm'), "icn:utility:priority;icc:rgb(255, 215, 0);icp:hidevalue", (IF ( ISPICKVAL( Rating , 'Cold'), "icn:utility:priority;icc:blue;icp:hidevalue", "icn:utility:question_mark;icp:hidevalue")))))
- Dynamic HTML of a cell. Pre-requisite, create a text formula field for the HTML:
- Label: Rating Style
- Field Name: Rating_Style__c
- Formula: CASE(Rating, "Hot", IMAGE("/resource/GraphicsPackNew/silk/16/silk/flag_green.png", "Hot"), "Warm", IMAGE("/resource/GraphicsPackNew/silk/16/silk/flag_yellow.png", "Warm"), "Cold", IMAGE("/resource/GraphicsPackNew/silk/16/silk/flag_blue.png","Cold"), "")
- Filters Panel for search mode
- Records management parameters for search mode
- Custom action on retrieved records for adding them to a campaign
This list MUST be added to a Campaign Detail Page
This list includes:
- Hyperlinks to Detail record page
- Custom Apex Data Source
This list can be added to the Home Page
This list includes:
- Child list for a parent record
- Hyperlinks to Detail record pages
- Pre-defined filters
- Filtering records by SOQL Scopes: All, My, My Team
- Display related fields with lookup search in Quick Filters
- Text wrapping in cells for Case Subject and Description in case long texts are entered in these fields
- Use of the Owner field
- Standard actions Create, Update, and Delete records with Record Type support if available on Case
- Custom Auto-launched flow actions for closing and re-opening cases
This list MUST be added to an Account Detail Page
This list includes:
- Child list for a parent record
- File preview link
- SOSL Search on files content
- Edit Form
- Standard flies list actions: Preview File(s), Download File(s), Upload File, Upload New File Version, View File Version, and Delete File Note: you need to add the corresponding custom permissions to your user to see these actions
This list MUST be added to a record Detail Page
This list includes:
- Child list for a parent record
- Hyperlinks to Detail record page
- Custom Apex Data Source
This list MUST be added to an Account Detail Page
This list includes:
- Child list for a parent record with an indirect relationship
This list MUST be added to a Case Detail Page
This list includes:
- Child list for a parent record with an indirect relationship
This list MUST be added to a Case Detail Page
This flow includes:
- List of records with/without parent
- List of files with parent
- Validation that a minimum number of records have been selected before moving to the next screen
- Using selected records in flows from the SmartLists variables or with manually assigned variables