PulseDB_MIMIC.zip, PulseDB_MIMIC.zip.001, PulseDB_MIMIC.zip.002, PulseDB_MIMIC.zip.003, PulseDB_MIMIC.zip.004 , PulseDB_MIMIC.zip.005, PulseDB_MIMIC.zip.006, PulseDB_MIMIC.zip.007, PulseDB_MIMIC.zip.008, PulseDB_MIMIC.zip.009, PulseDB_MIMIC.zip.010, PulseDB_MIMIC.zip.011, PulseDB_MIMIC.zip.012, PulseDB_MIMIC.zip.013, and PulseDB_MIMIC.zip.014, are data derived from the MIMIC-III Waveform Database Matched Subset: https://physionet.org/content/mimic3wdb-matched/1.0/
These files are made available under the Open Database License (ODbL): http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/. Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/dbcl/1.0/
Refer to LICENSE_PulseDB_MIMIC for details.
PulseDB_Vital.zip, PulseDB_Vital.zip.001, PulseDB_Vital.zip.002, PulseDB_Vital.zip.003, PulseDB_Vital.zip.004, PulseDB_Vital.zip.005, PulseDB_Vital.zip.006, PulseDB_Vital.zip.007, and PulseDB_Vital.zip.008, are data derived from the VitalDB dataset: https://vitaldb.net/dataset/
These files are made available under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Refer to LICENSE_PulseDB_Vital for details.
PulseDB_Info.mat, Train_Info.mat, CalBased_Test_Info.mat, CalFree_Test_Info.mat, AAMI_Test_Info.mat, AAMI_Cal_Info.mat, VitalDB_Train_Info.mat, VitalDB_CalBased_Test_Info.mat, VitalDB_CalFree_Test_Info.mat, VitalDB_AAMI_Test_Info.mat, VitalDB_AAMI_Cal_Info.mat, and Generate_Subsets.m, are information regarding to generation of the Training, Calibration, and Testing Subsets of PulseDB
These files are made available under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Refer to LICENSE_PulseDB_Info for details.
The script, Generate_Subsets.m, is provided to generate Subset files, which are the training, calibration, and testing subsets of the PulseDB Dataset.
Subset files are generated from the Segment and Info files stored in the folder Segment_Files, Info_Files, and Supplementary_Info_Files, whose contents have to be downloaded separately from online drive services.
The generated Subset files are stored in the folder Subset_Files and Supplementary_Subset_Files. Data were organized as large matrices for the compactness of file size that is more suitable to fit into memory for training and testing machine learning models.
Please refer to the File_Preparation_Guide in each folder, or find all Segment and Info files you need all at once in organized folders from this OneDrive link or GoogleDrive link
The generated Supplementary Subset files are also available via Kaggle.
Tips for downloading data files:
- In our tests, the OneDrive links have shown better stability when downloading large files.
- Avoid selecting multiple files in the online drive and download together, or creating multiple downloads at the same time. Downloading each of the file one at a time is the fastest and easiest way to have all files properly downloaded.
- If you can successfully download PulseDB/Segment_Files/PulseDB_MIMIC.zip and PulseDB/Segment_Files/PulseDB_Vital.zip, then there is no need to download any file in the folder PulseDB/Segment_Files/Segment_Files_Subsection_Compressed
- Both OneDrive and GoogleDrive do not support resume downloading from break-point. Therefore, if the download pause or fail, you need to start all over again. This may create difficulties when downloading the largest data files, PulseDB_MIMIC.zip (136GB) and PulseDB_Vital.zip (77.4GB), in wirelessly connected circumstances that are prone to be interrupted. To resolve this problem, we have created sub-section compressed version of these two files, with each section being 10GB (except for the last section). If you have encountered problems or failures when downloading the .zip files, try the sub-section compressed version: PulseDB_MIMIC_Parts (14 Parts) (OneDrive GoogleDrive) and PulseDB_Vital_Parts (8 Parts) (OneDrive GoogleDrive) in the folder PulseDB/Segment_Files/Segment_Files_Subsection_Compressed, and download the data files section-by-section. After downloading all sections, unzip any one of the sections to get the desired data folder.
- No matter which version (the .zip or the sub-section compressed version) you have donwloaded, remember to unzip the files and put the data folders, PulseDB_MIMIC and PulseDB_Vital, into the Segment_Files folder, before you start generating the Subset files using the provided script.
- If your unarchive software does not support subsection-compressed files or encounter other problems, we suggest using the open-source software 7Zip for Windows, and the free software The Unarchiver for Mac.
- If there is an error when unarchiving the subsection-compressed files, then some of your sections may not have been downloaded completely. Check for downloaded sections that are smaller than 10GB, and re-download them.