This projects reads the swagger.json file from a web api to create excel UDFs (User Defined Functions).
- Install Visual Studio 2015 (
- Install Excel SDK (
The config file is lib/xlrest.json but should be copied to your home directory (%USERPROFILE%)
- active: "true"
- host: "localhost", server name
- port: 8301, port name
- context: "/kernel", context used by the service
- key: "francois", key used by nginx to choose a server (default: username)
- use_https: false,
- use_proxy: false, uses (or not) the system proxy
- category: "sds", category used by excel associated to the functions
- prefix: "rms_", prefix added to all the functions
- tags: ["reports"], tags used to select the function in the swagger.json
- methods: ["GET"], the http methods allowed
Executes lib/launch.bat to start Excel The test project contains tests to be executed in Debug mode only. The release mode exports only what is necessary for global optimization.
The log file is in %TEMP%\xlrest.log The info/warning/error (no debug) logs are sent to Splunk in Release mode
All the requests send those http headers for monitoring
- X-CLIENT-HOSTNAME : the client host name
- X-CLIENT-USERNAME : the client user name
- X-CLIENT-SHEETNAME : excel sheet name
- X-CLIENT-SESSION : when excel was started
- X-CLIENT-KEY : the key specified in the config file
- X-CLIENT-REQUEST : the request number