A simple utilty to install things on your mac.
This is a part of my personal manifest (~/.ensure/manifest
ensure package bash
ensure package bash-completion
ensure shell "$(brew --prefix)/bin/bash"
ensure package macvim -- --with-override-system-vim
ensure package screen
ensure package git
ensure package hub
ensure package ack
ensure package libxslt --link
ensure package libxml2 --link
ensure package readline
ensure package openssl
ensure package postgresql --service
ensure package redis --service
ensure ruby "2.4.1"
ensure package node
ensure npm bower
ensure app iterm2
ensure app charles
ensure app limechat
ensure app google-chrome --copy
ensure app sketch
ensure app slack
ensure app spectacle
ensure vim-plugin altercation/vim-colors-solarized
ensure vim-plugin tpope/vim-commentary
ensure vim-plugin tpope/vim-fugitive
ensure vim-plugin tpope/vim-rake
ensure vim-plugin tpope/vim-surround
ensure vim-plugin tpope/vim-eunuch
ensure vim-plugin tpope/vim-markdown
ensure vim-plugin airblade/vim-gitgutter
ensure vim-plugin fatih/vim-go
ensure vim-plugin honza/dockerfile.vim
ensure vim-plugin hail2u/vim-css3-syntax
ensure vim-plugin groenewege/vim-less
# vim: set ft=sh :
It's just a bunch of shell scripts. There's nothing fancy going on here.
./configure --prefix /usr/local
make install
Define your manifest file in ~/.ensure/manifest
. Run ensure
to ensure
everything is installed. If something isn't, it should install it.
PRs are welcome :)
See the attached LICENSE file.