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Repository files navigation

Greptile Discord Bot

This Discord bot provides information and answers questions about repositories using the Greptile API. It offers advanced features for repository management, user access control, and intelligent code querying. See documentation for more information about Greptile.


  • Repository indexing and management
  • Intelligent code search and querying
  • User access control with whitelist system
  • Configurable settings
  • Error logging and reporting
  • Periodic repository status checks
  • Automatic reindexing of repositories
  • Pagination for long responses
  • SQLite for persistent storage


  • Chat history and session management

I may implement this in the future, as Greptile's API supports it, however, for now this bot only supports 0 shot queries.


  1. Set up a virtual environment and install dependencies:

    • On Linux/macOS:
    • On Windows:
  2. Update your "secrets.yaml" file:

    DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: 'your_discord_bot_token' # You will add this in Step 3
    GREPTILE_API_KEY: 'your_greptile_api_key' # Your Greptile API Key
    GITHUB_TOKEN: 'your_github_token' # Your GitHub PAT
    BOT_OWNER_ID: 'your_discord_user_id' # This is not your username
  3. Create a Discord application and bot:

    • Go to the Discord Developer Portal
    • Click "New Application" and configure your application
    • Go to the "Bot" tab and click "Add Bot"
    • Under the bot's username, click "Copy" to copy the bot token
    • Paste the bot token in your secrets.yaml file
    • Under "Privileged Gateway Intents", enable all intents
    • Go to the "Installation" tab and enable "Guild Install"
    • Select the "bot" and "applications.commands" scopes
    • For bot permissions, select "Administrator"
    • Save all and copy the generated URL and use it to invite the bot to your server
  4. Run the bot:


Optional security

  • Consider limiting Discord intents and permissions to what is needed. Full permissions are provided for convenience.
  • Consider using environment variables in secrets.yaml. Eg: DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: '${DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN}'


General Commands

  • ~greptilehelp: Displays a detailed help message with information about all available commands.
  • ~search <search_query>: Searches for relevant code in the indexed repositories.
  • ~query <question>: Asks a question about the codebase and gets a detailed answer.
  • ~smartquery <question>: Asks a more complex question using the 'genius' feature for more detailed analysis.
  • ~listrepos: Lists all indexed repositories.
  • ~repostatus: Views the current status of the indexed repositories.

Admin Commands

  • ~addrepo <remote> <owner/name> [branch]: Adds and indexes a new repository.
  • ~removerepos: Removes all indexed repositories.
  • ~reindex [repo_id]: Forces reindexing of a specific repository or all repositories.
  • ~setconfig <key> <value>: Sets a configuration value.
  • ~viewconfig: Views the current bot configuration.
  • ~listwhitelist: Lists all whitelisted users.
  • ~addwhitelist <user_id>: Adds a user to the whitelist.
  • ~removewhitelist <user_id>: Removes a user from the whitelist.
  • ~setlogchannel <channel_id>: Sets the channel for logging bot activities.
  • ~seterrorchannel <channel_id>: Sets the channel for error reporting.
  • ~testerror: Tests the error reporting system.

Owner Commands

  • ~addadmin <user_id>: Promotes a user to admin.
  • ~removeadmin <user_id>: Demotes an admin to a regular user.
  • ~reload: Reloads the bot.


  • Daily limits for regular and smart queries per user.
  • Smart queries are 3x the price of regular queries in the Greptile API.
  • The bot owner has unlimited usage of all commands.

Config Keys:

  • MAX_QUERIES_PER_DAY: Maximum number of regular queries a user can make per day (default: 5)
  • MAX_SMART_QUERIES_PER_DAY: Maximum number of smart queries a user can make per day (default: 1)
  • API_TIMEOUT: Timeout for API calls in seconds (default: 60)
  • API_RETRIES: Maximum retries for failed API calls (default: 3)
  • BOT_PREFIX: The prefix used for bot commands (default: "~")
  • DEFAULT_BRANCH: The default branch to use, if it is omitted from an Administrator command (default: main)

These can be adjusted with the ~setconfig <key> <value> command.
To view your current keyvalues, use ~viewconfig.

Whitelist System

  • Three user roles: UserRole.USER, UserRole.ADMIN, and UserRole.OWNER.
  • Only whitelisted users can use the general commands.
  • Admins can manage the whitelist and bot configuration.
  • The Owner (can only be set in secrets.yaml) has full access to all commands, and bypasses daily limits.

Whitelisting users

  • Only the Owner can use ~addadmin and ~removeadmin.
    These commands will add UserRole.ADMIN to a Discord ID, or demote an existing Admin ID to UserRole.USER.

  • Admins can use ~addwhitelist and ~removewhitelist.
    These commands will add or remove UserRole.USER to or from a Discord ID.

  • To view the current list of users and the roles they have, you can use ~listwhitelist.

Changing permissions for commands

Using ~seterrorchannel as an example, you can change this line in src/ to one of three roles:



The bot uses SQLite for persistent storage of:

  • Whitelist information
  • Indexed repositories
  • Bot configuration
  • DB created automatically in src/bot_data.db.

Error Handling and Logging

  • Comprehensive error handling for all commands.
  • Detailed logging of bot activities and errors.
  • Automatic error reporting to a designated channel and to the bot owner directly via DM.
  • Debug logfile is automatically generated src/bot.log

~setlogchannel will stream the debug log to a channel. Use carefully, this can leak environment information.
~seterrorchannel will set a channel to log errors in.
~testerror will cause a division by 0 error to test the error reporting system.

Periodic Tasks

  • Automatic repository status checks every 30 minutes.
  • Reporting of failed or stuck repository indexing.


This bot is not affiliated with Greptile in any way. It is a third-party implementation using the Greptile API. While efforts have been made to ensure stability, it may still contain bugs and requires further testing.