foma-commerce is an e-commerce backend application written in javascript, with real-world features that power common e-commerce services today. It is built with express.js and uses a mongodb database.
- Sign-up and login
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Role-based resource access
- Protected routes
- Product creation
- Cart Feature
- Wishlist feature
- Vendor account creation
- Order creation
- Product reviews
- Admin account / Admin rights
Clone the repository, then open the project folder.
Open your terminal and run the command below to install the project's dependencies:
npm install
Firstly, create a mongodb account here, then create a database and copy the connection string. Open the .env file in the project root folder, assign your connection string to the variable named "MONGO_URI". Remember to replace "password" with your database user password.
Next, create a cloudinary account here, then create a folder named "productImages". Navigate to "programmable media" and copy the following credentials:
- Cloud name
- API key
- API secret