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This is a simple lightweight URL shortning service using express and s3db.js.

Fork-it and use it as you like.

Start the service

docker run --rm -itd \
  -p 8000:8000 \
  -e PORT=8000 \
  -e FS_CONNECTION_STRING="your-secret" \
  --name fshortner \

Service global configuration

variable description default
PORT Port to run the service. 8000
FS_ID_SIZE Size of the ID to generate. 16
FS_SESSION_SECRET Secret to sign the session. secret
FS_DOMAIN Domain to use in the shareable link. inferred
FS_BEHIND_PROXY Enable it if the service is behind a proxy. false
FS_REDIRECT_TEMPLATE Interface's template. See ./src/views dir for more. corporate
FS_REDIRECT_TIMEOUT Timeout to redirect to the original URL. 0.6
FS_CONNECTION_STRING Secret to connect to the s3db.js database. null
FS_COSTS_ENABLED Enable the costs plugin. true
FS_CRON_ENABLED Enable the cron jobs. true
FS_CRON_CLICKS_COUNTER Cron expression to update the clicks counter. */30 * * * * *
FS_CRON_VIEWS_COUNTER Cron expression to update the views counter. */30 * * * * *
FS_AUTH_ENABLED Enable the basic authentication middleware. false
FS_AUTH_USERNAME Username to authenticate. fshortner
FS_AUTH_PASSWORD Password to authenticate. secret


The service uses a basic authentication middleware to protect the endpoints.

First, enable the FS_AUTH_ENABLED variable.

To authenticate, use the FS_AUTH_USERNAME and FS_AUTH_PASSWORD variables.

Example with curl

curl -u fshortner:secret http://localhost:8000/v1/urls

Example with axios

import axios from 'axios'

const response = await axios.get('', {
  auth: {
    username: 'fshortner',
    password: 'secret'

Example of creating a client with ky

import axios from 'ky'

const client = await ky.create({
  prefixUrl: '',
  headers: {
    Authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(`fshortner:secret`).toString('base64')}`

API specs

Shorten a URL

POST /v1/urls

// request: 
  "link": ""

// response:
  "id": "AdCcOPzRR4UXCMs4",
  "link": "",
  "shareableLink": "http://localhost:8000/AdCcOPzRR4UXCMs4"

Body parameters:

parameter description required type default
link URL to shorten. true url string null
webhook URL to send updates. false url string null
getFingerprints Enable to get the fingerprints. true boolean true

Ex: shorten a URL and get instant updates

// request 
  "link": "",
  "webhook": ""

// response:
  "id": "AdCcOPzRR4UXCMs4",
  "link": "",
  "shareableLink": "http://localhost:8000/AdCcOPzRR4UXCMs4",
  "webhook": ""

Get status of a URL

GET /v1/urls/:id

// response:
  "id": "AdCcOPzRR4UXCMs4",
  "clicks": 121,
  "link": "",
  "shareableLink": "http://localhost:8000/AdCcOPzRR4UXCMs4",
  "webhook": true,
  "createdAt": "2024-10-07T02:25:35.000Z"

Get a QR code of a URL

GET /v1/urls/:id/qrcode

Response is a image/png.


  1. Fork it! :)
  2. Run it with docker-compose up
  3. At your minio container, create credentials and use the example at ./src/concerns/minio-policy.json to create a policy.
  4. Make your requests to http://localhost:8000


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