- run
pip install -r requirements.txt
in directory with this repo - Open your browser and type in the link:
- Authorize
- That is it, my script will steal cookies from your browser (only yandex.ru domain), hence keep your browser up, when launching 1st time
The first lauch may take a while (to set up folders), however, all the next ones will be quite quick
Script is written to work in synergy with AIMP, thus you require it. (I was using 3.x.x version, should work fine with any other version)
Most of the inspiration and api requests were taken from https://github.com/MarshalX/yandex-music-api (huge thanks)
Code is well commented and documented
Thats how the main menu looks (Great design choices, thank you)
Now has a discord addon(aka selfbotting), which works very spotify alike.
It shows in your status dynamically changing progress bar of your song and its name
In the bio it provides a direct link to it. The status updates every 0.5 seconds on your side and about once per 3 seconds on everyone elses client.
The bio updates once per 30 seconds.
Dont forget to add a token in main.pyw, otherwise it will steal it from your computer and use what its found
It could be from an another account, so please pass the token, when initializing Discord() class