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: 包含和DP相关的内容basis.sunLDP
: 以前叫做sunDP
: 包含一些密码学的算法基本流程,可用于对一些密码算法流程的了解,实现效率低;
The ldplib provides basic randomized functions.
- eps2p: turn the privacy budget to the probability by coin flipping
- discretization: used to discretize a continuous value
: Randomized Response: A Survey Technique for Eliminating Evasive Answer BiasUE
: from paper Locally Differentially Private Protocols for Frequency Estimation
Some basic encoding terms:
: a kv pair denoted as, where . -
: a list of key-value pairs, denoted by. The kvl is used to represent the $i-$th key-value or to represent a list of key-value pairs of one user. -
: akey-value table. A kvt is used to represent the kvl from users.
The kvlib main contains the following perturbation and analysis algorithms:
: PrivKV: Key-Value Data Collection with Local Differential PrivacyBiSample
: BiSample: Bidirectional Sampling for Handling Missing Data with Local Differential Privacy.SE
: from paper Conditional Analysis for Key-Value Data with Local Differential Privacy
Hadamard Repsonse
: Hadamard Response: Estimating Distributions Privately, Efficiently, and with Little Communicationk-RR
: the k-randomized responsek-subset
: RAPPOR: Randomized Aggregatable Privacy-Preserving Ordinal Response
: also known as the 1Bit Mechanism (noted that the input domain of 1Bit is [1,m], while the input domain of duchi is [-1,1]).PM
: Collecting and Analyzing Multidimensional Data with Local Differential Privacy
- Paillier: 公钥密码算法
- RSA: 公钥密码算法