NOTE: Rosa ( is the new name for ForgotPW
Process events to store secrets. When requests are submitted from the REST API to store secrets such as password hints, an SNS event is fired. An SQS queue created in this project subscribes to these events and this worker processes these SQS messages. Secrets are stored in an encrypted S3 bucket.
Install the Serverless CLI.
# install the serverless framework
npm install serverless -g
export AWS_ENV="dev" && export PROFILE="fpw$AWS_ENV"
iam-starter --profile $PROFILE --command sls deploy --verbose
# ensure we are matching the version of node used by lambda
nvm use 8.10.0
export AWS_ENV="dev" && export PROFILE="fpw$AWS_ENV"
# pip install iam-starter
iam-starter \
--role role-ops-devops \
--profile $PROFILE \
--command sls invoke local \
-f fpw-secret-store-sqsworker \
-p ./events/ValidStoreSQSRequest.json \
GNU General Public License v3.0
See LICENSE to see the full text.