A library to send SMS messages with Twilio plus some added functionality such as:
- Converting phone number to E164 format
- Logging all SMS messages to an AWS S3 bucket
npm install --save twilio-ssm-plus
Example usage:
const TwilioSmsPlus = require('twilio-sms-plus')
const toPhoneNumber = '6095551212'
const params = {
textMessage: 'hello world!',
toPhoneNumber: toPhoneNumber,
fromPhoneNumber: '2125551212',
logS3bucket: 'twilio-logs-dev',
logS3keyPrefix: `users/${toPhoneNumber}/transcript`,
// Optional: Include messagingServiceSid for using a specific messaging service
const twilioPlus = new TwilioSmsPlus({
twilioAccountSide: process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID,
twilioAuthToken: process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN
const result = await twilioPlus.sendTextMessage(params)
The tests require the following SSM parameters to exist in the AWS account:
Execute the test as follows:
# pip install iam-starter ssm-starter
export TWILIO_TRANSCRIPT_LOG_S3BUCKET='forgotpw-userdata-dev'
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
unset AWS_ENV
iam-starter \
--role my-iam-role-with-access \
--profile profile-with-access-to-assume-role \
--command ssm-starter \
--ssm-name /fpw/ \
--command mocha