Based on rfc6902 this library provides a simple API to generate bi-directional diffs between composite python datastructures composed out of lists, sets, tuples and dicts. The diffs are jsonpatch compliant, and can optionally be serialized to json format. Patchdiff can also be used to apply lists of patches to objects, both in-place or on a deepcopy of the input.
pip install patchdiff
from patchdiff import apply, diff, iapply, to_json
input = {"a": [5, 7, 9, {"a", "b", "c"}], "b": 6}
output = {"a": [5, 2, 9, {"b", "c"}], "b": 6, "c": 7}
ops, reverse_ops = diff(input, output)
assert apply(input, ops) == output
assert apply(output, reverse_ops) == input
iapply(input, ops) # apply in-place
assert input == output
print(to_json(ops, indent=4))
# [
# {
# "op": "add",
# "path": "/c",
# "value": 7
# },
# {
# "op": "replace",
# "path": "/a/1",
# "value": 2
# },
# {
# "op": "remove",
# "path": "/a/3/a"
# }
# ]