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Arduino Aquarium Automation (with Home Assistant)

(with Arduino Mega 2560 Pro Mini)

Tested on Arduino Mega 2560 pro mini (with IC CH340G)

  • 70 digital I/O, 16 analog inputs, 14 PWM, 4 UART

source code: (backlog)

Change log

  • version 2.0: IoT
    • home assistant integration (MQTT)
    • 200 programmable timers
    • refactored code for enabling/disabling most of the features (adaptation for use needs)
    • stepper motor feeder
  • version 1.0: standalone controller
    • water temperature control (cooler/heater)
    • pH measurements
    • relays timers (lightning, UV filter)
    • automated partial water change (PWC) routine
    • automated water replenishment (due evaporation losses)
    • feeding control (timers)
    • water levels, water temperature and pH alarms
    • weather station (air temperature, humidity and pressure sensors, local / standalone forecasting)
    • LCD display


  • fully integrated with home assistant (MQTT) or standalone functionality (optional, see config flags)
  • automation of the partial water change (PWC) routine (optional, see config flags)
  • automation of water replenishment, due evaporation losses (optional, see config flags)
  • lightning and UV filter turn on/off timers (optional, see config flags)
  • water temperature control (heating/cooler fan) (optional, see config flags)
  • pH measurement (optional, see config flags)
  • up to 200 standalone timers, fully remotely programmable with MQTT: (optional, see config flags)
    • lightning, UV filter, heater, cooler, pumps (i.e., all relays) turn on/off timers
    • feeding timers
  • alarms: (optional, see config flags)
    • temperature (max/min)
    • pH (max/min)
    • water levels (aquarium low water level, sump pump low water level)
  • home assistant sensors: (optional, see config flags)
    • water temperature
    • water pH
    • water levels (aquarium and sump)
    • air temperature
    • air humidity
    • air pressure
    • weather station forecasting
  • home assistant switches: (optional, see config flags)
    • lightning switch
    • feeding button
    • UV filter switch
    • heater switch
    • cooler fan switch
    • sump, "drain" and "water reposition" pumps switches
    • enables/disables timers and feeding switches
    • start partial water change (PWC) routine button
    • turn off / restart / "manual cleaning" / save configurations buttons
  • weather station (standalone weather forecasting) (optional, see config flags, requires the barometer sensor)
  • displays information on LCD 16 x 2 (optional, see config flags)
  • push buttons: (optional, see config flags)
    • lightning turn on/off button
    • partial water change (PWC) routine button
    • manual cleaning button
    • turn off button
    • restart button
  • protects sump pump of running out of water
  • local time synchronization with home assistant: home assistant as "time server" (optional, see config flags)


remark: assuming that sump tank, sump pump, sump water buoy, etc are already in place...

Flashing the code

  • the Arduino Mega Pro Mini uses the USB/serial IC CH340G, so it's necessary to install the Windows driver:
  • Download Arduino IDE (2.0)
  • uses a micro USB cable to connect to the Arduino and select the "Arduino Mega or Mega 2560" board in the IDE ("Tools" -> "Board").
  • in the library manager, select and install:
    • "OneWire" by Jim Studt, Tom Pollard, Robin James, etc
    • "LiquidCrystal" by Arduino, Adafuit
    • "DallasTemperature" by Milles Burtton, etc
    • "Adafruit BMP085 Library" by Adafruit
    • "DHT sensor library" by Adafruit
    • "RTClib" by Adafruit
    • "home-assistant-integration" by David Chyrzynsky


Water level sensors

The water levels sensors are used for:

  • protects the sump pump (preventing it from running without water)
  • automation of water replenishment due evaporation losses
  • automation of the partial water change (PWC) routine

The water levels sensors are optional, in the sense that their use can be disabled using the configuration flags. However, the features above will be suppressed. As shown in the figure bellow, the sensors are expected to be mounted as closed for full water level and opened for low water level.

water sensor

Pumps and sensors schema

The figure bellow, shows the main solution components with focus on water pumps and water level sensors:

solution diagram

  • "drain" pump and "drain" water level sensor are mounted at aquarium/fisk tank as show (with the "drain" water level sensors at maximum aquarium level)
  • "sump" pump and "sump" water level sensor are mounted at sump tank as show (with the "sump" water level sensors at minimum level for sump pump safety)
  • "water reposition" pump is mounted a external water container ("water reposition tank)

The "drain" water level sensor and "water reposition" pump work together in the automation of water replenishment due evaporation losses (optional, see config flags). Whenever the water level drops (at water level sensor), the water reposition pump pushes more water into the fisk tank (keeping it stable). This feature is optional and can be disabled using the configuration flags. In that case, "water reposition container", "water reposition pump" and the water level sensor can be dismissed. Notice that the flow performance demand over the "water reposition pump" is very low, and a really cheap / low flow pump (~ 3w) is strongly recommended.

As expected, the "sump" pump pushed water from sump back into fisk tank. The "sump" water sensor level turn of the sump pump case water level is to low (preventing it from running without water).

More over, "sump" pump, "sumo" water level sensor, "drain" pump and "drain" water level sensor work together in the automation of the partial water change (PWC) routine (optional, see config flags). Using a ingenious teamwork, the solution perform 2 main steps:

  • step 1: removes dirt water from aquarium / fisk tank into waste/sink
  • step 2: pushes water from the external water container (with conditioned water) into aquarium / fisk tank, until the original water level.

This feature is also optional and can be disabled using the configuration flags. In that case, "water reposition container", "water reposition pump", "drain" pump and "drain" water level sensor can be dismissed. Notice that the flow performance demand over the "drain pump" is also very low (a slower PWC is better for the fishes), and a really cheap / low flow pump (~ 3w) is also strongly recommended.

Furthermore, the code was designed to use a minimum amount of water level sensors. However, you can improve the setup adding independent water level sensors for maximum aquarium level and PWC stop level. You can also include a water level sensor at external water container ("water reposition tank") in order to alarm and/or protect the "water reposition" pump.


Using feeder feature (ENABLE_FEEDING true) requires an fish food container that can dispense it to the fisk tank. There are two possible options:

  • integrates an external feeder (e.g., Boyu feeder) (FEEDING_AS_PUSH_BUTTON true)
  • making a feeder from scratch using a stepper motor (FEEDING_AS_PUSH_BUTTON false)

Integrating external feeder

This configuration (FEEDING_AS_PUSH_BUTTON true) assumes to control an external feeder (e.g., Boyu - that I already have!), and requires disassembly it and a little wiring. Connects (parallel) the "feed" push button of your feeder (both terminals) to the "normally open" pins of your relay pins (RELAY_FEEDER_PIN). Therefore, the relay can simulate a user button press (and the feeder push button still working independently, just as before...).

Stepper motor feeder

This configuration (FEEDING_AS_PUSH_BUTTON false) assumes making a feeder from scratch using a stepper motor (and driver).
On that step, the stepper motor will the specified number of turns in order to feed the fishes. The simpler way of do the "mechanical" parts of the feeder is to fix and small plastic bottle on stepper motor axis. Make one hole (transversal) in the bottle in order to pass the food as the bottle rotates,
like this or this. Alternatively, you can use any kind of drill or even wire do drive the food. In this step up, the relay pin (RELAY_FEEDER_PIN) is free to be used as an extra relay for any application (the same if feeding routine is disabled at all - ENABLE_FEEDING false).

Configuration flags

flag / macro default description
USE_LCD_DISPLAY true enables/disables LCD display (disable it to not use the LCD display)
USE_HOME_ASSISTANT true enables/disables home assistant integration (disable it to not use the LAN ethernet module)
USE_WATER_PH_SENSOR true enables/disables water pH sensor (disable it to not use the Ph4502c sensor)
USE_WATER_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR true enables/disables water temperature sensor (disable it to not use the DS18B20 temperature sensor)
USE_AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR true enables/disables air temperature and humidity sensor (disable it to not use the DHT11 sensor)
USE_AIR_PRESSURE_SENSOR true enables/disables air pressure sensor (disable it to not use the BMP085 sensor)
USE_WATER_LEVEL_SENSORS true enables/disables water level sensors (disable it to not use the water level sensors)
USE_RTC_CLOCK true enables/disables clock (disable it to not use the RTC module)
USE_RELAYS true enables/disables relays (disable it to not use the relay module)
USE_PUSH_BUTTONS true enables/disables push buttons (disable it to not use the push buttons)
USE_STANDALONE_TIMERS true enables/disables standalone timers (you may use home assistant calendars automation instead, as you wish...)
USE_EEPROM true enables/disables EEPROM (saves configuration data with persistence - recommended)
ENABLE_FEEDING true true for uses "feeding" relay as feeder, false for uses it as regular extra relay
ENABLE_FEEDING_TIMER true enables/disables feeding timers
ENABLE_LIGHTS_TIMER true enables/disables lights timers
ENABLE_UV_FILTER_TIMER true enables/disables UV filter timers
FEEDING_AS_PUSH_BUTTON true true for feeding using a external feeder push button or false for use a stepper motor as feeder (see above), requires ENABLE_FEEDING true
ENABLE_SENSOR_ALARMS true enables/disables sensor alarming
ENABLE_WEATHER_STATION true enables/disables standalone weather station (requires air pressure sensor BMP085 to be enabled)
MAX_NUMBER_OF_TIMERS 50 maximum number of programmable timers (in range: 5 to 200)
MQTT_BROKER_ADDRESS MQTT broker server ip (e.g. mosquitto broker)
MQTT_BROKER_PORT 1883 MQTT broker port
MQTT_USERNAME MQTT username, can be omitted if not needed
MQTT_PASSWORD MQTT password, can be omitted if not needed
MQTT_DISCOVERY_TOPIC "homeassistant" MQTT discovery topic prefix
MQTT_STATES_TOPIC "aquarioino/state" MQTT state topic prefix
MQTT_COMMAND_TOPIC "aquarioino/cmd" MQTT topic for custom text commands
MQTT_TIME_SYNC_TOPIC "ha/datetime" home assistant MQTT topic that broadcast current date/time (see bellow)
MQTT_AVAILABILITY_TIME 60000 time to send MQTT availability (default: 1 min)
FEEDER_STEPPER_MOTOR_PULSER_PER_TURN 200 number of pulses per turn on stepper motor feeder (see above), requires FEEDING_AS_PUSH_BUTTON false
STEPPER_MOTOR_DELAY 700 time delay (in microseconds) between the motor steps (use it for change the rotation speed), requires FEEDING_AS_PUSH_BUTTON false
FEEDER_TURNS 1 default number of stepper motor feeder turns (complete cycles), requires FEEDING_AS_PUSH_BUTTON false
LAMBDA_EWMA 0.95 exponential weighted mean average (EWMA) lambda (used on averaged measurements)
DEBUG_MODE false enable/disables serial debugging messages
DEBUG_LCD_ROUTINE false runs testing routine for LCD display (shows a test message)
DEBUG_RTC_ROUTINE false runs testing routine for RTC (shows current time)
DEBUG_RELAY_ROUTINE false runs testing routine for Relay (activate relay channels in sequence)
DEBUG_PUSH_BUTTONS_ROUTINE false runs testing routine for push buttons
DEBUG_WATER_LEVEL_SENSORS_ROUTINE false runs testing routine for water level sensors
DEBUG_WATER_REPOSITION_PUMP_ROUTINE false runs testing routine for reposition pump
DEBUG_COOLER_FAN_ROUTINE false runs testing routine for cooler fan

For information on test routines, checks the video (pt-BR).

Home Assistant

The solution will be discoverable as MQTT device with:

MQTT sensors

Name uid description
Tank Water Temperature sensor.aquarioino_water_temperature_sensor water temperature (celsius)
Tank pH sensor.aquarioino_water_ph_sensor water pH
Air Temperature sensor.aquarioino_air_temperature_sensor air temperature (celsius)
Humidity sensor.aquarioino_air_humidity_sensor air humidity (%)
Atmospheric Pressure sensor.aquarioino_air_pressure_sensor atmospheric pressure (mPa)
Tank State sensor.aquarioino_state_sensor running / off / pwc / manual
Weather Forecast sensor.aquarioino_weather_forecast_sensor local weather forecasting

MQTT switches and buttons

Name uid description
Tank Light light.aquarioino_lights lights switch (on/off)
Tank Heater switch.aquarioino_heater_switch heater switch (on/off)
Tank Cooler switch.aquarioino_cooler_switch cooler switch (on/off)
Tank UV Filter switch.aquarioino_uv_filter_switch UV filter switch (on/off)
Tank Timers switch.aquarioino_timers_switch timers switch (enables/disables timers)
Tank Feeder switch.aquarioino_feeder_timers_switch feeder timers switch (enables/disables feeding)
Tank Feed button.aquarioino_feed_button feed the fishes button
Tank Turn Off button.aquarioino_turn_off_button turn off button (press "restart" to go back)
Tank Restart button.aquarioino_restart_button restart button
Tank PWC button.aquarioino_pwc_button start automated partial water change (PWC) button
Tank Manual Cleaning button.aquarioino_manual_cleaning_button "manual cleaning" button (press "restart" to go back)
Save Tank Setup button.aquarioino_save_button "save" configurations on EEPROM

MQTT configurations (numbers)

Name uid description
Tank Temperature Max number.aquarioino_temperature_max high water temperature alarm (celsius)
Tank Temperature Min number.aquarioino_temperature_min low water temperature alarm (celsius)
Tank pH Max number.aquarioino_ph_max high pH alarm
Tank pH Min number.aquarioino_ph_min low pH alarm
Tank Feeder Turns number.aquarioino_feeder_turns number of stepper motor feeder turns

MQTT topics

  • aquarioino/available: sensors availability ("online" / "offline")

  • aquarioino/cmd: pushes commands to solution

    • "off": turn off the solution ("restart" to go back)
    • "restart": reboot the solution
    • "pwc": starts the water partial change (PWC) routine
    • "manual": enter the "manual cleaning" state ("restart" to go back)
    • "feed": feeds the fishes
    • "turn on/off: [relay name]": turn on/off relay by name
      • relay name: "light", "heater", "filter", "cooler", "repo", "sump", "drain", "feed"
    • "enable/disable timers": enables/disables relay timers
    • "enable/disable feeder": enables/disables feeding timers
    • "relays on/off": turn on/off all relays
    • "enable/disable timer: [timer id]": disable timer by timer "id" (see "states" for gets "timer id", e.g., 4)
    • "add timer: [hh] [mm] [hh] [mm] [relay name]": adds new relay timer with parameters:
      • turn on hour [hh] (in range 0 to 23, e.g., 12)
      • turn on minute [mm] (in range 0 to 59, e.g., 30)
      • turn off hour [hh] (in range 0 to 23, e.g., 14)
      • turn off minute [mm] (in range 0 to 59, e.g., 00)
      • relay name: "light", "heater", "filter", "cooler", "repo", "sump", "drain", "feed" (feeder timers ignores the turn off data and executes once at turn on data)
    • "update timer: [timer id] [hh] [mm] [hh] [mm]": updates relay timer by timer "id"
      • timer id: see "states" for gets "timer id" (e.g., 4)
      • turn on hour [hh] (in range 0 to 23, e.g., 12)
      • turn on minute [mm] (in range 0 to 59, e.g., 30)
      • turn off hour [hh] (in range 0 to 23, e.g., 14)
      • turn off minute [mm] (in range 0 to 59, e.g., 00)
    • "delete timer: [timer id]": delete timer by timer "id" (e.g. 4)
    • "delete all timers": deletes all relay timers (warning: all timers will be erased)
    • "default timers": sets default relay timers (i.e. timers "factory reset", warning: all timers will be erased)
    • "save": saves current configurations on EEPROM
    • "states": publishes internal states at topic aquarioino/state (see bellow)
  • aquarioino/state: retrieves states as json

            "timers_enabled": "on",
            "feeding_timers_enabled": "on",
            "feeder_turns": 1
            "temp": 26.3,
            "temp_max": 29.3,
            "temp_min": 23.3,
            "temp_avg": 27.3,
            "ph": 6.8,
            "ph_max": 6.9,
            "ph_min": 6.7,
            "ph_avg": 6.8,
            "air_temp": 28.3,
            "air_temp_max": 31.3,
            "air_temp_min": 23.3,
            "air_temp_avg": 27.3,
            "humidity": 68,
            "humidity_max": 80,
            "humidity_min": 48,
            "humidity_avg": 71,
            "pressure": 1004,
            "pressure_max": 1080,
            "pressure_min": 1001,
            "pressure_avg": 1040,
            "altitude": 80,
            "sealevel_pressure": 1040,
            "relays": {
                 "light": "on",
                 "heater": "on",
                 "filter": "off",
                 "cooler": "off", 
                 "repo": "off",
                 "sump": "off",
                 "drain": "off",
                 "feed": "off"
            "timers": {
                 "timer_01": {
                      "id": 1,
                      "enabled": "on", 
                      "relay": "light", 
                      "turn on": "06:00:00", 
                      "turn off": "23:00:00"},
                  "timer_02": {
                      "id": 2,
                      "enabled": "on", 
                      "relay": "filter", 
                      "turn on": "08:00:00", 
                      "turn off": "15:00:00"},
                  "timer_03": {
                      "id": 3,
                      "enabled": "on", 
                      "relay": "feed", 
                      "turn on": "07:00:00", 
                      "turn off": "00:00:00"},
                  "timer_04": {
                      "id": 4,
                      "enabled": "on", 
                      "relay": "feed", 
                      "turn on": "12:00:00", 
                      "turn off": "00:00:00"}
                  "timer_05": {
                      "id": 5,
                      "enabled": "on", 
                      "relay": "feed", 
                      "turn on": "18:00:00", 
                      "turn off": "00:00:00"}                    
  • ha/datetime: (optional) creates a automation on home assistant in order to synchronize data & time with the solution

           alias: MQTT date time sync
           description: "synchronize data & time on client MQTT devices"
             - platform: time_pattern
               minutes: /1
           condition: []
             - service: mqtt.publish
                 qos: "0"
                 retain: false
                 topic: ha/datetime
                 payload_template: "{{ now().timestamp() | timestamp_custom('%d %m %Y %H %M %S') }}"
           mode: single

Circuit wiring

Arduino (Mega 2560 pro mini)

group macro pin (default) connection
LCD LCD_PIN_RS 12 LCD pin 4 (see LCD connections bellow)
LCD_PIN_ENABLED 11 LCD pin 6 (see LCD connections bellow)
LCD_PIN_D4 5 LCD pin 11 (see LCD connections bellow)
LCD_PIN_D5 4 LCD pin 12 (see LCD connections bellow)
LCD_PIN_D6 3 LCD pin 13 (see LCD connections bellow)
LCD_PIN_D7 2 LCD pin 14 (see LCD connections bellow)
Relay RELAY_HEATER_PIN 20 heater relay pin (normally open, from 110vac to case power plug)
RELAY_LIGHTS_PIN 19 lights relay pin (normally open, from 110vac to case power plug)
RELAY_FILTER_UV_PIN 18 UV filter relay pin (normally open, from 110vac to case power plug)
RELAY_SUMP_PUMP_PIN 17 sump pump relay pin (normally open, from 110vac to case power plug)
RELAY_DRAIN_PUMP_PIN 16 "drain" pump relay pin (normally open, from 110vac to case power plug)
RELAY_WATER_REPOSITION_PUMP_PIN 13 water reposition pump relay pin (normally open, from 12vdc power source to water reposition pump)
RELAY_COOLER_FAN_PIN 14 cooler relay pin (normally open, 12vdc power source into cooler fan terminal)
RELAY_FEEDER_PIN 15 feeder relay pin (normally open, to boch terminal of external feeder 'feed' push button)
Water Level DRAIN_WATER_LOW_LEVEL_SENSOR_PIN 23 "drain" water level sensor terminal (pull-up, i.e, other terminal to 10k olhms resistor and then Vcc)
SUMP_WATER_LOW_LEVEL_SENSOR_PIN 24 "sump" water level sensor terminal (pull-up, i.e, other terminal to 10k olhms resistor and then Vcc)
Sensors WATER_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR_DS18B20_PIN 7 sensor DS18B20 (analog) - see all sensor connections bellow
AIR_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR_DHT11_PIN 8 sensor DHT11 (analog) - see all sensor connections bellow
AIR_PRESSURE_SENSOR_BMP180_PIN_SDA 20 sensor BMP180 (analog - Arduino Mega 2560) - see all sensor connections bellow
AIR_PRESSURE_SENSOR_BMP180_PIN_SCL 21 sensor BMP180 (analog - Arduino Mega 2560) - see all sensor connections bellow
WATER_PH_SENSOR_PH450C_PIN 6 sensor Ph4502c (analog) - see all sensor connections bellow
Buttons and leds PUSH_BUTTON_TURN_OFF_PIN 25 tactile button (pull-up, i.e, other terminal to 10k olhms resistor and then Vcc): turn off button
PUSH_BUTTON_RESTART_PIN 26 tactile button (pull-up, i.e, other terminal to 10k olhms resistor and then Vcc): restart button
PUSH_BUTTON_LIGHTS_PIN 27 tactile button (pull-up, i.e, other terminal to 10k olhms resistor and then Vcc): turn on lights button
PUSH_BUTTON_PWC_ROUTINE_PIN 28 tactile button (pull-up, i.e, other terminal to 10k olhms resistor and then Vcc): pwc button
PUSH_BUTTON_MANUAL_CLEANING_PIN 39 tactile button (pull-up, i.e, other terminal to 10k olhms resistor and then Vcc): manual cleaning button
PUSH_BUTTON_FEEDING_PIN 30 tactile button (pull-up, i.e, other terminal to 10k olhms resistor and then Vcc): manual feeding button

LCD pin outs

Pin Connection
1 Gnd
2 5v
3 10k ohm potentiometer middle pin (the other two pins go to 5v and Gnd)
4 Arduino Pin 12
5 Gnd
6 Arduino Pin 11
7 no connection
8 no connection
9 no connection
10 no connection
11 Arduino Pin 5
12 Arduino Pin 4
13 Arduino Pin 3
14 Arduino Pin 2
15 5v
16 Tactile button (other side of tack button goes to Gnd)

Real time clock (RTC DS3231)

Pin Connection
1 (SCL) Arduino Pin 20
2 (SDA) Arduino Pin 21
3 (vcc) 5v
4 (gnd) Gnd

Water temperature sensor (DS18B20)

Pin Connection
VCC Arduino 5v, plus a 4.7K resistor going from VCC to Data
Data Arduino Pin 7
GND Arduino Gnd

Air temperature sensor (DHT11)

Pin Connection
1 5v and 10k ohm resistor
2 Arduino Pin8 and 10k ohm resistor
3 no connection
4 Gnd


Default timers (basic timers - without home assistant integration)

Timers and alarms can be programmed (number entities and/or home assistant command topic) and stored at EEPROM, however, default values will be saved otherwise (change that if required for standalone use):

macro value (default) description
DEFAULT_ALARM_BOUND_TEMP_MAX 26.0 minimum water temperature in Celsius (alarm/heater)
DEFAULT_ALARM_BOUND_TEMP_MIN 29.1 maximum water temperature in Celsius (alarm/cooler)
DEFAULT_ALARM_BOUND_PH_MAX 8.9 maximum Ph (alarm)
DEFAULT_ALARM_BOUND_PH_MIN 7.5 minimum Ph (alarm)
DEFAULT_TIMER_LIGHT_ON 6 light turn on time (hour of the day)
DEFAULT_TIMER_LIGHT_OFF 23 light turn off time (hour of the day)
DEFAULT_TIMER_UV_ON 8 UV filter turn on time (hour of the day)
DEFAULT_TIMER_UV_OFF 15 UV filter turn off time (hour of the day)
DEFAULT_TIMER_FEED_1 7 1st Feeding time (hour of the day)
DEFAULT_TIMER_FEED_2 12 2nd Feeding time (hour of the day)
DEFAULT_TIMER_FEED_3 18 3th Feeding time (hour of the day)

Other Arduino/Home Assistant projects

MIT licence:

2023 - Jorge Albuquerque (