Goodman Games' Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG system for the Foundry Virtual Tabletop.
Please check out the User Guide. Thanks to Christian Ovsenik (@algnc) for putthing that together.
Join us on the virtual-tabletop channel on the Goodman Games discord for help and discussion.
Note that this system does not contain content from copyrighted DCC products, only rollable character sheets.
You can purchase a module containing copyrighted Goodman Games content ready for out-of-the-box use in Foundry VTT from the Goodman Games Web Store .
Work Process (for developers):
- Steve Barnett (@mooped)
- Christian Ovsenik (@algnc)
- Tim L. White (@cyface,
- Connor Stone (@ckwk)
- Alexander Dotor-Mohring (@adotor)
- Jonathan Dorety (@jdorety)
- Radoslaw Grzanka (@radoslawg)
- Tyler Kostuch (@TylerKostuch)
- @sasquach45932
Contains some icon art from
- Thanks for considering helping out!
- All PRs must pass the automated unit tests in this project to be considered for merging.
- All PRs must implement Internationalization support in en.json to be considered for merging.
- We have lots of changes in progress, so your PR may not be able to be merged if it conflicts with unreleased work.
- Chat with us on the Discord channel if you have questions!
Based on material ©2012 Goodman Games, used with permission.