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joachimpoutaraud committed Dec 6, 2022
1 parent ecf17a3 commit 61b4206
Showing 1 changed file with 300 additions and 0 deletions.
300 changes: 300 additions & 0 deletions musicalgestures/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
# import cv2
# import numpy as np
import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import Image, display
# try:
from IPython.display import Video
# except:
# from IPython.core.display import Video
# from base64 import b64encode
import musicalgestures
# from musicalgestures._utils import get_widthheight

def mg_show(self, filename=None, key=None, mode='windowed', window_width=640, window_height=480, window_title=None):
# def mg_show(self, filename=None, mode='windowed', window_width=640, window_height=480, window_title=None):
General method to show an image or video file either in a window, or inline in a jupyter notebook.
filename (str, optional): If given, `mg_show` will show this file instead of what it inherits from its parent object. Defaults to None.
key (str, optional): If given, `mg_show` will search for file names corresponding to certain processes you have previously rendered on your source. It is meant to be a shortcut, so you don't have to remember the exact name (and path) of eg. a motion video corresponding to your source in your MgVideo, but you rather just use `MgVideo('path/to/vid.mp4').show(key='motion')`. Accepted values are 'mgx', 'mgy', 'vgx', 'vgy', 'average', 'plot', 'motion', 'history', 'motionhistory', 'sparse', and 'dense'. Defaults to None.
mode (str, optional): Whether to show things in a separate window or inline in the jupyter notebook. Accepted values are 'windowed' and 'notebook'. Defaults to 'windowed'.
window_width (int, optional): The width of the window. Defaults to 640.
window_height (int, optional): The height of the window. Defaults to 480.
window_title (str, optional): The title of the window. If None, the title of the window will be the file name. Defaults to None.

def show(file, width=640, height=480, mode='windowed', title='Untitled', parent=None):
Helper function which actually does the "showing".
file (str): Path to the file.
width (int, optional): The width of the window. Defaults to 640.
height (int, optional): The height of the window. Defaults to 480.
mode (str, optional): 'windowed' will use ffplay (in a separate window), while 'notebook' will use Image or Video from IPython.display. Defaults to 'windowed'.
title (str, optional): The title of the window. Defaults to 'Untitled'.
if mode.lower() == 'windowed':
from musicalgestures._utils import in_colab
if in_colab():
mode = 'notebook'
if mode.lower() == 'windowed':
from musicalgestures._utils import wrap_str
# cmd = f'ffplay "{file}" -x {width} -y {height} -window_title "{title}"'
cmd = f'ffplay {wrap_str(file)} -window_title {wrap_str(title)} -x {width} -y {height}'
# show_async(cmd)

elif mode.lower() == 'notebook':
video_formats = ['.avi', '.mp4', '.mov', '.mkv', '.mpg',
'.mpeg', '.webm', '.ogg', '.ts', '.wmv', '.3gp']
image_formats = ['.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg', '.tiff', '.gif', '.bmp']
file_extension = os.path.splitext(file)[1].lower()

if file_extension in video_formats:
file_type = 'video'
elif file_extension in image_formats:
file_type = 'image'
if file_type == 'image':
elif file_type == 'video':
if file_extension not in ['.mp4', '.webm', '.ogg']:
keys = parent.__dict__.keys()
if "as_mp4" not in keys:
from musicalgestures._utils import convert_to_mp4
print('Only mp4, webm and ogg videos are supported in notebook mode.')
video_to_display = convert_to_mp4(file)
# register converted video as_mp4 for parent MgVideo
parent.as_mp4 = musicalgestures.MgVideo(
video_to_display = parent.as_mp4.filename
video_to_display = file

# check width and height of video, if they are bigger than "appropriate", limit their dimensions
video_width, video_height = musicalgestures._utils.get_widthheight(video_to_display)
video_width = video_width if video_width <= width else width
video_height = video_height if video_height <= height else height

# if the video is at the same folder as the notebook, we need to use relative path
# and if it is somewhere else, we need to embed it to make it work (neither absolute nor relative paths seem to work without embedding)
cwd = os.getcwd().replace('\\', '/')
file_dir = os.path.dirname(video_to_display).replace('\\', '/')
if file_dir == cwd:
video_to_display = os.path.relpath(video_to_display, os.getcwd()).replace('\\', '/')
display(Video(video_to_display,width=video_width, height=video_height))
except ValueError:
video_to_display = os.path.abspath(video_to_display, os.getcwd()).replace('\\', '/')
display(Video(video_to_display, width=video_width,height=video_height))
video_to_display = os.path.relpath(video_to_display, os.getcwd()).replace('\\', '/')
display(Video(video_to_display, width=video_width,
except ValueError:
video_to_display = os.path.abspath(video_to_display, os.getcwd()).replace('\\', '/')
display(Video(video_to_display, width=video_width,height=video_height))

print(f'Unrecognized mode: "{mode}". Try "windowed" or "notebook".')

if window_title == None:
window_title = self.filename

if filename == None:
keys = self.__dict__.keys()
if key == None:
filename = self.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=window_title, parent=self)

elif key.lower() == 'mgx':
if "motiongram_x" in keys:
filename = self.motiongram_x.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Horizontal Motiongram | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known horizontal motiongram for this file.")

elif key.lower() == 'mgy':
if "motiongram_y" in keys:
filename = self.motiongram_y.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Vertical Motiongram | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known vertical motiongram for this file.")

elif key.lower() == 'vgx':
if "videogram_x" in keys:
filename = self.videogram_x.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Horizontal Videogram | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known horizontal videogram for this file.")

elif key.lower() == 'ssm':
if "ssm" in keys:
filename = self.ssm.image
if len(filename) == 2:
show(file=filename[0], width=window_width, height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Horizontal SSM | {filename}', parent=self)
show(file=filename[1], width=window_width, height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Vertical SSM | {filename}', parent=self)
show(file=filename, width=window_width, height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Self-Similarity Matrix | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known self-smilarity matrix for this file.")

elif key.lower() == 'vgy':
if "videogram_y" in keys:
filename = self.videogram_y.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Vertical Videogram | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known vertical videogram for this file.")

elif key.lower() == 'average':
if "average_image" in keys:
filename = self.average_image.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Average Image | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known average image for this file.")
elif key.lower() == 'plot':
# filename = self.of + '_motion_com_qom.png'
if "motion_plot" in keys:
filename = self.motion_plot.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Centroid and Quantity of Motion | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known motion plot for this file.")

elif key.lower() == 'motion':
if "motion_video" in keys:
filename = self.motion_video.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Motion Video | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known motion video for this file.")

elif key.lower() == 'history':
if "history_video" in keys:
filename = self.history_video.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'History Video | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known history video for this file.")

elif key.lower() == 'motionhistory':
if "motion_video" in keys:
motion_video_keys = self.motion_video.__dict__.keys()
if "history_video" in motion_video_keys:
filename = self.motion_vide.history_video.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Motion History Video | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known motion history video for this file.")
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known motion video for this file.")

elif key.lower() == 'sparse':
if "flow_sparse_video" in keys:
filename = self.flow_sparse_video.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Sparse Optical Flow Video | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known sparse optial flow video for this file.")

elif key.lower() == 'dense':
if "flow_dense_video" in keys:
filename = self.flow_dense_video.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Dense Optical Flow Video | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known dense optial flow video for this file.")

elif key.lower() == 'pose':
if "pose_video" in keys:
filename = self.pose_video.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Pose Video | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known pose video for this file.")

elif key.lower() == 'warp':
if "warp_audiovisual_beats" in keys:
filename = self.warp_audiovisual_beats.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Warp Audiovisual Video | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError(
"There is no known warp audiovisual beats video for this file.")

elif key.lower() == 'blur':
if "blur_faces" in keys:
filename = self.blur_faces.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Blur Faces Video | {filename}', parent=self)

elif key.lower() == 'subtract':
if "subtract" in keys:
filename = self.subtract.filename
show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=f'Background Subtraction Video | {filename}', parent=self)
raise FileNotFoundError("There is no known subtract video for this file.")

print("Unknown shorthand.\n",
"For images, try 'mgx', 'mgy', 'vgx', 'vgy', 'ssmx','ssmy', 'average' or 'plot'.\n",
"For videos try 'motion', 'history', 'motionhistory', 'sparse', 'dense', 'pose', 'warp', 'blur' or 'subtract'.")

show(file=filename, width=window_width,
height=window_height, mode=mode, title=window_title, parent=self)
# show(file=filename, width=window_width, height=window_height, mode=mode, title=window_title)

return self

def show_in_new_process(command):
import subprocess
# import time
import sys
import platform
from musicalgestures._utils import wrap_str
module_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(
musicalgestures.__file__)).replace('\\', '/')
the_system = platform.system()
pythonkw = "python"
if the_system != "Windows":
pythonkw += "3"
pyfile = wrap_str(module_path + '/')
cmd = [pythonkw, pyfile, wrap_str(command)]
# print(cmd)
with open(os.devnull, 'r+b', 0) as DEVNULL:
process = subprocess.Popen(
cmd, stdin=DEVNULL, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, close_fds=True)
# time.sleep(1)
if process.poll():

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