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Spruce village as seen from a boat on a lake. Showcasing clouds, fog, and enhanced render distance.


This pack is a smol collection of client-side mods, data packs, and resource packs, assembled together with a focus on game performance, quality of life, and a handful of opinionated aesthetic changes. The heaviest included addition should be the Bobby view distance mod, which you should safely be able to disable without causing side-effects for the rest of the pack. While this pack is branded for the Fox Box community server, no functionality is bound by it, and the pack can be utilized in full on any single-player world or version compatible server.


The pack is developed and tested on an eight-year-old PC with an i7-6700k and 980ti, and it targeted to perform with good frame-rate on similar systems or better, when using the recommended settings.

The settings recommended are as follows:

  • A view distance of 24 with Bobby enabled, or 16 without
  • A simulation distance of 10-12
  • 6144Mb of RAM (4Gb probably fine)

The following JVM arguments are also provided and highly recommended:

-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M

Notice: RAM and JVM settings are not applied automatically by the pack/launcher. You must enable them yourself in the pack options menu in Modrinth.


This pack intends to stay on Minecraft version 1.20.4 for the foreseeable future. A GitHub repo is linked on the sidebar for submitting issues or bugs you may encounter while playing with this pack.

Fox Box Vanilla+ Clientside Modpack for Minecraft © 2023-2024 by Foxwyn is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0