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- The controller's code, design and components
- The receiver and how it interacts with the controller, motor drivers/controllers, and other mechanisms
- Mechanisms' codes, design and components
- Damien Gilbert
- Kaleb Vicary-Rzab
- Francis Paul Amadeo
- Toan Nguyen
- Denisse Manzanilla Reyna
- Matt Meyers
- Duy Do
- Joey Stiso
- Erick Gonzalez
- Steven Mac
- Singee Nguyen
Always read this README
Push every progress you worked on, no matter how small
Give a reasonable message whenever you push something (e.g. "Fixed bug on controllers" would suffice)
If used any libraries not included in vanilla Arduino IDE or referenced an already existing code, update the sources.md file
If used/referenced any CAD file not built by a member of Chicago EDT, (i.e. via Thingiverse or GrabCAD)
If the This repository includes: is outdated, please update it
Data sheets should be added in the drive for everything we use on STELLA
If you're reading this part, you're already a contributor. Add yourself as a contributor. (I use this to see who's actually read this)
If you have any questions, message Francis on Slack
ASCII design was made in http://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&f=Slant&t=