The Commodity-Specific Net Anthropogenic Phosphorus and Nitrogen Inputs (CSNAPNI) model is designed to estimate real and embodied N and P nutrient inputs to specific products, including crops, corn ethanol, and animal products, in addition to total nutrient inputs at the county and watershed scale for the conterminous United States (US).
To run the model, download the repository, and unzip it.
Open CSNAPNIv1.R or CSNAPNIv1.Rmd in R Studio.
Run CSNAPNIv1.R to generate all output files quickly, and to enable model variables to be probed from within R.
Knit CSNAPNIv1.Rmd to generate the HTML model guide that will walk you through model functionality, inputs, and outputs.
Some output matrices will be saved in the “OutputFiles” folder after the model is run.