Node.js module for reading data from a Ruuvitag weather station and retrieve them through Telegram Bot.
Tested on Raspberry Pi 3. Depends on node-ruuvitag and telebot.
npm i ruuvitag-telegram-bot
const RuuviTelegramBot = require("ruuvitag-telegram-bot");
//my Ruuvitags
const places = ["place1", "place2"];
const Ruuvitags = {
<ruuvi_uuid_1>: {
"uuid": <ruuvi_uuid_1>,
"ruuviid": <your_ruuvi_id>,
"name": <your_ruuvi_id>,
"location": places[0],
"last_data": ""
<ruuvi_uuid_1>: {
"uuid": <ruuvi_uuid_1>,
"ruuviid": <your_ruuvi_id>,
"name": <your_ruuvi_id>,
"location": places[1],
"last_data": ""
// telegram token
const TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN = <your_bot_token>;
let ruuviTelegramBot = new RuuviTelegramBot(places, Ruuvitags, TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN);
You need to substitute all variable inside <>.
Developed by Francesco Longo (france193).