The script is a computational pipeline to perform de novo assembly of bacterial genomes from Illumina paired-end reads. The pipeline is based on the assember SPAdes and the improve_assembly pipeline designed to improve the SPAdes assembly by scaffolding and gap filling.
The easiest and recommended way to install and run is via its Docker implementation.
The Docker image is available on: is Python script that would work provided that all required dependencies below (both python modules and software) are installed in your local machine.
- fastqcheck version >= 1.1
- version >= v3.15.3
- improve_assembly
- version >= v5.1.0rc1
usage: [-h] -1 FASTQ1_FILE -2 FASTQ2_FILE -i SAMPLE_ID -r
RESULTS_DIR [-d DELETE_TMP] [--version]
Pipeline for bacterial de novo assembly using Spades and improve_assembly from
paired Illumina data
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
required arguments:
-1 FASTQ1_FILE, --forward_reads FASTQ1_FILE
fastq file with forward reads
-2 FASTQ2_FILE, --reverse_reads FASTQ2_FILE
fastq file with reverse reads
-i SAMPLE_ID, --sample_id SAMPLE_ID
sample id used as prefix to name output files
-r RESULTS_DIR, --results_dir RESULTS_DIR
directory to store pipeline's final assembly
optional arguments:
-d DELETE_TMP, --delete_tmp DELETE_TMP
delete assembly files (except for contigs.fa)
--version show program's version number and exit
spades arguments (optional):
-t THREADS, --spades_threads THREADS
number of threads used by Spades
-s SPADES_DIR, --spades_dir SPADES_DIR
directory to store Spades resulting files
-m IMPROVED_DIR, --improved_dir IMPROVED_DIR
directory to store improve_assembly resulting files
docker run --volume=/path/to/fastq/files/:/data francesccoll/assembly_pipeline:amd64 --forward_reads /data/sampleId_1.fastq.gz --reverse_reads /data/sampleId_2.fastq.gz --sample_id sampleId --spades_threads 8 --results_dir /data/sampleId/
NOTE: --results_dir must be specified when running the Docker image for the output assembly files to be saved locally is a free software, licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0
Use the issues page to report on installation and usage issues.
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