Eilenberg and Mac Lane later wrote that their goal was to understand natural transformations. That required defining functors, which required categories. Certain categories called topoi (singular topos) can even serve as an alternative to axiomatic set theory as a foundation of mathematics
category functor: arrow between categories some objects but all the morphisms between these objects This means at least that ι is a fully faithful functor
more general to more specific following the laws the categories abide TODO how to describe a Category being composed of a Category -> use product? how to describe a Category being an instance of other categories how to describe an object that is a subobject from a different category? (e.g. ideal is subset of ring (not subring))
the arrows between "categories" here are inheritance arrows that can be seen as a functor from category to subcategory (there may be other arrows to represent non inheritent relations) the arrows between objects in the categories are morphisms an object is an instance of a category: the category is represented by a cluster and the object is a node in it or subcluster a node in the object subcluster is an element
// at top-level, category, functor, natural transformation, (binary relation -> order, function, (equivalence relation -> quotient object), binary operation -> algebraic structure), (collection of objects -> topology)
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once svg generated add highlights inside <svg>
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