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Changes to branching and versioning

Rucha Mahabal edited this page Feb 2, 2023 · 6 revisions

Reason for the change in branching

Since the inception of Frappe HR as a separate app, its develop branch has been compatible with both ERPNext's version-14 and develop. However, due to some breaking changes in APIs in the framework, we are introducing a new branch called version-14 that will be compatible with ERPNext's version-14. This branch has been named version-14 to keep it consistent with Frappe & ERPNext's.


In order to continue the convention of introducing breaking changes in develop, the branch compatibility will be as follows:

Frappe's Branch Frappe HR's Branch
version-14 version-14
develop develop
  • If you are on version-14 of ERPNext: Some manual intervention will be required to switch HR to the stable branch (steps mentioned below). If you are using Frappe/ERPNext v14 and HR's v15(develop), then a patch will stop your migration and ask you to switch the branch before migrating.

  • If you are on develop branch of ERPNext: You don't need to do anything.

New PRs and cloning:

  • A new branch called version-14-hotfix will serve as the staging area for code that is pending to be released into version-14 (similar to ERPNext). All pull requests intended for version-14 need to be made to this branch.

  • The develop branch of Frappe HR will continue to be compatible with ERPNext/Frappe's develop branch.

  • develop will also be the default branch for all new clones (bench get-app ...). If you want to clone and install a stable version of Frappe HR, you will have to use the --branch flag like so:

bench get-app hrms --branch version-14

Steps to switch to the desired branch from the develop branch

For general users

Execute the following commands from your bench directory (e.g. frappe-bench):

cd apps/hrms
git fetch upstream version-14:version-14
git checkout version-14
cd ../..

And then proceed with the migration with

bench --site [sitename] migrate or bench update

If you want to use version-14-hotfix replace version-14 with version-14-hotfix in the above set of commands.

For Frappe Cloud Users

For all the benches (public/private) using Frappe v14, HR's branch has been changed to version-14 already. They will receive an update for the site.

Make sure you select version-14 for new production sites. Just for reference, here is how you can switch branch on FC from Bench > Apps:

  • Click on the menu against the Frappe HR app and Change Branch.

  • Select version-14 and update your bench and sites
