This is a set of useful functions developed by frbione in order to automate some tasks during his PhD thesis development.
This function can sample Z-values from paleobathymetric maps (rasters), based on time-varying point coordinates,
which are input from .csv points files. The rasters + points set derives from plate tectonics kinematic models, such as GPlates or pyGplates.
Important instructions
Raster files:
- Can be in .tif or .grd formats
- Must be named according to the corresponding age. e.g., for 100 Ma: 100.tif
Point coordinates:
- Must be in .csv format
- Each .csv file must correspond to a unique well/point with a time-varying location
- Each .csv file must be named according to the well/point name. e.g., well_X.csv | X.csv | etc.
- Each .csv file must contain at least 3 columns: 'Time (Ma)' | 'Lat' | 'Lon'
- The column 'Time (Ma)' will be used to associate the correspondent coordinates to the raster of the same age
PS: It is extremely recommended that both rasters and sampling points had been created using the same plate rotation model.
PS2: It is not necessary to have all the rasters-equivalent ages in each point or vice-versa.
This function can convert tabular XYZ data from .txt or .csv files to grid text file format (.grd). Example here.
Important instructions
XYZ files:
- Can be in .txt or .csv formats
- Must be tab '\t' separated, but this can be changed in the original function for comma-separated files
- This function only converts the file, it does not resize or reshape the original grid.