🍿 admin catalog videos
- About
- Technology
- Installation and Configuration
- Running the Application
- Docs
- Issues
- Contribution
- License
This repository contains the source code of the api that manages lists of movies and series. The technologies used are described in Technology.
To execute the project in a development environment, it is necessary to have the tools installed. Can be consulted in the technology section
This project can also be run by docker. You must have docker installed. Run the command
docker-compose up --build
Access the api with the url localhost:3000/api/v1
Run the command to perform the dependency installation
mvn clean install
Run the command
mvn test
Change the settings by putting your database credentials in .env file. See the .env-example file for example.
This application uses flyway as a database migration tool. Scripts are located here
Run Application in development mode after installation and configuration
mvn spring-boot:run
Access the api with the url localhost:3000/api/v1
To access API documentation localhost:3000/api/v1/docs
Application documents and files can be found in the docs
Some of the types of documents that can be found.
- Entity and database tables in
- Application flow and use cases in
- Collections of postman requests in
To access the running API swagger documents. Access a url /docs
I would love to review your pull request! Open a new issue
Feel free to contribute to the project. I am open for suggestions. Click here to open a new issue or take part in the development project 😄
This project uses MIT License. Click here to access
Developed 💙 by Fredson Chaves