Geiss (code, port) / Flexi (presets) / JBerg (port, code) / EatMe (code, manual) /
Butterchurn Milkdrop v2.6.7.1e-complete
by EatMe (example, manual, code) - - - music and science and freeware
JBerg (port, code) - - gitHub of Jonathan Berg -
Geiss (original MilkDrop, port) -
Flexi (presets) -
MilkDrop Butterchurn v2.6.7.1e-complete (GitHub) is released under a MIT license
for Commercial, Private, Distribution and Modification usage,
with No Liability Granted and No Warranty Granted under the conditions of a License and Copyright notice.
Download: press [End] at
Geiss (code, port) / Flexi (presets) / JBerg (port, code) / EatMe (code, manual) /
Butterchurn Milkdrop v2.6.7.1e-complete
extended function and implementation manual - index
---section 1: description
extended function and implementation manual.txt
---section 2: implementation example and scripts
jquery.min.js v1.12.4 or above
---section 3: extended script functions
--part 1. Mouse functions and (Mobile/Tablet) Touch functions
1a. Mouse Click / Tap
next preset
1b. Right Click / Long Push
1c. Mouse Movement / Still
to optionally hide cursor
--part 2. Accessible visuals behaviour functions
2a. butterVis.shufflePresets();
2b. butterVis.forceNextPreset();
2c. butterVis.forcePrevPreset();
2d. butterVis.showTitle(title);
--part 3. Presets
3a. Loading presets:
butterVis.butterchurn.loadPreset(butterVis.presets[butterVis.presetKeys[presetIndex]], blendTime);
3b. Adding your own presets
more information on adding your own MilkDrop presets unavailable in this document.
3c. Presets in v2.6.7.1e-complete
var ivariable=1;for(ivariable=0;;ivariable++){console.log(butterVis.presetKeys[ivariable].toString());}
3d. Files containing the presets
---section 4: How-to?
4a. How to get this running?
4b. How to edit this into my site?
4c. How to implement this into Wordpress or any other Content Management System?
4d. How do I learn HTML CSS javascript jquery?
4e. How to fix "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" error? I get no audio!
4f. How to check or meet the system requirements?
---section 5: license
a MIT license for Commercial, Private, Distribution and Modification usage,
with No Liability Granted and No Warranty Granted under the conditions of a License and Copyright notice.
---section 6: links
--part 1. project links
--part 2. miscellaneous links for other use mentioned
end of index
Geiss (code, port) / Flexi (presets) / JBerg (port, code) / EatMe (code, manual)
Butterchurn Milkdrop v2.6.7.1e-complete
extended function and implementation manual
begins here
---Section 1: description
Geiss (code, port) / Flexi (presets) / JBerg (port, code) / EatMe (code, manual)
Butterchurn Milkdrop v2.6.7.1e-complete
extended function and implementation manual for example
MilkDrop visuals web browser javascript html implementation
..easy to implement with use of
jquery.min.js v1.12.4 or above
..extended function description in this document.
butterchurn_v2.6.7.1e-complete - manual for extended functions and implementation.txt
see the above link to download this easy to implement manual example.
This document contains extended implementation and function descriptions.
--section 2: implementation example and scripts
for live implementations:
see for the original project.
see for an interlaced version with radiostream.
see for a right-click fullscreen with music.
see for your webdesign
Butterchurn-v2.6.7.1e complete - with HTML_butterchurn_example_e.htm
free-music-by-eatme released this 2020-08
…easy to implement manual
play audio link, html audio element and directly showing butterchurn MilkDrop visuals are in the HTML_butterchurn_example_e.htm
butterchurn.js example
?audiotoplay=(audio file or stream URL)
in the example document parameters will load an audio file or stream. the user must press play.
in this example attached:
right click / push longer than 500 msec on mobile
left click / tap shorter than 500 msec on mobile
change preset
needed: ((x) indicates changes were made)
(x) streaming or file source with HTTP Headers set to "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" (being a star, shift-8)
on the webserver to contain a HTTP Header that allows you to use the mp3 on (x) all (or your) pages.
(x) butterchurn.js
set the location in the script src header below
(add a for admin) as of now contains my editing version, see attached for this working
edit butterchurn.js var section at begin of file to set screen size, if not in stylesheet, z-index (layout order)
default: 100x100 "98" "1" fullscreen=false
butterchurn.min.js - see attached
set the location in the script src header below
butterchurnExtraImages.min.js - see attached
set the location in the script src header below
butterchurnPresets.min.js - see attached
set the location in the script src header below
butterchurnPresetsExtra.min.js - see attached
set the location in the script src header below
butterchurnPresetsExtra2.min.js - see attached
set the location in the script src header below
butterchurn_initvar.js - used to be called helper.js - see attached
set the location in the script src header below
jquery 1.12.14.min.js works - ajax.googleapis has a slow response but can be multi-site cached
set the location in the script src header below
not required: butterchurn_isSupported.js - old code that is in included below in this example to check if it is supported.. - loaded below is the newest referred by w3schools, not tested
//required: jquery 1 12 14 or something min.js here from google with a slow response time
Geiss (code, port) / Flexi (presets) / JBerg (port, code) / EatMe (code, manual) /
Butterchurn v2.6.7.1e-complete (GitHub) is released under a MIT license
for Commercial, Private, Distribution and Modification usage,
with No Liability Granted and No Warranty Granted under the conditions of a License and Copyright notice.
---section 3: extended script functions
--part 1. Mouse functions and (Mobile/Tablet) Touch functions
1a. Left Click / Tap
events: click touchstart touchend
events: click
in butterchurn.js
this.canvas.addEventListener('click', this.forceNextPreset.bind(this));
events: touchstart touchend
in butterchurn.js
this.canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", this.touchstartFunc.bind(this), false);
this.canvas.addEventListener("touchend", this.touchendFunc.bind(this), false);
code at touchstartFunc in butterchurn.js
to respond with a timer, to then fire the click function on short tap.
1b. Right Click / Long touch
events: contextmenu touchstart+touchend
to set: in begin of file: var touchduration = 700; //length of time we want the user to touch before we do something
events: contextmenu
in butterchurn.js
this.canvas.addEventListener('contextmenu', this.fullScreenFunc.bind(this), false);
events: touchstart touchend
this.canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", this.touchstartFunc.bind(this), false);
this.canvas.addEventListener("touchend", this.touchendFunc.bind(this), false);
code at touchstartFunc in butterchurn.js
to respond with a timer, to then fire the right click function on long push.
1c. Mouse still / Moving
events: mousemove
in butterchurn_initvar.js
W.addEventListener("mousemove", (e)=> {.........
Butterchurn will set the main HTML body element class= to
<body class="canHover">
when the mouse is touched and moved by the user.
be advised: set the "pointer:" value to a visible pointer
if you hide it (see below).
<body class="mouseHide" >
when the mouse is still for a longer time.
the css style="pointer:" value the css style "pointer" can be hidden.
To set behaviour and visibility of the mouse pointer.
Can be done
in html element style="",
in <head><style></style></head> in the top of the <html> structure,
in .css stylesheet files that are loaded.
In css style definition of the .canHover{} and .mouseHide{} class
set the "pointer:" (type); to change the onscreen mouse pointer.
--part 2. Accessible visuals behaviour functions
"butterVis" script object.
Visuals are bound to the "butterVis" script object.
Functions for in your own custom implementation.
Preset functions: See section 3. Presets to find more information.
2a. butterVis.shufflePresets();
Randomizes, Shuffles the order of visual presets that are loaded.
2b. butterVis.forceNextPreset();
Displays the next visual preset.
Used in Mouse Click / Tap described in section 1. Mouse functions and (Mobile/Tablet) Touch functions.
2c. butterVis.forcePrevPreset();
Displays the previous visual preset.
Custom animation function.
2d. butterVis.showTitle(title);
Shows an animated display of the title "string value".
---part 3. Presets
Presets in Geiss (code, port) / Flexi (presets) / JBerg (port, code) / EatMe (code, manual) /Butterchurn Milkdrop v2.6.7.1e-complete
are stored in loaded .js files included.
3a. Loading presets:
butterVis.butterchurn.loadPreset(butterVis.presets[butterVis.presetKeys[presetIndex]], blendTime);
to load a preset from the
butterVis.presets[] collection
specify [presetindex]
to a maximum of butterVis.presetKeys.length
by butterVis.presetIndex number [1]
or butterVis.presetKeys name ['Flexi, martin + geiss - dedicated to the sherwin maxawow']
specify blendTime
experiment with what suits best
3b. Adding your own presets
a milkdrop preset converter that has features undocumented here.
3c. Presets in v2.6.7.1e-complete
the following code extracts all preset names (and then crashes):
var ivariable=1;for(ivariable=0;;ivariable++){console.log(butterVis.presetKeys[ivariable].toString());}
MilkDrop presets in v. are:
martin - city of shadows
Zylot - Paint Spill (Music Reactive Paint Mix)
Rovastar - Trippy Sperm (Jelly)
Illusion & Rovastar - Dotty Mad Space (Jelly)
Flexi - mindblob 2.0
beta106i - Brilliance (Space-Time Breaking) - mash0000 - it′s 2009 and you haven′t replaced your analog tv with digital
Flexi, martin + geiss - painterly rogue wave strike
Geiss - Cauldron - painterly 2 (saturation remix)
flexi - patternton, district of media, capitol of the united abstractions of fractopia
GreatWho - Lasershow
ORB - Solar Radiation
Geiss - Tokamak Plus 2
fiShbRaiN - witchcraft (necromancer remix)_phat_edit_v3
Flexi - piercing
Fumbling_Foo & Flexi, Martin, Orb, Unchained - Star Nova v7b
Eo.S. + Phat - cubetrace - v2
$$$ Royal - Mashup (307)
Hexcollie - Cell division
flexi - bouncing balls [illumination mix]
Telek - City Helix Lattice
Flexi - predator-prey-spirals
Flexi + stahlregen - jelly showoff parade
AdamFx 2 Geiss, Zylot and Flexi - Reaction Diffusion 3 (Overload Mix 2) EATIT4 (BCCNJ4)
Flexi + Geiss + Demon Lord - unholy tokamak clot-plot
Eo.S. - glowsticks v2 05 and proton lights (+Krash′s beat code) _Phat_remix02b
cope - digital sea
_Geiss - Artifact 03
Flexi, fishbrain, Geiss + Martin - tokamak witchery
martin - witchcraft reloaded
Cope - The Neverending Explosion of Red Liquid Fire
LuxXx - Subtle HipHopFlake
Martin - disco mix 3 -fast
Flexi + fiShbRaiN - operation fatcap II
Phat + Zylot + Eo.S. - work with lines
_Flexi, martin + geiss - painterly rogue wave strike (color emboss mix)
Aderrasi - Potion of Spirits
martin + stahlregen - martin in da mash 14
Stahlregen & flexi + Geiss + Rovastar + Shifter - Fractal Feedback (for Hexcollie)
yin - 190 - Temporal fluctuations
Geiss - 3 layers (Tunnel Mix)
$$$ Royal - Mashup (326)
martin - glassball dance
ORB - Magma Pool
Zylot - In death there is life (Geiss Layered Mix)
Flexi + Martin - astral projection
goody + martin - crystal palace - schizotoxin - the wild iris bloom - 16 iterations
Flexi - smashing fractals 2.0
martin - another kind of groove
ech0 - liquid firesticks I
baked - River of Illusion Dillusion [Bubble]
LuxXx - GrindFace 225 mg dose
Rovastar + Telek - Altars of Madness (Rolling Oceans Mix)
Geiss - Reaction Diffusion 3
Flexi - alien fader
Flexi - alien web bouncer [26]
TonyMilkdrop - Magellan's Nebula [Flexi - fancy + $this shall not retain]
cope - the drain to heaven
flexi - meta4free
fiShbRaiN - the adventures of prismo jenkins
Cope - Passage (mandala mix)
flexi - jelly fish mandala
martin - stormy sea (2010 update)
cope - strange attractor [flexis let it grow mix] (Jelly 5.56 [volume noise zoom-in])
Flexi + amandio c - piercing 05 - Kopie (2) - Kopie
_Eo.S. - glowsticks v2 02 - Geiss HPF
Stahlregen - Dots (Pixels - Blocky) (Jelly V2)
suksma - water cooled red uranium vs dotes -
flexi - what is the matrix
Flexi - crush ice 72
flexi - bouncing balls [double mindblob gastrointestinal mix]
Krash + Illusion + Geiss - Spiral Movement (Reaction Diffusion mix)
flexi + amandio c - organic [random mashup]
Hexcollie - Nautalisk - mash0000 - but officer, my fingerprint always changes
AdamFX Mashup 2 Martin - reflections on black tile + Raron N Flexi
cope + flexi - mother-of-whirl [no fnords were hurt]
Ishan - Anuera
shifter - feathers (angel wings)_phat_remix relief 2
$$$ Royal - Mashup (197)
Martin - journey into space
martin - violet flash
flexi + fishbrain - neon mindblob grafitti
Aderrasi + Geiss - Airhandler (Kali Mix) - Painterly Tendrils Colorfast
Geiss - Desert Rose 4
fishbrain + flexi - stitchcraft
Flexi + Martin - tunnel of supraschismatika
AdamFx 2 Aderrasi - Airhandler (Last Breath - Calm)Ilusional Discontent2
Flexi, martin + geiss - dedicated to the sherwin maxawow
rce-ordinary + flexi - far away distance (custom beat detection + bipolar colour ghost mix)
Geiss - Reaction Diffusion (Relief Mix)
martin - mucus cervix
flexi - infused with the spiral (jelly 4.x cn)
Geiss - Skin Dots Multi-layer 3
Martin - cool morning
shifter - escape the worm - Eo.S. + Phat - Before_It_Eats_Your_Brain_Mix_v2
Aderrasi - Curse of the Mirror Emu
flexi + geiss - pogo-cubes on tokamak matter (bccn Jelly V4)
Flexi + Geiss - pogo-cubes on tokamak matter (Jelly 5.55)
ORB - Fire and Fumes 2
yin - 315 - Ocean of Light (yo im peakin yo Eo.S.-Phat)
martin - gate to moria
martin - sunset over the river
Krash - War Machine (Shifting Complexity Mix)
martin [shadow harlequins shape code] - fata morgana
$$$ Royal - Mashup (220)
LuxXx - Fuck Your Code ii
beta106i - Potion of Ink
martin, flexi, fishbrain + sto - enterstate [random mashup]
Eo.S. - spark C_Phat_Jester_Mix_v2
shifter - dark tides bdrv mix 2
$$$ Royal - Mashup (337)
beta106at shape - mash0000 - hulk spirit cum
Idiot - Star Of Annon
Geiss - Cauldron - painterly (saturation remix)
martin - shifter - armorial bearings of robotopia
Geiss - Bipolar 2 Enhanced
PieturP - triptrap(ultimate-trip-mix)
martin - The Bridge of Khazad-Dum
martin - starfield sectors
Martin - liquid arrows
_Geiss - untitled
Geiss - Game of Life 3
Geiss - Spiral Artifact
Flexi, fishbrain + Martin - witchery
Geiss - Two-Pointed Pulsagon - mash0000 - bubonic super-fluid centrifuge
Stahlregen & Boz + Eo.S + Geiss + Phat + Rovastar + Zylot - Machine Code [Jelly]
Aderrasi - Storm of the Eye (Thunder) - mash0000 - quasi pseudo meta concentrics
TonyMilkdrop - Leonardo Da Vinci's Balloon [Flexi - merry-go-round + techstyle]
TonyMilkdrop - Magellan's Nebula [Flexi - you enter first + multiverse]
Zylot - In death there is life (Geiss Layered Mix) (Jelly)
Aderrasi - Veil of Steel (Steel Storm) - mash0000 - bob ross finally loses it
Geiss - Reaction Diffusion 3 (Lichen Mix)
Aderrasi + Geiss - Airhandler (Square Mix)
martin - the forge of Isengard
Krash + Illusion - Spiral Movement
yin - 191 - Temporal singularities
adam eatit fx 2 martin - disco mix, lodus, geiss, ludicrous speed,flexi, aderrasi n hexcollie
$$$ Royal - Mashup (441)
martin - reflections on black tiles
martin - crystal palace
$$$ Royal - Mashup (160)
_Geiss - Desert Rose 2
_Geiss - Brain Zoom 3 (Color Emboss Mix)
Flexi - area 51
cope - alternative energy (antimatter mod_1)4z
Flexi, Rovastar + Geiss - Fractopia vs bas relief
stahlregen + geiss + shifter - babylon
Flexi + Martin - dive
various artists - 1200774354134 - mash0000 - what the writer′s guild is doing with the extra money
Flexi, Geiss and Rovastar - chaos layered tokamak
Aderrasi + Geiss - Airhandler (Kali Mix) - Canvas Mix
EVET + Flexi - Rainbox Splash Poolz
Geiss - Color Pox (Acid Impression Mix) (color saturation remix)
Flexi - wild at range
Geiss - Thumb Drum
martin - ghost city
Rovastar + Fvese - Mosaic Waves
Geiss - Feedback 2
Unchained - Fuzzy Sciences
$$$ Royal - Mashup (431)
Rovastar + Che - Asylum Animations
flexi, stahlregen, geiss + tobias wolfboi - space gelatine burst - mash0000 - chromatidal pool mirror blasphemy
_Krash + Eo.S. - Photographic Sentinel
Rovastar + Flexi - Hurricane Nightmare (Moebius Mix)
martin - sparky caleidoscope
suksma - feign shoulder concern when i should be executed - everything is eternally shrinking
sawtooth grin roam
ORB - Depth Charge 2
martin - baby one more time
martin - frosty caves 2
Flexi + Geiss - Tokamak mindblob 2.0
martin - skywards
Geiss - Myriad Mosaics
flexi - splatter effects 17 the wave, a google love story written in decay roam3-2
martin - soma in pink
$$$ Royal - Mashup (253)
flexi - swing out on the spiral
Flexi - alien fish pond
flexi + geiss - pogo cubes vs. tokamak vs. game of life [stahls jelly 4.5 finish]
Telek - Sine Wave
flexi + geiss - infused with the spiral (Heavy Oil Mix) nz+ rapery
Goody - The Wild Vort
martin - Flexis swarm in Martins pond [not yet a boid implementation]
martin - cherry brain wall mod
martin - crystal alley
Milk Artist At our Best - FED - SlowFast Ft AdamFX n Martin - HD CosmoFX
Geiss - Brain Zoom 4
Rovastar - Oozing Resistance
Aderrasi - Airhandler (Principle of Sharing)
martin - infinity (2010 update)
Zylot - True Visionary
flexi - Mindblob
martin + stahlregen - martin in da mash 3
Goody - Ego Decontructor
Rovastar + Geiss - Hyperkaleidoscope Glow 2 motion blur (Jelly)
Unchained - All You Can Eat
flexi - bouncing balls [double mindblob neon mix]
fiShbRaiN + geiss - witchcraft (Grow Mix 3)
martin - unholy amulet 2
Rovastar + Geiss - Hyperspace - kaleidoscope
Geiss - Reaction Diffusion 2
martin + stahlregen - martin in da mash 12
Martin - QBikal - Surface Turbulence IIb
martin - castle in the air
Flexi + Rovastar - Fractopia [lovecraft]
Geiss, Flexi + Stahlregen - Thumbdrum Tokamak [crossfiring aftermath jelly mashup]
cope + geiss + stahlregen - cartune (bending gelatine mix)
Flexi - predator-prey-spirals [stahlregens gelatine finish]
Flexi - truly soft piece of software - this is generic texturing (Jelly)
flexi - alien canvas [learning]
Martin - acid wiring
flexi + fishbrain - witchcraft [complex terraforming]
stahlregen & geiss + rovastar - fields of flowers (mashup 9 - space flower rmx) - mash0001 - pack em in, we got a long haul + flashlight
Martin N AdamFX Infusion = Phat+Yin+Eo.S_Mandala Chaser Ft AdamFX n Martin - The Beast Mandala Chaser FX H
DemonLD-_Toxic_water_diffusion threx angela vs debi brown (nice)
martin - extreme heat
A Tribute to Martin - bombyx mori - Ft Flexi - AdamFX - StahlRegen - Krash - Rovastar - Hd in Milk T
_Geiss - Explosion Mod 2b
Zylot - True Visionary (Final Mix)
cope + martin - mother-of-pearl
Aderrasi - Agitator
martin - bombyx mori
Rovastar + Loadus + Geiss - Tone-mapped FractalDrop 7c
flexi + geiss - pogo-cubes on tokamak matter [mind over matter remix]2
Eo.S. + flexi - glowsticks v2 05 and proton lights (+Krash′s beat code) _Phat_remix02b + illumination (Stahl′s Mix)
Adam Eatit Mashup FX 2 martin - disco mix + Lodus + Geiss + Ludicrous speed + Eos Ft Flexi n Hexocollie + Baked + Santa Fucking Claus
Rovastar + Geiss - Hurricane Nightmare (Relief Mix)
bdrv - ultramix2 jberg#43
Martin - disco mix 6
martin - ludicrous speed
Flexi, Martin, Phat, Zylot + Eo.S - one way trip trap proof of concept [epileptic zoom tunnel edit]
Rovastar + Geiss - Snapshot Of Space (LSB mix)
martin - fruit machine
Unchained - Unified Drag 2
yin - 253 - Artificial poles of the continuum (remix jberg#3)
Geiss + Flexi + Martin - disconnected
Geiss - Skin Dots 9
martin - basal ganglion
Phat_Zylot_Eo.S. spiral_Movements_Beatle
Flexi - smashing fractals [acid etching mix]
Eo.S. + Phat - Emergent factors
cope - soar (v2.0)
flexi - color strike
Martin - Diabolo
Flexi - mindblob mix
Aderrasi - Contortion (Escher′s Tunnel Mix)
Martin - bombyx mori mix2
Eo.S. + Phat cubetrace (cybercity madness remix) - mash0000 - evaporating crystal pharma
martin - dark galaxy
Rozzor & Shreyas - Deeper Aesthetics
fiShbRaiN - breakfast cruiser
beta106i - Inhuman Emotion (Regret) - mash0000 - genetic mutant incubators in the hands of toddlers
Geiss - Planet 1
EVET - RGB Singularity
Eo.S. + Geiss - glowsticks v2 02 (Relief Mix)
martin - mandelbox explorer - high speed demo version
Rovastar - A Million Miles From Earth (Wormhole Mix)
Unchained & Rovastar - Wormhole Pillars (Hall of Shadows mix)
suksma - heretical crosscut playpen
Zylot - Star Ornament
martin - tunnel race
Stahlregen + martin + others - Psychedelic Metal Flower
LuxXx - iWhat Happened Right After I Ate That Toxic Waste beta ii
Eo.S. + Zylot - skylight (Stained Glass Majesty mix)
Flexi - blame hexcollie twice
Aderrasi - Songflower (Moss Posy)
Zylot - Crossing Over (Paint Spatter mix)
Eo.S. - glowsticks v2 03 music
Unchained - Making a Science of It 4
$$$ Royal - Mashup (273)
Rovastar - Harlequin′s Fractal Encounter - cancer of saints
flexi + fishbrain - witchcraft [complex terraforming - fiddling twists in the fabric of space]
martin - amandio c - a different view of the green machine
flexi + amandio c - organic12-3d-2.milk
ORB - Waaa
Krash & Rovastar - A Million Miles from Earth (Ripple Mix)
fiShbRaiN - toffee cream and icing sugar
Flexi - mindblob [shiny mix]
martin - resonant twister - steel spring
Adam Eatit Mashup FX 2 martin - disco mix + Lodus + Geiss + Ludicrous speed + Baked Ft another AdamFX Mashup 7_1
fiShbRaiN + flexi - witchcraft 2.0 - mash0000 - no one cares about mi, the note (major third)
raron - a grayish blob - mash0000 - pungent gastric automata cloud fumes
Rovastar + Geiss - Hurricane Nightmare (Gold Chrome Mix)
Aderrasi - Airhandler (Last Breath - Calm)
stahlregen - old school, baby (spiral ornament)
flexi - inter state
ORB - Sandblade
martin - attack of the beast
$$$ Royal - Mashup (177)
suksma - Rovastar - Sunflower Passion (Enlightment Mix)_Phat_edit + flexi und martin shaders - circumflex in character classes in regular expression
flexi - borderline imagery
suksma - uninitialized variabowl (hydroponic chronic)
martin - chain breaker
martin + stahlregen - martin in da mash 12a
_Aderrasi - Wanderer in Curved Space - mash0000 - faclempt kibitzing meshuggana schmaltz (Geiss color mix)
An AdamFX n Martin Infusion 2 flexi - Why The Sky Looks Diffrent Today - AdamFx n Martin Infusion - Tack Tile Disfunction B
Flexi - the distant point between derivative
flexi - hyperspaceflight (bn cn Jelly 4)
martin - satellite view
Flexi - infused with the spiral
yin - 250 - Artificial poles of the continuum_Phat′s_Orbit_mix
martin - ice flames
fed - slowfast 1.1
martin - bombyx mori [flexi′s logarithmic edit]
Flexi - dimensions, projection and abstraction
flexi + nitorami - beat explorer (cn bc jelly 4)
high-altitude basket unraveling - singh grooves nitrogen argon nz+
fiShbRaiN + Flexi - witchcraft 2.0
shifter - dark tides bdrv mix
Flexi + Martin - cascading decay swing
flexi + stahlregen - jelly strike
martin - cope - laser dome
martin - angel flight
Aderrasi - Mother Of Pearl - mash0000 - how to piss off your eyes
martin, fishbrain + flexi - mandelbox explorer v1 Eo.S. optimize [bipolar witchcraft mix]
flexi + bdrv - acid etching (jelly v5.5)
martin - bring up the big guns
ORB - Planetary Alignment Acid Burn
Unchained - Rewop
ORB - Pastel Primer
Flexi - reality tunnel
Rovastar + Loadus + Geiss - FractalDrop (Triple Mix)
flexi - mom, why the sky looks different today
martin - move this body
suksma - nip tuck
flexi, geiss and rovastar - chaos layered sinewsed tokamak 2
Flexi - psychenapping
suksma - vector exp 1 - couldn′t not
martin - into the fireworks
Martin - charisma
Rocke - Answer.42 (New Mix 1) - mash0000 - slash and char p. jungle
beta106i - Burning Form (Seething Mass) - mash0000 - fire paint easter egg internals
flexi + fishbrain - warpcraft [random mashup]
_Geiss - Artifact 01
_Rovastar + Geiss - Hurricane Nightmare (Posterize Mix)
flexi + amandio c - organic
martin - elusive impressions mix2 - flacc mess proph nz+2
Adam Eatit Mashup FX 2 martin - disco mix + Lodus + Geiss + Ludicrous speed + Aderrasi 2_1
AdamFx 2 Geiss -Somewhat Distort Me 3_1
orb - toxic goo
ORB - Blue Emotion
martin - disco mix 4
Rovastar - Explosive Minds
Redi Jedi - i dont think those were portabello mushrooms
martin - glass corridor
martin + flexi - diamond cutter [] - camille - i wish i wish i wish i was constrained
suksma - gaeomaentaec - log smell 2 - steaming wienies2
Rovastar - Torrid Tales
cope, martin + flexi - the slickery of alternative varnish
Rovastar + Geiss - Hurricane Nightmare
3d. Files containing the presets
Presets are stored in and loaded from
in Geiss (code, port) / Flexi (presets) / JBerg (port, code) / EatMe (code, manual) /Butterchurn v2.6.7.1e-complete
---section 4: How-To?
4a. How to get this running?
To open in the browser.
From your web server or computer,
a HTML file:
The HTML file (butterchurn_example_e.htm) loads scripts for all the features.
jquery.min.js v1.12.4 or above
with a HTML <audio> element and the script from example:
<audio id="theaudioelement"></audio>is needed for the Butterchurn Milkdrop visuals to respond to audio.
Well, really cool visuals when there is no audio.. It can! respond to audio.
First let the Buttterchurn visuals initialize.
Wait with a window.setTimeout before loading audio, as in the example.
You can access the <audio> element with script, the example link, see for help.
The HTML <canvas> element is a placeholder for the visuals.
<canvas="canvasMilkdrop" height="100" width="100"></canvas>
Always include a height="" and width="".
Set the (initial) small size, default 100x100,
height and width also in the begin var section of file:
Fullscreen with right click or long push on mobiles.
Change preset with left click or tap on mobiles.
See section 1. Mouse functions and (Mobile/Tablet) Touch functions
4b. How to edit this into my site?
Learn HTML at .
?audiotoplay=(audio file or stream URL)
in the example document parameters will load an audio file or stream. the user must press play.
You can also edit your own functions to do that.
Wait with loading audio by window.setTimeout(func(){},timeout)
to let Milkdrop initialize when opening the page.
From the example HTML,
copy the elements <audio> and <canvas> at the top
and <noscript> and <script> elements further.
You may remove the explaining text.
(See the section 5. License for a copyright and license notification on implementation.)
Copy the HTML from the example to your website.
If you already have an <audio> element on your website,
edit that to have <audio id="theaudioelement">
or change "theaudioelement" in the script to match with your id in <audio id="">.
Copy the scripts to your website
optional to copy, otherwise get it from the repository:
jquery.min.js v1.12.4 (tested) or above .. linked in the example to load from
attached with v2.6.7.1e-complete is jquery 1.12.14 (tested) ..
jquery 3.5.1 (not tested) may be usable.
not required to copy:
butterchurn_isSupported.js (which is actually a html file showing you the old .js)
4c. How to implement this into Worpress or any other Content Management System?
You do not need any special features. See 4b. How to edit this into my site?
4d. How do I learn HTML CSS javascript jquery? tells you everything about that.
4e. How to fix "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" error? I get no audio!
Your website needs to return a HTTP Header set to "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" (being a star, shift-8).
This needs to be set on the webserver or in the webserver code that returns the audio.
This HTTP Header allows you to use the mp3 on (x) all (or your) pages.
Ask your system administrator to allow you to use the audio stream.
Local files from your computer are not coming from your computer with this required HTTP Header.
example PHP:
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
Note: as with all uses of the PHP header function, this must be before any output has been sent from the server.
Or, set the HTTP Header to be returned with the audio in the configuration of your webserver.
Refer to the manual of your webserver software when not sending the HTTP Header with server-side script.
This is a requirement.
With .php server-side scripts you can, optionally,
first let your webserver code check the URL for the request.
If your pages or if the correct URL is used to make a request for using the audio
before allowing access and sending the correct HTTP Header from the webserver .php script.
4f. How to meet the system requirements?
HTML5, Javascript and WEBGL technology is required.
Your browser should support that. Chrome works fine.
The example works (immediately) with 1 error of
not finding 'favicon.ico' that you can make yourself 32x32.icon
for example with free graphic editing program GIMP from .
By including a <noscript> section you can tell users that script is required, when this is disabled.
The example has a <script> section,
with document.write for a message, WEBGL is required, if not supported,
with console.log for verbose messages that indicate some other things.
See section 2: implementation example and scripts
See section 4a. How to get this running?
See section 4b. How to edit this into my site?
---section 5. License
Geiss (code, port) / Flexi (presets) / JBerg (port, code) / EatMe (code, manual) /
Butterchurn v2.6.7.1e-complete (GitHub) is released under a MIT license
for Commercial, Private, Distribution and Modification usage,
with No Liability Granted and No Warranty Granted under the conditions of a License and Copyright notice.
---section 6. links
--part 1. project links
by EatMe (example, manual, code) - - - music and science and freeware
JBerg (port, code) - - gitHub of Jonathan Berg -
Geiss (original MilkDrop, port) -
Flexi (presets) -
--part 2. miscellaneous links for other use mentioned - learn programming websites - free graphic editing program
Special shout out to Winamp with a cast!