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Use Docker

Build image: # docker build --rm=true -t ctfight:automation-ussr ./
Run container: # docker run -t --name=keva-automation-ussr ctfight:automation-ussr
Stop container: docker stop $(docker ps -a | grep "ctfight:automation-ussr" | sed -s 's/.*\([0-9a-z]\{12,12\}\) .*/\1/')
Remove container: # docker rm $(docker ps -a | grep "ctfight:automation-ussr" | sed -s 's/.*\([0-9a-z]\{12,12\}\) .*/\1/')
Remove image: # docker rmi -f $(docker images | grep automation-ussr | sed -s 's/.* \([0-9a-z]\{12,12\}\) .*/\1/')

# docker images | grep automation-ussr

Manual Installation

Web: sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server mysql-client php5

Download sources

sudo apt-get install git-core
git clone automation-ussr.git

Install service

cd ~/automation-ussr.git/service/

Check service status /etc/init.d/ussr-storage status

Check service stop sudo /etc/init.d/ussr-storage stop

Check service start sudo /etc/init.d/ussr-storage start

Check service restart sudo /etc/init.d/ussr-storage restart

Or in 'hand mode':

$ cd /usr/share/ctfight/services/ussr-storage/service/
$ sudo ./

Check service on 4445 port:

telnet localhost 4445

Install database:

$ cd ~/automation-ussr.git/
$ mysql -u root -p

mysql> CREATE DATABASE `automation-ussr`;
mysql> CREATE USER 'ussruser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ussrpassword';
mysql> USE `automation-ussr`;
mysql> GRANT ALL ON `automation-ussr`.* TO 'ussruser'@'localhost';
mysql> exit;

Create tables

$ mysql -u ussruser -p "automation-ussr" < automation-ussr.sql

Install web:

Copy files to web directory:

cd ~/automation-ussr.git/
sudo ln -s `pwd`/www /var/www/html/automation-ussr

Configure config in nano or you favorite editor

$ cp www/ www/config.php
$ nano /etc/www/html/config.php

Install cron jury (putting flags to service)

  • Cron Script will be putted 20 flags to service every minute.
  • 28800 flags in 24 hours
  • Flag will be live ~15 minut
  • Also will be remove old flags from flag directory (> 30 minutes)

Install python-mysql module:

`sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb`

Configure db connection:

$ cd ~/automation-ussr.git/
$ cp
$ nano

Configure cron on every minute:

sudo crontab -e

And add next line:

* * * * * /home/user/automate-ussr.git/

`apt-get install python-httplib2`

vulns (logic)

* remove from protocol DEL
* access deny for rewrite PUT