FreeEed (Free Electronic Evidence Discovery) is open source software for legal discovery (eDiscovery). It is created and maintained by SHMsoft, Inc., and is licensed under Apache 2 license.
- Works in Windows, Mac, Linux, VirtualBox, Amazon AWS cloud
- Ability to process over 1,400 file types, including MS Office and PST files (Tika formats and more)
- Culling
- Document review
- "Imaging" - that is, conversion of documents to PDF
Ready to start and just want to try, without building the project?
- Go to the Download section here, download the complete pack.
- Unzip.
- run start_all.bat in Windows, in Mac or Linux.
the same steps apply to the VirtualBox VM
Extensive documentation on the wiki here
FreeEed is built with Hadoop, Tika, Lucene, ElasticSearch and embodies best practices in Big Data systems.
FreeEedReview is a companion project that allows to do legal review of FreeEed-processed data. There are a few other nascent FreeEed* projects in the making, search them on GitHub.
mvn clean install
Also look in the file for_developers_only