Status of automatic dotfiles installation via
This is a collection of my dotfiles together with ansible-based automatic installation facilities to allow transferring my setup quickly and painlessly to new machines.
Installation of tools is done using ansible.
First, we need to install ansible which we can do easily using pip:
pip install ansible
An installation of all most commonly used targets can then be done using:
ansible-playbook -i dotfiles_installation/localhost_inventory.yml dotfiles_installation/install/install.yml --ask-become-pass
ask-become-pass is necessary to provide ansible with the ability to make system-level changes where required by the argument become in tasks. Not all roles might need this.
To install only a single target with its configuration, e.g. vim, simply do:
ansible-playbook -i dotfiles_installation/localhost_inventory.yml dotfiles_installation/install/install.yml --tags="vim"
To list all possible targets do:
ansible-playbook --list-tags dotfiles_installation/install/install.yml
Uninstalling a dotfile target with associated packages is also supported:
ansible-playbook -i dotfiles_installation/localhost_inventory.yml dotfiles_installation/uninstall/uninstall.yml --tags="vim"