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fren_gor edited this page Dec 4, 2020 · 4 revisions
Permission Description
ultimatescoreboards.commands Permission to use the /ultimatescoreboards command Permission to use the /ultimatescoreboards help command Permission to use the /ultimatescoreboards info command
ultimatescoreboards.commands.reload Permission to use the /ultimatescoreboards reload command Permission to use the /ultimatescoreboards show command Permission to show a scoreboard to another player
ultimatescoreboards.commands.hide Permission to use the /ultimatescoreboards hide command
ultimatescoreboards.commands.hide.others Permission to hide the scoreboard of another player
ultimatescoreboards.commands.createscoreboard Permission to use the /ultimatescoreboards createscoreboard command
ultimatescoreboards.commands.regenerateexample Permission to use the /ultimatescoreboards regenerateexample command
ultimatescoreboards.commands.performancetest Permission to use the /ultimatescoreboards performancetest command
ultimatescoreboards.commands.performancetest.others Permission to show the performance test to another player
ultimatescoreboards.override Permission to use the -o argument to override existing files
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