A simple CLI app for bulk-searching Bar+ Karaoke for songs by artist/title.
You need a CSV file containing song Artists and Titles. Make sure there is a header line. eg.
Weezer,Buddy Holly
Run ./search.exe <csv_path>
in your terminal to search songs by artist.
Add --strict
to search songs only by title, which is faster but will yield fewer songs.
Create a playlist on Spotify that you would like to search with. If you want to search your Liked Songs,
you need to CTRL-A
your Liked Songs and add them to a playlist.
Go to https://www.spotlistr.com/export/spotify-playlist and provide a Playlist URL.
Make sure that Artist(s) Name and Track Name are the only fields selected, and that
is the Separator. Then, download as CSV and place it in the same directory as search.exe
You need Python 3.10 or greater.
Create a virtual environment and install requirements:
python -m venv ./venv
pip install -r requirements.txt