Releases: frostnova721/animestream
V1.3.4 Changelogs
New Features & Changes
- Removed source: Ryuk
- Added Sources: Animepahe, Aniplay
- Added play, pause, fast forward, skip to prev/next episodes in TV (Not fully ready for TV)
- Subtitle is a bit customizable (available in settings)
- Support for syncing with SIMKL, MAL (suggestion from #11 it will only sync along with anilist, It is recommended to sign in to anilist first!!!)
- Changed method of login from webviews to chrome custom tabs
- Changed gogo source to offical site, will result in faster results
- 2 new themes, Mocha and Amethyst
- Enabled player speeds upto 10x (Option available in settings)
- Rewrote navigation bar and its animations
- Added range slider to genre page
- Anddd.... some changes to UI here and there
- Fixed Animepahe playback and downloads
- Fixed infinite load in the homescreen when planning list is empty
- Fixed player controls hiding/disappearing before the time limit (5 seconds)
- Fixed issue where the unintentional theme background gets applied
- Also some bugs which i didnt keep track of...
Figuring out the syncing with other databases kill too much time, hence the delayed update!
And as always,
Thanks for using the app. Love ya!
Have some issues or suggestions? Create a github issue or post on discord or reddit. Ill try my best to solve it
Join the discord:
Reddit community:
Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.3.4
V1.3.3 Changelogs
Another Minor Update
- Added little support to TV (only navigation, no support with playbacks yet)
- Added light theme
- Added setting to set a default provider (suggestion from #5 )
- Added customizable download path (suggestion from #6 ) (You will need to provide "allow access to manage all files" permission for custom path, otherwise it will show a error while downloading anime/saving an image)
- Added material theme (suggestion from #7 ) (uses accent from wallpaper, for android 12 and above)
- Added playback speed in player (suggestion from #8 ) (only till 2x, its the limit from the plugin)
- Removed source: AnimePahe due to playback issues and corrupted downloaded files
- Added source: AnimeOnsen, with soft subs (lmk if subs needs any modifications!)
- Theme changes doesnt need a restart anymore!
- Minor UI additions here and there as well
- Fixed Infinite loading in homescreen when the planned list is empty
- Removed unnecessary permission requests
- Fixed item size in manual search bottom sheet
- Fixed many UI bugs/imperfections (a lot)
Thats all for this patch! Love y'all!
Just create an issue in the github issues tab if you have suggestions/feature requests or need to report any bugs you are facing!
Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.3.3
V1.3.2 Changelog
Minor patch update
- Download speed is now increased (Parallel downloading!!)
- Added faster download option (2x items per batch than normal)
- Fixed streamwish server not showing up most times
- Fixed alions server not showing up
- Removed vidstream backup server
- Fixed skip to next episode button not obeying your server preference
That's it! Love y'all.
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2
V1.3.1 Changelog
Minor update
- Redesigned settings page
- The player will select the previously selected server on skipping episode (the options will appear, but the player will select the server as soon as the preferred one appears!)
- Themes are now loaded by using id's
- Added app bar for news pages
- Added scrollbar to grids of genre and tags in genres page
- Added slider to control translucency and transparency of navbar
- Added rating to normal(saikou) style cards
- Fixed a blank space at very top of discover page
- Fixed the page not automatically being selected in info page (wont scroll to selection.)
- Fixed same result appearing multiple times while searching for a anime
- Fixed extra padding for setting icon in discover page (OCD went crazy)
- Fixed receive pre releases button (it wasn't doing anything till now (-_-))
edit: Fixed settings page not updating slider with actual value
That's it! See you on the next version :)
Found any bugs or have some suggestions? report them on GitHub issues tab!
As always, Thanks for using the app! love ya!
V1.3.0 Changelogs
- Redesigned home UI
- Added retries for downloading (prevents it from frequent failing)
- Upon playing next episode, the player will select the quality selected for previous episode
- Added continuous(lazy) loading for genre page
- Improved UI
- Increased maximum player cache size to 50 megabytes
- Increased maximum player buffer to 2 minutes
- Improved player logic
- that's it ig
Bug Fixes
- Fixed downloads crashing very frequently
- Fixed the next episode playing with timer in ending
- Fixed many prompts popping up to select server for next episode
- Fixed Icon not updating when an anime is newly added to a list in the info page
That's all I could cook for this update! And as always, Thanks for using the app!
Report any bugs or improvement suggestions in the GitHub issues tab
Full Changelog: v1.2.9...v1.3.0
- Migrated to latest flutter version
- Background black color is now optional (default is the gray-ish one)
- Added preferred quality option to set a default quality for streaming
- New source - Animepahe
- You can now change the source of the stream while in the player screen
- Implemented episode selection in the player screen
- Now you dont have to use manual search (option) every time you wish to watch an anime. The app will save your previous search
- Reworked on genre page
- The images should now load substantially faster after being loaded once (images will now be cached)
- Added debounced searching in the search page
- Improved minor UI elements
- Improved some player logics
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug which caused the app to crash during startup
- The next episode will always play from the previously selected server from now
- Fixed some issues with the player (i forgor to keep track of em)
- Fixed some UI glitches
Sorry for the delayed update. Upgrading to latest flutter version caused so many issues with the player and it took some time to fix them.
You might encounter some bugs due to the same reason. You are welcome to report them in the github issues tab!
As always, Thanks for using the app!
Full Changelog: v1.2.8...v1.2.9
Note: You may need to uninstall the existing version that is installed on your device before installing this version!
- Added manual searching incase the auto search didnt bring up the correct result
- Added pages to genres (its not much but its honest work)
- Some UI animations and improvements
- Fixed a minute passing only after 65 seconds (went unnoticed for really long time lol)
- Fixed last episode opening up the bottom sheet multiple times
- Fixed updatesheet's length being too long
thats it for this update. thanks for using the app! :)
as always, feel free to report any bugs or issues in the github issues tab!
Full Changelog: v1.2.7...v1.2.8
V1.2.7 Changelogs
This is a source fix update!!!
- Gogo source error has been fixed
- Added stats page (accessible by tapping on your username in account page)
been seeing some weird bugs! feel free to report them if you come across any!
V1.2.6 Changelog
NOTE: if your app isn't starting, just go to app info and clear data of the app!
What's New
- Added native splash screen (instead of mimicking)
- Added permission request while downloading
- Added grid mode for episode listing
- Added episode pagination
- Added App info page to settings
- Fixed downloads not starting because of lack of permission (now, a request will popup for permission)
- Bootup will be quick since the splash screen is implemented natively
- Fixed Setting page not being scrollable on landscape mode
- Fixed episode list not reloading on changing server while there is an error in loading episodes
- Fixed theme not applying properly
- Fixed server list/download list not scrollable while the list overflows the bottom sheet
some visual changes too!!!
this is the same 1.2.6 with android 13 permissions support
Having bugs or suggestion for improvements? submit an issue!
V1.2.5 Changelog
What's New
- Added new source: Ryuk
- Added tags to info page
- Added logo screen while anime is loading in the player
- Added caching for playing video
- Fixed no streams showing up
That's it for this pre release. This isn't fully tested for stability
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.5