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{"category": "Science", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "The Safronov and Cameron hypotheses regard this region's formation, and it was first theorized by Estonian scientist Ernst \u00d6pik. Its inner section is sometimes named for Hills, and the Nemesis theory regards a [*] brown dwarf in it. Thought to be remains of the original proto-planetary disk, this region is the origin of objects like Hale-Bopp, long-period comets. For 10 points, name this hypothetical region that extends to the gravitational edge of our solar system, just outside the Kuiper [KY-purr] belt.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Opik-Oort cloud [AF/MJ]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 3 COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "He wrote about a servant shot after crossing the Yahi River in his The Exception and the Rule. Another work by this author sees Michael awarded to Grusha after he sits in the title locale, while another includes the characters Kattrin, Eilif, and Swiss Cheese. The author of The Caucasian Chalk Circle, for 10 points, name this German playwright who collaborated with Kurt Weill on The Threepenny Opera and wrote Mother Courage and her Children.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Bertolt Brecht", "round": "Round_14_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Chicago Open History", "question": "The wisdom of this program was questioned by the Forbes Commission, which was set up to analyze this strategy after ten peasants were massacred during a protest at Les Cayes. William Caperton supervised the first stages of this event, which included preventing Rosalvo Bobo from running for president. The immediate spark for this event was the capture and dismemberment of Guillaume Sam, whose body was paraded through the streets by caco militiamen. During this event, Franklin Roosevelt boasted of personally writing a certain constitution, and campaigns against malaria and yaws began, along with the imposition of racial segregation. Lasting from 1913 to 1934, it ended with the election of Stenio Vincent. For 10 points, identify this military endeavor which began when Woodrow Wilson ordered Marines to Hispaniola.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "the United States occupation of Haiti (or obvious equivalents)", "round": "2011 CO History Tabachnick Weiner.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "A government of this country was brought down in the Guillaume Affair, a spy scandal affecting the cabinet that had pursued the \"Ostpolitik\" foreign relations approach of Willy Brandt. The first leader of this country after its creation was Konrad Adenauer. Citizens of this country benefitted from a 1948 (*) \"airlift\" to a district that it controlled. For 10 points, name this country which was reunified with a former Communist state following the fall of the Berlin Wall.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "West Germany [or Westdeutschland; prompt on Federal Republic of Germany; prompt on", "round": "tournament17-10.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "A precursor to this proclamation was the Colloquy at Poissy, which was sponsored by Michel de l'Hopital. The Peace of Vervins, signed only a few weeks later, achieved what this decree could not by ending a series of wars which lasted almost forty years. Pope Clement VII opposed this proclamation. This decree established 150 places of refuge, as well as the stronghold of Rochelle. Revoked by Louis XIV through the Edict of Fontainebleau, for 10 points, name this 1598 proclamation by Henry IV that guaranteed religious freedoms for Huguenots in France.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Edict of Nantes", "round": "4q2-12.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "From Here To Eternity", "question": "Part of this movie sees the protagonist investigate hexagonal glass cylinders made in Venice and an amazingly rare orchid from South America that only kills humans. The main character of this movie fights for a parachute from an airplane pilot in midair, kills a man by impaling him through a piano, is nearly strangled by an anaconda and investigates the disappearance of the titular vehicle from Hugo Drax, who employs Jaws. For ten points, name this James Bond movie which takes place in outer space.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Moonraker", "round": "FHTE R6 Final Final Final.rtf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Sun n Fun", "question": "In this novel, one character's claim that Rousseau formulated the concept that sovereignty reverts to the people was challenged by another character who claimed that concept was invented by the Jesuit theologian Francisco Suarez. In one episode from this work, a character's speech to an Indian audience is not understood because the Indians did not speak Spanish. The narrator of this work received a letter from Aureliano Garcia from Barranquilla about Bolivar; that narrator is the printer Manuel Varela. This novel opens with Baltasar Bustos' kidnapping of the child of Ofelia Salamanca and the replacing of that child with the son of a black prostitute. For 10 points, name this Carlos Fuentes novel about Latin America's revolution against Spain.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "The Campaign", "round": "Round by Ruthlumbia and South Carolina.docx"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 2", "question": "He painted a white angel on a hill behind a man in pink robes in St. John on Patmos. In another of his works, a nun has a Bible on her head and observes a man with a funnel on his head extracting a stone of madness, in The Cure of Folly. He painted a triptych where peasants carry pitchforks while a man playing a lute rides the title Haywain that chases creatures like a fish with legs. He painted the creation of the world on the outside of a work that shows monstrous birds eating humans. For 10 points, name this Dutch painter of The Garden of Earthly Delights.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Heironymous Bosch [or Jerome van Aeken]", "round": "Round_12_HSAPQACF2.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "The Bloom lab at UC Davis showed that inhibiting this process also inhibited nitrate assimilation in plant shoots. 5-FCL removes 5-formyl-THF, which inhibits this process by binding to SHMT. SHMT cooperates with GDC to mediate glycine-serine interconversion in this process. In one step of this process, two glycine molecules are converted to one serine molecule, and in a later step in the peroxisome, serine is reduced to glycerate. The final step of this process occurs in the chloroplast and sees glycerate phosphorylated to 3-phosphoglycerate, which subsequently enters the Calvin cycle. For 10 points, name this side reaction that releases carbon dioxide when oxygen binds to RuBP instead of carbon dioxide.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "photorespiration", "round": "r10- Dartmouth-Truman State.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "Sun n Fun", "question": "David Whitcomb developed Scorpion molecules for use in this assay, which can also use a reporter that has a FAM fluorescent reporter tethered to a TAMRA or MGB quencher. Dimers can be detected by adding a dissociation stage at the end of this assay and searching for spurious peaks. A common method of analyzing the data in this assay is the REST software, or if efficiency is set to 1 the delta-delta Ct method is sufficient. GAPDH or Hexokinase are commonly used housekeeping genes in this assay, which also employs either Taqman probes or SYBR green fluorescent dye. Operating on the assumption that a more abundant DNA molecule will amplify more quickly, for 10 points, name this variation of PCR often used in gene expression studies, which is capable of assaying for the amount of transcript or sequence in a sample.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "RT-PCR [or Real time PCR or Quantitative PCR or qPCR or any combination of those two, prompt on PCR; or quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction]", "round": "Round by Matt Weiner Eric Mukherjee Aaron Rosenberg and Editor.docx"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Chitin", "question": "Studies have connected low levels of this substance to increased lead retention in the blood, while it also may convert cholesterol into bile acids.\u00a0 Its primary functions are to synthesize carnitine and the neurotransmitter, norepinephrine.\u00a0 Deficiency of this vitamin leads to the loss of teeth and easy bruising, while it has been shown to reduce the duration of the common cold.\u00a0 Present in high levels in red peppers, broccoli and grapefruit juice, it is also known as ascorbic acid.\u00a0 For 10 points, name this vitamin that prevents scurvy and is present in orange juice.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Vitamin C (or Ascorbic Acid)", "round": "Round 12 - UMD 4.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "This painting was a departure in setting from its artist's usual work, which is set in the Brandywine Valley town of Chadds Ford, as well as its painter's most common subject, Helga Testorf. It instead was created in Cushing, Maine, and depicts a figure whom the artist stated \"was limited physically but by no means spiritually.\" That subject reaches towards the top of a hill, where farm buildings await across (*) a field of grass. For 10 points, identify this 1948 painting of a pink-dressed polio victim, created by Andrew Wyeth.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Christina\u2019s World", "round": "12.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "RMP Fest", "question": "According to a tossup at 2004 ACF Nationals, this figure is \u201ccomparable in many ways to Santa Clause\u201d. This figure's name may be partially derived from a word for \u201crobber fly\u201d, and one story of this figure's birth says that he was born when an eagle shot an arrow into an insect. Another theory is that this figure represents a traveling merchant. Among the Taos and Acoma peoples, this figure carries a bag of presents on his back, but other peoples see him as carrying songs or seeds. This figure is frequently depicted as a kachina doll. Girls are told to avoid bathing in the river because of this figure, who may impregnate them by use of his detachable phallus. For ten points, name this trickster god of the American southwest, depicted as a hunched-over man playing a flute.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Kokopelli {BA}", "round": "Round 4.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "The theatrical traditions of the natives of this nation produced such works as\u00a0Baile de Tun\u00a0and\u00a0Rabinal Achi, the latter of which tells of a hero from the titular town's last dance with his princess and which inspired a similarly named work by Giron Cerna.\u00a0This country's \u201cGeneration of 1920\u201d included such writers as Cesar Branas and an author known for such works as\u00a0La Tempestad\u00a0and often called by the title of another of his works,\u00a0El Tigre, Flavio Herrera, and other writers from this country include the poet behind (*)\u00a0Luna Park\u00a0and an essay named for his home country and \u201cthe lines of her hand\u201d, and the author of a play which focuses on the feudal-like relations and native myths of this country,\u00a0Soluna.\u00a0An\u00a0autobiography which told how the author's \u201cconsciousness was born\u201d publicized the plight of this country's native Mayas and earned a Nobel Peace Prize for its author, Rigoberta Menchu. For 10 points, name this Central American country, best known as the home to the author of\u00a0Men of Maize\u00a0and\u00a0El Senor Presidente, Gabriel Asturias.\u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Guatemala\u00a0", "round": "Packet 02 - Rusk and Romanians.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Winter", "question": "Graminski and Lerner's melanophore screen is used to screen these proteins for drug targets, while other assays for that purpose include Arena pharmaceuticals' CART. Examples of them include Frizzled and Smoothened, and opsins have a structure similar to them. Axel and Buck determined that types of these proteins are responsible for sensing odorant molecules. These proteins interact with and activate Gustdusin and Transducin. Phosphorylation of these proteins leads to arrestin binding, which causes clathrin to drag them out of the cell membrane. Upon ligand binding, these proteins split their partners into the alpha and beta-gamma subunits, leading to increasing cAMP or IP3 levels. For 10 points, name these 7-pass transmembrane receptors, named their activation of G proteins.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "GPCRs [or G-protein coupled receptors; or Serpentine receptors; accept G proteins until \u201cFrizzled\u201d;", "round": "ACF Winter 2010 - Illinois A + Toronto + Miami B.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "Wigner pointed out a theoretical violation of this theorem which led to the discovery of dissipative effects rather than cooling as the method of particle compaction in storage rings. Another violation in which a pure quantum member of a system becomes a mixed system by crossing an event horizon led to the formulation of the dualism corollary of the anti de-Sitter Space / conformal field theory correspondence. (*)\u00a0Application of this tenet to unperturbed thermal and electrical systems in equilibrium yields the Green-Kubo relations, and in ergodic theory it implies that the Lebesgue Measure is invariant. It may be derived by taking the time derivative of the Jacobian of the transformation, and reducing by the appropriate matrix. FTP, name this theorem of classical mechanics that describes the time preservation of phase space volume for Hamiltonian systems, named for a French mathematician.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Liouville's theorem [do not accept Sturm-Liouville or other wrong things]", "round": "Packet 11 - Babes in Goochland.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "In one speech, this politician argued that \u201cif God wills\u201d that \u201cevery drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword,\u201d it must be said \u2018the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.\u201d This politician insisted \u201cWe are not enemies, but friends\u201d in a speech ending by appealing to \u201cthe better angels of our nature.\u201d He urged listeners to act \u2018with malice towards none, with charity for all\u201d and \u201cbind up the nation's wounds\u201d in his second inaugural address. For 10 points, name this president who declared \u201cA house divided cannot stand\u201d and gave the Gettysburg Address.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", "round": "Round_09_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "One statue commissioned for this building was rejected by its patrons for having an overlarge head, but was accepted once it was placed unchanged in its final location. Donatello's Saint Louis of Toulouse was intended for this building, but it was replaced by a Verrocchio work in which Christ touches Thomas's head. A semicircular arrangement of Four Crowned Martyrs was sculpted for this building by Nanni di Banco. This building also houses Ghiberti's Saint John the Baptist and Donatello's Saint Mark. The trade guilds that patronized this church filled its fourteen exterior niches with various bronze and stone statues. For 10 points, name this Florentine church whose name translates as the \"Kitchen Garden of Saint Michael.\"", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "the Orsanmichele", "round": "4.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "NTV", "question": "(JG) He worked with Stanislaw Ulam on the project he was best known for, and he and Hermann Jahn explained the distortion of non-linear molecules. He sometimes worked for peaceful uses of nuclear en- ergy, such as Project Chariot, which involved the use of five of the nuclear warheads he designed to dig an artificial harbor in Alaska. So great was his enthusiasm for nuclear power that he claimed Jane Fonda gave him a heart attack after Three Mile Island, and he took out a two-page ad in the Washington Post painting himself as the only victim of the partial meltdown. Earlier than that, his standing within the sci- entific community was badly damaged when he testified against Oppenheimer. Name this Hungarian sci- entist, the father of the hydrogen bomb.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Ede \"Edward\" Teller", "round": "r4tossups.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "Participants in this event included two former attorney generals, one of whom was Francis Biddle. Robert Ley was originally going to appear at this event, but killed himself about a month prior to its beginning. One of the men who helped conceive of this event was Murray Bernays, who came up with the idea to treat various groups as criminal organizations. While Sir Norman Birkett labeled it \u201ca precedent of the highest standing,\u201d William O. Douglas argued that it was probably \u201cunconstitutional by American standards.\u201d During this event, the oratory of Robert Jackson helped lead to the deaths of Alfred Rosenberg and Hans Frank. For 10 points, Hans Fritzche, Hjalmar Schacht, and Franz von Papen were the only three defendants acquitted at what series of trials, held to punish the leaders of Nazi Germany after World War II?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Nuremberg Trials [accept obvious equivalents]", "round": "MUT II - Finals Packet 2 (intended for championship round).doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 25, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "Hermes took him to be raised by the thyiads of Nysa, and in one alternate myth he was born to Persephone under the name Zagreus and was ripped apart and eaten by the Titans. He punished the men of Athens with impotence for refusing to worship him, and he was kidnapped by Tyrrhenian pirates before being opposed by Lycurgus and Pentheus. His mother died after Hera tricked her into seeing Zeus in full glory, and Zeus then sewed him up into his thigh. For 10 points, name this son of Semele, the Greek god of wine.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Dionysus [do not accept or prompt on Bacchus]", "round": "Round_08_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "BATE", "question": "A notable physical feature on this island is the Fossa Magna, great rift lowland that crosses its central portion. It contains the former Tango Province and is separated in the south by the Kanmon Straits. Farther south, this island's largest lake, Biwa, is drained by the Yodo River into the Inland Sea. This island contains over three quarters of its country's prefectures, called ken. It is located in one of the most geologically unstable areas on Earth, and as such it experiences frequent earthquakes and occasional volcanic eruptions. Notable mountain ranges on this island include the Akaishi and Hida ranges, but among the peaks without a range is Mount Fuji. FTP, name this largest island of Japan that includes the major metropolitan areas of Osaka and Tokyo.\u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Honsh? Island, Japan\u00a0", "round": "Round 2.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "Penn Bowl", "question": "In one chapter this work tells of a Jehovah's witness who castrates himself to absolve himself of rape charges, while other characters include a man who hunts rats because they devoured his younger sister. Besides characters like Gumercino do Tello and Don Federico Unzategui, it also tells of the physically deformed composer Crisanto Maravillas, who found his muse in a fellow orphan girl enclosed in a convent. At the end of this work, one title character is mocked by Big Pablito, Pascual, and Dr. Rebagliati after leaving an insane asylum. That character had been left by his prostitute wife, though she has returned to him and now has affairs with the journalists at Radio Panamerica, where her husband had once written soap operas. Mario marries the 32 year old title character in, for 10 points, this novel featuring Marito and Pedro Camacho.\u00a0\u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "La\u00a0T\u00eda Julia y el Escribidor\u00a0or\u00a0Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter", "round": "Yale A + Chicago B.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This author collected various ghost stories in his work Present at a Hanging. This author wrote about Burt Lassister finding out his house has been burned down a year ago despite having visited it the day before in one story, while another story details a robot killing its owner after being defeated at chess. In addition to \u201cThree and One are One\u201d and \u201cMoxon's Master,\u201d he also wrote a story in which an Alabaman planter rushes home before the reader is informed that \u201cPeyton Farquhar was dead.\u201d For 10 points, name this American author of \u201cAn Occurrence of Owl Creek Bridge\u201d and The Devil's Dictionary.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Ambrose Bierce", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 19.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "In this novel, Xius dies of shock after refusing an offer of two bags of money to buy his house, because it reminds him of his dead wife Yolanda. In one incident, roosters are gathered to please a visiting bishop who loves cockscomb soup, but ultimately the bishop only waves a blessing from his steamship and doesn't come on shore. Father Amador performs a haphazard autopsy when Dr. Dionisio Iguaran is gone, and later Colonel Lazaro Aponte checks on the time of his domino game rather than investigating two men in Clotilde Armenta's milk shop, who are waiting for the son of Placida Linero. The title event of this novel is precipitated by Bayardo San Roman returning his wife Angela to her family on their wedding night. For 10 points, name this novel in which the Vicario Brothers murder Santiago Nasar, a work by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Chronicle of a Death Foretold [accept Cr\u00f3nica de una muerte anunciada]", "round": "2010 - ACF Regionals - Editors 1.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "ACF Novice", "question": "One character in this novel is a Legion of Honor winner who writes a series of editorials that put a blind man into an asylum. The title character of this novel steals arsenic from Homais. A failed operation on Hippolyte's clubfoot occurs in this novel, in which the title character owes money to the money-lender Lheureux. This novel's title character attempts to borrow money from Rodolphe Boulanger and claims to be taking piano lessons when she visits L\u00e9on Dupuis. For 10 points, name this novel about Charles and his unfaithful wife Emma, by Gustave Flaubert.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Madame Bovary", "round": "Early Autumn Collegiate Novice - Packet 9.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "While in Canton, this man used the pseudonym Ly Thuy and founded a Revolutionary Youth Association. He worked as a ship's pastry cook before presenting a failed eight-point petition for rights at the Versailles peace conference. His country's bloody 5-phase campaign for [*] land reform began in 1954, and he was often called \u201cUncle\u201d by his country's people. After his troops defeated the French at Dienbienphu, his main enemy became Ng\u00f4 ?\u00ecnh Di?m. For 10 points, name this Communist leader of the Viet Minh and President of North Vietnam, for whom Saigon was renamed after its capture in 1975.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "H? Ch\u00ed Minh [prompt \u201cNguy?n Sinh Cung\u201d or \u201cNguy?n \u00c1i Qu?c\u201d]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 10 COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "One politician with this surname beat Samuel Young as a so-called \u201cPeople's Party\u201d candidate and took his highest office after Daniel D. Tompkins became vice president. Another politician with this name signed both the Earned Income Tax Credit and the CHIP program into law. Yet another politician with this surname became the first vice president to die (*) in office while holding that post under James Madison. A politician with this surname saw the infrastructure project he championed as governor, the Erie Canal, derisively labeled as his \u201cfolly.\u201d A president with this last name was plagued by the Whitewater controversy and was once served by Secretary of State Madeline Albright. For 10 points, give this surname shared by New York governors George and DeWitt and the presidential predecessor of George W. Bush.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Clinton", "round": "Round 25 Emergency.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "Zagreus became an immortal after this figure rescued his heart and enclosed it in a gypsum figure. In another story, Erichthonius is born of Gaea as a result of Hephaestus failing to rape her. She received one of her more common epithets after a fight with Triton nearly kills her daughter. This goddess, sometimes called Pallas, adopted a role in which she aided Telemakhos and Odysseus as Mentor; in that work, she is commonly described as being \u201cgrey-eyed.\u201d For 10 points, identify this Greek goddess of wisdom and war.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Athena [or Athene]", "round": "Round_02_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "Chitin", "question": "In Pearson's theory, these entities can be classified as either hard or soft, and one of these functions as a catalyst for the Friedel-Crafts reaction. Crown ethers attract metal cations because the cations effectively function as these. Antimony Pentafluoride is a strong one of these, and compounds such as Zinc Chloride and electron deficient Boron compounds can also act as these. For 10 points, identify these compounds which act as electron pair acceptors according to a theory posited by a namesake American scientist.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Lewis acid (prompt on acids; accept \"Lewis base\" until \"Friedel-Crafts\" )", "round": "Round 9 - UMN 2.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "In one novel, this character scorns simple plans to free a slave by insisting on using a rope-ladder and digging with case-knives instead of pickaxes. In another novel, this character reveals that he was engaged to Amy Lawrence, making a girl jealous. In a book named for him, this character sews his collar with black thread instead of white to fool his aunt and becomes trapped in a cave with his love interest, Becky Thatcher. For 10 points, give this character whose lighthearted \u201cadventures\u201d are described in a novel by Mark Twain.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Tom Sawyer [both or either name acceptable]", "round": "Round_09_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "ACF Winter", "question": "In this work's postscript, the narrator notes the failure of his novel The Sharper's Cards and the considerable success of an acquaintance, who won a Second Prize award in literature. At one point, that prize winner calls the narrator for the first time in his life and invites him to his house, which is owned by landlords Zunino and Zungri. The narrator of this work visits that house every thirtieth of April, the birthday of his deceased lover, Beatriz Viterbo. At the end of this work, the narrator reveals that he believes the titular object is located in a mosque in Egypt, and not in the cellar of the house of poet Carlos Argentino Daneri. For 10 points, name this Jorge Luis Borges short story about an object that allows anyone to see all things, named for the first letter of the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "\u201cEl Aleph\u201d [or \u201cThe Aleph\u201d]", "round": "ACF Winter 2010 - Chicago A + LASA.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "Edgar Samuel cited its artist's portrait of George Gisze to suggest that its artist may have used a blown glass tube while painting it. One figure wears the Order of St. Michael and holds a dagger, while another clutches a glove in his right hand as his arm rests on a book which indicates that his age is 25. The curtain in the background is green, and the pattern of the tiles at the bottom of this painting is taken from the Westminster Abbey. Its center includes shelves with several musical and scientific instruments and it also features a distorted skull at the bottom. For 10 points, identify this painting featuring a diplomat and a bishop from France by Hans Holbein the Younger.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "The French Ambassadors", "round": "ACF Fall 2008 - Harvard B.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "This advocate of Simon Sechter's counterpoint system dedicated his fifth symphony to education minister Carl Stremayr. This composer of the \u201cStudy Symphony\u201d also created the \u201cSymphony of Rests\u201d and attempted a choral work entirely in Lydian mode, Os Justi. A complete edition of his masses and symphonies was commissioned from Robert Haas. His admirer Hans Richter conducted the premiers of his 8th symphony and his 4th symphony, whose third-movement Scherzo depicts a hunting scene. FTP name this Austrian devotee of Wagner who penned a \u201cRomantic\u201d symphony.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2007, "answer": "Joseph Anton Bruckner", "round": "2007 ACF Regionals - VCU A.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "MW GSAC XVII", "question": "One writer from this country wrote a novel in which Harry Robarts accompanies the titular German explorer, Voss, and another wrote a novel about the titular murderer and his brother Mort, The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith. In addition to that author who also wrote Schindler's Ark, this country is home to the author of a novel in which one title character owns a glassworks. That novel set in this country sees a glass church built for Reverend Hassett. For 10 points, name this country home to Patrick White, Thomas Keneally, and Peter Carey, whose Oscar and Lucinda is set partly in Sydney.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Commonwealth of Australia", "round": "Round 8.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This quantity for a compound is the geometric mean of this quantity for each atom in that compound according to its principle of equalization. Slater's rules and the covalent radius of an atom are used to calculate this quantity according to the Allred-Rochow scale. This quantity can be calculated by taking the arithmatic mean of the first (*) ionization energy and electron affinity. Scales for this quantity, which increases with movement up and to the right on the periodic table, are named for Pauling and Mulliken. For 10 points, name this quantity that measures the affinity of an atom for electrons.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "electronegativity", "round": "Packet 6 - Playoffs 1.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 1", "question": "The 1380 Battle of Kulikovo occurred near this city and, and in 1610 a Swedish army occupied this city to bail out Vasili Shuisky. The Nazi Operation Typhoon was a plan to capture this city, and the capital was moved from here in 1712. This city was burned to the ground after General Kutuzov won the 1812 Battle of Borodino, which prevented Napoleon Bonaparte from occupying it, and the foundation for the Kremlin was laid here in 1367. For 10 points, name this city which in 1918 became the capital of Russia again.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Moscow", "round": "Round_04_HSAPQACF1.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "One character in this story describes how the aspiring chiropractor Harvey Hill successfully popped a sty on the neck of her daughter Glynese. The protagonist of this story enjoys wearing a yellow sweat shirt with a faded cowboy on it, and responds to a remark that \"a smile never hurt anyone\" by declaring \"Malebranche was right: we are not our own light!\" At the end of this story, a salesman exclaims \"I been believing in nothing ever since I was born!\" after taking a flask of whiskey, condoms, and obscene playing cards from a hollow Bible. The climax of this story occurs in the loft of a barn, where the wooden leg of Hulga Hopewell is stolen by Manley Pointer. For 10 points, name this Flannery O'Connor short story whose ironic three-word title refers to the quality of rural individuals.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "\"Good Country People\"", "round": "1.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 1", "question": "Ibn Abbad led a failed rebellion designed to prevent Frederick II from purging this place of Muslims, and the Battle of Benevento led to Angevin rule until this island's namesake Vespers. Operation Husky, designed to liberate this island from Axis control, was the first Allied excursion back into Europe during World War II, and Archimedes's inventions temporarily defended this island's city of Syracuse from Roman attacks. For 10 points, name this island, an Italian possession southeast of Sardinia, which is still home to the Mafia.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Sicily", "round": "Round_12_HSAPQACF1.pdf"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "Geography Monstrosity 2", "question": "The Treaties of Chinfuma and Simulambuco transformed the kingdom of N'Goyo into this territory, whose early nationalists were deported to a prison camp at Baia dos Tigres. One secessionist group in this territory was led by Luis Ranque Franque, while another drew its support from the Mayombe ethnic minority. Those two groups united to form a liberation front for this territory, the (*) FLEC, which claimed responsibility for a January 2010 attack on the Togolese national soccer team's bus in this territory. Its northern border is formed by Kouilou, a department of Congo-Brazzaville. For 15 points, name this oil-rich exclave of Angola.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Cabinda", "round": "GM2 round5.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "This band's song \u201cStep Out\u201d was relegated to a b-side when Stevie Wonder demanded 10% royalties due to its resemblance to \u201cUptight.\u201d This group sang that \u201cSally can wait, she knows it's too late\u201d in a John Osborne inspired song. This group repeatedly asked \u201cWhere were you when we were getting high\u201d in a song which inspired the name of a structure that seems to violate the Chandrasekhar limit. This band sang \u201cDon't Look Back in Anger\u201d and \u201cChampagne Supernova\u201d as part of the \u201cBattle of Britpop\u201d against rival group Blur.\u00a0 For 10 points, name this recently-defunct band fronted by Liam and Noel Gallagher, whose songs include \u201cSupersonic\u201d and \u201cWonderwall.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Oasis", "round": "2009 ACF Fall edited - Vanderbilt + Iowa + Brown A.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "Fleischner's theorem states that the square of a two-connected graph has one of these, and Chvatal conjectured in 1973 that every t-tough graph has one of these for some integer t. Every graph with more than three vertices and a degree greater than half the number of vertices has one of these, a result known as Dirac's theorem. The task of finding these is incomplete for both directed and undirected graphs, and finding one of these for a graph with the minimum edge cost is the Traveling Salesman Problem. For 10 points, name this tour through a graph which starts and ends at the same vertex and contains every other vertex exactly once.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Hamiltonian cycle [prompt on Hamiltonian; do not accept \"Hamiltonian path\"]", "round": "r02- Brandeis.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "Minnesota Open", "question": "Chronic Granulomatous Disease can be a result of a mutation that causes a deficiency of the rate limiting enzyme for this pathway; that enzyme catalyzes the conversion of a reactant into a lactone. It is performed in the cytosol and is heavily used by red blood cells to produce a molecule important to the production of reduced glutathione. The primary product of the (*) oxidative phase of this pathway generates cofactors that help deal with oxidative stress, while its non-oxidative phase sees the production of a compound that is recruited in the synthesis of nucleic acids, and the interconversion of that molecule into 3 and 7 carbon molecules. For 10 points, identify this pathway which produces NADPH and a member of its namesake family of molecules, ribose-5-phosphate.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "The Pentose Phosphate pathway [or Pentose Phosphate shunt; accept the phosphogluconate pathway or the hexose monophosphate shunt]", "round": "Round 08 - Chicago C.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "Princeton Buzzerfest", "question": "Early in this man's political career, due to the efforts of the Earl of Oxford and Lord Bolingbroke, he was accused of corruption and sentenced to the Tower of London for six months. Very late in his career, he passed an act that forced all plays to be preapproved by the Lord Chamberlain; the Licensing Act was partly due to his portrayal as the despicable Mr. Peachum. One important supporter of this man had prevented her husband from dismissing this man; she was Queen Caroline. His influence decreased after starting a war due to a man's lost ear during a Spanish ship inspection. Earlier, this man restored confidence in the government finances after a certain company's stocks had crashed after rising from 128? to over 1000? in 8 months. For ten points, name this man who started the War of Jenkin's Ear and dealt with the South Sea Bubble, the first British Prime Minister.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Robert Walpole", "round": "MichiganB.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "HFT", "question": "In an attempt to destroy the Gaokerena Tree, this figure created a giant lizard. This figure killed Gayomart, who was both the first hermaphrodite and first human. Priests who serve this figure are called Usij or Karapans. Because frogs are said to be followers of this figure, some people who believe in this figure carry a special staff to kill any frog they see. This figure is one of the two sons of Zurvan, and he is opposed by the Amesha Spentas. This figure's servants, the daevas, are described in the Zend Avesta as wanting to destroy plants or stop the rain. For 10 points, name this evil god from Zoroastrianism, the enemy of Ahura Mazda.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Ahriman [or Angra Mainyu]", "round": "15 HFT (Finals 2).doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Chitin", "question": "Their behavior is described by an equation that adds a coupling constant based on scattering lengths to the Schr\u00f6dinger equation, known as the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. They can implode if their wavefunctions are made to be attractive, and they can spontaneously flow out of containers as well as greatly slow a beam of light. One of their namesakes first proposed the idea but could not get his work published until the other namesake saw it. For 10 points, name this state of matter named for an Indian and a German who also name the statistics that govern their particles.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Bose-Einstein condensates", "round": "Round 1 - Vandy 1.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 2", "question": "One of this man's novels concerns the secret marriage of Amy Robsart to Robert Dudley, and in another novel, Jeanie Deans attains a pardon for her sister and a better farm for her father. In another novel, Frank Osbaldistone is helped by the title outlaw. In his most famous novel, the Black Knight turns out to be Richard the Lionheart, and Robin Hood helps lay siege to a castle to rescue Rowena. For 10 points, name this Scottish novelist of Kenilworth, The Heart of Midlothian, Rob Roy, and Ivanhoe.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Sir Walter Scott", "round": "Round_07_HSAPQACF2.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "Terrapin Invitational", "question": "In this play, a princess is forced to act as a servant and bring out the garbage, but instead dumps it at the foot of a blood-smeared wooden statue of the God of Death. The protagonist of this play is targeted because he feels no remorse for his crimes and knows he is free, making him immune to the power of the Gods. Every year, the central city of this play celebrates a false festival in which the dead are said to be (*) released from a mountain cavern for a day. The protagonist of this work is accompanied by his Tutor into Argos, where he meets Zeus posing as an old man, who later orders the Furies to haunt him. For 10 points, name this existentialist interpretation of the Orestes myth, written by Jean-Paul Sartre.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "The Flies", "round": "FINAL_UVA.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "The Life Foundation once forced this creature to forcibly spawn, which lead to the creation of Phage, Lasher, Riot, and Agony in the \"Separation Anxiety\" story arc. Its most famous child bonded with Cletus Kassidy to form Carnage, and this figure's best-known host was later discovered to have cancer. This creature was driven away from one host using a church bell, and it is currently bonded to Mac Gargan, the former Scorpion. For 10 points, name this black alien creature which most famously bonded to Eddie Brock, a noted nemesis of Spider-Man.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "the Venom symbiote", "round": "Round_10_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "One ruler of this name created the tile Overseer of Southern Foreign Countries to consolidate his gains in Nubia, which were won in a campaign attested by a chronicler who also possessed this name and was known as \u201cson of Ebana.\" Another ruler of this name conquered Cyprus and overthrew his predecessor after that man led a failed expedition to expel the Greeks from Cyrene in Libya. That ruler by this name created a royal bodyguard of Greek soldiers, and granted the city of Naucratis to Greek settlers. The second ruler of this name was the last significant pharaoh to rule from Sais, and Herodotus claims that he failed to fulfill a marriage pact between his daughter and Cambyses II, leading to the Persian invasion. The first ruler of this name conducted the Siege of Sharuhen after capturing Avaris. FTP, give this name of the pharaoh who expelled the Hyksos from Egypt and founded the Eighteenth Dynasty.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Ahmose [or Amasis]", "round": "PACKET15Carson.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 2", "question": "Yahya Khan was forced to give up power in this nation after a war prompted by the electoral success of Mujibar Rahman. That war was fought by the Mukhti Bhini. This nation's creation was originally proposed by Muhammad Iqbal. Later, Ishaq Khan dismissed the government of Nawaz Sharif. This country was created thanks to Mohammed Ali Jinnah's efforts with the All India Muslim League. For 10 points, name this nation that once controlled Bangladesh and that was led by the Bhuttos.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Islamic Republic of Pakistan [or Islam-i Jamhuriya-e Pakistan]", "round": "Round_01_HSAPQACF2.pdf"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "Daniel Burnham and James Phelan worked to make this city the \"Paris of the West\" after much of it was leveled in a 1906 earthquake. This city was the site of the 1945 conference that created the United Nations. This city's city hall was the location of a double murder by Dan White, who killed this city's mayor George Moscone and supervisor Harvey Milk in 1978. This city's mayors have also included Willie Brown and Dianne Feinstein. For 10 points, name this California city which contains the famous Haight-Ashbury district and the Golden Gate Bridge.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "San Francisco", "round": "4q1-15.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "The London and New York premieres of this opera featured the soprano Minnie Hauck playing the titular character, who sings the aria \"L'amour est un oiseau rebelle\" in act one. The line \u201clove awaits you\u201d ends the aria \u201cVotre toast, je peux vous le rendre,\u201d which is sung by Escamillo. The title character works at a cigarette factory and convinces the soldier (*) Don Jos\u00e9 to become a smuggler. The well-known Habanera and Toreador Song are included in, for 10 points, what Georges Bizet opera about the titular Spanish gypsy woman?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Carmen", "round": "12.pdf"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Penn Bowl", "question": "Concurrent with this nine-day event was the invasion of Nijmegen by British and Canadian troops, as well as a ten-pronged attack by the U.S. Third Army. One of the concrete results of this event saw a ceding of southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands to one side. Points discussed at this talk included the one side's agreement to enter a conflict 90 days after Germany's defeat as well as free elections for Poland, a point stressed by Britain and supported by never allowed by the Soviet Union. The only point of agreement for its three key attendants was a confirmation of the elimination of the League of Nations as earlier discussed at Tehran. For 10 points, name this conference, attended by Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt in the Crimea at the end of World War II.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Yalta\u00a0Conference", "round": "Columbia A + Michigan A.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "This god consumed Halahala, a poison from the Ocean of Milk, and gained a blue throat as a result. The bull Nandi is the mount of this deity who killed the god Kama. One aspect of this god is the cosmic dancer Nataraja; the Ganges flows from his hair, and his primary residence is Mount Kailash. This father of elephant-headed Ganesha and husband of Parvati has a third eye. For 10 points, name this destroyer deity in the Hindu Trimurti.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Shiva", "round": "Packet 7.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Novice", "question": "One rite in this faith consists of removing the kushti girdle string while washing one's hands. Modern-day adherents of this faith initiate seven-year-olds in the Navjote ceremony, during which the children receive white wool shirts. Indians known as Parsees practice this religion, whose funeral rites dictate building towers of silence to house corpses. The Devas and Amesha Spentas are evil and good spirits in this religion, which centers on a conflict between Angra Mainyu and Ahura Mazda. For 10 points, name this dualistic Iranian religion whose holy text is the Avesta.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Zoroastrianism [or Zarathurstraism; or Mazdaism before read; prompt on Parsee before read]", "round": "Early Autumn Collegiate Novice - Packet 7.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "THUNDER", "question": "At the center of this work one can see the artist's father who also appeared in its artist's later painting The Peasants of Flagey. The mayor of the titular location, Prosper Teste de Sagey can also be seen in this work, and the mayor's daughter can be seen being consoled by the artist's mother. A cur\u00e9 can be seen searching through his prayer book in this work which also shows a man kneeling down as two beadles dressed in bright red can be seen behind him.\u00a0 Painted after the death of the artist's grandfather Oudot, it shows pall bearers and other mourners snaking around in procession as they watch the title event. For 10 points, identify this painting which shows the titular internment, a work of Gustave Courbet.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "A Burial at Ornans [or Painting of Human Figures, the History of a Burial at Ornans]", "round": "THUNDER Round 12.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "He attacked Foucault's interpretation of Descartes in his \u201cCogito and the History of Madness,\u201d and his Geschlecht I-IV discussed the issues of race and sex in the works of Martin Heidegger. Two hundred pages of love letters to no one can be found in his Post Card: From Socrates to Freud and Beyond, and he employed his most noted philosophical tool to analyze communism in his 1993 work Specters of Marx. For 10 points, name this French-Algerian philosopher who wrote Of Grammatology and advocated finding hidden meanings in texts through deconstruction.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Jacques Derrida", "round": "Round_01_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "King Shuddhodana kept this husband of Yashodhara in seclusion for the first twenty-nine years of his life. Upon leaving that seclusion, this man went on four trips, seeing on the trips an old man, a sick man, a corpse, and an ascetic. This man later decided that the best choice was the Middle Way. Mara attacked this man when he sat underneath the (*) Bodhi (BO-dee) Tree. For 10 points, name this man who came to understand the Four Noble Truths after he reached nirvana, and whose teachings formed the basis for an eponymous religion.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Buddha [or Siddhartha Gautama; or Shakyamuni]", "round": "12.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "This man spread a story about marmots digging up gold dust, and much of the information about him comes from the Suda. He chronicled the Ionian revolt in one of his works, and in Books I through IV of that work he outlines the creation of the Persian empire. Branded the \u201cFather of Lies,\u201d his more famous title was conferred upon him by Cicero. Never claiming truth to his statements, for 10 points, identify this author of The Histories, a work about the Persian invasion of Greece, who was called the \u201cFather of History.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Herodotus of Halicarnassus <ZZ>", "round": "Round 09.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL States", "question": "The r-process refers to rapid neutron capture during these phenomena. One type of these phenomena is useful for measuring distances in excess of one thousand megaparsecs. Another type of these phenomena lack hydrogen lines and generally occur above the Chandrasekhar limit. The abundance of the heavy elements can be explained by their nuclear synthesis during these phenomena, and the Crab Nebula was formed by one of these phenomena. In white dwarfs above 1.44 solar masses, this event leads to the formation of a black hole. For 10 points, name these extremely energetic explosions of stars.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "supernova", "round": "07.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "During this politician's election campaign, management of the personalized account system of pensions became a non-issue, despite the opposing candidate being a billionaire and brother of the system's earlier organizer, Jose Pinera.An important health and defense advisor in the Concertacion coalition, she was rewarded with a ministry position in the administration of Ricardo Lagos. She was tortured before being exiled to Australia after her father died of a heart attack, which this woman's father suffered in captivity for his resistance to the rise of Pinochet. For 10 points, name this agnostic and Socialist divorcee and pediatrician, elected the first female President of notably catholic Chile in 2006.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Veronica Michelle Bachelet Jeria", "round": "r19- Editors 5.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "Berenguer II was a longtime enemy of this man, until this man's daughter married Berenguer's son. After his recall he fought off Tashafin's army, which had responded to pleas from local lords by forcing the Battle of az-Zallaqah, a massive Almoravid victory. The actions at the Battle of Cabra by this former subordinate of Sancho the Strong angered Alfonso the Brave, who exiled him despite his service at the Battle of Graus and the siege of Zaragoza. The owner of Colada and Tizona, for 10 points, identify this general whose conquest of Valencia during the Reconquista made him a national hero of Spain.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "El Cid Campeador [or Rodrigo \u201cRuy\u201d Diaz de Vivar]", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 14.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "In this novel, the maid Crosby continues to darn the socks of her former employer\u2019s son even after the family home is sold. That son, Martin, first appears as a boy studying for his exams and arguing with his sister, who becomes frightened when she visits a shop and sees a man exposing himself in the street. Their eldest brother studies Greek at Oxford, and publishes a translation of Antigone, a copy of which he gives to their cousin Sara. Sara later meets their sister Eleanor during a bombing raid, where Sara introduces her to the Polish emigree Nicholas, whom Eleanor considers to be the type of man she would marry if he weren\u2019t gay. Its final section takes place at a party that reunites all the surviving Pargiters. Published before Between the Acts and after The Waves, for 10 points, name this novel that begins with the section \u201c1880\u201d and ends in the \u201cPresent Day,\u201d written by Virginia Woolf.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "The Years", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-ChicagoAFinal.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "One character in this play explains that if the roast chicken is dropped, it will have to be washed off with the wine and then he will have to make iced tea, and concludes that he has died from eating bad liver paste before his wife instructs him to adopt the posture of a submissive animal. In its first scene, a man predicts that the airplane overhead will crash; the plane buzzes the group several more times during the course of the play. One of the four characters in this play is driven to tears when asked what she would do if her husband left her forever. Two characters realize that they must (*) change or perish after Leslie tries to choke Charlie. Nancy is Charlie's human wife, and Sarah is Leslie's lizard mate, in, for 10 points, what play by Edward Albee?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Seascape", "round": "Rd08.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 23, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "One example of this type of biome is the relatively flat hamada, or reg [REHJ], which is contrasted with the less flat erg. In the Koppen classification system, this biome is given the classifications BWh and BWk. Clay, iron, and manganese oxide collect on rocks in this biome in a process known as its namesake varnishing. Flat, smooth areas in this biome are known as its namesake pavement. Because of Hadley cell circulation, these biomes are often found near latitudes of thirty degrees north and south. They are often found near mountain ranges because of the rain shadow effect. For 10 points, name this biome which is defined by its lack of precipitation.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "deserts", "round": "14.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "Robert Lowell noted a voice that was like \u201cthe crackling of thorns under a pot\u201d in a poem about this author's death by drowning. A crash course in German at the urging of Thomas Carlyle helped this writer produce the first English translation of Eckermann's Conversations with Goethe, and this author included the short poem \u201cTo a Friend\u201d in a catalogue of a journey west which also includes one of the first calls for preservation of Native American societies, A (*) Summer on the Lakes. The story of Orpheus's failed attempt to rescue Eurydice is used to evoke a future time when women can save men in an essay that also decries the clich\u00e9 that \u201cevery strong woman\u201d is said to have \u201ca masculine mind\u201d; that essay, \u201cThe Great Lawsuit,\u201d was included in her later book Woman in the Nineteenth Century. Called by Emerson the \u201cbest-read person in all of New England,\u201d for 10 points, name this Transcendentalist writer best known for editing that movement's journal, The Dial.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Margaret Fuller", "round": "Packet 06 - Original Dixieland Jazz Band.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 28, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "In one work, this man wrote \"Concerning Danger from Foreign Force and Influence.\" French outrage over one of this man's actions largely led to the Quasi-War. That action by this man consisted of negotiating a treaty with Lord Grenville. This man wrote five of the Federalist Papers. This man's namesake 1794 treaty opened favorable relations with Great Britain. In another role, this man heard the case Chisolm v. Georgia. For 10 points, name this first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "John Jay", "round": "4q2-09.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "This man worked on creating the Library Pavilion opposite the Palais-Royal while he was a student of Hector Lefuel, and one of his creations would later have a Chinese Tea House added near the sea. Besides the \"Marble House,\" this man designed Harvard's Fogg Art Museum and established the first architectural school in the United States at the Tenth Street Studio Building. One of this man's buildings uses a replica of the Cluny stairs to connect the Lower and Upper Grand Halls and was marked by the two huge carriage entrances maintained in accordance with the owner's love of horses. Besides Belcourt, Ogden Goelet commissioned this man to create \"Ochre Court\" and he also designed the Breakers, thus rounding out the three largest mansions on Newport. Another building had a forest managed by Gifford Pinchot and lies in Asheville, North Carolina. For 10 points, name this architect who frequently worked with the Vanderbilt family, for whom he created the Biltmore estate.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Richard Morris Hunt", "round": "2010 - Chicago Open - Round 13 - Speculative Hipsters.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "HSAPQ Colonia 2", "question": "Before opposing the American independence activists in Taxation No Tyranny, this author used Juvenalian satire as a model for his poem \"The Vanity of Human Wishes.\" He was the first to include real literary quotations as usage examples, in his monumental Dictionary of the English Language. He may be best-known not as an author but as a subject of a work based on two decades of friendship with a Scottish attorney. For 10 points, name this eighteenth-century literary figure, the subject of a noted biography by James Boswell.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Samuel Johnson", "round": "colonia-04.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "NTSS", "question": "This leader started using capitularies to communicate with his subjects which, after he died, were collected by An- segisus. He greatly increased his territory both when Wittekind (WIT-tuh-kund) was baptized and when Gerberga and her children fled to Pavia. This leader developed the town of Paderborn, where he worked out an alliance with Pope Leo the Third. He annulled his first marriage with Desiderata (dih-sid-uh-RAH-tuh) before having nine chil- dren with his next wife Hildegard. Name this brother of Carloman and son of Pepin the Short who ruled most of Europe and was the first Holy Roman Emperor.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Charlemagne [or Charles I; or Charles the Great; prompt on Charles]", "round": "12.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "Fall Kickoff Tournament", "question": "Sophocles is reminded of human misery in the second stanza of this poem when he hears the eternal note of sadness on the Aegean. The world hath neither joy nor love nor light for the speaker even though the sea is calm tonight. The speaker and his love are on a darkling plain where ignorant armies clash by night in, for 10 points, what poem which takes place on the cliffs of England, overlooking the French coast, a poem by Matthew Arnold.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Dover Beach", "round": "FKT Dmitriy Chernyak.rtf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "A catalyst with this element and four chlorine atoms catalyzes the oxidation of ethylene in the Wacker process. This element is used in the catalyst in a reaction of aryl boronic acid and aryl halides called the Suzuki coupling. Another coupling reaction involving aryl halides and a catalyst of this element is the Heck reaction. Lead acetate and quinoline are used to poison a catalyst of this element used to hydrogenate alkynes. That catalyst is named for Lindlar. This metal can store large amounts of hydrogen, and like platinum, which is in the same group, it is used in catalytic converters. For 10 points, name this group ten element named indirectly after Athena, with symbol Pd.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "palladium", "round": "Oxford.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "Its first component was the Declaration of Principles, which promised, among other things, the formation of a Committee for Economic Cooperation that was to include the Electricity Developent Program. The APF formed as a coalition of those opposed to this treaty, and a key mediator in the negotiation of this treaty was the man who was later criticized for declaring the West \"stingy\" in response to the 2004 tsunami, Jan Egeland. Almost immediately after the signing of these documents, the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre soured relations between the parties. Including a change to the charter of one party to remove clauses about the \u201cdestruction\u201d of the other, the completion of its first phase was signified by a celebrated handshake on the White House lawn. For 10 points, name this 1993 series of agreements between Yitzhak Rabin and Yassir Arafat on Palestinian autonomy.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Oslo Accords", "round": "r02- Brandeis.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "This ruler was strongly influenced by Pierre Dubois's \u201cDe recuperatione Terrae Sanctae,\u201d and enacted heavy reparations on Flanders after winning the Battle of Mons-en-P\u00e9v\u00e8le. His marriage to Joan of Navarre added Brie and Champagne to his domains, and in a bid for popular support, he summoned the three estates to meet in the first Estates-General. This king expelled the Jews from France, and burned Unam Sanctum during his feud with Boniface VIII. He orded the burning of Jacques de Molay at the stake, and appointed Clement V to begin the Avignon papacy. For 10 points, name this Capetian monarch who crushed the Knights Templar, known for his dashing good looks.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Philip IV of France [or Philip the Fair; or Philip le Bel]", "round": "2009 ACF Regionals - Toronto - Yale.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "Clayton Alderfer reorganized this concept into one with three levels, with each level lying across an introversion-extraversion axis. One element of this concept was first developed by Kurt Goldstein, and can be measured by the Personal Orientation Inventory. Over the course of its development, its constituents were split into D- and B-levels, and three more levels were added to the original five, including ones labeled \u201ccognitive\u201d and \u201caesthetic.\u201d For 10 points, self-actualization occupies the top tier of what construct proposed by the American psychologist who wrote Toward a Psychology of Being, Abraham Maslow?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Maslow's hierarchy of human needs [accept equivalents]", "round": "2009 ACF Fall edited - OSU + Carleton A.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "NNT", "question": "In one episode of this show, a game is golf is turned into a game of stymies, dormies, and mashy, and ends in a joke when Jimmy Demaret plays along. Another episode sees the use of a baby carriage to conceal a scale and beef when 700 pounds is accidentally ordered.. In a different episode, that same character tries out acting in commercials, but ends up getting drunk on the product she is trying to sell, VitaMeataVegiMin. In another episode, two characters take jobs at Kramer's Candy Kitchen, where they try to wrap chocolate candies that come out on a conveyor belt far too quickly. For 10 points, name this classic 1950s TV show that had characters like Fred and Ethel Mertz, Ricky Ricardo, and the titular trouble causing female.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "I Love Lucy", "round": "NNT_Packet_9.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "The teenager Odin plays this sport in the Othello remake O. It is also the sport in which the title lothario stars in John Tucker Must Die, and the one in which a suspended star disguises himself as a woman in Juwanna Mann. Racial conflict in this sport provided the storyline for (*) Glory Road, and this was the sport in which a golden retriever excelled in the first Air Bud movie. For 10 points, identify this sport, also the subject of the Bow Wow vehicle Like Mike and the acclaimed documentary Hoop Dreams.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "basketball", "round": "09.pdf"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "The translations provided for Aramaic phrases in this book indicate its probably non-Jewish audience. Some manuscripts of this book omit the final eleven verses, which include \"they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all.\" This book contains no direct quotes from Jesus proclaiming himself the Messiah, instead using the term \"son of man.\" It was the first Gospel to be (*) written and became the source for the other two synoptic gospels, Matthew and Luke. For 10 points, name this traditional second book of the New Testament.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Book of Mark [or The Holy Gospel Of Jesus Christ According To St. Mark]", "round": "tournament17-03.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "THUNDER", "question": "Jerome Bruner, a notable scholar of this man's work, wrote about the way that his theory of education proceeds in a dynamic way. One of this man's concepts is exemplified by the way that Mayan girls learn to weave through their mothers and their surrounding environment; that process relies on internalization and is called \"cultural mediation.\" Another important concept to arise from this psychologist's work is his theory of the symbolic interactions of play. He analyzed the relationship between learning a language and cognitive development in his work Thought and Language. The upper limit of this man's most notable contribution is defined as the level of responsibility that a child can accept with assistance, while the lowest level is defined as the maximum that the child can accomplish on its own. For 10 points, identify this psychologist who coined the term \"zone of proximal development,\" a Russian.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Lev Vygotsky", "round": "THUNDER Round 6 - Final.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "One policy this man supported was brought to the forefront by the election of Daniel O\u2019Connell in Clare. This politician ended up fighting a duel with Lord Winchilsea because of this man\u2019s support for Catholic emancipation in Ireland; he had earlier threatened to resign if that policy was not supported by George IV. This man organized a force to suppress the Kennington Common meeting of the Chartists, and was the successor of Viscount Goderich. In an earlier career, this man was dubbed the \u201cSepoy General\u201d for his early involvement at the Battle of Seringapatam in the (*) Mysore Wars. He\u2019s most famous for combining forces with General Blucher to win a victory that ended the Hundred Days. Also known as the \u201cIron Duke,\u201d for 10 points, name this British prime minister, the victor at Waterloo.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, Marquess Douro, Marquess of Wellington, Earl of Wellington, Viscount Wellington of Talavera and of Wellington, Baron Douro [accept either underlined answer]\u000b<Bentley>", "round": "Packet 8 - Playoffs 3.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This novel relates a story of prisoners beaten with flails before being thrown off a cliff by their captor. The protagonist of this novel is enamored of the abstract philosophy of the Russian journalist Karkov and is horrified to discover that the underground leader El Sordo has been beheaded. The main character receives his orders from General Golz and is encouraged by (*) Pilar to begin a relationship with Maria. Towards the end of this novel the elderly Anselmo is killed in an operation that is nearly ruined when the guerrilla leader Pablo steals the detonators being used to blow up a bridge. For 10 points, name this novel about Robert Jordan fighting in the Spanish Civil War, written by Ernest Hemingway.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "For Whom the Bell Tolls", "round": "Round 6.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "THUNDER", "question": "One version of this scene features a triplet of angels underneath arches on both the left and the right, while the central figure has his feet kissed by a woman wearing red. Another version shows a woman holding a candle in front of the central figure and another fainting on the right. In addition to Fra Angelico and Rembrandt's versions, another version in the Capponi Chapel has brightly-shaded figures in a whorl-like arrangement around the central figure, who is held by two men on tiptoes at the bottom left. Two men are standing on a ladder holding the central figure in Reubens version, while a skull lies next to a swooning woman in blue in another version found in the Prado and commissioned by a crossbowman's guild, which shows the central figure with wounds in his side and punctures in his arms and legs. For 10 points, name this religious scene painted by Pontormo and Van der Weyden, in which Christ is taken off of the cross.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Deposition from the Cross or Descent from the Cross [accept things like \"taking Christ off the Cross\"]", "round": "THUNDER Round 8 - Final.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "On a Daily Show segment, Aasif Mandvi explored the divisions between the north and south of this state. A former senator from this state called an ice cream store manager a \u201csmartass.\u201d Bill Maher threatened to release a video a week of one resident of this state after Mike Castle lost in its Republican Senate primary. That resident of this state released a recent campaign ad beginning \u201cI am not a witch.\u201d For 10 points, name this home of Christine O\u2019Donnell and Joe Biden.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Delaware", "round": "09.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 23, "tournament": "HSAPQ National History Bowl", "question": "This event was vigorously opposed by groups of nobles called the Black Hundreds. It was initially orchestrated by the Union of Liberation following the suppression of Father (+) Gapon's marchers on Bloody Sunday. This event grew to include a strike on the Trans-Siberian Railroad, the mutiny of the Potemkin, and the formation of the St. Petersburg (*) soviet. For 10 points, name this empire-wide uprising which spurred Nicholas II to issue the October Manifesto and presaged a more succesful revolt twelve years later.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "the 1905 revolution in Russia [prompt on Russian Revolution; accept any descriptive answers", "round": "sample.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "One man with this surname proposed giving Zionists Uganda as their homeland and attempted to form an alliance with Germany several times in the Salisbury administration. Another man with this last name served as Chancellor of the Exchequer under Arthur Balfour and Foreign Secretary under Stanley Baldwin, during which he negotiated the Locarno Treaties with Gustav Stresemann. The best known man of this surname is remembered for preceding Winston Churchill as Prime Minister and appeasing Hitler. For 10 points, give this surname shared by British politicians Joseph and his sons Austen and Neville.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Chamberlain", "round": "2009 ACF Fall edited - RPI + MSU A.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "This man appears in Percy Shelley's \u201cThe Masque of Anarchy\u201d for his defense of Lord Sidmouth. This man had to resign his post after the failure of the Walcheren Expedition and had earlier resigned to avoid the Ministry of All Talents. Leader of the House of Commons after Spencer Perceval's assassination, this man shot George Canning in a duel and later killed himself with a letter-opener. British Foreign Secretary from 1812 to 1822, for 10 points, name this man who represented Great Britain at the Congress of Vienna.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Viscount Castlereagh [or Robert Stewart, Second Marquis of Londonderry]", "round": "Round_07_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "HFT", "question": "Among the challenges this man faced included the pirate Cheirmarrhus, and children of this man, who was born Hipponous, include Isander, Hippolochus, and Laodamia by his bride Philnoe. This man lived out his days crippled on the Plains of Aleion, and his grandson exchanged armor with Diomedes during the Trojan War. Punishment for his alleged seduction of Anteia included battling the Amazons and the Solymi. The seer Polyidus helped this man procure his most helpful asset, which was used to defeat a beast inhabiting Caria. FTP, name this son of Glaucus and part-time servant of Iobates, a Greek hero who slew the Chimera and tamed the winged hose Pegasus.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Bellerophon (accept Hipponous early)", "round": "HFT Championship 02 FINISHED.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "RMP Fest", "question": "In 2005, one founder of this school of thought reflected on its history in the short essay Forty Good Years; that founder also wrote a 1995 \u201cautobiography\u201d of this idea. Another early member of this school wrote a 1979 work about leaving his social circle of New York cultural elites titled Breaking Ranks: A Political Memoir. Apart from Norman Podhoretz, one member of this school compared European and American attitudes towards the use of force, concluding that Europe's military weakness makes it likely to favor diplomacy rather than war; that work was called Of Paradise and Power. Another member of this school authored The Unipolar Moment after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Many early members of this school were students of Leo Strauss at the University of Chicago in the 1960's. In the 1990's, members of this school wrote a letter to Bill Clinton which began with the sentence \u201cAmerican foreign policy is adrift\u201d and went on to serve as the foundational document of PNAC. This school seeks to bring about world peace by promoting free trade and liberal democracy through the use of force and American hegemony. For ten points, name this school of thought associated with Irving Kristol, Robert Kagan, Charles Krauthammer, John Bolton, Paul Wolfowitz, and the Bush administration's foreign policy.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Neoconservatism [accept Neocons; do not prompt on or accept \u201cconservative\u201d] {BA}", "round": "Round 2.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Fall Kickoff Tournament", "question": "In the fifth book of The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith discusses flooding in the Swiss canton of Unterwald in a section devoted to this topic. Its Spahn and Tobin forms are related to currency exchange, and along with political economy it is the titular topic of a David Ricardo work introducing the law of comparative advantage. Goods with negative externalities are often accompanied with its Pigovian form, and it is plotted against government revenue on the Laffer curve. For 10 points, identify this economic entity that, in the US, is levied on one's property and income.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "taxes [accept any other answer involving taxes]", "round": "FKT 2010 Steven FINAL.rtf"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "Muhammad said that this man looked like his friend Urwah ibn Mas\u2019ud. Adherents of the Ahmadi sect believe he went by the name Yuz Asaf when he died in Kashmir, and unlike mainstream Muslims they do not believe that he will fight Dajjal [duj-JAL]. He talked as a newborn to denounce critics of his mother, who was a priestess in a temple run by Zechariah. He will not die until he (*) returns to assist the Mahdi and establish just rule on earth, which is possible because was raised to Heaven before people thought they killed him. While on earth, he foretold the coming of Muhammad and revealed his own divine scripture. For 10 points, name this prophet born to a virgin mother.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Jesus [or \u2018Isa; or ibn Maryam; prompt on the Messiah; prompt on al-Masih]", "round": "Packet 17 - TB 1.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "This poet asks in one poem, \u201cWhat to make of a diminished thing?\u201d and the speaker of another poem discusses a \u201cluminary clock\u201d that \u201cproclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right\u201d before asserting that he is \u201cacquainted with the night.\u201d In addition to \u201cOven Bird\u201d he wrote about a boy who has his hand cut off by a saw in \u201cOut! Out!,\u201d while Silas is the title character of one poem, who is eventually found by Warren \"huddled against the barn-door.\" The speaker of another poem says his apples will never disturb his neighbor's pine cones despite the maxim \u201cgood fences make good neighbors.\u201d For 10 points, name this poet of \u201cDeath of the Hired Man\u201d and \u201cMending Wall.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Robert Frost", "round": "ACF Fall 2008 - _Tiebreaker Questions_.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "A woman in this work screams \"Did you kill him because he liked you?\" after finding a corpse.\u00a0At the end of this movie, the female lead pulls out a concealed fashion magazine as her beau sleeps.\u00a0 A minor character in this work is a dancer who entertains anonymous male guests whom the protagonist nicknames Ms. Torso. The protagonist observes a woman with a wedding band on her hands, which leads Thorward to seek him out, an attack that is delayed using flashbulbs.\u00a0 For 10 points, name this film that features Grace Kelly as Lisa Fremont and Jimmy Stewart as L.B. Jeffries, a Hitchcock flick about a pent-up photographer witnessing a murder.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Rear Window\u000b<Hart>", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 19.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "One of their leaders died in the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains, and their downfall came with the victory of Clovis at the Battle of Vouille. Ultimately defeated by Muslim forces, Septimania was their last Gallic stronghold, and their chieftain Wallia died after their settlement of Aquitaine. Ataulphus led them into Spain, and Euric codified their laws. For 10 points name this Germanic group led by men such as Alaric and Theodoric I that separated from the Ostrogoths in the 4th century.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Visigoths", "round": "Round_10_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "One hundred and twenty of this city's full citizens were captured at the Battle of Sphacteria. In 371 BC, this city was defeated by Epaminondas at the Battle of Leuctra, causing it to lose power to Thebes. Soldiers from this city-state carried shields marked with a capital lambda and wore a scarlet robe. This city-state's general (*) Lysander won the Battle of Aegospotomi against its major rival, and it was often rocked by revolts of helots. For 10 points, name this militaristic Greek city-state which fought the Peloponnesian War against Athens.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Sparta [or Lacedaemon]", "round": "tourn8-05.pdf"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "One book published by this man is The Lucifer Effect, and after his most notable work this man went on to found the Shyness Clinic. In his most famous experiment, this man used a coin flip to divide his subjects into two different groups, and featured a solitary confinement cell. Half of the subjects in that experiment by this man began to exhibit sadistic tendencies, even though there had been no difference between the two groups at the outset of the study, and this man's experience with that experiment led him to testify in the aftermath of the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal. For 10 points, name this psychologist who most notably ran the Stanford prison experiment.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Philip Zimbardo", "round": "27.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "This sculptor created a winged figure standing on a globe as a memorial for the Aviator James R. McConnell. This man's first major work was the bronze Mares of Diomedes, which he followed up with an equestrian statue of Philip Sheridan. This sculptor created a marble bust of Abraham Lincoln for the Capitol Rotunda and abandoned a project in which Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, and Stonewall Jackson were carved into Stone Mountain. His best known work was finished by his son Lincoln and contains an enterable Hall of Records above a massive pile of granite remains. For 10 points, name this sculptor who designed Mount Rushmore.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "(John) Gutzon de la Mothe Borglum", "round": "2009 ACF Fall edited - Duke A + Harvard Zhao.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "He commissioned Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim-es-Saheli to construct his royal palace and a great mosque called the Djingareyber Mosque. He initiated building projects in Niani and Gao and stabilized the empire his grandfather Sundiata established. He left the gold prices in Egypt deflated for long after his lavish stop there during his legendary Hajj. For 10 points, name this ruler who built up Timbuktu as a center of learning in his time as the ruler of the Mali.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Mansa Kankan Musa", "round": "Round_08_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "Evidence against one hypothesis of this feature's formation stems from Abrajano's discovery of sapropel mud in a nearby body of water. Once the region around this body was colonized by the Milesians, Greek tradition referred to it as \u201cHospitable.\u201d One seaport on this body is near the estuary that it forms with the Dniester River. It connects to the Sea of Azov through the Strait of Kerch, while the Bosporus connects it to Marmara and through Marmara to the Aegean Sea. Notable cities on this body of water include Yalta, Odessa, and Sevastopol. \u00a0For 10 points,\u00a0identify this sea bordeed by the Ukraine and Russia to the north and Turkey to the south.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Black\u00a0Sea", "round": "MUT II - Andy and Hannah.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "In this work, Naumann paints one man as Thomas Aquinas, in order to get to his wife. Walter Tyke is made hospital chaplain over Farebrother, and Elinor Cadwallader sets up Celia and James Chettam's marriage. In this novel, John Raffles reveals that the town banker made his fortune selling pawned goods. Along with Nicholas Bulstrode, this novel tells of Rosamond Vincy's extravagant lifestyle, which leads Tertius Lydgate to financial trouble. The protagonist marries Will Ladislaw instead of inheriting Edward Casaubon's fortune in, for 10 points, this novel about Dorothea Brooke, by George Eliot.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life <YC>", "round": "Round 04.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "Morton Smith discovered a \u201csecret\u201d version of this document used by the Carpocrates. This book, the only New Testament book in which Jesus speaks Aramaic, contains a naked man running from Jesus' arrest, who, by tradition, is considered to be the author himself, and the parable of the [*] mustard seed. Usually considered the first to be written chronologically, many versions omit verse 16:9 through 20, ending with the empty tomb rather than the Resurrection of Jesus. For 10 points, name this New Testament Gospel situated between Matthew and Luke, the second.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Gospel according to / of Mark [MJ]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 4 COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "One king of this nation faced impending mutiny from military officers in the Anjala Conspiracy. That king of this country increased his power with the Act of Union and Security before his eventual assassination at the Royal Opera House. This country featured political factions called the \u201cCaps\u201d and \u201cHats\u201d during its so-called Age of Liberty in the eighteenth century. One leader of this nation defeated Augustus the Strong at Kliszow before installing Stanislaw I as ruler of Poland. Ivan Mazepa defected to this country, only to flee with its defeated ruler to the Ottoman Empire. This nation won the battle of Narva before suffering a major loss at Poltava. For 10 points, name this northern European nation, which under Charles XII lost the Great Northern War to Russia.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "the Kingdom of Sweden", "round": "Packet 7 - finalized.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "VCU Open (Sunday)", "question": "In one story, Cadmus slays one of these animals sacred to Ares and is subsequently turned into one. In another story, Hera turns Tiresias into a woman after he sees two of these animals mating and kills one of them. Typhon's wife Echidna is usually described as half-nymph and half one of these animals that kill Eurydice. One type of these animals is an enemy of (*) Apollo and is killed by him at the site of the Delphic Oracle. The Ouroboros consists of one of them biting its own tail, and two of them can be found on the Caduceus. Hera sends two of these animals in an attempt to kill a young Heracles. These animals made up the hair of the Gorgon sister Medusa. For 10 points, name these reptiles.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "snakes [or serpents; or dragons]", "round": "Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL States", "question": "Many members of this movement joined groups known as \"the underbrush\" in response to an order for conscript labor. Its leaders took code names such as \"Max\" and \"Aubrac\" and attempted to unify such predecessor organizations as the Museum of Man group and the Committee of Socialist Action. Formally led by Jean Moulin, this movement opposed both the Milice and the Gestapo through such actions as blowing up factories and locomotives, most notably in the run-up to D-Day. For 10 points, identify this organized opposition to Vichy and the Nazi occupation government in World War II France.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "the French resistance [or la R\u00e9sistance; or National Resistance Council; or Conseil National", "round": "03.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "Unlike his predecessor, this ruler recognized the Parthian king Osroes I, and while he traveled abroad, this emperor employed the frumentarii and Marcius Turbo to prevent any coups. This emperor intended Lucius Aelius to become his successor, but outlived him, and following a proclamation by Akiba ben Joseph, this man faced the revolt of Simon Bar Kokhba in Judea. This ruler had his Greek lover Antinous deified, and adopted Antoninus Pius as his successor. For 10 points, name this third of the Five Good Emperors, the successor of Trajan, who ordered his namesake wall be built in England.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Publius Aelius Hadrianus", "round": "2009 ACF Fall edited - Duke A + Harvard Zhao.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 30, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "This man removed Clause IV from his party's constitution, which was part of this leader's idea of the \"Third Way.\" This man unexpectedly assumed his party's leadership after the death of John Smith. Devolution in Northern Ireland was helped along by this man's work on the Good Friday Agreement. This leader added the word \"New\" to his party's name to describe his agenda before winning an election against John Major. For 10 points, name this Labour prime minister of Great Britain, who was succeeded by his Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Tony Blair [or Anthony Charles Lynton Blair]", "round": "4q1-06.pdf"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "VCU Open (Sunday)", "question": "This man is the son of Haran, and he became the progenitor of two great tribes after fathering Moab and Ammon. After their flocks become too large to cohabitate, this man's uncle gives him the choice of which land to take. He shelters two angels in his house, even offering his two virgin daughters to the angry mob which has gathered outside. Those daughters make him extremely (*) drunk and seduce him in a cave without his knowledge on two consecutive nights. After God fails to find ten righteous men in his city, this man barely escapes the fire and brimstone destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, while his wife ignores God's instructions to not look backward and is turned into salt. For 10 points, name this nephew of Abraham.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Lot", "round": "Round 2.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "\u201cFandango Asturiano\u201d is the final movement of one of this man's orchestral works which was inspired by Spanish folk music, and he composed a suite based on One Thousand and One Arabian Nights. In addition to Capriccio Espagnole and Scheherezade, he is known for an interlude in The Tale of Tsar Sultan in which the Tsar's son is turned into an insect. For 10 points, what Russian composer created \u201cThe Flight of the Bumblebee\u201d?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov", "round": "Packet 7.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "The switchboard operator Madelaine argues with her husband about how to get rid of a constantly growing corpse in the next room in this author's play\u00a0Am\u00e9d\u00e9e. The title character lures people to their death by offering to show them \u201ca picture of the colonel\u201d in his\u00a0The Killer. The Orator is a deaf mute who is left alone after the Old Man and Old Woman jump out windows in this author's play\u00a0The Chairs.\u00a0This author used the recurring character of Berenger in\u00a0Exit the King\u00a0and a play in which Berenger's girlfriend Daisy and the rest of the world transform into the title horned animals. For 10 points, name this Romanian-French playwright whose absurdist works include\u00a0The Bald Soprano\u00a0and\u00a0Rhinoceros. \u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Eugene\u00a0Ionesco", "round": "2009 ACF Fall edited - UCLA B.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "One character in this opera sings about her dislike of a woman with whom she is in a love triangle during the duet \u201cVieni, o diletta.\u201d That character also worries about the faithfulness of her lover in \u201cQuale insolita gioia nel tuo sguardo.\u201d Another character in this opera expresses conflicting opinions on an upcoming war in (*)\u00a0\u201cRitorna vincitor\u201d and relates her homesickness in \u201cO patria mia.\u201d That title character is described as \"celeste\" in an aria sung by her lover, whose attentions put her at odds with Amneris. The aria \u201cAh terra, adio\u201d is sung while in a sealed vault by the dying daughter of Amonasro and Radames in, for 10 points, what opera about an Ethiopian slave in Egypt, composed by Giuseppe Verdi?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Aida", "round": "Round 7.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "The formation of these entities has been linked to the Madden-Julian oscillation and Rossby waves. Two of these approach each other and eventually merge in the Fujiwara effect. Often re-curving around the subtropical ridge, their activity peaks in late summer. Reaching a 12 on the Beaufort scale, they rarely form near the equator because the Coriolis force there is too weak to make them spin. These systems are ranked by the Saffir-Simpson scale, on a scale from category 1 to category 5. For 10 points, name these rotating storm systems featuring a low-pressure central \u201ceye,\u201d historical examples of which include Andrew, Rita, Wilma, and Katrina.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "tropical cyclone or hurricane [accept typhoon, tropical storm, cyclonic vortex, and equivalents; accept monsoon before second line] <MZ>", "round": "Round07.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "TJ NAREN", "question": "In one section of this work, the words \"Homo, fuge!\" appear branded on the protagonist's arm, and in another section the protagonist steals the Pope's dishes and cup before boxing his ears. Part of this work features Benvolio growing stag horns, while in another part Valdes and Cornelius discuss magic after being summoned by the protagonist's servant Wagner. Its protagonist desires a female whose face \"burnt the topless towers of Ilium\" and launched a thousand ships, Helen of Troy. The titular scholar converses with Mephistopheles and sells his soul to the devil in, for 10 points, what play by Christopher Marlowe?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus", "round": "Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 2", "question": "The orchestra was conducted by Matthew Dubourg in the premiere performance of this work, and it features a libretto by Charles Jennens. Composed in between Israel in Egypt and Judas Maccabaeus, it includes the recitative \u201cComfort ye, my people\u201d and the aria \u201cEv'ry valley shall be exalted.\u201d Composed in three weeks, this work contains one section that prompted King George II to stand up. For 10 points, name this oratorio that contains the \u201cHallelujah\u201d chorus and was composed by George Frederic Handel.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Messiah", "round": "Round_13_HSAPQACF2.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "ACF Novice", "question": "The title character in one of this man's novels composes incidental music for Love's Labours Lost and the oratorio Apocalypse cum figures. Another novel by this author contains frequent debates between the humanist Settembrini and the radical Naptha. In another novel, this author wrote about the downfall of a Lubeck-based merchant family. He wrote a novel in which Joachim Ziemmsen is visited at a sanatorium by Hans Castorp. For 10 points, name this German author of Buddenbrooks, Doctor Faustus, and The Magic Mountain.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Thomas Mann [or Paul Thomas Mann]", "round": "Early Autumn Collegiate Novice - Packet 10.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Harvard International", "question": "This commander laid low the Franks at the Battle of Casilinum. He slew King Teias of the Goths at the Siege of Mons Lactarius. This member of the Kamsarakan noble family traced his heritage to the Arsacid Dynasty of his native Armenia. At the Battle of Taginae, this man defeated King Totila of the Ostrogoths and reclaimed Rome for his master. During one uprising, this commander was sent to bribe the Blue faction into abandoning the pretender Hypatius, allowing for the crushing of the Nika Riots. For ten points, name this Byzantine eunuch who served Justinian as a general and was the great rival of Belisarius.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Narses", "round": "Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "HFT", "question": "The motion of a magnetic moment about a magnetic field, common in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, is the Larmor type of this phenomenon. While one form of it, which may be visualized with Poinsot's construction, occurs when an object is close to a maximum or minimum principal axis, and this phenomenon is called \"gyroscopic\" when torque-induced. This motion is described by the change in the first Euler angle and its pure form occurs in the absence of nutation. For 10 points, name this motion of the axis of rotation of a spinning body.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "precession", "round": "10 HFT.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Sun n Fun", "question": "A political cartoon from this election depicts one person who failed to become Republican nominee as a giant magnet attracting items including leaches, which represent political machines. A campaign manager, named Wharton Barker, was told to arrange a spontaneous ovation every time he entered the assembly. One of the conventions took 36 ballots and Thomas Bayard was second at the DNC in Cleveland. One major party candidate was attacked in the general election by the forged Morrey letter and 3rd party candidates included Neal Dow of the Prohibition Party and the Greenback's James Weaver. William English was the Dems' V.P. Candidate and Chester Arthur was the Republican's. For 10 points, identify this election where Winfield Hancock lost to James Garfield.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "United States Presidential Election of 1880", "round": "Round by Will Butler Evan Adams and Matt Bollinger.docx"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "Terrapin Invitational", "question": "Co-activators of this protein include BRCA1. \u00a0Discovered in 1979 by Crawford et al, mutations in this protein often lead to a high susceptibility of Li-Fraumeni Syndrome. \u00a0After getting a ubiquitin attached to it, this protein is degraded unless USP7 interacts with it; that ubiquitin is placed on it by MDM2, which regulates this protein. This protein can be inactivated by E6, a mechanism that HPV uses. \u00a0It is activated in response to stresses such as (*) UV rays, osmotic shock and deregulated oncogene expression. \u00a0It stimulates another protein that binds to CDK2. \u00a0Its functions include activating DNA repair proteins when DNA becomes damaged and initiating apoptosis of cells with damaged DNA. \u00a0For 10 points, name this protein whose role as a cancer inhibitor leads it to be called the \"guardian angel\" of the cell and which is named for its molecular weight in kilodaltons.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "p53 [or Tumor Protein 53]", "round": "FINAL_UNC_A+OSU_B+UW_B.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HFT", "question": "Riots in Fort Chaffee in the wake of this event partially doomed Bill Clinton's gubernatorial re-election bid. This event began when Hector Sanyustiz drove a bus into the Peruvian Embassy in Miramar. The condition for those who participated in it was that someone pick them up in its namesake port, and Jimmy Carter was embarrassed when it became clear that prisoners and the mentally ill were flooding into the United States across the Straits of Florida. FTP, identify this 1980 period of mass migration in which 125,000 Cuban refugees found their way to Florida.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Mariel Boatlift", "round": "HFT Round 09 ADV FINISHED.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "Minnesota Open", "question": "Settings of the three stanzas of Rilke's poem \u201cThe End of Autumn\u201d are scattered throughout the twelve movements of this composer's choral eighth symphony, while the sole movement of his second symphony is in modified sonata form and features numerous quotations of \u201cSilent Night\u201d, giving it its informal nickname \u201cChristmas\u201d. Various tools are used to strike an iron bar in the second of his Lucretius-inspired pieces called De Natura Sonoris, while his other compositions include the electroencephalogram-inspired (*) Polymorphia and a symphony called Seven Gates of Jerusalem. An a cappella major triad at the end of the Stabat Mater and another major triad at the very end are the only exceptions to the atonality of his 1966 St. Luke Passion. His most famous work opens with a number of staggered dissonant blasts from the 52 stringed instruments for which it is scored; that work was originally titled \u201c8:37\u201d. For 10 points, identify this Polish composer of Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Krzysztof Penderecki [accept variants of \u201cPenderecki's Symphony No. 8\u201d, or \u201cSongs of Transience\u201d, or \u201cLieder der Verg\u00e4nglichkeit\u201d before \u201cthis composer\u201d is read]", "round": "Round 05 - Penn + Bruce et al.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 3", "question": "Luigi Cherubini's Requiem No.1 was composed in memory of this person, who once attempted to flee his country disguised as a servant to Madame Korff, but was captured in Varennes. His reign saw the Affair of the Diamond Necklace, and he dismissed the author of the Six Edicts, (*) Turgot, and replaced him with Jacques Necker. This man's reign saw the beginning of the Paris Commune, the storming of the Tuileries Palace, and the Tennis Court Oath. For 10 points, name this French king, the husband of Marie Antoinette who was guillotined in 1792.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Louis XVI [prompt on Louis]", "round": "Round_13_HSAPQACF3.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "One branch of this art movement produced the painting Eaton\u2019s Neck, by John Kensett, an adherent of Luminism. One work associated with this movement depicts a small cross by a waterfall. In addition to Heart of the Andes, this movement yielded the painting The Voyage of Life and one that depicts William Cullen Bryant with his friend, the artist of The Oxbow and The Course of Empire. That painting is Kindred Spirits by Asher Durand. For 10 points, name this art movement including Frederick Church and Thomas Cole, whose paintings often featured landscapes of its namesake body of water.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Hudson River School [accept Luminism before it is mentioned] <MAG/YC>", "round": "Round06.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "BATE", "question": "A polymer of it has uses in biodegradable plastics, and a buildup of it in the bloodstream will lead to symptoms of excessive sweating, rapid breathing, and cool and clammy skin. Higher measurements of it can be a result of dehydration, and more of it is located in veinous blood than in arterial blood. When being tested for this, it is advised not to exercise before blood is drawn. It is naturally produced in red blood cells and in muscles when they operate with a lack of oxygen. FTP, name this organic acid with chemical formula C3H6O3, that builds up in the muscles during a strenuous anaerobic workout, notably found in sour milk.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Lactic Acid (accept Lactate)", "round": "Round 4.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "Sun n Fun", "question": "The failures of one treaty at this location caused the Treaty of Bucharest to be negotiated only three months later after another war broke out. That treaty declared Albania an independent state and ended the First Balkan War. An 1841 convention negotiated in this location closed the Dardanelles and the Bosporus to all warships. An 1867 treaty signed here called for the destruction of the fortifications of the so called \u201cGibraltar of the North\u201d and solved the Luxembourg Crisis. A charter here provided the legal basis for the Nuremberg trials, and an 1839 treaty named for this city commanded all its signatories to guard the newly independent Belgium. This city also names a 1930 follow-up to the Washington Naval Conference. For 10 points, name this treaty hub and English city.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Treaty of London", "round": "Round by Will Butler Evan Adams and Matt Bollinger.docx"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "T-Party", "question": "In colonial times, this country was ruled by Lord Cromer, while the Milner Commission recommended changes in the administration of this nation. The Denshawai Incident took place in this country when British soldiers accidentally shot a local woman, helping to popularize the anti-British Wafd movement. In 1955, this country signed a notable arms deal with Communist Czechoslovakia. Its Free Officers Movement overthrew King Farouk in 1952. For 10 points, name this country that signed the Camp David Accords with Israel, an Arab state ruled by Anwar Sadat and Gamal Nasser.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Egypt", "round": "Editors 3 - T Party 2010.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "He laid the foundation for a later work on fuzzy logic by supposing that a probability represents a truth-value between zero and one in his Treatise on Probability, though Milton Friedman preferred his A Tract on Monetary Reform, in which he wrote that \u201cin the long run we are all dead.\u201d He cast the Treaty of Versailles as \u201cCarthaginian\u201d in The Economic Consequences of the Peace. For 10 points, name this author of The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, a namesake of a mainstream school of economics concerned with aggregate demand.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "John Maynard Keynes", "round": "Round_02_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "This substance is produced through the iridium- or rhodium-catalyzed carbonylation of methanol in the Cativa and Monsanto processes. This compound\u2019s anhydride reacts with salicylic acid in the production of aspirin. Used industrially in the production of PVA polymers and as a polar protic solvent, this compound forms cyclic hydrogen-bonded dimers. Like lactic acid, it is produced when certain bacteria ferment ethanol. It forms ice-like crystals in its very pure \"glacial\" form. For 10 points, name this second-simplest carboxylic acid with formula CH3COOH, found in wine and vinegar.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "acetic acid or ethanoic acid <LC>", "round": "Round04.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Chitin", "question": "This man was threatened with war by the Austrian ambassador Hulsemann, and sent a ship to Istanbul to help Hungarian refugees. Andrew Jackson Donelson, nephew of the former president, was this man's running mate in one election and perhaps the greatest achievement during this man's presidency was the Treaty of Kanagawa. Gaining only Maryland's electoral vote in his first bid for election as president, this man's term saw the Fugitive Slave Act passed as part of the Compromise of 1850. For 10 points, name this New York political figure, who succeeded to the presidency after the death of Zachary Taylor.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Millard Fillmore", "round": "Round 6 - UMD 2.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "NTV", "question": "The protagonist of this novel discusses ancient Indian philosophy with his landlady, and dreams of a girl from B\u00fcrger's poetry named Molly. The preface of this novel is addressed to a character called the Editor, and the protagonist frequents the Black Eagle bar and used to love Rosa Kreisler. The title character has an affair with Maria, and he skips a show advertised \u201cFOR MADMEN ONLY\u201d after the Fancy Dress Ball. He encounters a jazz saxophonist who also loves Mozart, Pablo. Pablo has an affair with the title character's lover, prompting him to stab Hermine in the Magic Theater. Name this novel about Harry Haller, a work by Hermann Hesse.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Der Steppenwolf [or The Steppenwolf; prompt on either or both parts of Harry Haller before mentioned]", "round": "10 TU.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "One of the common sub-instances of these entities is stabilized by hyperconjugative donation from a sigma-C-H orbital into the substituent antibonding orbital, its namesake \u201ceffect,\u201d and is named for the presence of substituents with bond angles between 30 and 90 degrees; another has substituents atop one another in the relevant Newman projection and, while generally unstable, can cause disequilibrium among its stable relatives if its activation energy is too high. Cases in which this type of isomer can occur are limited by the fact that pi bonds disallow longitudunal twists in general, so it requires the presence of formal sigma bonds. The aforementioned instances of these are the gauche and eclipsed ones. The simplest class of these is defined by orientation about a single sigma bond and is the rotamers. For 10 points, name this category of stereoisomers that are interconverted between by rotations about single bonds.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "conformational isomers [or conformers; accept rotamers until it's mentioned and prompt on it afterwards]", "round": "2010 - Chicago Open - Round 08 - This Civilising Love of Death.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "This country\u2019s first well known king was Eric the Victorious, who worshipped in its great temple at Uppsala. Napoleon\u2019s general Jean Bernadotte became Charles XIV of this country. The country\u2019s forces were led by Charles XII at the battles of Narva and Poltava against the Russians during the Great Northern War. This country came to prominence under the Vasa Line, which included Queen Christina and her father Gustavus Adolphus. For 10 points, name this Scandinavian country with capital at Stockholm.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Kingdom of Sweden [or Konungariket Sverige]", "round": "23.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "According to some sources, the Graces were the children of the naiad Aegle and this god. A septet of sons of this god drove the Telkhines off of Rhodes. One son of this Greek god was the ruler of Colchis when Phrixus presented the Golden Fleece. His affair with Perse resulted in that son, Aeetes, as well as a daughter of who fell in love with a white bull sent by Poseidon. This father of Pasiphae and Circe used the island of Thrinacia to pasture his cattle, which were guarded by his daughters Lampetie and Phaethusa. This god was angered when those cattle were slaughtered and eaten by Eurylochus and the crewmen of Odysseus. Another son of this only son of the Titan Hyperion drowned after losing control of his chariot. For 10 points, name this father of Phaeton, the original Greek god of the sun.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Helios [or Helius]", "round": "ACF Regionals 2011 - RPI A and Minnesota final.doc"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "The Ripon (RIP-uhn) Falls at the outflow of this body of water are now submerged. Its features include the Winam (WIN-am) Gulf and the Sese (SAY-SAY) archipelago. Its Speke (SPEAK) Gulf is named for one explorer of this lake. Much of the water coming into this lake goes through the Kagera (kuh-GAIR-uh) River. Kampala (KAHM-pah-lah), the capital of (*) Uganda, is located nearby. This lake's only outlet is the Nile. For 10 points, name this largest lake by surface area in Africa, named for a British monarch.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Lake Victoria [or Victoria Nyanza]", "round": "tournament17-12.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "NTSS", "question": "In one book by this author, Meldrum dies of pneumonia and is replaced by Ralston. That novel is set largely at Mrs. Wickett's house, where the protagonist reminisces about his former wife Kathie, who died in childbirth, and teaching Latin at Brookfield Academy. Another book by this author begins with four Englishmen, including a novelist named Rutherford, talking in Berlin about an airplane that was stolen with four people in it. The four people were Henry Barnard, Roberta Brinklow, Charles Mallinson, and Hugh Conway, and they were taken to a utopian place in the Himalayas. Identify this author of Goodbye, Mr. Chips and Lost Horizon.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "James Hilton", "round": "replacement.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "This poet compared the use of echolocation to veer around obstacles in a dark cave to the play of human intellect in a poem comparing the mind to a bat. He compared werewolves to people \"at high windows\" who bring \"monsters into the city\" and \"navies fed to the fish in the dark unbridled waters\" in his poem \"Beasts.\" Another of his poems begins with an image of eyes opening \"to a cry of pulleys\" upon waking and seeing the morning air \"all awash with angels.\" This poet wrote the lyrics for the songs \"Make Our Garden Grow\" and \"Glitter and Be Gay\" in Leonard Bernstein's operetta Candide. He first gained renown for his poetry collections The Beautiful Changes and Ceremony, and spent over forty years translating the comedies of Moliere into English verse. For 10 points, name this American poet of \"Advice to a Prophet\" and \"Love Calls Us to the Things of This World.\"", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Richard Purdy Wilbur", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-MichiganAFinal.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "MPSS and SAGE are two techniques for surveying a population of these entities. AU-rich elements can decrease their half-lives, and they are the target of nonsense-mediated decay. In bacteria, they can be polycistronic. RISCs that are already bound to one substrate can target these, causing them to be degraded. They contain untranslated regions, and precursor ones are modified to have a poly-A tail and a five prime cap. For 10 points, name these RNA molecules that are transcribed from DNA and carry the protein blueprint to the ribosome.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "mRNAs [or messenger RNA; or messenger ribonucleic acid; or m ribonucleic acid; prompt on RNA or ribonucleic acid]", "round": "RPI A.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "A character in this novel nicknamed \u201cEcho,\u201d Nepomuk, dies of meningitis while visiting\u00a0the main character's\u00a0farm. The protagonist of this novel\u00a0comes under the\u00a0influence of\u00a0Ehrenhrid Kumpf and Eberhard Schleppfuss at the\u00a0University of Halle. Rudiger Schildnapp inspires this novel's main character to plan an work based on Shakespeare's Love's Labours Lost.\u00a0This novel's title character creates\u00a0a composition titled Marvels of the Universe and an oratorio titled Apocalypse during a period of twenty-four years of genius he is granted after renouncing love. Narrated by Serenus Zeitblom, for 10 points, name this novel about Adrian Leverkuhn, a composer who makes a deal with the devil, written by Thomas Mann.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Doktor Faustus", "round": "2009 ACF Regionals - Missouri State + Louisville (final).doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "One author proposed a feminist theory of the change in this concept as humans age, which classifies it based on interpetations as individual survival, self-sacrifice, or nonviolence. Another theory of it places six stages, including \"good interpersonal relationships\" and \"universal principles,\" under the headings of preconventional, conventional, and postconventional. For 10 points, name this concept whose development was studied by Carol Gilligan and Lawrence Kohlberg, who elicited data by asking subjects whether stealing from a pharmacy is right.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "morality", "round": "Round 9.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "THUNDER II", "question": "This man ordered sixteen inhabitants of Carcasonne to be hanged after Bernard Delicieux organized a protest during this king's visit to that city. This monarch signed a Treaty of Paris, which restored Gascony to Britain and promised his daughter to Edward II. This king had a gravamina filed against him at the Council of Vienne and his papal policy was executed by his emissaries, Schiarra Colonna and Guillame de Nogaret. Those emissaries organized an attack on Boniface VIII's palace at Anagni in response to the papal bull Unam Sanctam, which asserted Boniface's authority over this king. This king expelled Jews from France and saw his forces under Robert of Artois lose to Flemish revolutionaries at the Battle of the Golden Spurs. This man's reign also saw the trial and execution of Jacque de Molay and the disbanding of the Knights Templar. For ten points, name this king of France, who ruled 1285-1314 and whose reign saw the papacy move to Avignon.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Philip IV or Philip the Fair", "round": "THUNDER Finals 2.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "St. Anselms and Torrey Pines", "question": "A set of laws which equates this process\u2019s flux to the product of namesake coefficient and the first derivative of position was derived from the continuity equation. Another equation that governs this process states that its rate is inversely proportional to the square root of mass. This process is governed by Fick\u2019s Laws and Graham\u2019s Law. A specific type of this process involves movement from [*] hypotonic to hypertonic solutions; that form is specific for water moving across a semipermeable membrane and is called osmosis. For 10 points, name this process in which particles move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "diffusion [prompt on \u201ceffusion\u201d and \u201cosmosis\u201d]", "round": "Round 12.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "One of this man's most important public acts allowed foreigners to enter any trade except for barber and wigmaker - he did so by disbanding the guilds, or jurandes, and paying off the men who controlled them. He wrote a handbook for his two Chinese students entitled Reflections on the Formation and Distribution of Riches. Before ascending to political power, he gave an oration entitled \"A Philosophical Review of the Successive Advances of the Human Mind,\" which argued that Christian ideals allowed for universal human progress. After putting down the Flour Wars, he gained infamy by issuing the Six Edicts, the most famous of which eliminated the corvee. This man, who was crippled in a duel with Pierre Soule, had his biography written by Condorcet and used his public post to espouse his Physiocrat beliefs. FTP, name this man appointed comptroller general in 1774 under Louis XVI, who was replaced with Jacques Necker.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot (or the Baron de Laune)", "round": "FINALS1.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "The protagonist of this novel believes that the weather is controlled by black magic which always targets him, and the protagonist's grandmother comes to him as a ghost to whisper of her fears regarding the doomed fates of her daughter and granddaughter. The protagonist relates how while sodomizing his wife he was interrupted by a phone call informing him of his sister's suicide attempt with in a roadside Howard Johnson's. Traveling to visit that sister, Susan, the protagonist of this work hitchhikes from New York to Massachusetts along with his infant son in a sling carrier and his wife Phyllis, and he recounts how both of the Isaacsons are executed in the electric chair for treason. Reworking the figures of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg as the parents of the title character, for 10 points, name this biblically titled novel by E. L. Doctorow.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "The Book of Daniel", "round": "Rd02.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "The title character of William Wells Brown's novel Clotel commits suicide after learning she is one of these people. David Walker's Appeal describes the injustices done to these people, and the title character of the novel Dred leads an unsuccessful uprising of them. Authors like Henry Bibb, Harriet Jacobs, and Olaudah Equiano were among the many types of these people to write namesake \"narratives\" about their lives. For 10 points, name this group supported by William Lloyd Garrison's newspaper The Liberator, which argued for their immediate emancipation.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "slaves [or clear-knowledge equivalents]", "round": "Round_15_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "This author criticized the Avignon papacy in the collection Liber sine nomine, which he withheld from his collection of letters to friends, Epistolae Familiaris. He wrote a series of biographies in Latin called On Illustrious Men and depicted the Battle of Zama and Hannibal's invasion of Italy in his epic poem about Scipio Africanus, (*) Africa. A poetic form named for this man consists of an octave followed by a sestet. For 10 points, identify this Italian namesake of a type of sonnet, whose Canzoniere (\"can-zo-NYEH-ray\") expresses his love for Laura.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Petrarch [or Francesco Petrarca]", "round": "tourn8-04.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "The RACE type of this process is a special case of the anchored type, which utilizes a universal linker. The hot-start version separates the components before the first step and the touch-down version decreases hybridization temperatures over time. The ARMS system utilizes the allele-specific type, which relies on single nucleotide distinctions near the three-prime end. Its product usually has an adenosine three-prime overhang and enzymes from Pyrococcus furiosus have been used in it thanks to their three prime to five prime exonuclease proofreading, but VENT and taq pol are also common. FTP, name this technique taking about thirty cycles; a DNA amplification method invented by Kary Mullis.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2006, "answer": "polymerase chain reaction", "round": "Kentucky - UCLA.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "RMP Fest", "question": "After killing Sinis, Theseus purified himself at an altar to this deity at the river Cephissus. When Aristaeus made a sacrifice to this figure, he sent the Etesian winds to Ceos, which brought an end to a severe drought. Temples dedicated to this deity include one at Sicyon to his aspect as Meilichios or gracious and one at Parna to his aspect of Apemios or the averter of Ills. One of this figure's sons, Iasion, fathered of Philomelus and Plutus with Demeter and another, Dardanus, founded Troy. Both of those children were results of his dalliance with the future wife of Pylades, Electra. This god, who disguised himself as Amphitryon in order to sleep with Alcmena, also fathered the three judges of the Underworld, Aeacus, Rhadamanthys and Minos by two different woman: Aegina and Europa. For ten points, identify this son of Cronus and the king of Olympus.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Zeus", "round": "Round6.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "One of these works shows a drunken group of nuns and friars singing as they traverse a valley. Another\n one of these paintings shows some soldiers in a mountain valley about to shoot a group of people on\n horseback while a man and woman float overhead. Another entitled Judith and Holofernes omits\n Holofernes and shows a knife-holding Judith, who may be modeled after the artist\u2019s maid Leocadia. The\n Pilgrimage to San Isidro, Asmodea, and Fight With Cudgels are works in this series, which also shows the\n worship of a Satanic goat-headed man in the Witches\u2019 Sabbath. For 10 points, name this series including \nSaturn Devouring His Sons, that was painted on the walls of a house by Francisco Goya.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "The Black Paintings [or Las Pinturas Negras]", "round": "04.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "This ruler celebrated fourteen Sed festivals across his duration on the throne, and he signed a bilingual peace treaty with Hattusili III. This successor to Seti oversaw the building of the [*] Karnak complex, and was succeeded by Merneptah I after a sixty-seven year long rule. In his most famous battle, this leader fought Muqatali II to a draw along the Orontes river; that battle saw the use of six thousand chariots between this ruler's troops and the Hittites in 1274 BCE. For 10 points, name this Egyptian pharaoh who fought the Battle of Kadesh, also called \u201cOzymandias\u201d.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Rameses II or Rameses the Great [accept Ozymandias before mention]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 13 [Finals 2] COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 30, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "The Jacobian type of these structures is often used when changing between coordinate systems while the Hessian variety is used in analyzing the critical point of a multivariable function. Eigenvalues can be found by solving the characteristic polynomial of square ones, which sets their determinant equal to zero. Two of them can be multiplied if the number of columns in the first one equals the number of rows in the second. For 10 points, name these rectangular arrays of numbers encountered in mathematics.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "matrix", "round": "24.pdf"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "THUNDER II", "question": "The court case Oregon State Penitentiary v Tamayo Reyes allowed an evidentiary to determine the mens rea of the defendant who had performed this action. A similar way of doing this action was the subject of an appeal the defendant made in the case State v. Hansen; that similar way of doing this action was first invoked by the defendant in North Carolina v. Alford, a practice now named for him. Most law codes in the U.S. state that this action is only an admission of (*) guilt for sentencing purposes; it has no effect on the evidentiary status that stem from civil lawsuits. It's not staying silent, but this response is the third option one can say while being \u00a0arraigned. For 10 points, name this alternative to saying \u201cguilty\u201d or \u201cnot guilty,\u201d which usually means a defendant accepts the charges before him.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "pleading no contest [or nolo contendere; take Alford plea before North Carolina]", "round": "THUNDER Round 8.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "During the second half of the nineteenth century, this character was transformed from a muscular hero into a gray-haired weakling in popular performances known as his namesake \"shows.\" This character's refusal to divulge the hiding place of Emmeline and Cassy causes him to be beaten by Sambo and Quimbo until he dies. George Shelby frees his slaves after learning about the death of this man, whose selfless Christianity makes him a foil to his owners Augustine St. Claire and Simon Legree. For 10 points, name this heroic slave, the title character of a Harriet Beecher Stowe novel about his cabin.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Uncle Tom", "round": "15.pdf"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "MW GSAC XVII", "question": "This belief system holds that partial knowledge is attainable through different viewpoints called naya and that souls are initially omniscient but restrained by karma. Among the tenets of this religion are asteya, not taking that which is not given, and satya, truth. Forgiveness can be sought through samayik and the concepts of dharma and adharma allow movement and rest. Samvara is a cessation of the accumulation of karma, and the 24 Tirthankaras acquired all knowledge. Sects of this religion include the sky-clad Digambaras and white-clad Svetambaras, both of which practice ahimsa, or non-violence. For 10 points, name this religion whose adherents follow the teachings of Mahavira.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Jainism [accept Jaina]", "round": "Round 3.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "RMP Fest", "question": "This building, which was inspired by the similar Church of St. John the Baptist's Decapitation, is dedicated to the Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin, and was built to commemorate a military victory on that day. This church is shaped like an eight pointed star and contains nine different chapels, the most recent of which contains the tomb of its namesake, who was nicknamed the \u201cHoly Fool of Christ\u201d for starving himself and pickpocketing the rich to give to the poor. A twelve-pointed gold shield can be found at the center of its iconostasis, which dates to the sixteenth century, but this structure is perhaps best known for its nine brightly colored towers that end in onion domes. For ten points, name this Russian Orthodox cathedral located in Red Square in Moscow.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "St. Basil's Cathedral [accept: Pokrovskiy Sobor, Khram Vasiliya Blazhyennogo] {BA}", "round": "Round 1.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 26, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regionals", "question": "Twentieth-century composers from this country created such works as The Mask of Orpheus and King Priam. Another composer from this country used a George Crabbe poem as the basis for his opera about a fisherman who is accused of killing his apprentices. Such arias as \u201cAh, Belinda\u201d and \u201cWhen I am Laid in Earth\u201d are sung by the queen of Carthage in Dido and Aeneas, an opera by a composer from this country. For 10 points, name this country, the birthplace of Henry Purcell and Gustav Holst.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Great Britain [or England; or the UK; or the United Kingdom]", "round": "regionals-08.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "From its headwaters, this river flows through the Pantanal wetlands and east of a disputed triangle of land in the extreme southeast of the Santa Cruz department. It crosses the Tropic of Capricorn along the portion of its middle course that forms the eastern border of a department named for President Rutherford Hayes. Hayes was the arbitrator who helped its nation retain the majority of the area between the R\u00edo Verde and the main branch of R\u00edo Pilcomayo, the prominent portion of the region commonly known as the Gran Chaco. Forming part of the boundary between Bolivia and Brazil, this is, FTP, what South American tributary of the Pirana that passes by its namesake nation's capital, Asuncion?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2006, "answer": "Paraguay River or Rio Paraguay", "round": "Maryland A - Oklahoma - Vanderbilt - Williams.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Sun n Fun", "question": "One chapter appearing only in the 1910 edition of this work notes that the phrase \u201cmortal mind\u201d is really a \u201csolecism.\u201d The author notes in the follow-up to this work, Retrospection and Introspection, that the essay \u201cThe Science of Man,\u201d was converted into the final chapter of this work entitled, \u201cRecapitulation,\u201d which should be the only one explained in the classroom. It discusses the findings of an 1837 committee which tested the claims of Monsieur Berna, a reputed clairvoyant, and the work of Mesmer in the chapter, \u201cAnimal Magneticism.\u201d It suggests that the most effective means to achieve speedy healing is to reach the patient through \u201cdivine Love\u201d and \u201cChistly affection.\u201d For 10 points, name this primary text of Christian Science written by Mary Baker Eddy.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures", "round": "Round by Editors 1.docx"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "Spin foam serves as a model for 4-geometries used to dynamically observe the quantum form of this force. Mossbauer spectroscopy of an iron-57 gamma emitter was used to measure Doppler redshift associated with this force in the Pound-Rebka experiment, and two lead balls were used to construct a torsion balance to measure the magnitude of this force in the Cavendish experiment. Conceptualized by wells in spacetime, for 10 points, identify this weakest fundamental force that causes objects in the air to accelerate to Earth at 9.8 meters per second squared.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "gravity [or gravitational force; accept equivalents]", "round": "2009 ACF Fall edited - Princeton A + Cornell.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "ACF Novice", "question": "Book III of this work discusses how the law of primogeniture slowed the agricultural progress of Dark Ages Europe, a time period in which city and rural folk were similarly privileged. The author of this work was a student of Francis Hutcheson who was inspired by Bernard de Mandeville's The Fable of the Bees. It uses the example of a pin factory to illustrate its concept of the division of labor. This work equates self-interest with the collective interest in its image of the \u201cinvisible hand.\u201d For 10 points, name this work that supports laissez-faire economics, by Adam Smith.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "The Wealth of Nations [or An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations]", "round": "Early Autumn Collegiate Novice - Packet 9.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "DAFT", "question": "This leader's early political activities included arguing against the \u201cWhite Highlands\u201d policy to the Carter Land Commission and founding a newspaper whose name translates as \u201cthe reconciler.\u201d This member of the Kapenguria Six tried to diffuse ethnic strife after the murder of Tom Mboya with the policy of harambee, or \u201cpulling together\u201d and by appointing Oginga Odinga as Vice President. Nicknamed \u201cBurning Spear,\u201d this student of Bronislaw Malinowski was succeeded by Daniel Arap Moi, while his involvement in the Mau Mau rebellion is now doubted by scholars. For 10 points, name this first president of an independent Kenya.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Jomo Kenyatta [or Kamau Ngengi]", "round": "DAFT 2009 Round 08 - Edited - Proofread.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 10", "question": "In this book, God describes the Behemoth, a hippopotamus; and the Leviathan, a crocodile. The title character asserts that a Vindicator will prove he is not a blasphemer. Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar are friends of the title character. An angel referred to as (*) Satan in this book is given carte blanche to make the title character's sons die, his land be taken away, and his health deteriorate. For 10 points, name this book of the bible about an Edomite who is so pious that he refuses to curse God no matter what hardships he goes through.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "The Book of Job", "round": "tourn10-09.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "BATE", "question": "Its namesake theory states that industrial civilization will last for only 100 years and end by 2030. Recent work in the area has been conducted by Professor Masao and the Masek and Ndutu areas have shed light on the Acheulian industry. Located within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, its importance largely stems from lake sediments as well as volcanic activity, and takes its name from a Maasai word for a sisal plant that is common in the area. It is divided into four different \u201cbeds\u201d in which one can find the remains of Australopithecus and Homo Erectus. FTP, name this \u201cCradle of Mankind\u201d, an area in the Serengeti that saw major excavations by Mary and Louis Leakey.\u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Olduvai Gorge\u00a0", "round": "Finals 2.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "A lamp atop a pedestal can be found near the center of this painting, in which three figures are ascending a staircase in the background. In this work, the inscription \"L.D.\" is marked on a bench, on which sits a follower of the title figure. Another robed follower in this painting is placing his hand on the title figure's knee as he prepares to down the deadly contents of a cup. For 10 points, name this Jacques-Louis David painting in which the title philosopher is pointing his finger upward as he prepares to drink hemlock.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "The Death of Socrates", "round": "4q2-15.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "One of these entities that represents the location of vertices on a graph is the \"adjacency\" type. One used to identify resemblances between two data points is a similarity type. A collection of second-order partial derivatives of a function may be collected in a Hessian one of these entities. First-order derivatives are collected in the Jacobian one. If one of these entities is (*) invertible, it is row-equivalent to an identity variety, and its determinant is nonzero. Multiplication of these entities is notably not commutative. For 10 points, name this rectangular array of numbers.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "matrix or matrices", "round": "tournament17-15.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "One work by this author describes the marriage of Katrina Taylor and Edward Dougherty along with the \u201cLove Nest Killings of 1908\u201d, while another has the title character chasing Veronica Fitzgibbon after giving up politics under Patsy McCall. In addition to (*) The Flaming Corsage and Roscoe, this man wrote about Bailey organizing a newspaper strike in The Ink Truck. For 10 points, name this American author of works often set in Albany, New York, such as Legs and Ironweed.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "William Joseph Kennedy", "round": "08_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "The Social Democratic Alliance forged a coalition with the Left-Green Movement under a politician in this country who popularized the phrase \u201cmy time will come\u201d while becoming the first openly gay head of state. Britain's Alistair Darling responded to a dispute over an online savings organization by freezing assets in this country, which despite its position atop the UN Human Development Index became the first Western country to borrow from the IMF in 30 years after the failure of its three major banks. Johanna Sigurdardottir presides over the Althing of, for 10 points, what island nation whose capital is Reykjavik?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Republic of Iceland", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 11.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "As a lawyer, this politician argued on behalf of the Second Bank of the U.S. in the Supreme Court case Osborn v. U.S. He pierced John Randolph's coat in a duel, and he used Friedrich List's ideas to develop his protectionist economic system. This man finished fourth in an election year that saw William Crawford earn votes despite suffering a debilitating stroke, and he swung the House of Representatives to John Quincy Adams over Andrew Jackson in a move that lead to his appointment as Secretary of State in the \u201cCorrupt Bargain.\u201d For 10 points, name this man known as the \u201cGreat Compromiser,\u201d a longtime Kentucky senator behind the Compromise of 1850.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Henry Clay", "round": "ACF Fall 2008 - Andrew Hart.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 23, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 9", "question": "In insects, this process begins with apolysis, after which a namesake fluid is secreted into the exuvial space, and insects are known as teneral after undergoing it. It is also called ecdysis in insects. In birds, this process often begins at the head, and an analogous process in mammals involves the (*) replacement of fur. This process also occurs when snakes shed their skin. For 10 points, name this process by which an animal sheds and replaces its outer covering.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "molting [or ecdysis before mentioned; prompt on shedding before mentioned]", "round": "tourn9-01.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "BATE", "question": "His experience in World War I was used in his works One Man's Initiation: 1917 and Three Soldiers. \u00a0In another of his works, Ellen Thatcher has a pattern of marriage and divorce after her mother dies, titled Manhattan Transfer. \u00a0He describes the historical events surrounding the United States' entrance into World War I in Mr. Wilson's War. \u00a0In one of his series, he recounts twelve separate people's stories, with these characters occasionally meeting. Throughout the novels Woodrow Wilson is negatively depicted, while the characters are sympathetic towards the IWW. \u00a0FTP, name this author of\u00a0 The 42nd Parallel, 1919, and The Big Money, his USA trilogy.\u00a0\u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "John Dos Passos", "round": "Round 5.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "This man wrote about the pursuit of social honor in \u201cClass, Status, Party,\u201d and he defined a state as an entity with a monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force in \u201cPolitics as Vocation.\u201d He wrote about \u201cThe Arena of Normative and De Facto Powers\u201d in a work often identified as a revision of Marxism, Economy and Society. He discussed a certain people's concept of \u201ccalling\u201d in a work which also talks about asceticism and posits a link based on the need for worldly success to justify predestination. For 10 points, name this man who argued that Calvinism is tied to economic success, the German author of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Max Weber", "round": "ACF Fall 2008 - UCLA A + Missouri State + J.S. Reynolds.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 3", "question": "The 2004 Saville inquiry overturned Lord Widgery's earlier findings about this event. It was a result of the closing of Guildhall Square, which led soldiers to divert a march to the Free Corner. It occurred at a demonstration against imprisonment without charge that took place in (*) Londonderry in 1972. Thirteen of the protesters were killed by British army shooters, though the question of who shot first was contested by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association. For 10 points, identify this sanguine event, named for its occurrence on a certain day of the week.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Bloody Sunday", "round": "Round_15_HSAPQACF3.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Chicago Open History", "question": "Arthur Hoffman was forced to resign from this country\u2019s government after Robert Grimm claimed he was acting on this country\u2019s authority. This country brokered an agreement concerning where artillery fire could be aimed around the Stelvino Pass. The deliverer of the R\u00fctlirapport speech, Henry Guisan designed its fortification systems, including the Fortress Saint-Maurice and an initial line along its northern border. One plan for invading this country was named Operation Tannenbaum, and this country was accused of aiding Germany by continuing to trade jewel sights and gold during World War II. Defensive plans for this country included falling back to the St. Gotthard pass and a massive mobilization in 1940 to deter Nazi invasion. For 10 points, identify this country that, nonetheless, remained neutral during both World Wars.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Switzerland", "round": "2011 CO History Chiego Haddad-Fonda.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Delta Burke", "question": "This thinker used the analogy of a British postal directory, in which the \u201csame names come twice over, once in alphabetical and once in geographical order,\u201d to illustrate his defense of \u201cneutral monism.\u201d This author of \u201cOn Denoting\u201d argued that \u201cacquaintance\u201d and \u201cdescription\u201d are the two ways in which we can be aware of the world, while 1897's \u201cAn Essay on the Foundations of Geometry\u201d was his first publication on the subject with which he is most associated: mathematical logic. That work led to his work with his most famous collaborator, Alfred North Whitehead. FTP name this British philosopher and co-author of Principia Mathematica.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Bertrand Russell", "round": "DB 2010 round 13.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "NTV", "question": "(TB) Frederick Law Olmsted, the architect of New York's Central Park, was a key figure in ensuring this event's location. One of its goals was to celebrate the beauties and wonders of a modern city as the United States was entering a period of urbanization. It also coincided with an economic depression and served to lift people's spirits and the marvels of technology it displayed. Frederick Jackson Turner also used this stage to present his thesis about the closing of the American frontier. The book Devil in the White City takes its name and setting from this event. Name this global event that introduced the world to Aunt Jemima's Pancake Mix, Shredded Wheat, Quaker Oats, the Ferris Wheel, and electricity.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "The World's Columbian Exposition or the Chicago World's Fair or the World's Fair of", "round": "r6tossups.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "This author wrote about speculation in the Chicago Board of Trade Building in his novel The Pit. That novel joins the unfinished work The Wolf in this author's Epic of Wheat trilogy. This author wrote about a dentist who is left handcuffed to a corpse in death valley when Trina wins the lottery in one of his novels. Another work by this author features Magnus Derrick and concerns the powerful railroads strangling wheat growers. For 10 points, name this California-based regionalist American author of McTeague and The Octopus.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Benjamin Franklin Norris", "round": "4q2-01.pdf"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "Princeton Buzzerfest", "question": "Alternative models developed by C.S. Hanes or B.H.J. Hofstee and G.S. Eadie are preferred to this error-prone one. The Briggs-Haldane assumption is used in the formulation of this model. Non-competitive inhibitors decrease maximum reaction velocity but do not affect an eponymous constant, so that the slope rises, but the x-intercept is unchanged. Competitive inhibitors bind the enzyme, increasing the Michaelis constant, so that the slope increases, but the y-intercept is unchanged. Representing the reciprocal of reaction rate plotted against the reciprocal of substrate concentration, name, for 10 points, this doubly eponymous biochemical plot from enzyme kinetics that is used to graphically represent the Michaelis-Menten equation.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Lineweaver-Burk\u00a0plot [prompt on \u201cdouble-reciprocal\u201d\u00a0plot]", "round": "ColumbiaA.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Collaborative MS Tournament", "question": "A self-help book by Spencer Johnson asks \u201cWho Moved?\u201d this object. The main character of the title \u201cFairly Stupid Tale\u201d in a collection by Jon Scieszka (\u201cSHEESH-kuh\u201d) is a man made of a \u201cstinky\u201d kind of this food. In \u201cThe Farmer and the Dell,\u201d it stands alone. The moon is not actually made of a green version of it. For 10 points, name this dairy product that comes in provolone and Swiss varieties.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "MS", "year": 2010, "answer": "cheese [accept Who Moved My Cheese? before \u201cthis object\u201d]", "round": "CMST_Round09.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "This man is generally thought to have inspired Beverly Carlton in Kaufman and Hart's The Man Who Came to Dinner. Wannabe playwright Roland Maule, like Daphne Stillington and Henry Lyppiat's wife Joanna, throws himself at actor Garry Essendine in one of this man's plays, while art dealer Ernest Friedman is finally chased away by the apparent climactic m\u00e9nage a trois that Otto Sylvus and Leo Mecur\u00e9 have with his wife Gilda in another; those two are (*) Present Laughter and Design for Living. A more famous play sees Madame Arcati accidentally conjure the ghost of Charles Condomine's first wife Elvira, while in another a pair of adjacent second-marriage honeymoon balconies provoke the divorced Elyot and Amanda Chase to leave their new spouses and run off with each other. For 10 points, name this British man of letters, author of Blithe Spirit and Private Lives.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Noel Coward", "round": "Rd10.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "Penn Bowl", "question": "This poem discusses \"children who did not specially want it to happen\" in reference to a \"miraculous birth.\" In this poem, \"a torturer's horse scratches its innocent behind on a tree\" and \"dogs go on with their doggy life.\" Also noting \"even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course,\" the end of this poem discusses how \"everything turns away quite leisurely from the disaster.\" In this poem, a ploughman \"may have heard a splash, \"but \"a ship had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on\" in Breughel's painting of Icarus. For ten points, name this W.H. Auden poem that begins \"About suffering, they were never wrong\" and which is set in a museum.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "\"Musee Des Beaux Arts\"", "round": "Illinois A.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 24, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "One person who participated in this event was Tillius Cimber, who used the pretext of begging for his brother's return from exile to hold onto some clothing and prevent the target from raising his arms. The chief instigators of this event were all killed at the Battle of Philippi two years later. It followed several ill omens in bird entrails and a plea from Calpurnia not to leave the house, and it left its target's body under the status of Pompey. For 10 points, identify this event which took place on March 15, 44 BCE, and was orchestrated by Cassius and Brutus against a Roman dictator.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "the assasination of Gaius Julius Caesar [or obvious equivalents]", "round": "21.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 9", "question": "This woman was one of three female rulers attacked, along with her British cousin and French mother, in John Knox's First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women. One of this woman's husbands was strangled after growing jealous of her closeness to David Rizzio. This wife of Lord Darnley and daughter of Mary of (*) Guise (geez) was implicated in the Ridolfi Plot. Later, Francis Walsingham found evidence tying her to Anthony Babington's attempt to assassinate Elizabeth I. For 10 points, name this mother of James I who was beheaded by Elizabeth I after a lengthy imprisonment and who is commonly known by a national byname.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Mary, Queen of Scots [or Mary I of Scotland; or Mary Stuart; prompt on Queen Mary;", "round": "tourn9-05.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "QuAC I", "question": "In one work by this author, the title character in a fit of madness slays a number of sheep whom he believes to be his rivals and keeps one, whom he thinks is Odysseus, to torture. Besides Ajax, he also wrote Philoctetes and was the first to use painted backdrops on the stage and add a third actor to the action. He also wrote of the suicides of Haemon and Eurydice after the live entombment of the title character in a play titled after the sister of Ismene. For 10 points, name this Athenian playwright of Antigone and Oedipus Rex.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Sophocles", "round": "Round5Final.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "It first occurred after the Praeneste campaign at the urging of Valerius Flaccus and was announced in the Temple of Bellona. A later example was carried out by Quintus Pedius and Plutarch writes of it happening to the gentleman Quintus Aurelius. Descendants of anyone subjected to this procedure were barred from public office for two generations and Catiline became notorious for killing his brother-in-law in the one that happened in 82 BCE. Formulated during a Senate discussion between Gaius Metellus and Sulla, this activity returned during the Second Triumvirate, when Cicero fell victim to it. FTP, name this practice in which a Roman ruler posted lists of opponents to be stripped of property and killed.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2006, "answer": "proscriptions or proscriptiones", "round": "Virginia Commonwealth.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "MELD", "question": "This character responds \u201cNot madness, war\u201d when his father-in-law exclaims \u201cThis is madness!\u201d in response to a coup led by this character. He character is said to have wept in his mother's womb, which is why he is born with his eyes open. He fathers seventeen sons who all have the same name as him and who are all assassinated by being shot in the forehead. During his last years, he spends most of his time carving small gold fish. The first sentence of the novel in which he appears describes his memory of how his father, Jos\u00e9 Arcadio, took him to discover ice. For 10 points, name this first person born in Macondo, a colonel and member of the Buend\u00eda family in Gabriel Garc\u00eda M\u00e1rquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Colonel Aureliano Buend\u00eda", "round": "Packet 01.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "Sun n Fun", "question": "A correction to the Prandtl-Glauert factor for calculating the critical pressure coefficient is named for him and Tsien. A result partially named for this man approximates solutions for the general momentum integral using a fourth degree polynomial and the Pohlhuasen parameter. He also names a formula preferred to the Blasius formula for Reynolds numbers greater than 10 to the fifth; that formula was extended by Nikuradse and relates a coefficient of .4 or .41 to the skin friction coefficient. He also names the continuous shedding of eddies by the cylinder around which a fluid flows, which is his vortex street. For 10 points, name this Hungarian who also names the boundary between the atmosphere and space.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Theodore von Karman", "round": "Round by Shantanu Jha and Chris Ray.docx"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "Chicago Open Arts", "question": "In one of this man's films, Glory, the daughter of the shrimp merchant Wally, befriends the Vietnamese people in a Texas town and supports them when the Ku Klux Klan comes. Another film was scored by Miles Davis, and besides that story about Florence Carala, another film of his was based on a Queneau novel and sees the title character fall under the care of Uncle Gabriel. This director of Alamo Bay, (*) Zazie on the Metro, and Elevator to the Gallows directed a film where Lou falls in love with the young Sally, who inherits a large amount of drugs. This director of Atlantic City made a film where Jean, a Jew, befriends Julien at a Catholic school during the Holocuast. For 10 points, identify this director of Au Revoir, Les Enfants.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Louis Malle (Sy)", "round": "Lully Finals Packet.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "THUNDER", "question": "In cases where this policy was lacking or nonexistent, the practice of taqiyya was often used for protection by concealing one's identity. Although this principle was advocated by Pope Alexander II, he sanctioned the War of Barbastro which ended in a massacre that defied it. This principle was upheld in the sixty-seven articles of the Capitulation of Granada regarding Moriscos, which was signed by Boabdil, but it was largely ignored after Cardinal Talavera's replacement by Cardinal Cisneros. Tomas de Torquemada was one of the chief opponents of this principle, and the Alhambra Decree was another step back in achieving this policy, because through it, Ferdinand and Isabella expelled Jews from their country. For 10 points, name this policy which was severely lacking in Iberia during the Spanish Inquisition.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "freedom of religion [or religious toleration; accept equivalents]", "round": "THUNDER Round 2 - Final.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "In a single J shell, for even values of the angular momentum this quantity is equal to one, while for odd angular momentum it is zero. For light nuclei and negligible Coulombic effects, the square of its quantum number approximately commutes with the Hamiltonian. One projection of this quantity is equal to the charge minus half the sum of strangeness and baryon number. Because strong interactions are invariant under rotations within the space defined by this property, it follows by Noether\u2019s theorem in that it is conserved in strong interactions. Its symmetry, like the symmetry of a similar property, is approximated by the SU(2) group and that symmetry follows from up and down quarks having almost the same mass. For 10 points, name this quantum number introduced to explain the difference between a proton and a neutron.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "isospin", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-ChicagoCUVAMarylandFinal.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "One character in this work tells a story about being courted by Edgar Atkins Teagarden from Jasper, Georgia, and every Saturday, he would bring her a watermelon with his initials carved into it, while dining at \u201cThe Tower,\u201d which is run by Red Sammy Butts, who declares the title phrase. A story about a house with a secret panel leads to an incident where Pitty Sing leaps out of her basket and lands on Bailey's shoulder. Hiram and Bobby Lee take the children John Wesley and June Starr into the woods despite the pleas of the grandmother, in, for 10 points, this short story about a family that is murdered by the Misfit, written by Flannery O'Connor.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "\u201cA Good Man is Hard to Find\u201d", "round": "ACF Fall 2008 - Brown.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "MELD", "question": "This man's early plays include Love and a Bottle and The Constant Couple. His acting career ended when he accidentally wounded another actor during a fight scene in Dryden's The Indian Emperor. Thomas Keneally's The Playmaker deals with the staging of one of this man's plays, in which the womanizing Plume courts Sylvia in Shrewsbury. That play, which in Bertolt Brecht's adaptation was set during the American Civil War, is The Recruiting Officer. Bandits named Gibbet, Hounslow, and Bageshot appear in his most famous work, in which Mrs. Sullen and Dorinda are pursued by Archer and Aimwell. For 10 points, name this Irish playwright of The Beaux' Stratagem.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "George Farquhar", "round": "Packet 02.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 31, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "The background of this work is dominated by huge vaulted arches and marble sculptures. One figure sprawled across the central staircase in this painting may represent Diogenes of Sinope. The two central characters, one of whom holds a large book and one of whom points to the ceiling, wear red and blue drapes. For 10 points, name this Renaissance fresco in the Palace of the Vatican depicting scholars such as Aristotle and Plato.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "The School of Athens", "round": "4q2-03.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "Kolmogorov developed a model explaining how an influx of energy triggers this type of phenomenon. It can be characterized by the appearance of von K\u00e1rm\u00e1n vortex streets and significant non-linearities in the Navier-Stokes equation. It occurs when the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces exceeds a critical value. Large values of the Reynolds number characterize this type of flow. For 10 points, name this chaotic type of fluid flow, contrasted with laminar flow, which can result in irregular air motion in the atmosphere capable of affecting aircraft flight.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "turbulent flow [or turbulence; accept chaotic flow before mentioned]", "round": "Round_12_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Chipola Lit + Fine Arts", "question": "One character in this work is forced to wear ballet tights and a yellow sweater, and had earlier been assaulted by another character outside the D.H. Holmes department store. His aunt, Santa Battaglia, befriends another character who drinks muscatel wine after heating it in her oven and lives next door to Miss Annie. That character had earlier crashed her car into a pole, which occurred after an argument started by her son ended with the arrest of Claude Robichaux, who would later appear as a suitor to the mother of the protagonist of this work. That protagonist befriends Mr. Gonzalez and Miss Trixie while working at Levy Pants before being replaced by Mr. Zalatino when he attempts to lead a factory strike. For 10 points\u2014name this work about Irene and Ignatius J. Reilly, a novel set in New Orleans by John Kennedy Toole.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "A Confederacy of Dunces", "round": "2.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "The premiere of one work by this man was marred by the last two systems of the score having been copied as only one, and the orchestra playing it that way. Despite that mishap, that triptych for orchestra by this man was later performed as a ballet called Ode. Another ballet by this man was based on an outline developed by Lincoln Kirstein, featured twelve dancers, twelve-tone music based on sixteenth-century dances, and was paired with the pieces Apollo and Orpheus in a set of three Greek ballets. Besides that work, Agon, this man\u2019s ballets include one danced to the accompaniment of four pianos, percussion, and mixed chorus, depicting a wedding. The dances of the coachmen and wet-nurses occur in another work, in which this man prominently used a chord consisting of two major triads a tritone apart. FTP, name this composer of Petrushka.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Igor Stravinsky", "round": "PACKET07Byrne.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "HFT", "question": "This painting's artist was inspired by Jean de La Bruyere's book The Characters of Theophraste for its depiction of hands. The sketch for this painting did not include the fifth figure on the left wearing a white bonnet. A timepiece reads seven o'clock in the upper left hand corner of this painting, and a teapot sits in the bottom right corner directly below a woman pouring chicory into four cups. A lamp hanging from the ceiling illuminates the central scene in this painting as five figures huddle around a table for a meal. For 10 points, name this painting showing peasants consuming the titular tubers, a work of van Gogh.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "The Potato Eaters", "round": "04 HFT.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "This writer described a title figure who \u201cknew human folly like the back of his hand / And was greatly interested in armies and fleets\u201d in \u201cEpitaph on a Tyrant.\u201d In another poem, \u201cWaves of anger and fear / Circulate over the bright\u201d and \u201cThe unmentionable odour of death\u201d offends the title night of \u201cSeptember 1, 1939\u201d. \u201cThe dogs go on with their doggy life\u201d and \u201cthe ploughman may have heard the splash, the forsaken cry\u201d but goes on with his life in his best known poem, which begins \u201cAbout suffering they were never wrong, / The Old Masters.\u201d For 10 points, Landscape with the Fall of Icarus by Pieter Brueghel inspired what poet's \u201cMus\u00e9e des Beaux Arts\u201d?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Wystan Hugh Auden [TC]", "round": "Packet 2.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "This painter showed Turkish warriors around wounded civilians of the namesake island in Massacre at Chios. He depicted an Assyrian king watching soldiers destroy his possessions and kill his concubines in a painting based on a Byron play, Death of Sardanapalus. Another of his works shows a man in a top hat holding a rifle and a boy holding two pistols. For 10 points, who painted a semi-nude woman carrying the French flag through piles of debris and bodies, Liberty Leading the People?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Ferdinand Victor Eug\u00e8ne Delacroix", "round": "round02.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "This man collaborated with Richard Rorty and others on Interpretation and Overinterpretation, and wrote a history of the belief in a primordial tongue, The Search for the Perfect Language. A man who can only remember books he has read is the focus of his The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loanna. The search for a lost volume of Aristotle and the attempts by Jorge of Burgos to suppress blasphemy are exposed by William of Baskerville in one of his novels. For 10 points, name this semiotician and author of The Name of the Rose and Foucault's Pendulum.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Umberto Eco", "round": "Round_11_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "Nina Auerbach argued that this character\u2019s appearance resembles that of a Pre-Raphaelite \u201cstunner\u201d. Early in the novel in which she appears, she firmly interrogates Jacob Postlethwaite, who claims to have seen her mother\u2019s ghost. Another character writes \u201cAdmirable woman!\u201d in this woman\u2019s diary when she is incapacitated after catching a chill at Blackwater Park while eavesdropping. In three oracular dreams, this woman attempts to call her sister\u2019s future husband back from Honduras to England. Thought by many critics to be a portrait of George Eliot, this character is described successively as young, dark, and ugly when she first meets another character, who has come to be a drawing master at Limmeridge House. She later lives in the household of her sister and that character, Walter Hartright, following their marriage. For ten points, name this sister of Laura Fairlie who appears in Wilkie Collins\u2019s The Woman in White.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Marian Halcombe [accept either; do not accept or prompt on The Woman in White or Laura Fairlie]", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-Editors10Final.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "THUNDER", "question": "This man contributed the chapter \"Social Unity and Primary Goods\" to Amartya Sen's work Utilitarianism and Beyond. One of this man's works grudgingly accommodates what he terms decent hierarchical peoples, which are in opposition to liberal peoples; that work generalizes his philosophy to international relations and is entitled The Law of Peoples. The formulator of the Lexical Difference Principle, another of his works contains addresses the idea that government should be neutral between competing conceptions of the good by arguing for what he terms \"overlapping consensus\" and is entitled Political Liberalism. One of this man's most famous works was redone as the essay \"Justice as Fairness;\" that essay contains a concept which asks the society to construct itself in full ignorance of any person's role, the veil of ignorance. For ten points, name this philosopher who wrote A Theory of Justice.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "John Rawls", "round": "THUNDER Round 14.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "In this collection\u2019s sixth book, Salut au Monde!, the speaker \u201csee[s] ranks, colors, barbarisms, civilizations\u201d and \u201c[mixes] indiscriminately\u201d and \u201c[salutes] all the inhabitants of the earth.\" Ralph Vaughan Williams set to music this collection\u2019s \u201cPassage to India\u201d and \u201cOn the Beach at Night Alone,\u201d and another work in this collection includes the line \u201cO powerful western fallen star.\u201d Including the poems \u201cO Captain! My Captain!\u201d and \u201cWhen Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd,\u201d for 10 points, name this collection of poetry including \u201cSong of Myself,\u201d by Walt Whitman.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Leaves of Grass <MA>", "round": "Round04.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "VCU Open (Sunday)", "question": "This man encouraged collective farms to expel their useless members while serving as Party Chief in Ukraine. This man was mentored by Lazar Kaganovich, who with this man supervised construction of the Moscow Metro, and led to this man becoming Party Leader for Moscow. Later, Kaganovich along with Malenkov and Molotov opposed this man as part of the Anti-Party group. More famously, this man debated in a kitchen with (*) Richard Nixon and demanded a peace treaty between the Germanies, but failed in that endeavor, leading to the construction of the Berlin Wall. This man is best known for dealing with Kennedy in the Cuban Missile Crisis and for being succeeded by Brezhnev. For 10 points, name this man who in the \u201cSecret Speech\u201d condemned his predecessor Stalin.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev", "round": "Round 3.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "This play opens as Madame Pernelle berates her son for his inhospitality. In this play, Dorine strives to help her mistress Mariane marry her love, Valere. At the end of this play, the title character steals a box of evidence that would incriminate the protagonist\u2019s friend Argas. The title character of this play is exposed by (*) Damis after attempting to seduce his host\u2019s wife Elmire. For 10 points, name this play whose title character masquerades as a holy man to deceive Orgon, written by Moliere.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Tartuffe", "round": "08.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "The events of this volume are set into motion when \u201cCass\u201d and his two uncles visit a neighbor. During their visit, the uncles engage in a poker game that results in a marriage and the subsequent birth of the protagonist. The protagonist is referred to as \u201cuncle to half a county and father to no one\u201d and, in 1940, learns that the relative to whom he relinquished his inheritance has incestuously fathered a mulatto child. In the work's namesake final section, we are introduced to Gavin Stevens, who appears in the author's Intruder in the Dust and attempts to arrange for the burial of Sam Beauchamp following his execution. FTP name this book including the sections \u201cWas,\u201d \u201cDelta Autumn,\u201d and \u201cThe Bea;,\u201d a McCaslin-clan-centered Faulkner work that takes its name from a Negro spiritual.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2006, "answer": "Go Down, Moses", "round": "Kentucky - UCLA.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "MW GSAC XVII", "question": "Types of this kind of bird with specialized bills for feeding are the sicklebills and thornbills. They have a grooved tongue with the outer half forked, and like woodpeckers this wraps around their skulls. Like swifts and nightjars, these birds often go into torpor to save energy, and since that occurs throughout the year, it is known as noctivation. Their gorgets produce iridescence by reflecting light through microscopic discs with air bubbles inside. Some, such as the Sword-billed species, evolved in conjunction with tubular flowers. Many species have display flights utilizing their exceptional flying abilities. For 10 points, name this extremely small, colorful type of bird.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Hummingbirds", "round": "Round 3.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "St. Anselms and Torrey Pines", "question": "In this work, the mother of the sheep is given eagle wings to flee a dragon, who eventually spews water to drown her and her child. The narrator of this work hears a voice say, \u201cI am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last\u201d before addressing seven churches in Asia. In the eighth and ninth chapters of this book, a third of the world is [*] destroyed after the trumpeting of an angel. In its sixth chapter, after each seal was broken, a horseman riding forth on a unique color would appear. Believed to have been authored by John of Patmos, for 10 points, name this Biblical book that describes the onset of the apocalypse and the conflict between Satan and Jesus Christ.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Book of the Revelation to John [accept Apocalypse of John before \u201capocalypse\u201d; do NOT accept Book of Revelations to John]", "round": "Round 9.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "Late in the play he appears in, this character claims that \"[his] own tears / Do scald like molten lead.\" He calls himself \"a man / more sinned against than sinning\" in a scene which sees him yell \"Blow winds, and crack your cheeks!\" and encounter a man disguised as Tom o'Bedlam. He is led to shelter by (*) Gloucester after rushing into a storm, accompanied only by the disguised Earl of Kent and his Fool. At the beginning of the play named for him, he divides his kingdom between Albany and Cornwall. For 10 points, name this monarch who titles a Shakespeare play about his daughters Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "King Lear", "round": "tourn8-09.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Sun n Fun", "question": "The pyridyl nitrogen of one inhibitor of this class of molecules forms a hydrogen bond with the main chain amido nitrogen of residue 109, which is found in the ATP pocket. That inhibitor is pyridine-imidazole, and these enzymes are activated by dual phosphorylation of conserved threonine and tyrosine residues in the activation loop. In 2003, the pyridol-pyrimidine class of these molecule's inhibitors were shown to have a previously unseen degree of specificity for the alpha isoform of one class of this molecule, which is activated by lipopolysaccharide. For 10 points, name this enzyme whose JNK and p38 classes respond to stress stimuli, and which has a namesake cascade.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "MAP Kinases [or Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases]", "round": "Round by Matt Weiner Eric Mukherjee Aaron Rosenberg and Editor.docx"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "QuAC I", "question": "Restrictions of the Allies' oil supplies prompted this plan to be accepted over that of Omar Bradley. It was meant to seize strategic bridges with light troops in the target Nazi occupied nation and then reinforce them with heavier ground troops. However, tactical problems associated with dropping paratroopers deep within enemy lines and underestimations of the strength of the German forces in Holland ruined it. For 10 points, identify this failed World War II operation that saw the largest airborne assault in history, though notably didn't see the seizure of the bridge at Arnhem, despite the securing of several other bridges in the Netherlands by the British.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Operation Market Garden", "round": "Round10Final.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "The soprano in this opera reminds herself that she \u201cmust always be free\u201d in the aria \u201cE Strano! E Strano...Sempre Libera\u201d after the tenor proclaims his love in \u201cUn di felice, eterea.\u201d The baritone sings \u201cDi Provenza il mar\u201d to convince his son to return to Provence, but instead he crashes a party hosted by Flora Bervoix, where he wins money in cards from his rival Baron Douphol. In the last act, the title character sings \u201cAdio del passato\u201d after reading a letter from Giorgio apologizing for breaking up her romance with his son, who impressed the title character by singing the Brindisi. For 10 points, Alfredo Germont is the lover of Violetta in what Verdi opera about a courtesan?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "La Traviata", "round": "ACF Fall 2008 - Georgia A + Pitt B.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "Chitin", "question": "A comic strip-like work about the \u201cDream and Lie\u201d of this man depicts a dead horse, a hairy heart, and lots of screaming women. This man's rise to power culminated after the assassination of Jose Calvo Sotelo, and he was preceded as ruler by Jose Primo de Rivera, the founder of his \u201cFalange\u201d (Fal-ON-hay) party. He sent the Blue Division to help Hitler during World War II, and Hitler sent the Condor Legion to help this man rise to power, leading to the bombing of the village of Guernica. For 10 points, name this fascist Spanish dictator.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teodulo Franco y Bahamonde", "round": "Round 7 - UMN 1.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "[AR] This author describes in one work a touching scene where a father places presents in the backyard to convince his children that the English are not bombing the city to pieces. Working as a correspondent for Corriere della Serra, his reports from the USSR are collected in The Volga Rises in Europe. He directed the 1953 movie Forbidden Christ and though a fascist sympathizer, he incurred Mussolini's displeasure and was sent to \u201cinternal exile\u201d on Lipari for writing the how-to guide Technique of the Coup-d'\u00e9tat. One novel describes the moral degradation that occurs after the liberation of Naples, wherein the only thing people are willing to fight for is the title entity, a metaphor for people's personal flag. In another novel, this author describes with detachment trains disgorging themselves of dead bodies, and sleeping in a house with a rotting horse carcass next to it. Born Kur Eric Sukert and taking a pen-name meaning \u201cbad place,\u201d for 10 points, name this Italian novelist of The Skin and Kaputt.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Curzio Malaparte [accept Kur Eric Sukert before mentioned]", "round": "Packet_of_Death.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "An octagonal brick version of this structure was engineered for the Santa Maria del Fiore by Brunelleschi, and a famous Roman one features an Oculus. Four pendentives support this structure in Istanbul's Hagia Sophia, and nine of these structures sit atop a prominent cathedral in Moscow. For 10 points, name this architectural feature seen atop the Pantheon and the Taj Mahal, which occurs on St. Basil's Cathedral in an \u201conion\u201d shape.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Domes", "round": "Packet 8.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 56, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "In this defense of the title form of philosophy, Jean-Paul Sartre offers that his system is not one of despair and contemplative quietism but it is a recognition of the condition he and his readers find themselves.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Existentialism is a Humanism", "round": "04_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "Two sisters in this work confirm the identity of a corpse by the four dropped stitches on his sock. Another character in this work forgets to buy nails to go with the beautiful white boards she purchased for Michael. Stephen Pheety, Colum Shawn and Eamon Simon correctly predict that Bartley will not delay his trip to Connemara to sell a horse, and Cathleen and Nora secure a blessing on his voyage by shaming Maurya. Maurya's fear after seeing Bartley on a red mare followed by Michael on a grey pony are borne out by Bartley's death by drowning in, FTP, this one-act play by Synge.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2007, "answer": "Riders to the Sea", "round": "2007 ACF Regionals - Michigan A Dartmouth B.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "One legend states that he freed the town of Gubbio from an attacking wolf. G.K Chesterton wrote that this man was visited by a six-winged seraph on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross and received the stigmata. He wrote of his love for Sister Moon and Mother Earth in his Canticle of the Sun. He is credited with creating the first Nativity creche scene, and his mission inspired a noblewoman to begin a group of women followers, the Poor Clares. For 10 points, identify this Roman Catholic patron saint of animals and founder of a namesake group of friars.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Saint Francis of Assisi [accept San Franceso, prompt on partial answer]", "round": "Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "The equation describing the relativistic form of this effect includes a factor equal to the square root of quantity one minus v over c, all over the square root of one plus v over c. Applications of this effect include echocardiography (ECK-oh-car-dee-AW-gruh-fee), in which it measures blood flow, and (*) radar, which uses it to calculate the speed of an incoming or outgoing object. For 10 points, name this effect in which the frequency of a sound increases as a sound source moves toward an observer, which is commonly exemplified by ambulance sirens.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Doppler-Fizeau Effect", "round": "04.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "Five hundred fifty-eight names are found on its inside walls while the outside bases are decorated by such reliefs as Peace, Resistance and The Departure of the Volunteers. The horses that once graced its roof have been returned to St. Mark's in Venice, but the eternal flame remains lit. Designed by Jean Chalgrin, it sits on top of the hill of Chaillot and its full name is usually appended with the designation \u201cof the star.\u201d FTP, identify this structure originally commissioned after Austerlitz by Napoleon and modeled after the Arch of Constantine; the premier emblem of French patriotism.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2006, "answer": "L'arc de Triomphe or the Arch of Triumph", "round": "George Washington.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "This man\u2019s marriage to Argia, the daughter of a king who gave him shelter, would make him the uncle by marriage of Diomedes, who was the son of Argia\u2019s sister Deiphyle. In order to secure the allegiance of Amphiaraus, this man bribed Eriphyle with the necklace of Harmonia. The position once sought by this man would eventually be achieved by his son Thersander, who also bribed Eriphyle with Harmonia\u2019s robe to persuade Alcmaeon to accompany him. Companions of this man included Capaneus and Hippomedon, and this man was one of two cursed for refusing to give his father shelter. Of those who accompanied this man on his most famous quest, including Tydeus and Parthenopaeus, only Adrastus survived, and this man\u2019s burial was carried out against Creon\u2019s order by this man\u2019s sister, Antigone. For ten points, identify this son of Oedipus and Jocasta and member of the expedition of the Seven against Thebes, who died fighting his brother Eteocles.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Polynices", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-Editors1Final.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "One poem in this collection states that \u201cSo from one pure living fountain/flow the sweet and bitter which I drink\u201d and sees the speaker claim to be \u201cborn and die a thousand times a day.\u201d Earlier, the speaker describes how he \u201chad no opportunity or strength/to take up arms when they were needed,\u201d since his power was limited to his eyes and his heart. That poem describes love enacting \u201ca graceful act of revenge\u201d and \u201cpunish[ing] a thousand wrongs in a single day.\u201d The two sections of this collection, which was originally titled Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, are often called \u201cIn Vita\u201d and \u201cIn Morte\u201d. Its first entry opens by addressing \u201cYou who can hear in scattered rhymes\u201d, the origin of its alternate title. Of its 365 poems, 317 are in a certain sonnet form. For 10 points, identify this collection of poems about Laura, written by Petrarch.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Canzoniere [or Rime Sparse; or Song Book; accept Scattered Rhymes or Rerum vulgarium fragmenta only before each is read]", "round": "ACF Regionals 2011 - UCSD final.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "This president's nomination of John Parker to the Supreme Court was not approved after backlash from organized labor and the NAACP. Though the Clark Memorandum was written during his predecessor's administration, this man attempted to implement it by withdrawing troops from Nicaragua and Haiti. This man appointed George Wickersham to chair a commission that produced the report Lawlessness in Law Enforcement and found the Volstead Act to be unenforceable. Before becoming president, this man had served as head of the U.S. Food Administration and Secretary of Commerce. For 10 points, taking public blame for the Bonus Army fiasco and ineffectively dealing with the Great Depression probably cost what thirty-first President his 1932 re-election bid?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Herbert Clark Hoover", "round": "2010 - ACF Regionals - Yale A + Miami B.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "This author wrote about meeting Eloy Santos, who is saved from dying of syphilis when a doctor applies a blowtorch to his heart, in \u201cThe House of Changes,\u201d the first section of a book translated as this author's \u201cinferno.\u201d This founder of the short-lived literary magazine Lunes de Revolucion translated Dubliners into Spanish and wrote a screenplay adaptation of Under the Volcano. This author of the essay \u201cCinema or Sardine\u201d used vignettes to capture the history of his country in A View of Dawn in the Tropics. Another of his novels contains parodies of Jose Lezama Lima and Alejo Carpentier in a section titled \u201cThe Death of Trotsky,\u201d and is narrated by Codac, Arsenio Cu\u00e9, Silvestri, and Bustrofedon, who inhabit cabarets in Havana. FTP, name this Cuban author of Three Trapped Tigers.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Guillermo Cabrera Infante [JM]", "round": "Packet_2.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "The most common type in humans is made up of cross-linked DHI and DHICA polymers and has two types which differ from each other in the pattern of polymer bonds. The second-most-common type incorporates L-cysteine and is found in greater concentrations in women. This type may also become carcinogenic when exposed to (*) UV rays. It can be found in the zona reticularis in the adrenal cortex and the stria vascularis in the inner ear. People of African descent were at a higher risk of developing rickets before the advent of vitamin D supplements, because their skin contains higher levels of this substance. In the brain, it causes the distinctive coloration of the locus ceruleus and the substantia nigra. FTP, name this skin and hair pigment whose deficiency can be caused by albinism.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "melanin (accept \u201ceumelanin\u201d until \u201csecond-most-common type\u201d)", "round": "Round 3.rtf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "One superacid shaped like an icosahedron features a skeleton almost entirely composed of this element. The selectrides are a group of reducing agents featuring this element bonded to three sec-butyl groups, and Tthe nitrogen atom in proline binds to this element in the Corey-Bakshi-Shibata catalyst. Aryl- and vinyl- acids containing this element react with aryl- and vinyl-halides on catalytic palladium in the Suzuki reaction. Anti-Markovnikov addition is a feature of the best-known reaction featuring this element, in which an alkene is converted into an alcohol. That reaction features a namesake hydration followed by an oxidation and is catalyzed by a reactive compound consisting of this element bonded to three hydrogen atoms. For 10 points, name this fifth element.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "boron", "round": "Stanford - Final.docx"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "SACK", "question": "One character in this novel remembers splitting a bag of cherries with the title character. A group of men in this novel have a drink with Madame Clothilde, after which the two central characters leave to have wine and oysters. Earlier in this novel one character lends another ten thousand francs, which the protagonist offers the title character at a bar. After seeking out prostitutes, the protagonist eventually sleeps with Sue to convince himself of his masculinity and later finds out that the title character had been fired by Guillaume. This novel ends on the morning of the title character\u2019s execution, when Hella leaves the protagonist after surmising that he is a homosexual, leaving her fianc\u00e9 David without either of his lovers. For 10 points, name this novel in which David carries on an affair with the titular Italian man in Paris, a work by James Baldwin.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Giovanni\u2019s Room", "round": "Packet 12.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "This adjective describes the only type of scalene triangle for which the angle-side-side congruence conjecture holds. Triangles of this type have an orthocenter at the vertex joining the two smallest sides. The length of a side of this kind of triangle can be found by the Pythagorean Theorem. For 10 points, give this adjective that describes triangles that, because they contain an angle with measure ninety degrees, are neither acute nor obtuse.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "right triangles", "round": "4q2-11.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "A king of this name called \u201cthe German\u201d swore the Strasbourg Oath. Another won the Battle of Nancy against Charles the Bold of Burgundy, and a third bought part of the True Cross and died on the Eighth Crusade. Besides the Spider King and that Saint, another king of this name convened the Estates-General before the Bastille fell. For 10 points, name these French monarchs whose 16th was guillotined and whose long-reigning 14th was called the Sun King.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Louis [prompt on Ludwig until \u201cBattle of Nancy\u201d is read]", "round": "Packet 2.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "Gaddis II", "question": "[JM]\u00a0One author with this surname wrote a novel about Reuel Briggs, who journeys from Harvard to Africa and is crowned King Ergamenes in the hidden Ethiopian city of Telassar. That\u00a0author with this surname also wrote a novel about Aurelia Madison's seduction of Cuthbert Sumner, and a novel about the ancestor of Charles Montfont, Will Smith, who marries Sappho Clark. This surname is shared by the author of the novels\u00a0Of One Blood, Hagar's Daughter, and\u00a0Contending Forces, Pauline, as well as an author who wrote \"Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells\" in \"The Caged Skylark.\" That author with this surname cried \"Comforter, where, where is your comforting?\" in \"No worst, there is none,\" and asserted that \"the just man justices\" instead of \"crying\u00a0What I do is me: for that I came\" in his poem \"As\u00a0?\u00a0kingfishers catch fire, as dragonflies draw flame.\" For 10 points, name this surname shared by a British poet who asked \"Margaret, are you greiving / over Goldengrove unleaving\" in \"Spring and Fall\" and wrote that \"the Holy Ghost over the bent / World broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings\" in \"God's Grandeur.\"", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Hopkins", "round": "Packet 2.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "EFT", "question": "The central carbon atom of fenestranes has this molecular geometry, and reactions of substituents of complexes with this geometry are greatly accelerated when the trans ligand is a good pi acceptor. In crystal field theory, the d-orbitals of these complexes are split into four levels, giving it larger stabilization energy than the octahedral configuration. This geometry is occupied by low-spin d-8 complexes like Vaska's complex, the chemotherapy drug cisplatin, and a hydrogenation catalyst with a central rhodium atom and a series of triphenylphosphine ligands named for Wilkinson. According to VESPR, xenon tetraflouride occupies this configuration since it has 2 lone pairs and 4 ligands. For 10 points, name this molecular geometry which is flat with four sides.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Square planar", "round": "Round 07 updated.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "HSAPQ National History Bowl", "question": "This ruler\u2019s advisor Antonio Perez murdered Juan de Escobedo, the secretary of this ruler\u2019s half-brother. Maurice of Nassau began the Eighty Years War in the Netherlands as a revolt against this ruler. This ruler, who commissioned the construction of the Escorial, sent his half-brother John of Austria to support the Holy League at the Battle of (*) Lepanto. A group of ships sent by this ruler with the intention of transporting the army of the Duke of Parma was defeated by the fire ships of Francis Drake. For 10 points, name this Spanish ruler who deployed an armada that was defeated by the English in 1588.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Philip II of Spain", "round": "03.pdf"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "This psychologist wrote of Aboriginal incest in Totem and Taboo, and described the \u201coceanic feeling\u201d that inspires religion in Civilization and Its Discontents. He wrote about the \u201cdeath instinct\u201d in Beyond the Pleasure Principle, treated patients known as Rat Man and Little Hans for neurosis, and outlined the Oedipus complex in The Interpretation of Dreams. For 10 points, name this Jewish Austrian who defined the id, ego, and superego and founded psychoanalysis.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Sigmund Freud", "round": "Packet 2.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "From Here To Eternity", "question": "The tobit model uses a truncated form of this, and if 2 variables are unrelated but follow this pattern, then their sum follows this too. Given a large number of independent variables, their sum will converge toward it according to the central limit theorem. Its formula is 1 over the square root of 2 pi times the population standard deviation times e to the negative x minus the mean squared over 2 sigma squared. Subject of the empirical rule, for ten points, name this distribution that resembles a bell curve.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Normal distribution or Gaussian distribution (do not accept standard normal, or anything that modifies the word normal)", "round": "FHTE R7 Final Final Final.rtf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 1", "question": "When used with resistors, they can be used to eliminate signals above or below desired frequencies in high-pass and low-pass filters. The quantity associated with these objects is equal to charge over voltage, and the function of one can be improved by placing an insulating material that conducts electric fields between its two metal plates. For 10 points, identify this circuit element which stores charge, and whose namesake property is measured in Farads.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "capacitor", "round": "Round_12_HSAPQACF1.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "During a trip to Dawson in this work, Hal and Mercedes were criticized for bringing \"blankets for a hotel\" on their journey. Ysabel and Toots were among the companions of this novel's main character during his stay at Judge Miller's Santa Clara home. At the end of this work, the protagonist of this work becomes a legend among the Yeehats. After the murder of John Thornton, the main character of this work decides to leave civilization. For 10 points, name this novel about a canine named Buck, a work by Jack London.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "The Call of the Wild", "round": "26.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "NNT", "question": "Along with Planck, this equation's namesake denotes a molar flux equation, which reduces to this equation if the net flux is zero. In the chord-conductance equation, the term subtracted from the electric field is obtained using this equation. It can be derived by relating the chemical potential to a ratio written in terms of Boltzmann factors, as well as by noting the relation between Gibbs free energy, entropy, and cell potential. For 10 points, name this equation, which can be used to find the equilibrium reduction potential for a half cell.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Nernst equation", "round": "NNT_Packet_8.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "Mahfouz Memorial Lit", "question": "One poem in this collection is named for a creature that is the final rose in the author's barren land and features the phrase \"Ah, you who are silent!\" Another poem says \"I want to do to you what spring does with the cherry trees,\" and asks \"Let me spread you out among garlands.\" In addition to \"White Bee,\" and \"Every Day You Play,\" another part of this work says \"A bough of fruit falls from the sun on your dark garment,\" and begins with the title action being done with a \"mortal flame.\" Its last section speaks of a \"cemetery of kisses,\u201d and asserts \u201cthere is still fire in your tombs\" before discussing \"the hour of departure.\" For ten points, name this work that contains \"The Light Wraps You,\" and \"Tonight I can Write,\" 21 poems by Pablo Neruda.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Twenty Love Poems and A Song of Despair or Veinte poemas de amor y una canci\u00f3n desesperada", "round": "PRELIMS ROUND 4.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "QuAC I", "question": "One setting in this work is the country manor Gardencourt in England, and another setting is Florence, where Countess Gemini enjoys gossiping about the affairs of married women. In this literary work, Mr. Bantling serves as an escort for the journalist Henrietta Stackpole, and the main character rejects marriage proposals from Lord Warburton and Caspar Goodwood. At the end of this novel, Madame Merle leaves for America, and the Isabel Archer returns to her husband Gilbert Osmond. For 10 points, name this novel by Henry James, in which Isabel is the title woman.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "The Portrait of a Lady", "round": "Round4Final.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL States", "question": "One character in this book has a nightmare about feeling something under her like \u201ca piece of cool silk dragged across my legs.\u201d At the end of this novel, a character sports new false teeth and has surprisingly gotten remarried. A character in this novel is actually the son of the Reverend Whitfield. One chapter in this work simply consists of Vardaman saying \u201cMy mother is a fish.\u201d Characters in this novel include Dewey Dell, who tries to get an abortion, and Darl, who tries to burn his mother\u2019s coffin. For 10 points, name this William Faulkner novel about the attempt to bury Addie Bundren.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "As I Lay Dying", "round": "02.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "HSAPQ National History Bowl", "question": "The region of this name was the home to the ancient kingdoms of Sennar and Dongola and is named for an Arabic term for \"land of the black peoples.\" That region extends west to east across Africa between the Sahara Desert and the equatorial rain forest. The southern part of a country by this name will become independent in July. For 10 points, name this large country south of Egypt, which is also the location of Darfur.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "the Sudan", "round": "17.pdf"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "MW GSAC XVII", "question": "One essay by this philosopher defines the title concept as \u201cman's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity\u201d, and he advocated the dismantling of standing armies in an early formulation of democratic peace theory in another work. In addition to Perpetual Peace and What Is Enlightenment?, he theorized a priori truths as part of his \u201cTranscendental Doctrine of Elements\u201d and advised one to act on a maxim only if one could wish it to be a universal law, a concept known as the categorical imperative. For 10 points, name this German philosopher who wrote Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals and Critique of Pure Reason.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Immanuel Kant", "round": "Round 2.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 10", "question": "The Lawson criterion describes the conditions necessary for this to occur, and q values describe its efficiency. It can occur via inertial confinement or via a stellarator, which are more advanced than (*) tokamaks. Examples of this process include the CNO cycle and the proton-proton chain. In the late eighties claims of a \"cold\" version of this surfaced. This process powers stars. For 10 points, name this process by which two nuclei come together to make a new nucleus.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "nuclear fusion", "round": "tourn10-14.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "A repressor found in one example of these entities binds to OR1, OR2, and OR3 and is a dimer named c1; that example expresses genes gam, red, xis, and int when its genome is transcribed leftward. One of these entities concatenates several copies of its genome, then cuts that structure into segments of the original length, forming circular permutations of the original sequence. That example cannot (*) integrate its genome into the host and instead must employ ribosomes until the host organism bursts. The T4 variety of this kind of virus employs the lytic cycle in infecting E. coli, as does the \u201clambda\u201d variant. For 10 points, name this group of viruses that infect bacteria.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "bacteriophage", "round": "Round 14.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "TJ NAREN", "question": "Its late-onset form, called LOTS, is not fatal, but its infantile and juvenile varieties are. Its symptoms resemble Sandhoff disease, but it is caused by a mutation on chromosome 15 rather than 5. Reduced activity of the enzyme hexosaminidinase A, caused by a mutation in the HEXA gene, leads to accumulation of the ganglioside GM2 in the brain's neurons. This autosomal recessive disease causes the appearance of a cherry-red spot on the retina. Other symptoms include an inability to swallow as well as blindness, deafness, and paralysis. For 10 points, name this lysosomal storage disorder which is usually fatal by age 5 and is most common in Ashkenazi Jewish populations.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Tay-Sachs disease", "round": "Round 11.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 25, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "One measurement for this property utilizes the reciprocal of atomic volume and can be used to calculate molecular geometries, which is named after Sanderson. Another measurement of this property named after Allen uses the average energy of the valence electrons, and on that scale Neon has the highest value. The most common scale used to measure this property increases as one goes up and to the right of the periodic table and is named after Linus Pauling. For 10 points, name this property of atoms that describes the ability for an element to attract electrons.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "electronegativity", "round": "27.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 24, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "A group overseen by this figure was provided with bad maps by Reuben Colburn. Powder House Day commemorates an incident in which this man, allegedly backed by Jonathan Edwards, threatened New Haven leadership into giving him access to the local magazine. His greatest successes came at Valcour Island and Bemis Heights, where he won a showdown against Daniel Morgan, though a leg wound led Horatio Gates to take credit for his actions. For 10 points, the capture of John Andre led to the revelation that what general, despite his heroism with Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga and at Saratoga, planned to surrender West Point to the British?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Benedict Arnold", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "Delta Burke", "question": "One major group of these organisms was Labyrinthodontia, and their peak as predators came in the Carboniferous and Permian. The metoposaurs were a type of this organism important in the early Triassic. The caecilians are one order within this group of organisms, and this group, which all developed from the superorder Salientia, includes mudpuppies, newts, and frogs. For 10 points, name this class of organisms that live both on water and land.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "amphibians", "round": "DB 2010 round 3.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 16", "question": "Eugene de Kock claimed that an assassination that occurred in this country was the work of a South African hit squad; a drug addict was acquitted of that 1986 murder of this country\u2019s Prime Minister. Another man from this country received an honorary citizenship from the United States in 1981 in recognition of his work saving thousands of Hungarian Jews. A third man from this country died in a plane crash while investigating the (*) Katanga conflict as Secretary-General of the U.N. For 10 points, name this homeland of Olof Palme, Raoul Wallenberg, and Dag Hammarskjold.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Kingdom of Sweden [or Konungariket Sverige]", "round": "08.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "The Euler line passes through several distinctive points of one of these objects, while Ceva\u2019s theorem also applies to these objects. The area of one of these objects can be found by taking the square root of the (*) semi-perimeter times the difference of the semi-perimeter minus each side. That calculation is known as Heron\u2019s formula. A nine point circle can be drawn around one of the objects while the laws of sines and cosines also apply to these objects. For 10 points, name this polygon whose \u201cright\u201d variety conforms to the Pythagorean Theorem.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "triangles", "round": "11.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "NTV", "question": "In this novel, a man sings \u201cI came back from the bridge with tears in my eyes,\u201d and tabloids fabricate a story about Lucretia. One character rides a trolley full of \u201cfree-flying little birds\u201d and is sick of being force-fed eggplant by his mother. Hildebranda and Thugut help the main characters exchange telegrams, and those two later consummate their relationship aboard the New Fidelity despite being in their seventies. The action in this novel is made possible by the suicide of Jeremiah de Saint-Amour and the death of Dr. Juvenal Urbino. Name this novel by Gabriel Garc\u00eda M\u00e1rquez that details the amorousness of Fermina Daza and Florentino Ariza during an epidemic.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Love in the Time of Cholera [or El amor en los tiempos del c\u00f3lera]", "round": "05 TU.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "From Here To Eternity", "question": "One sculpture depicting him, residing in the Borghese in Rome, shows a facial expression modeled on the artist himself as he works the marble.\u00a0 More famous than the Bernini version is another, earlier work, with a feather running on the figure's thigh and showing him holding a sword.\u00a0 A third version was intended for the buttress atop Florence Cathedral but is now in front of the Palazzo Vecchio, shows him before battle instead of after, but, like the other version, in the nude.\u00a0 For ten points, name this Biblical figure, depicted in bronze by Donatello and marble by Michelangelo.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "David\u00a0", "round": "FHTE R8 Final Final Final.rtf"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "While attending a feast hosted by Cybele on Mt. Ida, this deity fell asleep and was nearly violated by Priapus, but the braying of an ass woke her up and saved her. Considered both the youngest and oldest of the gods, since Cronus swallowed her first and disgorged her last, she caused a great rift between Apollo and Poseidon when she was asked by both of them to be their bride. But she refused both of them, taking a vow in front of her brother Zeus to remain pure. FTP, name this goddess whose symbol was the circle whose duties included tending the sacred fire on Mt. Olympus.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2006, "answer": "Hestia", "round": "ACF Editors 3.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "Kendall notation allows one to characterize models based on actual instances of this structure. Multilevel feedback scheduling uses these data structures. Double ended ones are possible while heaps and their variants are typically used to implement priority ones. This data structure supports a front operation and this data type is usually contrasted with a stack. For 10 points, name this data structure that is first in first out and are exemplified by lines at grocery stores.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "queue [prompt on FIFO]", "round": "04.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "This poet repeats the lines, \u201cWhat instruments we have agree / the day of his death was a dark cold day\u201d in a the first stanza of a poem that implores the subject to \u201cteach the free man how to praise\u201d and begins by stating, \u201cHe disappeared in the dead of winter.\u201d The speaker asks \u201cWas he free? Was he happy?\u201d about the title figure of a poem who \u201cwas found by the Bureau of Statistics to be / One against whom there was no official complaint.\u201d This author of \u201cIn Memory of W. B. Yeats\u201d asserts \u201cabout suffering they were never wrong / The old masters\u201d in a poem about Breughel\u2019s The Fall of Icarus titled \u201cMusee des Beaux Arts.\u201d For 10 points, name this British poet who wrote \u201cThe Unknown Citizen \u201c and \u201cThe Age of Anxiety.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Wystan Hugh Auden", "round": "ACF Regionals 2011 - Maryland A and Boise State final.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "Chicago Open Arts", "question": "A rising sempre legato figure appears in the eighth of these works marked dolce e teneramente, while the ninth, Allegro pesante e risoluto, is in C minor and is the second piece in this collection to be in 4/4. The first half of the fifteenth, Presto Scherzando, closes on the tonic, and the unison octaves in the 22nd is a reference to Leporello's aria \"Notte e giorno faticar.\" The twenty-sixth is Piacevole, while the twenty-fourth is marked una corda, sempre legato and is a Fughetta Andante. This group of works is analyzed in the chapter \"The Shape of a Journey\" in a Maynard Solomon book, and they begin with a piece called (*) Alla marcia maestoso. A likely apocryphal story is that this collection's composer first dismissed the central theme as a \"cobbler's patch\" and refused to take part in the Vaterl\u00e4ndischer K\u00fcnstlerverein project. For 10 points, name this set of thirty-three works for piano, the Opus 120 of Ludwig van Beethoven.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Diabelli Variations (Jha)", "round": "Lully 5.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "This man was the primary target of Jeremy Collier's A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, attitudes to which this man contributed with his plays The Relapse and The Provok'd Wife. His first commission in his better-known field was for Lord Carlisle, and he was notable for reviving a style known as the \"colossal order.\" He adopted a simpler style in his design of Kimbolton Castle, and late in life he completed Seton Delaval Hall without the aid of his most famous partner. However, he is best known for a work which followed his Opera House in the Haymarket and which was designed together with Nicholas Hawksmoor to commemorate a famous victory. For ten points, identify this British architect, most famous for his design of John Churchill's Blenheim Palace.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2007, "answer": "John Vanbrugh", "round": "2007 ACF Regionals - Dartmouth A.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "The credits of Lost In Translation thanks a record company named for one of these \u201cof Death\u201d. Abkhazian immigrants staff a store devoted to sale of these items in Snow Crash, while in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Jeff Spicoli has one of them brought to Mr. Hand's class. In Do The Right Thing, Mookie works for a store that sells them, which is owned by Sal. Dom DeLuise provides the voice of a Hutt by this name in Spaceballs. For 10 points, name this food which comes in New Haven, Brooklyn, and Chicago styles and often contains pepperoni.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "pizzas", "round": "Round_04_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 26, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL States", "question": "In one poem by this writer, a speaker tells the title figure that \"ten bucks\" is \"more'n I'll pay you till you fix this house up new.\" That piece by this poet is \"The Ballad of the Landlord.\" This poet wrote \"tomorrow, I'll be at the table when company comes\" in \"I, Too, Sing America.\" Another poem by this man mentions how the speaker heard a man \"down on Lenox Avenue the other night ... droning a drowsy syncopated tune.\" For 10 points, name this African-American poet of such poems as \"Theme for English B,\" \"Harlem,\" and \"The Weary Blues.\"", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "James Mercer Langston Hughes", "round": "08.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "THUNDER II", "question": "An unknown Corinthian sculptor created a depiction of one of these found near the cenotaph of Menocrates. They're not eagles, but a bridge in Sofia, Bulgaria is named for the fact that two sculptures of them are found on either side of each entrance. The Borobadour complex contains thirty-two depictions of these creatures next to arched gateways, and a monument at Sarnath contained four of them facing away from each other. \u00a0A sculpture commemorating the Swiss Guards killed during the French revolution was created by Bertel Thorvaldssen in the shape of one of these animals; that example is found in (*) Lucerne. \u00a0Both Falconet and Pierre Puget sculpted a scene in which one of these creatures attacks a wrestler named Milo of Croton. Edwin Landseer created four bronze ones for Nelson's column. For 10 points, name these animals, whose skin Heracles is often depicted wearing.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Lions", "round": "THUNDER Round 9.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 16", "question": "This composer's ballets include Plymouth Town and The Prince of the Pagodas. He featured a Boisterous Bouree and Frolicsome Finale in a work based on tunes he wrote as a child, his Simple Symphony. Each section of the orchestra plays, in sequence, the tune of one of his works subtitled \"Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell,\" and he used the poetry of Wilfred Owen in (*) War Requiem. Operas such as Peter Grimes were also composed by, for 10 points, which English composer of the Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Benjamin Britten", "round": "03.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "Penn Bowl", "question": "[5/5] For 5 points each, this husband-and-wife team promote traditional neighborhood design in books like\u00a0Sprawl Nation, developments such as Seaside, Florida, and the Congress for the New Urbanism, which they founded in 1993.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Andres\u00a0Duany\u00a0and Elizabeth\u00a0Plater-Zyberk", "round": "Minnesota Reunion Bowl.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Chicago Open History", "question": "One ruler of this place formed an alliance with John Asen II after the latter\u2019s victory at Klokotnitsa over a rival claimant to the rulers of this place. Another ruler of this place was advised by George Muzalon, and a schism resulted when that man\u2019s deposer was excommunicated by Arsenios Autoreianos. John Vatatzes was one ruler of this place, and another killed Kay-Khusraw in battle, and was opposed by Michael Doukas and David Komnenos. The empire centered here was founded by Theodore Laskaris, and its last ruler was a usurping general named Michael Palaiologos. Opposed by the Despotate of Epirus and the Empire of Trebizond, this city was home to a Byzantine successor state during the Latin Empire. A church council here accepted the veneration of icons, and another set the date of Easter and condemned Arianism. For 10 points, name this Turkish city which names a Christian creed.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Empire of Nicaea (accept Iznik)", "round": "2011 CO History Davis Hart.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "Each of them is associated with a symbol known as a veve and their appearance causes a namesake \"crisis,\" which is marked by a state of utter exhaustion when these entities enter a govi and are said to \"mount a horse.\" These entities include Dinclinsin, who holds a whip and is renowned for his cruelty, while Limba is said to dwell in rocks and eat everyone he encounters. They are said to be \"served with both hands\" when invoked by a bokor under certain conditions, or by a traditional houngan. They are divided into families including the Ghede, the Petro, and the Rada. For 10 points, name these entities exemplified by figures like Baron Samedi and Papa Legba, who serve as deities that possess Voodoo priests.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "loas", "round": "Editor's Round (PO 2).docx"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "Geography Monstrosity 2", "question": "This island is home to Isulukati Waterfall, which flows into the Crayfish River, and its sole World Heritage Site, Morne Trois Pitons National Park, contains Boiling Lake and Emerald Pool. A road connecting its towns of Vielle Case and Marigo provides access to its Melville Hall airport, which lies near the Morne Diablotina. Its northernmost point, sometimes named for the Jaco (*) parrot, borders its namesake passage separating it from Marie-Galante Island, and its national bird, the Sisserou, is displayed on its flag. Formerly named Waitikubuli, it had its capital at Portsmouth until a 1760 malaria outbreak moved it to the current location. It elected the first female Prime Minister in the ? Caribbean, Dame Eugenia Charles, and it is currently led by Nicholas Liverpool from a city that is the birthplace of author Jean Rhys. For 10 points, name this northernmost of the Windward Islands, a nation in the Lesser Antilles that has its capital at Roseau.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Dominica", "round": "GM2 round4.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "Percy Grainger was renowned for his performance of this piece, and revised its orchestration in 1917 with the blessing of its composer. For many years, the second theme of this piece\u2019s first movement was scored for trumpet instead of cellos thanks to a recommendation by Liszt. Its third and final movement is marked Allegro molto e marcato, and begins with a theme in two/four time inspired by a halling. Its first movement cadenza is modeled after the opening of Schumann\u2019s piece in the same genre. That cadenza begins with a timpani roll before the main instrument plays a descending cascade of falling minor seconds followed by falling minor thirds. Written in 1868, it was its composer\u2019s only concerto, and is in the key of A minor. For 10 points, name this concerto written by the composer of the Holberg Suite and \u201cIn the Hall of the Mountain King.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Edvard Grieg\u2019s piano concerto in A minor [prompt on partial answer]", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-Editors8Final.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 24, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "The city that was this state's largest until the 1980s involves such suburbs as Bar Nunn and Mills, while the center of this state contains Ten Sleep and Thermopolis. It contains the ten-thousand-square mile Sweetwater County, and a third of the U.S.'s uranium reserves. Tourism in this state centers on (*) Big Horn Canyon, Fort Laramie, and Devil's Tower; it also contains the majority of Yellowstone. For 10 points, name this sparsely populated state, home to Casper, Jackson Hole, and Cheyenne.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Wyoming", "round": "06_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "This man's capture in an attempt to avenge the Kirker massacre at Galeana resulted in a siege of the city of Fronteras. This man was accused of abducting a child from John Ward's ranch in an event that included this man \u201ccutting the tent\u201d, the Bascom Affair. This man fought James Carleton out of the (*) Dragoon Mountains before agreeing to a treaty with George Crook and Thomas Jeffords. For 10 points, name this son-in-law of Mangas Coloradas and leader of the Chiricahua band of Apache.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Cochise", "round": "09_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "EFT", "question": "One model of his theories plots national income against the interest rate and was developed by John R. Hicks and presented in a paper called this man \u201cand the Classics: A Suggested Interpretation.\" This thinker gives his name to a graphical representation of an intersection between a consumption function of consumers and the aggregate demand function.\u00a0 This man wrote a book analyzing the economic impact of the Treaty of Versailles, called The Economic Consequences of the Peace. Paul Krugman has called for a return to this man's principles. For 10 points, name this British economist, an advocate of government spending, and author of The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "John Maynard Keynes", "round": "Round 05 updated.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "In bacteria, these can be arranged in monotrichous, lophotrichous, amphitrichous, or peritrichous schemes; Michael Behe argued that the \u2018irreducible complexity' of these is evidence for intelligent design. In eukaryotes, their 9-plus-2 axoneme include the protein [*] dynein, while in bacteria their filament is attached to the hook at the junction and they rotate, unlike in animals such as Euglena where they thrash back and forth. Distinguished from cilia only by their singular beating pattern, for 10 points, name this tail-like projection in a cell that is often used for locomotion.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Flagellum [accept flagella] [JoC]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 9 COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "T-Party", "question": "This body of water drains the Barotse Plain, and sites along this body of water include Chavuma Falls. Tributaries of this river include the Kafue and Luangwa, and the middle course of this river contains Lake Cahora Bassa. This river forms part of the border of the Caprivi Strip and was damned to create Lake Kariba, and it collects water from its tributary the Shire River before emptying into the ocean north of Beira. Sighted by David Livingstone, this river once made up a basin along with the nearby Okovango and Limpopo Rivers. Emptying into the Mozambique Channel, for 10 points, identify this river of Southern Africa which contains Victoria Falls.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Zambezi", "round": "Editors 5 - T Party 2010.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "This instrument was played by the arranger of \u201cLa Plus Belle Africaine\u201d and \u201cSophisticated Lady,\u201d Harry Carney. The pianist Tommy Flannagan had a solo in \u201cStrode Rode,\u201d a song on the album named for this instrument's \u201cColossus\u201d by Sonny Rollins. One performer of this instrument released Ornithology, and it can come in tenor, baritone, alto, and soprano varieties. For 10 points, name this instrument performed by John Coltrane and Charlie Parker, a single reed woodwind made of metal.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "saxophones", "round": "Round_02_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "ACF Novice", "question": "This composer was briefly engaged to the Belgian mezzo-soprano D\u00e9sir\u00e9e Art\u00f4t, to whom he dedicated his Six French Songs. Among his symphonies are his unnumbered Manfred Symphony, one subtitled \u201cPolish,\u201d and one whose second movement features a waltz-like melody in five-four time. His Marche Slave shares parts with a composition that is partly scored for cannon fire. He also wrote a ballet that features the \u201cDance of the Sugarplum Fairy.\u201d For 10 points, name this Russian composer of the Path\u00e9tique Symphony, the 1812 Overture, and The Nutcracker.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky [or Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky]", "round": "Early Autumn Collegiate Novice - Packet 3.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "BATE", "question": "The central object of this painting was in fact copied from a work done by John Dunthorne. A similarly titled work has\u00a0a work on its outer shutters titled The Path of Life and is a triptych by Bosch.\u00a0It depicts a scene near Suffolk, and one of the locations seen was owned by Willy Lott. A brown and white dog can be seen in the lower center of this work while a small boat can be seen\u00a0on the right side. The center of the work is dominated by several large trees which are in front of a small meadow and behind a red and white brick structure that is somewhat dilapidated. A cottage can be seen on the left situated on Flatford Mill and the\u00a0titular vehicle can be seen in the center, drawn by horses. FTP, identify this 19th century work by John Constable.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "The Hay Wain", "round": "Round 9.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "Princeton Buzzerfest", "question": "Among the first challenges faced by his reign was a child-eating fox sent by Dionysus that could outrun all dogs. He purified Amphitryon and Alcmena for the death of Electryon, and later gave his daughter in marriage to their son. That daughter, Megara, was unfortunately married to Hercules, who later killed her in a fit of rage. During his second reign, his son Menoeceus committed suicide in order to save their city. As a consequence of a decree he made regarding treatment of enemies, war broke out between his city and Athens, at the end of which he was killed by Theseus. As another consequence of that decree, his son's fianc\u00e9e, son, and wife all committed suicide in succession. Most of his problems began when he unknowingly married his sister Jocasta off to her son after the death of the Sphinx. For 10 points, name this man who forbade the burial of Polynices, ruled Thebes before and after Oedipus, and is the primary antagonist in Antigone.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Creon", "round": "Editors1.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "T-Party", "question": "This thinker divided social formations into primitive, traditional, and liberal-capitalist categories in a work that labeled social crises as \u201cunresolved economic steering problems.\u201d This author of Legitimation Crisis discussed the \u201cdissolution of epistemology\u201d in Knowledge and Human Interests. One of his works posits freedom, equality, and consensus must precede the universal validity required for discourse ethics. His most famous work proposes that coffeehouses developed in the eighteenth century to mediate the state and society. For 10 points, name this German author of The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere and The Theory of Communicative Action.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Jurgen Habermas", "round": "Brandeis + UMD - T Party 2010.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "One scene in this film features the closeup of an atropos moth, showing a prominent death's head on its back, and this film ends with two couples walking along a stony beach, after which they are abruptly shown buried in sand. In one scene, a man attempts to pull on a rope and reveals a pair of grand pianos with dead donkeys laying on them after he attempts to molest a young woman played by Simone Mareuil. Another scene in this film features ants crawling out of a man's hand, and this film opens by contrasting clouds obscuring a moon with a woman's eye being sliced by a knife. For 10 points, identify this film which was a collaboration between surrealists Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "An Andalusian Dog [or Un Chien Andalou]", "round": "MUT 2010 - Finals 2 [DO NOT READ FOR PRELIMS] - Done.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "THUNDER", "question": "The Sendzimir process is used to perform this action by using a small amount of aluminum to cut back on side production of alloys, and lead is used to imrpove the fluidity of the mixture and cutting back on excess dross production. It is commonly performed using the hip-dip, batch, or electroplating methods, and this process commonly reacts carbon dioxide with zinc oxide to create zinc carbonate, which is then deposited on the substrate in a crystalline geometry. For 10 points, name this process that commonly uses zinc oxide in order to create rust-resistant steel, named for an Italian chemist.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Galvanization", "round": "THUNDER Round 7 - Final.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "Prominent composers of this genre of music included James Scott and Tom Turpin. This kind of music inspired Claude Debussy to compose \"Golliwog's Cakewalk,\" and usually consists of a march rhythm and a syncopated melody. The \"king\" of this type of music wrote such pieces as \"The Cascades,\" \"Heliotrope Bouquet,\" and \"The Entertainer.\" For 10 points, name this precursor to jazz, which was popularized by Scott Joplin.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "ragtime", "round": "30.pdf"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "One feature of this name is located near Loch Fyne in Argyll, and another has a high point at Prokletjie. In addition to the Arrochar and Dinaric varieties, another of them in Washington is the Issaquah type, and the Hida and Akaishi comprise the Japanese variety of this feature. One of them contains the Tasman Glacier and Mount Cook, the Southern variety of New Zealand, while another names a notable region in Romania. For 10 points, give the common name of these mountain ranges, the best known of which contains the Matterhorn and Mont Blanc.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Alps Mountains", "round": "Round_08_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "At one point in this work, its author contrasts the laws of efficient causes with those of final causes and ultimately concludes that they must be in harmony. Its discussion of the means by which God obtains the greatest variety possible is followed by a reference to the work of Jerome Rorarius. Its final section discusses the role of pure love and the construction of a perfect government under God the architect. Composed of 90 sections, it has numerous parts devoted to the attainment of sensitivity by animals and humans, so that their spermatic animalcules may progress to the rank of reason. First published in 1714, Christian Wolff's doctrines would draw upon this work's discussion of entelechies or simple substances, as well as its author's previous treatise, The Theodicy. For 10 points, identify this essay that argued for the existence of namesake units of nature, a work by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "\u201cMonadology\u201d", "round": "r03- Harvard-Chicago B.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "This thinker rejected to Erasmus' formulation of free will in his work and claimed that humans without God were ruled by Satan in On the Bondage of the Will. This man was ordered to recant his heretical beliefs in the papal bull \"Exurge Domine\", which was written by Leo X in response to a a set (*) of statements against abuses of the Church, including the sale of indulgences, that this man posted on the cathedral in Wittenberg. For 10 points, name this German theologian who delivered the Augsburg Confession at the Diet of Worms and sparked the Protestant Reformation with his 95 Theses.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Martin Luther", "round": "tourn8-09.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 3", "question": "Stories about this figure are collected in the Harivamsa, which tells how King Kamsa attempted to kill all the children of Devaki. This figure escaped to Gokula, where he was raised by Yasod and Nanda among the gopis, or (*) cowherds, loyal to this deity. Preceded by Rama and succeeded by Buddha as an avatar of Vishnu, this god serves as the charioteer for Arjuna in the Mahabharata. In that role, he narrates the Bhagavad-Gita. For 10 points, name this blue-skinned god, the namesake of the proselytizing \u201cHare\u201d (HAH-ray) sect.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Krishna", "round": "Round_09_HSAPQACF3.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "ACF Novice", "question": "One of this artist's last works depicts the Blessed Ludovica Albertoni clutching her breast. This designer of Urban VIII's tomb also sculpted an ornate canopy that stands below the central dome of St. Peter's Basilica. This artist created sculptures of four gods to represent the Plate, Nile, Danube, and Ganges for a structure centered on a large obelisk, his Fountain of the Four Rivers. The Cornaro Chapel houses his statue of an angel holding a spear above a woman who contorts her face in pleasure. For 10 points, name this Italian sculptor of The Ecstasy of St. Teresa.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Gian Lorenzo Bernini [or Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini]", "round": "Early Autumn Collegiate Novice - Packet 5.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "RMP Fest", "question": "This place is guarded by a creature with sword-like fangs and indestructible nostrils named Surma, and this place is the abode of the goddess Kalma. Upon entering this place, one may be given a hat and gloves by its rulers, and this place is home to the Couch of the Unworthy. This place is home to the blind and crippled shepherd Nasshutan, as well as to an evil wizard who uses nets to make this place inescapable. One visitor to this place tells four lies about how he arrived there, none of which are believed by a maiden who tells him he cannot receive the lost-words he seeks; that figure escapes from this place by turning into a snake. A bee was sent from this place to retrieve ointment from the god Ukko, resulting in the reanimation of a corpse that had been sewed back together after being fished from this place's river. This place was visited by Vainamoinen and was the scene of the drowning of Lemminikainen. For ten points, name this underworld from Finnish myth, whose swan is the subject of a work by Sibelius.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Tuonela [accept: Manala, Mana, Tuoni; prompt on \u201cthe underworld\u201d until mentioned] {BA}", "round": "Round 1.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "This ruler provided aid to Yermak after Yermak conquered the khanate of Sibir, and this man convened the first Zemsky Sobor. This ruler was defeated by Stephen Bathory in the Livonian War, and he founded a secret police force called the (*) oprichina. This Rurik dynasty ruler killed his namesake son in a rage in 1581, and he was succeeded by his advisor Boris Godunov. For 10 points, name this first Russian ruler to have the title of Tsar, a man infamous for his ruthlessness.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Ivan IV [or Ivan the Terrible]", "round": "tourn8-09.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "The male and female sexual organs of this divisions species are known as antheridia and archegonia. The upper portion of the archegonia acts as a cap to the sporophyte, and is called calyptra. Their life cycle begins when a protonema is produced from a haploid spore, and their water transporting tissue is called a hydroid, as they do not possess a vascular system. For 10 points, identify this plantae division which contains hornworts, liverworts, and mosses.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "bryophytes", "round": "Round 8.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "VCU Open (Saturday)", "question": "The demoness Surpanakha had her nose and ears cut off as punishment for attacking this figure. This woman raised the twins Lava and Kusha alone after gossip among the citizens of Ayodhya drove her husband to cast her out. That husband won the right to marry her after he was the only man to successfully lift Shiva's bow. This princess of Mithila was the adopted daughter of Janaka, who found her in a furrow while plowing a field. She entered a burning pyre to prove her purity, after she voluntarily accompanied her husband and Lakshmana in a fourteen year exile. She once asked her husband to catch a golden deer which turned out to be Maricha in disguise. Subsequently, Hanuman jumped across the ocean to find her, and a bridge to Lanka was built to rescue, for 10 points, which figure kidnapped by Ravana, the wife of Rama.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Sita", "round": "Round 3.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "The weapon of this mythological figure was a gift from Aiofe and forged from the bone of a sea monster. He once fell in love with the fairy Fand, although Manann\u00e1n used his cloak to make them forget the entire affair. He was harassed by the goddess Morrigan after rejecting her, and his death came at hands of Lugaid after eating dog meat. He had fourteen pupils total, and he was trained by the woman-warrior Sc\u00e1thach. He fought the Connacht army of Queen Maeve single-handedly during the Cattle Raid of Cooley. For 10 points, what nephew of Conchobar fought with the spear Gae Bulg and led the Knights of the Red Branch in the Irish myth?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "C\u00fachulainn (prompt on \u201cSetanta\u201d) [DU]", "round": "Finals Packet 1.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "According to a rabbinical source named for Zebediah, this man used the phrase \u201cbring the blood\u201d in Leviticus to argue that laymen could sacrifice animals. He delivered speeches at locations such as Mizpah and Gilgal, and after hearing the bleating of sheep, this man sliced King Agag into pieces. This son of Elkanah was trained until the age of 13 by a priest from Shiloh named Eli, and his spirit was briefly resurrected after death by the (*) Witch of Endor. He was born after intense nighttime prayers by Hannah, his previously barren mother. For 10 points, name this Judge and prophet who anointed Saul and King David, whose two namesake Biblical books precede First Kings.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Samuel [or Shmuel]", "round": "Packet 9 - Playoffs 4.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "ACF Novice", "question": "In one story, this god competes against fire in an eating contest that was rigged by a similarly named figure \u201cof the Outyards.\u201d He takes the form of a mare in order to prevent the completion of a wall, which causes him to get pregnant and give birth to an eight-legged horse. He impersonates a giantess and refuses to weep for Balder's death, which he had previously caused by telling the blind god Hoder throw some mistletoe. By the giantess Angrboda, he fathered the giant serpent J\u00f6rmungand and the wolf Fenrir. For 10 points, name this Norse trickster god.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Loki", "round": "Early Autumn Collegiate Novice - Packet 2.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "This Hebrew word denotes symbols such as a U in a circle, the seals of kosher certification organizations. A man of this name had one son who led the conservative Moderate Party, and a grandson who ranked highly in the Social Democratic Party. This man worked with another politican, the Liberal Party leader, to develop a theory, contradicted by the Leontief paradox, about whether a country exports capital- or labor- intensive goods. For 10 points, name this collaborator with Bertil Ohlin.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "hechsher [or Eli Heckscher]", "round": "05_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "One character in this play refers to her friend, the Maharajah of Rajpipla, after recounting her adventures parachuting in Indochina. One character in this play reacts to the escalating geopolitical tension offstage by noting \u201cI am a servant of the whole damn stupid human race,\" and it ends with the singing of \u201cOnward, Christian Soldiers.\u201d As the play opens, several members of an orchestra are dismissed, prompting Pittaluga to chew Don out. The primary male character manages a troupe of all-female Balkan dancers called Les Blondes, and the primary female tires of her warmongering husband Achille Weber. Warning sirens go off at several points, and the end witnesses the bombardment and destruction of the Hotel Monte Gabriel. Harry and Irene fall in love high in the Alps just before World War II in, FTP, what play by Robert Sherwood?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Idiot\u2019s Delight", "round": "PACKET08Lafer.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "One of these from Magyar myth received sacrifices of white stallions; in addition to Had\u00far, another of these had jumping priests known as Salii, and in Irish mythology, a tripartite crow flying above this is known as the Morr\u00edgan. It's not the sun, but the [*] Aztec one of these was fathered by a ball of feathers and was notably left-handed. The Egyptian one, Sekhmet, is depicted as a lioness, and in Greek mythology, the god of this type was imprisoned for a year in a bronze urn, and had the children Phobos and Deimos. For 10 points, name this type of deity, examples of which include Huitzilopochtli and Ares.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "god[s] of war [accept logical equivalents; accept forge gods or other equivalents before the words \u201cjumping priests\u201d are read, since Had\u00far is also a forge god, but not after] [JoC]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 7 COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 24, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "A bird can be seen floating among the hills in the distances, while mist rises in the back of the left side of the canvas. The foreground features some broken pine trees, indicating that a storm has recently passed. A stream of water that begins somewhere beyond the horizon snakes its way to the foreground, where it tumbles among some rocks at the bottom of two cliffs. Commissioned by a dry goods merchant named Jonathan Sturges, it was donated to one of the figures it depicts, after that man gave a funeral elegy at the National Academy on May 4, 1848. Three large trees dominate the left foreground and partially obscure a rocky outcropping where two figures are standing and talking. Taking its name from Keats' \"Sonnet to Solitude,\" for 10 points, identify this work that imagines an idyllic outing in the Catskill Mountains involving the painter of the Course of Empire series and the author of \"Thanatopsis,\" a masterpiece of the Hudson River School by Asher Durand.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Kindred Spirits", "round": "r09- UCLA-South Carolina.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Minnesota Open", "question": "One song with this title was dropped from the Epitaph version of the Matches' album E. Von Dahl Killed the Locals. With the word \u201cO\u201d, this word titles a minimalist pseudo-cover of Massenet's aria \u201cO Sovereign, O Judge, O Father\u201d, an unexpected hit for Laurie Anderson. It is the first word in the title of a song from the album Clumsy which opens with the lines \u201cDo you worry that you're not liked? How long till you break?\u201d and ends with Raine Malda repeatedly asking \u201cDoesn't anybody know that the world's a subway?\u201d The repeated couplet \u201cIf you go a (*) million miles away I'll track you down, girl / Trust me when I say I know the pathway to your heart\u201d features in another song of this title, covered by R.E.M. for Lifes Rich Pageant. It also titles a song about a figure who's \u201cjust out to find/the better part of me\u201d and who notes that \u201cI can't stand to fly / I'm not that naive\u201d. For 10 points, name this figure who appears in the title of the aforementioned Our Lady Peace and Five for Fighting songs and also features prominently in 3 Doors Down's \u201cKryptonite\u201d.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Superman [prompt on \u201cClark Kent\u201d or \u201cKal-El\u201d from assholes; accept \u201cSuperman's\u201d due to slight ambiguity]", "round": "Round 06 - Michigan.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL States", "question": "This organization received proceeds from drug-running at Lintin Island until a crackdown under Lin Zexu sparked a war. This company exacerbated an event by using farmland to cultivate opium, causing the Great Bengal Famine. Several officials of this organization were in the Black Hole of Calcutta after one of its leaders won the Battle of Plassey. Initially the rival of a similar company called the VOC, this organization ceded control of its namesake region to Victoria in 1858. For 10 points, name this English trading company that dealt in opium and tea in China and India.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "British East India Company [or John Company; or Company Bahadur; accept words like", "round": "08.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "Gaddis I", "question": "This man purportedly instituted a religious system based on the belief that in order to obtain good karma upon death, one should immediately be killed after performing a good deed. Killed after a show trial at the Sosyanka Theater in Novonikolayevsk, he supposedly ate his St. George's Cross during his execution so that it wouldn't fall into his enemies' hands, and among his favorite methods of torture was chasing naked people into trees until they fell out and were shot. Among his men were Sepailoff, and he had originally served under Ataman Semonov, before allying with such figures as Djam Balaan of Buryatia and accomplishing his main feat. Restoring the Bogd-Khaan and establishing an independent state under the \"Order of Military Buddhists,\" he captured Urga or Ulaanbaatar in 1921, only to be defeated by Sukhbaatar and captured by the Bolsheviks in the same year. For twenty points, name this White Russian military commander, the so-called \"Bloody Baron.\"", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Baron Roman Feodorovich von Ungern-Sternberg (accept either; prompt on \"Bloody Baron\") (6)", "round": "Gaddis - Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "This author wrote about a man who moves across the street to observe his wife for twenty years in the story \u201cWakefield.\u201d In another of his stories, Elizabeth fails to persuade Reverend Hooper to remove the title garment. In a novel by this author, Holgrave falls in love with Phoebe Pyncheon after she moves into the title building. In a novel by this author of \u201cThe Minister\u2019s Black Veil,\u201d Roger (*) Chillingworth discovers Dimmesdale\u2019s affair with his wife Hester Prynne. For 10 points, name this American author of The Scarlet Letter.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Nathaniel Hawthorne", "round": "13.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regionals", "question": "In a \u201cThis is Sportscenter\" commercial, one player on this team saves Hannah Storm from a fire by encasing a coffee maker in ice. In 1993, this team traded Chris Webber for three future first round draft picks and Penny Hardaway, who teamed with Shaquille O'Neal when this team won the Eastern Conference in 1995. After slumping in 2010, this team dropped much of its roster and added Jason Richardson, Hedo Turkoglu, and Gilbert Arenas to team with center Dwight Howard. For 10 points, name this Florida based NBA team.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Orlando Magic [or Orlando Magic]", "round": "regionals-08.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "St. Anselms and Torrey Pines", "question": "This deity\u2019s sacred birds include the woodpecker and eagle owl. This father-in-law of Procne was the only Olympian not invited to the wedding of Hippodameia and Peirithous. This god\u2019s Stymphalian birds guarded his temple on the Black Sea, and Otus and Ephialtes threw him into chains and put him in a bronze urn. This god\u2019s daughter Penthesilea was slain by Achilles at Troy, and Athena and Hera encouraged Diomedes to wound this god, whose daughters include [*] Hippolyta. This god fathered Eros with Aphrodite, with whom he was caught in a golden net by Hephaestos. For 10 points, name this killer of Adonis and father of Phobos and Deimos, the Greek god of War.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Ares", "round": "Round 9.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "RMP Fest", "question": "The Sher-Dor and Tillya-Kori madrassahs in this city were designed by the architect Abdu-Jabor, both of which were built near this city's older Ulukbeg madrassah; all three of those schools are located in this city's Registan square. A group of mausoleums in this city is known as the Shah-i-Zinda, and the Bib-Khanym Mosque in this city features a famous turquoise dome, as does the Gur-e Amir complex, which contains a famous mausoleum. Rulers who died in this city include an Ottoman Emperor nicknamed \u201cthe Thunderbolt\u201d, Bayezid I, who was brought here in a gold cage. This city was decorated by artists from India, who were brought here after one of its natives violently sacked Delhi en route to conquering most of Central Asia in the 14th century. For ten points, name this home town of Tamerlane, the second largest city in modern Uzbekistan.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Samarkand {BA}", "round": "Round 6.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "The word \u201cthis\u201d appears in left-right-up-down order in a cross arrangement in this artist's painting of a yellow auction house behind a chimney blowing rainbow-shaped smoke from a red house. Another of his paintings shows conch-shaped smoke coming out a red building with a poster of the office and plant of Eshelman on the side punctuated by the word \u201cfeed.\u201d The aforementioned Buildings, Lancaster precedes And the Home of the Brave in Georgia O'Keeffe's collection of his works. Especially homoerotic are his watercolor Three Sailors and oil Turkish Bath with Self Portrait. Two triangular stripes of light shoot from the upper-left in his print of a grain elevator, My Egypt. Robert Indiana paid homage to his most famous work, which shows the word \u201cBill\u201d printed in the upper left, near four round lights reminiscent of a fire truck on 9th Avenue from the poem upon which it is based. For 10 points, name this painter of three copies of a number moving forward inspired by William Carlos Williams, I Saw the Figure Five in Gold.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Charles Demuth", "round": "2010 - Chicago Open - Round 08 - This Civilising Love of Death.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "Three fortissimo chords open one of this type of composition in C sharp minor, one of the most famous works of Rachmaninoff. One of these in D by Frederic Chopin is nicknamed the \"Raindrop,\" and Chopin wrote one for every major and minor key. J.S. Bach wrote two volumes of The Well-Tempered Clavier containing fugues paired with these compositions, and Debussy composed one \"to the Afternoon of a Faun.\" For 10 points, name this type of short composition whose name implies that it precedes another work.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "prelude", "round": "4q2-04.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regionals", "question": "The scenario for this musical work was first conceived by Nicholas Roerich (ROAR-ik), who also designed its costumes and sets. Excerpts from it accompanied an animation of the prehistoric earth and dinosaurs in Walt Disney's Fantasia. Subtitled \"Pictures from Pagan Russia,\" this Sergei Diaghilev (dee-AH-gil-ev) production begins with a high bassoon solo. Its choreography by Vaslav Nijinsky ends with a young girl dancing herself to death in a sacrificial ritual. For 10 points, name this ballet which caused a riot at its 1913 Parisian premiere and was written by Igor Stravinsky.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "The Rite Of Spring [or Le Sacre du printemps; or Vesna svyashchennaya]", "round": "regionals-02.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "One character portrayed by this woman dated a man named \"The Puma\" during her semester in Italy and works as a secretary at a greeting card company, while another is the lead singer of the band Munchausen by Proxy. This actress gained fame for the role of Jovie in Elf and also played Trillian in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. For 10 points, name this woman who played the female lead in Yes Man and 500 Days of Summer.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Zooey Deschanel (first initial required)", "round": "13.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "This structure is the chief source of mammalian theta rhythms. \u00a0The alveus portion of it forms a superficial layer between its CA region and the fimbria, and this structure is attached to the bottom of the amygdala. Antidepressants typically target this structure's dentate gyrus, which has a very high rate of neurogenesis. Damage to it results in anterograde amnesia, as this structure is necessary for the formation of new memories and general storage of long-term memories. For 10 points, name this part of the limbic system located in the medial temporal lobe, with a Greek name meaning \u201cseahorse\u201d.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "hippocampus\u00a0[prompt on \u201climbic system\u201d until \u201calveus\u201d; then do not accept it]", "round": "2009 ACF Fall edited - UCLA B.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "One type of this illness characterized by arrhythmias and brachycardia is named for Emery and Dreifuss. The presence of Gowers\u2019 sign and elevated creatine kinase are used to diagnose various types of this disease, which has X-linked varieties named for Becker and Duchenne. Fibrosis and excess adipose tissue gradually replace normal (*) myofibers in this degenerative disease. Progressive scoliosis is a common sign of this disease, which leads to deformation of the legs and pelvis, loss of the ability to balance, and eventual respiratory distress and death. For 10 points, name this disease characterize by wasting of the skeletal muscle.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "muscular dystrophy\u000b<Kirsch>", "round": "Packet 8 - Playoffs 3.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "From Here To Eternity", "question": "He started his academic career at the University of California at Berkeley in 1937. After only nine years, he was made a full professor of chemistry. During the Second World War, he worked on the Manhattan Project, isolating plutonium from reaction products. His actinide concept (*) revolutionized the organization of the periodic table. Between the years of 1940 and 1955, he added ten elements to the table. FTP, name this man, who until his death in 1999 was the only living person to have an element named in his honor.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Glenn Theodore Seaborg", "round": "FHTE R1 Final Final Final.rtf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 11", "question": "The arrangement of this painting's central group was inspired by Raimondi's (rye-MON-deez) engraving of Raphael's Judgment of Paris. In the background of this painting, a woman looks downward and dips her bucket into a stream. A man in a flat tasseled hat gestures to his left in this work, which depicts a woman, modeled on Victorine Meurent (mo-RAHNT), who reclines and looks toward the viewer. It depicts a (*) nude woman among two clothed men who are enjoying the title meal. For 10 points, name this painting of a picnic, by Edouard Manet.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Luncheon on the Grass [or Le dejeuner sur l'herbe ]", "round": "tourn11-13.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 10", "question": "This author wrote a poem about pursuing a creation \u201cwith thimbles,\u2026forks, and hope.\u201d In another work by this author, a story about three sisters who live at the bottom of a well and live off treacle is told by a (*) dormouse. One of his title characters is accompanied by her cat Dinah while following a white rabbit who is employed by the Queen of Hearts. He created Tweedledee and Tweedledum as well as the Cheshire Cat. For 10 points, name this author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland .", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Lewis Carroll [or Charles Lutwidge Dodgson]", "round": "tourn10-11.pdf"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "This city is home to sites like Iguana Park and the Cristal Palace, located a short distance from the monument La Rotonda, which commemorates a famous meeting here. Its buildings include a university named in honor of Vicente Rocafuerte and those in its historical district Las Pe\u00f1as. To its northwest is the town of Jipijapa, while the northeast features cities like Babahoyo and Milagro, and larger towns in the north include Portoviejo and Riobamba. South of this city lies Puna Island, which is located in its namesake gulf. That gulf is fed by the Tumbes and Zarumilla rivers and has its waters cooled by the Humboldt current. For 10 points, name this South American port city, the largest and most populous city in Ecuador.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Guayaquil", "round": "r16- Magin.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "Chapters four and five of this book describe Barak's military success; in chapter seven of this book, the Israelite army is reduced to three hundred men who lap up water. Also featuring the word \u201cShibboleth\u201d, one character in this book brags about slaying a thousand men at Ramath-Lehi with a [*] donkey's jawbone; that character, a Nazirite with long hair, destroys a Philistine temple by pushing its two central pillars apart. For 10 points, name this book of the Bible that recounts the stories of Gideon, Deborah and Samson, named for the twelve arbiters of Israel before it became a kingdom.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Book of Judges [or Sefer Shoftim] [GG]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 12 [Finals 1] COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "VCU Open (Sunday)", "question": "A leader of the fief of Kii who led the country during this period introduced sweet potato and sugarcane cultivation and began the compilation of the Kansei law code. Scholarly endeavors in this era were divided into the schools of Ancient Learning, National Learning, and Dutch Learning. This era included the artistic flourishing of the \"original happiness period.\" Another ruler's attempt to stamp out Christianity during this era led to the (*) Shimabara Rebellion. During the disintegration of its namesake government, this period saw the establishment of the Ezo Republic and the Boshin War. Ended by the proclamation of the Charter Oath and rallying behind Emperor Meiji, for 10 points, identify this final Japanese shogunate which lasted from 1600 to 1858.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Tokugawa shogunate [or Edo period]", "round": "Round 9.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "A poet from this country published the collection Cuttlefish Bones, and one of this country's most widely read novels is The Betrothed. In a novel written by an author from this country, two readers fall in love after discovering misprinted copies of the title novel. The Mandrake and If on a Winter's Night a Traveler were written by authors from this country, in addition to many sonnets dedicated to Laura. For 10 points, name this country, the home of Italo Calvino, Petrarch, and Dante.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Italy [or Italia]", "round": "Round_04_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "The finale to one opera by this man derives tunes from music to Gehe's Heinrich IV. In that opera two slaves recount their childhood in the duet \u201cOn the Banks of the Sweet Garonne\u201d and mermaids frolic in the finale, \u201cOh, \u2018tis pleasant.\u201d He also included such objects as an enchanted golden cup containing infinite wine and a magical horn in that opera, whose title character saves the day by having Ruon and Reiza returned to the court of Charlemagne. In another opera by him the title character has two solos in the first act, including \u201cThrough the forests and meadows.\u201d That title character loves the cousin of Anchen and by opera's end is forgiven by Prince Ottokar. His notable parts in that opera include the music of the Wolf's Glen scene and the \u201cHunter's Chorus.\u201d For 10 points, name this composer of an opera about the king of fairies, Oberon, and an opera about the marksman Max, Der Freischutz.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Carl Maria von Weber", "round": "Penn Illinois A - Final.docx"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "Miller, Dykes, and Polesky developed a cheaper \u201csalting-out\u201d alternative to this process, while Chelex and FTA paper are more recent alternatives. Impurities generated by this process can lead to artificially inflated 260/280 ratios in spectrophotometric quantification. In cesium chloride purification protocols, this step is performed iteratively until the sample is no longer pink. The reagent used for this process may be used at a pH of 4.7 or 7.9, depending on whether the sample contains RNA or DNA, and it is usually followed by ethanol or isopropanol precipitation. For 10 points, name this technique used to purify nucleic acids by transferring contaminating proteins and lipids into an organic phase consisting in part of hydroxylated benzene.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "phenol-chloroform extraction [prompt on extraction or phenol extraction, accept TRIzol extraction or PCIA extraction or phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol extraction, accept organic extraction before the word \u201corganic\u201d]", "round": "VCU - Final.docx"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 35, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "This author of Sciencea and Hebrew Tradition engaged the son of Wilberforce in a debate. When asked about his lineage he replied, \u201cI would rather be the offspring of two apes than be a man and afraid to face the truth.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Thomas Henry Huxley [prompt on partial answer]", "round": "04_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "High temperature polymorphs of this mineral include tridymite (TRIH-dih-mite) and cristobalite (KRIS-toe-ball-ite). The alpha form of this mineral has a trigonal structure, while its beta form is hexagonal. When microscopic crystals of it are intermixed with mog\u00e1nite, chalcedony (chall-SEE-dun-ee) results. Citrine is a yellow colored type of this mineral, and (*) amethyst is a purple one. Each of its oxygen atoms is part of two tetrahedrons. This mineral exhibits the piezoelectric effect. For 10 points, name this mineral that has an overall formula corresponding with silicon dioxide, and has a hardness of seven on the Mohs scale.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "quartz [prompt on silica; prompt on silicon dioxide; prompt on SiO2]", "round": "11.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "EFT", "question": "The victor at this battle exclaimed \u201cThey would have it so\u201d, referring to the dead on his enemy's side. The winning side anticipated the defeat of their right wing and advanced on the losing cavalry using their javelins as stabbing spears. One month before this battle, its victor had lost after the two sides had spent several months building up fortifications at Dyrrhachium. The losing leader in this battle was backed by the Optimates. This battle was the last in a war begun when its eventual winner crossed the Rubicon. The subject of an epic by Lucan, for 10 points, name this 48 BC battle at which Julius Caesar defeated Pompey, causing the end of the Roman Republic.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Battle of Pharsalus", "round": "Round 11 updated.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "THUNDER II", "question": "One part of this work is a critique of Tristes Tropiques that discusses the placing of the \u201cCerebral Savage\u201d on the throne in the guise of \u201cKing Reason\u201d and attacks Levi-Strauss's notion that humanity has spoiled the world and left behind only \u201cremnants of the Garden of Eden.\u201d Another part of this book describes that to under social anthropology, it is necessary to not only understand \u201cwhat ethnography is,\u201d but rather \u201cwhat doing ethnography is.\u201d That part of this work asks \u201cwhat is le penseur doing\u201d and borrows a critical concept from Gilbert (*) Ryle in order to analyze a wink. The last essay of this book contains a list of facts that describe the \u201cdramatization of status concerns\u201d infused in the titular activity on the island of Bali. For 10 points, name this collection that contains the essay \u201cDeep Play,\u201d which also puts forth the concept of thick description, written by Clifford Geertz.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "The Interpretation of Cultures", "round": "THUNDER Round 12.docx"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "It is blamed for influencing 2Pac to to go crazy in the song \u201cSo Many Tears,\u201d and Numskull admits that it \u201cstraight had me\u201d in the Luniz song \u201cI Got 5 on It.\u201d In the title of a track featuring Lady of Rage, Daz Dillinger, and Kurupt, its ingestion is paired with \u201cPuffin' on Blunts.\u201d In \u201cGotta Get Some Lovin',\u201d Too $hort plans on getting an 18 year old girl to \u201cfuck today\u201d after he gets her drunk on a mix of Hennessy and this, while 50 Cent notes that he \u201cdon't need shit\u201d such as this drink and Aliz\u00e9 because he stays high all the time. The titular liquor of a DJ Quik ode in which he notes that its \u201clittle green bottle got you outta ya mind,\u201d Dr. Dre comes through with a \u201cgang\u201d of it in the Snoop Dogg classic, \u201cGin and Juice.\u201d For 10 points, name this rival of Seagrams and Beefeater, a British brand of high-end gin.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Tanqueray [prompt on gin]", "round": "r04- VCU.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "MELD", "question": "This author described \u201ceach rifleshot hammerstroke\u201d as \u201canother notch in the silence\u201d in the title poem of his most recent poetry collection, Typewriter Music. He wrote about Jim Saddler, who sees his friend Clancy killed during World War I, in the novel Fly Away Peter. He created Digger Keen and Vic Curran, who were both imprisoned by the Japanese during World War II, in his novel The Great World. In his most famous novel, the lives of Lachlan Beattie and his cousins Janet and Meg are affected when the McIvor family takes in Gemmy Fairley, an Englishman who is stranded in Australia. For 10 points, name this Australian author of Remembering Babylon.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "David Malouf", "round": "Packet 08.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 30, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "This dynasty was opposed by the Liao (LAO) in the north and their predecessors, the Jin, who sacked their capital of Bianjing (BYAN-JING). This dynasty made its last stand at the Battle of Yamen. This dynasty was founded by Zhao Kuangyin (kwang-YIN), or Emperor Taizu. This dynasty was the first to issue paper money. Technological advances during this dynasty included the first compass and the first use of gunpowder. For 10 points, name this Chinese dynasty which emerged from the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period, and was defeated by the founder of the Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Song Dynasty", "round": "4q2-01.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Minnesota Open KLEE Fine Arts", "question": "Two versions of this man's Donnez signeurs have been preserved, and the triplum \u2018Quant en moy vint premierement Amour' is thought to be his first motet. The three-voice Hoquetus David, possibly the last composition of its kind, may have been written by this man for the coronation of Charles V.\u00a0 Four ballades complement the narrative prose and poetry of his two-part Prologue, which he appended to a collection of his complete works, and he explained the genesis of many songs such as his rondeaux and virelais in the autobiographical Le voir dit.\u00a0 He may be best known, however, for a four-voice work in six movements which was probably written for Reims Cathedral; this work includes a section that would subsequently be omitted in most settings, the Ite missa est, and uses isorhythm in every movement save the Gloria and Credo. For 10 points, name this 14th-century French poet and composer whose wrote the first complete setting of the Ordinary by a single composer, his Notre Dame Mass.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Guillame de Machaut [CW]", "round": "KLEE - Round 3.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "Possible models for the left-most figure in this painting include Andrea del Verrocchio's David or Giuliano de Medici. That figure in red wears a curved sword on his sash and prods his caduceus into a cloud. Roses trail out of the mouth of a figure on the right of this painting, who struggles with a figure with blue robes and blue-gray skin. Those are this painting's depictions of Mercury, Chloris, and Zephyrus. At the top of the painting, Cupid takes aim towards the Graces, who dance center left. In the very center of this painting, Venus stands where the orange trees arch. For 10 points, name this painting by Sandro Botticelli, an allegorical representation of spring.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Primavera [or Allegory of Spring before last four words of tossup; prompt afterwards]\u00a0", "round": "Bellarmine and UCLA.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 11", "question": "Sidney Rigdon was one of this group's earliest spokesmen. Militant groups connected to this religion became known as Danites. Along with Paiute Native Americans, some members of this group were perpetrators of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. They fought a namesake \"war\" with the U.S. government in the 1850s. They were driven (*) out of Missouri and Illinois to a place they called \"Deseret.\" For 10 points, name this group, founded by Joseph Smith, that was led to the Great Salt Lake in Utah by Brigham Young.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Mormons [or LDS; or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints]", "round": "tourn11-10.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "Osbert of Clare wrote a biography of this ruler, whose chief advisor was Robert of Jumieges. This ruler put down rioters in Dover who resisted his brother-in-law Eustace of Boulogne, and he seized the property of his mother Emma after coming to power. He sent an expedition under Siward the Fat to punish the Scottish king Macbeth for harboring exiles loyal to the father of his wife Edith, Godwin. The builder of Westminster Abbey, he took the throne after the death of his half-brother Harthecanute. For 10 points, identify this son of Aethelred the Unready and last ruler of the House of Wessex, a famously pious King of England who was canonized in 1161.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Edward the Confessor [prompt on partial answer, but do not accept any numbers]", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 17.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "NTV", "question": "One of this poet's collections contains a poem inspired by a sunflower in a railyard and another poem describing himself as nearsighted and psychopathic addressed to America. Another one of his poems begins \u201cStrange now to think of you, gone without corsets & eyes\u201d and was composed in memory of his mother. Another poem by this man sees Garcia Lorca \u201cdown by the watermelons\u201d and Whitman \u201ceyeing the grocery boys\u201d. Penning that poem, \u201cA Supermarket in California\u201d, as well as the line \u201cI saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness\u2026\u201d, identify this man who wrote, among other things, the poems \u201cKaddish\u201d and \u201cHowl\u201d.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Irwin Allen Ginsberg", "round": "02 TU.pdf"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Minnesota Open", "question": "Members of this organization were given an energy-blessed ceramic badge called a perusha, while its twenty rites included drinking the bathwater and brewed hair clippings of its founder, who reputedly gained the ability to levitate shortly after receiving visits from Shiva. That founder of this group published such texts as The Secret Prophecy of Nostradamus and the two-part Declaring Myself the Christ. This sect also published the Vajrayana Sacca, which claimed that its members could generate (*) plasma shields to protect themselves from a nuclear attack that its founder predicted would come at the hands of the United States in 1997. This religious group's most famous actions were carried out by puncturing newspaper-wrapped packages with sharpened umbrellas in 1995. For 10 points, identify this religious cult founded by Shoko Asahara, whose members carried out sarin gas attacks on the Tokyo subways.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Aum Shinrikyo [or Aleph; or Omu Shinrikyo]", "round": "Round 09 - UCSD.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "QuAC I", "question": "This structure's foundation was a trench 15 feet wide and 3 feet deep, covered with polygonal slabs. Its namesake was a 4th-century BCE censor surnamed Caecus, meaning \u201cthe blind\u201d, and its original goal was Capua, recently captured and now site of surrounding military encampments. It ran southwest from its origin parallel to the sea, allowing quick army access to the coast. Eventually stretching to the port of Brundisium, 366 miles from Rome, was, for 10 points, what \u201cqueen of roads\u201d?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Via Appia or Appian Way", "round": "Round6Final.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "The protagonist of this work is named after his father when his godparents suggest some names after flipping open a calendar. Later on, the protagonist forgoes the use of candles and evening tea, but he is delighted after his boss throws a party in his honor after he goes shopping with Petrovich. The main character is mugged by two thieves leading him to visit the \u201cperson of consequence\u201d asking for help to find a stolen object. For 10 points, name this story ending when the ghost of Akaky Akakievich steals the title garment from the \u201cperson of consequence,\u201d written by Nikolai Gogol.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "\u201cThe Overcoat\u201d", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 5.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "After the attack on Pearl Harbor, James M. Landis succeeded this man as director of the Office of Civilian Defense. He was crushed in his first attempt to gain another in 1929 by incumbent Jimmy Walker, but after a later victory, he rounded up thousands of rigged slot machines produced by gangster Frank Costello. He also employed thousands of laborers on public works projects directed by Robert Moses. Along with a senator from Nebraska, he provides half of the name of a bill that made \u201cyellow dog\u201d contracts unenforceable in federal courts. His nickname of \u201clittle flower\u201d was a translation of his Italian first name. For 10 points, name this Republican mayor of New York City in the 1930s, a major proponent of labor unions and the New Deal who is the namesake of a Queens airport.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Fiorello La Guardia", "round": "r09- UCLA-South Carolina.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Chitin", "question": "Although this author's poem Hans Kachelgarten was a huge failure, he was more successful with a story about a man who lives through the deaths of his sons Andriy and Ostap. His short story collections include Mirgorod and Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka, and he left Russia due to backlash against his play about Khlestakov, who is mistaken for the title official. He also wrote a short story about Akaki Akakievich's purchase of the title garment and a novel about Chichikov. For 10 points each, name this Russian author of Taras Bulba, The Inspector General, \u201cThe Overcoat\u201d and Dead Souls.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Nikolai Gogol", "round": "Round 8 - UMD 3.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "ACF Novice", "question": "This author wrote of Sally Carol Happer, a southern belle who cannot stand the cold and impersonal north of her fianc\u00e9 Harry Bellamy, in his short story \u201cThe Ice Palace.\u201d In a novel, this author told of Rosemary Hoyt's affair with a psychiatrist who marries his own patient, Nicole. This author, who created Dick Diver in Tender is the Night, wrote another work that is narrated by Nick Carraway. In that novel, George Wilson shoots the title character, who tries to rekindle his affair with Daisy Buchanan. For 10 points, name this author of the Jazz Age novel The Great Gatsby.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "F. Scott Fitzgerald [or Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald]", "round": "Early Autumn Collegiate Novice - Packet 1.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "The remolding action of polycomb proteins prevents this process and the homeodomain is found in \"factors\" of it. This process often ends with the addition of a poly(A) tail. The removal of exons, in a process called splicing, also occurs at the end of this process. Retroviruses such as HIV are named for their ability to perform this process in (*) reverse. The product of this process is subsequently shipped off to the ribosome. For 10 points, name this biological process in which a DNA sequence is used to create a sequence of messenger RNA.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "transcription", "round": "tournament17-02.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "The central characters grow up at a location which is described a ringed wood containing a ringed wall with a house where a lady is seen writing. The fourth section begins with a fantastic description of how light transforms a white plate into a white lake while a knife becomes an ice dagger. One character in this work is ashamed of his father's failure as a banker while in Brisbane, while another character in this novel repeatedly imagines himself as a man going to Greece to be a lecturer on the Parthenon. Each of the sections of this work begin with a description of the progress of the (*) sun. Much of the memory of one character is linked with the mystical location of Elvedon and the death of Perceval in India. Consisting of nine soliloquies spoken by Bernard, Susan, Jimmy and three others, for 10 points, name this playpoem whose text is twined with the rhythm of the title aqueous pulses, by Virginia Woolf. [Ike]", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "The Waves", "round": "Round 06.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "HSAPQ National History Bowl", "question": "Seven years before this battle, the death of Yohannes IV led to one participant helping the forces of Shewa to take the throne. This battle settled a conflict that began due to Prime Minister Crispi\u2019s interpretation of Article Seventeen of the Treaty of Wichale. Oreste Bartieri lost to Menelik II and made peace at the Treaty of Addis Ababa following, for 10 points, what 1896 battle in which Ethiopia turned back an Italian force?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Battle of Adowa", "round": "11.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "The notable quotations of this man include his advice \"give a man a gift, but do not endorse his note\" and his motto that \"there must be no fee paid...for education ought to be as free as air and water.\" His sons Edward and Abram Hewitt both became mayors of New York. Originally a coachmaker's apprentice, he co-founded the Canton Iron Works in Baltimore after making money by opening a glue-making factory. He took Samuel Cary as his running mate when he was nominated to run for president at the very old age of 85. He obtained a patent for gelatin which he sold to Pearl Wait who invented the name Jell-O.\" Years later, In order to pull railroad cars up steep surfaces, this man designed the Tom Thumb, the first American steam locomotive,. He's also the namesake of a certain union set up in New York for the advancement of science. FTP, name this politician and inventor who became the first candidate for the Greenback Party in 1876.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Peter Cooper", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-Editors7Final.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regionals", "question": "This man put up money for the Wardenclyffe communications tower designed by Tesla. He started the International Harvester Company. This man orchestrated the merger of Thomson-Houston Electric Company and Edison General Electric, creating General Electric. During the Panic of 1893, this man organized the replenishment of the U.S. gold reserves. This man bought the Carnegie Steel Company and combined it with other manufacturers to create U.S. Steel. For 10 points, name this American tycoon whose namesake firm is now combined with Chase.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "John Pierpont Morgan", "round": "regionals-03.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "The Cartan-Hadamard theorem says that the universal cover of a manifold where this is nonpositive is diffeomorphic to Euclidean space; more precisely, it requires that all the sectional ones are nonpositive. For a connection on a principal bundle, viewed as a gauge field, it is the field strength two-form. For a torus, it is intrinsically zero, but there can be an extrinsic one from the embedding in a Euclidean space. A surface's Euler characteristic is related by the Gauss-Bonnet theorem to the integral of the Gaussian form of it over the surface. The Riemann tensor is one measure of it. For the sphere, it is positive, while for a saddle, it is negative. For 10 points, what is this quantity, measuring an obstruction to mapping a space isometrically onto flat Euclidean space?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "curvature (accept \u201csectional curvature\u201d before the word \u201csectional\u201d)", "round": "Editor's Round 1 (RR).docx"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "One disease of this structure is tested for by administering synthetic tetracosactide, and another disorder is marked by a swelling of the face, high blood sugar, and skin acne. This structure has zona reticularis and zona fasciculata regions, the latter of which is stimulated by ACTH. Its overactivity causes Cushing\u2019s syndrome, a result of high levels of a stress hormone. Its chromaffin cells secrete catecholamines, while its cortex releases corticosteroids. For 10 points, name this pair of endocrine glands that secrete aldosterone, cortisol, and epinephrine, named for its location above the kidneys.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "adrenal glands <MAG>", "round": "Round11.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "Several short stories by this author are narrated by Mr Mulliner, while a character known as the Oldest Member narrates most of his stories about golf. The pig-obsessed Lord Emsworth is featured in many of his stories set at Blandings Castle, and many of his characters are members of the (*) Drones Club, including Bingo Little and a man with aunts named Agatha and Dahlia, Bertie Wooster. For 10 points, name this British comic author who created Wooster and his resourceful butler, Jeeves.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Pelham Grenville Wodehouse", "round": "tourn8-09.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 10", "question": "Lord Sidmouth scandalously thanked Thomas Trafford for preserving the public peace in the wake of this event. The orations of Henry Hunt led to this event, which also prompted the passage of the Six Acts. Fifteen people were killed during this event, which was a protest against the unemployment and hunger in Britain following the (*) Napoleonic Wars. For 10 points, name this 1819 Manchester massacre, nicknamed by creating a portmanteau of its location at St. Peter's field and the site of Napoleon's final defeat.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "the Peterloo Massacre [or Battle of St. Peter's Field before it is read]", "round": "tourn10-01.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "One tumor of this tissue is caused by an EWS to FLI1 translocation and presents with an onion skin\n appearance, and tumors of this tissue often create Codman triangles. Mutations in the src kinase in mice\n results in abnormally high density of this tissue. Besides Ewing\u2019s sarcoma, this tissue is usually destroyed\n heavily in multiple myeloma, creating \u201cpunch-out\u201d lesions. The cells that break down this tissue rest in\n Howship\u2019s Lacunae, and Volkmann\u2019s canals run transversely through this tissue, perpendicularly to\n Haversian canals. This tissue contains large amounts of hydroxyapatite, and parathyroid hormone causes its\n resorption. It comes in cortical or compact and cancellous or spongy varieties, and its cells are known as\n osteocytes. This tissue becomes porous in osteoporosis. For 10 points, name this white, hard,\n calcium-containing tissue that composes the skeletal system.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Bone", "round": "07.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "One allotrope of this element is often described as a truncated icosahedron, and was discovered by Curl, Kroto, and Smalley. Another allotrope of this element consists of a single layer of hexagonal rings. In addition to the buckminsterfullerene and graphene, this element also forms a three-dimensional lattice that is among the hardest structures known to man, and a soft conductor used in pencil lead. For 10 points, name this element whose allotropes include diamond and graphite.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "carbon [or C]", "round": "4q1-10.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This was the last name of the founder of Atlas Entertainment who earlier became the first woman to chair a film studio when Columbia named her president in 1987, Dawn. It names three prizes given each year by the American Mathematical Society, as well as the author of The Christian Hero and The Lying Lover, who adopted Jonathan Swift's false identity of Isaac Bickerstaff to help publish The Tatler and The Spectator with Joseph Addison. For 10 points, name this substance, which translates the name of Stalin and can come in a \"stainless\" variety.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "steel(e)", "round": "Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "NNT", "question": "The main figure on the left of this painting wears a ring on his index finger and a cross on a colorfully beaded necklace. The top of this painting shows a red house and a green house, both upside down. Two houses to the left, a priest looks out of the entrance of a yellow colored church, topped by a cross. A man with a sickle is next to an upside down violinist. The bottom of this painting shows a branch bearing fruit being held by one of the main figures, while the left depicts a woman milking a cow, which is inside the profile image of a white cow staring directly across to a large, green-faced farmer. For 10 points, name this painting by Marc Chagall.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "I and the Village", "round": "NNT_Packet_10.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "One group of these people was called the galli, and served as priests of Cybele. One of these people, Bagoas, was a favorite of both Darius III and Alexander. \u00a0An affair with Heloise led to Pierre Abelard's becoming one of these. Another, Wei Zhongxian (\u201cway jong-syen\u201d), suppressed the Donglin Academy and took de facto control of the Ming Dynasty. Another of these people commanded the Byzantine army alongside Belisarius, and was named Narses. Many of these men became so before puberty in order to sing in high registers. For 10 points, give this term for men who have been castrated.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "eunuchs [prompt on castrati] <RY>", "round": "Round09.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "QuAC I", "question": "One story from these people's mythology the skull of one character spitting into the hand of Xquic (sh-quick), impregnating her. Another figure often fights with bad weather and famine and is named Nal. Climbing into trees and having their loin cloths removed turns two characters into monkeys, and in addition to One Monkey and One Artisan, Seven Macaw was once tricked by the Hero Twins of these people, whose deaths brought about the end of human sacrifice in Xibalba (shee-balba). For 10 points, name this Mesoamerican culture, whose creation myths are told in the Popol Vuh.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Mayans", "round": "Round10Final.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "Chicago Open Arts", "question": "The poem \"Antiquarie Prospetiche Romane\" claims this work was held by a Genoese cardinal at SS. Apostoli, while various codices attest it was found in the garden of San Pietro in Vincoli. Thomas Crawford's sculpture of Cerberus borrowed the pose of the sculptures of two Molossian dogs that sit next to this work. Giovanni Montorsoli restored part of the right arm and the left hand, and Antonio Canova created his Perseus with the Head of Medusa to replace it after Napoleon took it in 1796. It is contained in a namesake (*) courtyard designed by Bramante in the Vatican Palace, and shows the subject nude but for the cloak on his back the moment after he has fired his arrow. For 10 points, name this copy of a Leochares sculpture depicting its figure after he kills the Python.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Apollo Belvedere [accept Apollo of the Belvedere or Pythian Apollo] (Jha)", "round": "Lully 5.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "One character in this work uses a live snake as a whip to goad a reluctant ghost into reanimating a corpse. One man has a nightmare in which the ghost of his former wife Julia foretells his death; his body is later cremated using burning brands stolen from another man's pyre by Cordus. An army is single-handedly held off for a time by the heroic Scaeva near Dyrrachium, setting the stage for the fateful battle. This poem breaks off shortly after Pothinus dies leading an assault against the palace of Cleopatra. Another passage echoes Vergil's description of Priam's dead body in its treatment of the headless corpse of Pompey. FTP name this epic poem centering on Pompey's conflict with Caesar, written by Lucan.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2007, "answer": "Pharsalia or Bellum Civile or The Civil War", "round": "2007 ACF Regionals - Harvard B.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This man\u2019s wife was denied her inheritance of the land of Fadak, while this man\u2019s own claim to inheritance was based on words spoken at the pond of Khumm. Thuss supporters of this man did not take an oath at Saqifah. Although he fought an inconclusive battle at Siffin, his forces were victorious at the Battle of the (*) Camel. He was eventually murdered by a Kharijite and succeeded by his rival, Mu\u2018awiyya. This man\u2019s older son, Hasan, did not fight at Karbala, where his younger son, Husayn, was martyred. Earlier, this man had benefited from the murder of \u2018Uthman to become the fourth Rightly Guided Caliph. For 10 points, identify this son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad who is revered as the first imam by the Shi\u2018a.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "\u2018Ali ibn Abi Talib", "round": "Packet 13 - Superplayoffs 3.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This artist painted a man in a crown and full armor limply pointing his finger in his version of The Burghers of Calais. A figure in a green vest kneels while the title man has his hands splayed out in a historically inaccurate painting by this man set under an elm tree at (*) Shackamaxon. This artist depicted the title figure crowned in the center as sparks of light emanate from his clenched fists in one work. In another of his works, a Native American sits on the left as a man in blue tries to stanch the bleeding of the title figure in red. That work describes an incident from the Battle of the Plains of Abraham during the French and Indian War. For 10 points, name this artist of The Treaty of Penn with the Indians, Death on a Pale Horse, and The Death of General Wolfe.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Benjamin West", "round": "Packet 9 - Playoffs 4.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Chipola Lit + Fine Arts", "question": "One character in this work receives a crossbow as a twenty-first birthday president from his mother, and later commits suicide when he is told that he must marry a woman who tricked him into declaring his love for her. Another character in this work is killed when a bunch of birds turn into humans and drown him, and would later convince the protagonist of this work that his daughter is the woman that protagonist is in love with. Wolfgang is the major domo of the court and the tutor of the protagonist of this work, and Bennon von Summerstein helps him to throw a party at the beginning of this work. For 10 points\u2014name this work in which Odile is the daughter of the sorcerer von Rothbart and Siegfried falls in love with Odette, a ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Swan Lake", "round": "8.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "One character in this work organizes the local baseball club and plays first base with constant thrill. Another character keeps small balls of paper in his pockets. In addition to Joe Welling and Dr. Reefy, a priest in this work sees Kate praying naked through a hole in his stained glass window. Wing Biddlebaum and Jesse Bentley are other characters in this work, which begins comparing people to misshapen apples in \u201cThe Book of the Grotesque.\u201d For 10 points, name this work about George Willard's eventual escape from the title town, written by Sherwood Anderson.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Winesburg, Ohio", "round": "Round_13_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "The Egyptian dwarf god Bes dons a \u201cfluted\u201d one of these items made from feathers. The topmost of the Sephirot, the Kabbalah's \u201cTree of Life,\u201d is called the Keter, the Hebrew word for this. John tells the Church of Smyrna that faithfulness to the point of death will be rewarded with one \u201cof life,\u201d which prompted a baroque painting craze depicting figures wearing ones of \u201cimmortality,\u201d and depictions of Christ wearing one are called Ecce Homos. For 10 points, name these religious artifacts, a thorny one of which was worn by Jesus.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "crowns", "round": "Round 2.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "Battles in this war included invasions of Corrientes and the Campaign of Lomas Valentinas. This conflict was instigated by intervention in an election between the Blancos and Colorados. One side's capital was captured by the duke of Caxias. In the beginning of this war, Francisco Solano L\u00f3pez ordered an invasion of Mato Grosso. The decisive engagement in this war was Riachuelo, during which the loser's navy was routed, allowing for the allies to maintain control of the Rio de la Plata. For 10 points, name 1860s war lost by Paraguay to the namesake entity, which consisted of Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "War of the Triple Alliance <ZZ>", "round": "Round 09.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "Conflicts between Catholics and Protestants in this country caused the Battles of Villmergen. Forces from this country lost the Battle of Marignano after an alliance of this country won the Swabian War. That confederation was founded in 1291 by Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden. In this country, the Protestant Reformation was led by the priest of the Great Minster, Ulrich Zwingli, and its peasant wars included revolts in Lucenre and Basel. For 10 points, name this European country divided into cantons and known for its neutrality.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Switzerland", "round": "Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "HSAPQ National History Bowl", "question": "Plans for Holy Communion to be received at this event were scrapped, reportedly out of fear of Italian poisoners. It was preceded by a secret midnight marriage officiated by Cardinal Joseph Fesch. Pius VII had been summoned for this ceremony, but this event's honoree snatched a crown out of the Pope's hands and placed it on his own head. For 10 points, name this December 2, 1804 ceremony that sought to legitimize the rule of a French emperor.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "coronation of Napoleon [or reasonable equivalents mentioning Napoleon being crowned]", "round": "10.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "In the context of a Hecksher-Olin model, fixed factor prices will lead to the long-run version of\u00a0this\u00a0being piecewise linear, and equal to the Rybszynski line. Heavy dominance of economies of scale can lead to a convex one of\u00a0these, and similar inputs can lead to a linear one of\u00a0these, but it is normally concave due to opportunity costs, and output bundles are allocatively efficient when they are on this line. Its most stereotypical presentation involves two goods which are chosen as metaphors for national security and domestic goods. Guns and butter are often used to illustrate, for 10 points, this basic economics curve which shows the limits of efficient production for various combinations of two goods.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "production\u00a0possibility\u00a0frontier [accept production possibility curve]", "round": "2010 - ACF Regionals - Michigan + Penn.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regionals", "question": "In a Senate campaign, this politician labeled his opponent, Helen Douglas, the \"Pink Lady.\" His first Vice President was a Maryland governor who resigned after a tax scandal. This president agreed to the Stennis Compromise after he dismissed Archibald Cox, an event that led to the resignations of Elliot Richardson and William Ruckelshaus and is known as the \"Saturday Night Massacre.\" Gerald Ford pardoned this president. For 10 points, name this president who resigned amidst the Watergate Scandal.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Richard Milhous Nixon", "round": "regionals-04.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Chicago Open History", "question": "This man\u2019s brother Socrates was a carpenter in Brooklyn who organized many rallies for him in the United States, and his secretary was the poet Froylan Turcios. His army was the victim of one of the first dive bombing attacks when he attempted to besiege the city of Ocotal. He rejected the power-sharing agreement made between Adolfo Diaz and his former ally, Jose Maria Moncada. This man was a supporter of Juan Bautista Sacasa, and failed attempts by US Marines to capture him were one of the chief motives for FDR's Good Neighbor policy in Latin America. He was assassinated in 1934 by the leader of the National Guard, Anastasio Somoza Garcia. For 10 points, identify this guerrilla leader and namesake of a group that overthrew the Somoza regime under the leadership of Daniel Ortega and was opposed by the Contras.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Augusto Cesar Sandino", "round": "2011 CO History Lafer Westbrook.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "Delta Burke", "question": "Helene Johnson's poem \u201cA Southern Road\u201d and Georgia Douglas Johnson's play A Sunday Morning in the South both depict this action. The character Louisa sings alone in the night after her boyfriend Tom is subjected to this action in the poem \u201cBlood-Burning Moon\u201d by Countee Cullen, and Mary Turner's example is fictionalized in the \u201cKabnis\u201d section of Cane by Jean Toomer. Ida B. Wells's non-fiction work A Red Record provided statistics about this activity and helped bring government attention to it. The subject of the short work \u201cA Party Down at the Square\u201d by Ralph Ellison, FTP what is this type of extrajudicial execution, mostly of African-Americans, endemic in the South in the 19th and early 20th century?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "lynching (accept obvious word equivalents)", "round": "DB 2010 round 12.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "Jonathan Harris plays a minor character in this film, a repairman named Geri. It's not Recess: School's Out, but one character in this movie has the surprise singing voice of Robert Goulet. The ending credits to this movie see a cameo by Heimlich and Flik, whose branch is cut down. One character becomes distraught when his arm rips at the beginning of this movie, while another character is stunned to discover that his father is Emperor Zurg. The main plot of this movie sees a character kidnapped by Al to complete a collection with Stinky Pete the Prospector and Jessie the Cowgirl. For 10 points, name this Pixar film, the second to feature Woody and Buzz Lightyear.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Toy Story 2", "round": "MUT 2010 - Minnesota 8 - Done.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "The addressee of one of his works is told \"Use language we can comprehend. / Tell us what elements you blend.\" This poet wrote a work describing a skeleton that lives in an attic behind a bed after journeying from the basement because of the title crone. In addition to \"Choose Something Like a Star\" and \"The Witch of Coos,\" he wrote a work which compares existence to Pirouot and Pirouette that begins by asking \"Fred, where is North?\" The narrator of another of his poems describes how \"far away an uninerrupted cry / came (*) over houses from another street\" and how he has \"outwalked the furthest city light ... looked down the saddest lane.\" The author of the poetry collection West Running Brook and the poem \"Acquainted with the Night,\" wrote \"Her early leafs into a flower , / But only so an hour.\" For 10 points, name this author that described Eden sinking into grief in his \"Nothing Gold Can Stay.\" [Ike]", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Robert Frost", "round": "Round 03.pdf"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "This thinker condemned religious persecution in \"A Letter Concerning Toleration\". This man believed that since knowledge was gained only through experience, the mind was, at birth, a blank slate or \"tabula rasa\" in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. For 10 points, identify this English philosopher who refuted the divine right of kings in \"Two Treatises on Government\" and stated that all men were entitled to life, liberty, and property.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "John Locke", "round": "4q2-12.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "HSAPQ National History Bowl", "question": "During the Civil War, Union commander John Slough defeated Charles Pryon at this current state\u2019s Glorieta Pass. Later, this state\u2019s Lincoln County was the site of a conflict involving John Chisum, Pat Garret, and the outlaw Billy the Kid. It is home to the White Sands Proving Ground, where the \u201cTrinity\u201d test was conducted. For 10 points, name this home state of the Los Alamos nuclear laboratory.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "New Mexico", "round": "sample.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "Delta Burke", "question": "One concept in this philosophical movement is the idea that an individual can perceive not only the features of some object before him, like the whiteness of a billiard ball, but also has a sense of a \u201cuniversal\u201d whiteness beyond this specific example, a perception called \u201ceidetic intuition\u201d by this movement's putative founder. That founder developed this movement from his study of \u201cintentionality\u201d as described by Franz Brentano, and he presented this examination of our perceptions of objects outside our consciousness in his Logical Investigations. FTP what is this 20th-century philosophical movement first elucidated by Edmund Husserl?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "phenomenology", "round": "DB 2010 round 12.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "This poem describes \"gardens bright with sinuous rills\" enclosed by \"walls and towers\" in an area of \"twenty five miles of fertile ground.\" At one point in this poem, \"a woman wailing for her demon lover\" portends a gushing fountain bursting from the earth, and in its second section, \"Mount Abora\" is sung about by \"a damsel with a dulcimer.\" That portion was written after its poet had been interrupted by a visitor from Porlock, and it describes \"caves of ice\" and \"the river Alph.\" For 10 points, name this Samuel Taylor Coleridge poem in which the title character decrees a \"stately pleasure dome\" in Xanadu.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "\"Kubla Khan\"", "round": "Round_11_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "The title character is selected as May King in this man's comic opera Albert Herring. The second act of one of his operas ends with von Aschenbach's confession of love to Tadzio, and he wrote the choral piece Hymn to St. Cecilia. Besides making operas from Death in Venice and Billy Budd, he adapted a George Crabbe poem into an opera about the fisherman Peter Grimes. This composer of the War Requiem wrote some \u201cvariations on a theme of Purcell\u201d for some children. For 10 points, name this British composer of The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Edward Benjamin Britten, Baron Britten", "round": "Round_12_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 16", "question": "Philip Glass based his first and fourth symphonies on this musician's albums. The second of those albums, part of his Berlin Trilogy, features a title song where a pair of doomed lovers \"can be us just for one day\". This man, who worked with Brian Eno on Heroes, included \"Starman\" on a concept album about an (*) alien rock star, while his first hit features a man who is asked to \"take your protein pills and put your helmet on\", Major Tom. For 10 points, name this artist of The Rise And Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars and \"Space Oddity\".", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "David Bowie", "round": "02.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "One character in this novel, Hippolite, is a consumptive who writes an \u201cEssential Statement\u201d on life and mortality. At one point, the main character falls ill after breaking a priceless vase at a dinner party, and earlier he befriends Ganya, a secretary who wishes to marry Aglaya, the daughter of a general. The main character's wishes to marry are foiled by his friend Rogozhin, who ends up murdering Natasya. This title character first comes to the Epanchin house after leaving a sanatorium in Switzerland, where he was being treated for epilepsy, and it is the Epanchins who give him the nickname that titles the book. For ten points, identify this novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, which centers on Prince Myshkin.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2007, "answer": "The Idiot", "round": "2007 ACF Regionals - Chicago B Harvard C.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 27, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "After scolding this figure for marrying an Ethiopian, this figure's sister was stricken with leprosy for seven days. This man flung a tree into the water at Marah to make it sweet, and this man's arms were held up by Hur and this man's brother to help his people defeat the Amalekites. This man married a daughter of Jethro of Midian, Zipporah, and trashed the golden calf idol created by his brother, Aaron. For 10 points, name this man who led the Israelites out of Egypt and received the Ten Commandments from God.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Moses [or Moshe; or Musa]", "round": "4q2-05.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "THUNDER II", "question": "This man received six weeks house arrest at West Point after an incident in which whiskey was smuggled into the barracks, an event called the Eggnog Riot. This politician lost a 1851 gubernatorial campaign to his frequent political opponent Henry S. Foote. He gained fame after defending a cavalry assault at the Battle of Buena Vista, an engagement which saw him wounded and carried off by Robert Chilton. While serving in his most notable position, he gave a final proclamation at Danville and was arrested wearing his wife's overcoat, giving rise to an urban legend that he was wearing a full petticoat. This man married Zachary Taylor's daughter and served as Franklin Pierce's Secretary of War. \u00a0In his most notable post, this politician from Mississippi had such Cabinet Members as Stephen Mallory and Judah Benjamin. For 10 points, name this man who served as the only president of the Confederate States of America.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Jefferson Finis Davis", "round": "THUNDER Round 9.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "NTV", "question": "One of these entities bore with the god Zephyrus the steeds Xanthus and Bailus, which were the mounts of Achilles. In one story, these creatures tormented King Phineus by stealing his food and defecating on his plate. Their chief employer was Hades, who used them to drag people who were unwilling to die into Tartarus, and in Dante's Inferno, they torture the suicides by gnawing on the trees they have turned into. Name these daughters of Iris, bird women with disfigured faces.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Harpies", "round": "05 TU.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Harvard International", "question": "In one moment from this play a woman relates how she put a sack over the head of an elderly woman to prevent her from screaming to beg someone to feed her dishwater and dog meat. At the end of the third act a woman enters cradling a lamb that she claims is her baby. One character relates how she used a pestle to crush the birds belonging to her husband Evaristo the Short-Tailed, while another character tells the story of Librada's daughter who was dragged to the olive grove to be tortured to death after dogs uncover the corpse of her illegitimate baby. In this play's third act, the grandmother Maria Josefa uses the nickname \u201chyena-face\u201d for Martirio, who earlier steals the portrait of Angustias' fianc\u00e9e. The maid La Poncia discovers Adela has hanged herself in her room after the title character shoots her pistol to scare away Pepe el Romano from the title residence. For 10 points, name this play about a domineering matriarch, written by Federico Garcia-Lorca.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "The House of Bernarda Alba [accept La Casa de Bernarda Alba]", "round": "Round 06.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "In one work, this man claimed that school vouchers should replace the current public education system, and in another he claimed that theories must be judged by their simplicity and fruitfulness. In addition to that work, Essays in Positive Economics, this thinker opposed military conscription and argued for floating exchange rates. In his most famous work, this man claimed that the Federal Reserve should increase the money supply by 3 to 5 percent every year and end the Bretton Woods system. For 10 points, name this economist who opposed John Maynard Keynes, a monetarist at the University of Chicago.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Milton Friedman <PM>", "round": "Round03.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "The all-black bull Mnevis was a manifestation of this deity, whose soul was represented by the Bennu bird. The grandfather of Geb and Nut, he fathered Tefnut and is either the husband or father of Hathor. In the form of a cat, he repeatedly slays an evil serpent. Riding a barge each night, he would defeat Apep, the demon of darkness, before turning back towards the east. He was sometimes combined with Atum, Horus, or Amun. For 10 points, name Egyptian sun god.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Ra or Re <MG>", "round": "Round 05.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 24, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "Jig and \"The American\" drink Anis del Toro in a Madrid train station in this author's \"Hills Like White Elephants,\" which appears in the collection Men Without Women along with some Nick Adams stories, such as \"The Killers.\" In one of this author's novels, the narrator walks home in the rain after Catherine Morland delivers a stillborn baby. This man wrote about Michael Campbell's engagement to Lady Brett Ashley in Pamplona in a work narrated by Jake Barnes, and in another work, Manolin is apprenticed to a fisherman who idolizes Joe DiMaggio, Santiago. For 10 points, name this author of A Farewell to Arms, The Sun Also Rises, and The Old Man and the Sea.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Ernest Miller Hemingway [accept \"Hills Like White Elephants\" before \"this author\" is read]", "round": "4q1-09.pdf"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "RMP Fest", "question": "According to legend, this man once freed a ghost by teaching a dead man's son to read the Torah, and this man once spent twelve years away from his wife to study with Eliezer ben Hyrkanus. Proclamations by this man include \u201cWhat God does, he does for the best\u201d, and he claimed that the Messianic Age would last for 40 years, or one man's lifetime. This man often disputed with Patriarch Gamaliel II and was nicknamed the \u201cHead of all the Sages\u201d. Allegedly illiterate until age 40, this man once stated that \u201ca star has shot off Jacob\u201d, setting in motion a series of political events that resulted in the diaspora. For ten points, name this second century Rabbi who helped spark a 132 rebellion against Roman rule when he proclaimed that Simon Bar Kokba was the messiah.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Rabbi Akiva [accept: Akiva ben Yossef]", "round": "Round7.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Gaddis I", "question": "The artist of this work later incorporated it into a mosaic on Huntington Beard Crouse Hall at Syracuse University. That artist wrote that this painting attempted to reveal \"the acts and the persons involved with as rigorous a simplicity as [he] could command\" in The Shape of Content. A single ornate gold column appears in the upper left corner of this painting, whose background features a set of steps leading up to two closed wooden doors flanked by large columns. In the foreground, two men wearing black suits and top hats hold white flowers next to a man dressed in a cap and gown, A. Lawrence Lowell. Those three men stand below Judge Webster Thayer, while the two title figures are depicted at the bottom in coffins. FTP, name this painting by ? Ben Shahn about the execution of two Italian anarchists.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti (4)", "round": "Gaddis - Round 5.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "Minnesota Open", "question": "One of these works shows three old women listening to an astronomy lecture and is entitled \u201cConversation Club.\u201d Another of these works shows a group of men clutching a barbed wire fence is is entitled \u201cThe Living Dead of Buchenwald.\u201d The artist of these works was depicted by Oscar Graubner while balanced on top of the Chrysler Building's art deco eagles. One of these works depicting the (*) Fort Peck Dam construction was utilized on the first cover of Life magazine. Still another shows a breadline underneath a billboard proclaiming \u201cThere's no way like the American Way.\u201d Many of these works from the Great Depression were collected in You Have Seen Their Faces, a collaboration with the artist's husband. The most famous of these works shows a man sitting on the floor next to a spinning wheel. For 10 points, name these works all taken by the wife of Erskine Caldwell, which notably includes a picture of Gandhi.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Photographs of Margaret Bourke-White [accept like Pictures for photographs]", "round": "Round 12 - Editors 3 + Virginia.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "Fall Kickoff Tournament", "question": "When the US Navy called for a project attempting to sink German Bismarck-class battleships, this psychologist stepped up, trying to develop a pigeon-guided missile. He developed the three schedules of reinforcement and his daughter was never put in his air crib. One of his most famous works is a sequel to a Henry David Thoreau work asserting a utopian society of Planners, Managers, and Workers, Walden Two. His other work, Beyond Freedom and Dignity posits that people don't have free will in a world of stimuli. For 10 points, name this behaviorist who developed a name sake box and the operant conditioning chamber.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "B(uurhus) F(rederic) Skinner", "round": "FKT 2010 DuPont FINAL.rtf"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 11", "question": "Unusually for a Spanish-speaking South American nation, this country is less than fifty percent Catholic. Part of this country's border with Brazil runs through Lake Mirim, and this country is itself bisected east to west by the Rio Negro. Its capital sits on the north side of the estuary separating it from (*) Argentina, the Rio de la Plata. For 10 points, identify this country in the southeastern part of South America, whose capital has a name meaning \"I see a mountain,\" Montevideo.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Oriental Republic of Uruguay [or Republica Oriental del Uruguay]", "round": "tourn11-07.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "In the center of its background, a man in a top hat with brown facial hair is turned away from the viewer, talking to a man in a cap and a brown jacket as a woman in a white top leans on a railing. The entire scene takes place under an orange-and-grey striped awning, and major figures include a woman playing with her black lapdog and a man in a white shirt and straw hat straddling a chair. For 10 points, name this painting by Auguste Renoir which also depicts copious fruit, wine, and tableware, evidence of the title meal.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "The Luncheon of the Boating Party [or The Luncheon at Bougival]", "round": "Round 4.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "He lived on land provided by the philanthropist Gerrit Smith, who was one of this man's chief financial backers, as was the preacher Thomas Higginson. His agent in New England, Franklin Benjamin Sanborn, urged this man not to undertake his most famous action, and in Chatham, Ontario, this man proposed a new constitution for the United States. After the burning of Lawrence, this man led a retaliatory raid at Pottawatomie Creek. For 10 points name this man who was hanged in 1859 for leading the abolitionist raid on Harpers Ferry. 2008-2009 NSC-Format Set #1 Round 7 Page 3 of 12 \u00a9 2009 HSAPQ These questions will not be licensed to any future tournament and may henceforth be used for practice purposes only. It is prohibited to use these questions for any purpose of financial gain or to remove the attribution of these questions to HSAPQ.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "John Brown", "round": "Round_07_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regionals", "question": "This figure has a dialogue with the giant Vafprudnir (VAF-prude-neer) in the Vafprudnismal (VAF-prude-nees-mall). He disguised himself as a stranger to test the generosity of Grimnir. This mythological figure sacrificed an eye for the water of Mimisbrunnr (MEE-mees-broon). This god's son Vidar will avenge this figure's death at the hands of the Fenris wolf. This husband of Frigg was the father of Balder. For 10 points, name this chief god of Norse mythology.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Odin [or Wotan; or Woden]", "round": "regionals-04.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "This tissue containing torus-margo pits and bordered pits has highly lignified cell walls. Its primary and secondary types develop from the procambium and vascular cambium, respectively. Along with vessel elements, this tissue contains elongated cells which are dead at maturity and arranged end-to-end, the tracheids. Acting by transpirational pull and root pressure, it transports minerals and water upwards from the roots. For 10 points, name this plant vascular tissue paired with phloem.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "xylem <LC>", "round": "Round 08.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "The first measurement of this quantity was attempted by Purcell and Ramsey in 1950, although it was not until 1957 that the significance of this quantity was noted by Landau. The current upper limit on this quantity comes from an experiment at the Laue-Langevin Institute, which measures this quantity by detecting a shift in a transition frequency as an applied electric field is alternated between being parallel and anti-parallel to an applied magnetic field. In theoretical calculations, this quantity gives a direct measurement of the QCD vacuum angle. Because CP is a violated symmetry, according to the CPT theorem a nonzero measurement of this quantity would imply the existence of a corresponding time-reversal violation such that CPT is conserved. With a current upper bound of about 3 times 10 to the minus-26 power in units of elementary electron charge times centimeter, for 10 points, identify this vector quantity, which represents the bulk charge distribution of the lightest non-charged baryon.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "electron dipole moment of the neutron [prompt on partial answer]", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-Editors7Final.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "He is called \u201ca wretched little cricket\u201d by the Second Man and scoffed at by John Ball, and this character describes his \u201cphysical\u201d happiness to Josephine during a Sunday afternoon when he suddenly takes flight. In another work, this character's first wife is named Marguerite and he is over four hundred years old. The protagonist of A Stroll in the Air, he loses his control over nature and refuses to accept his death as the titular monarch in Exit the King. In another work, he falls in love with Dany and disappears after encountering the \u201cradiant city.\u201d The protagonist of The Killer, he appears alongside Botard, Jean, and Daisy in a work where he doesn't transform into the title animal. For 10 points, name this protagonist of Ionesco's Rhinoceros.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "B\u00e9renger", "round": "r08- Missouri State-UCSD.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "Its author dedicates this work to the soul of Coquelin, which he claims is the main character's. Opening at the H\u00f4tel de Bourgogne, this drama has several lines for the orange girl, who finds it difficult to please Ligni\u00e8re. The title character is presumed lost at the end of the fourth act after leading \u201cmen so fond of death,\u201d the Cadets of Gascoyne, who are stationed at the Castel-Jaloux. The central ruse is uncovered when the female lead notices that the title character is able to read a faded letter ostensibly from Christian de Neuvillette that she's kept in a silk bag around her neck. FTP, name this work with a title character who's based on the author of A Voyage to the moon and who loves Roxane; a play by Edmund Rostand.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2006, "answer": "Cyrano de Bergerac", "round": "ACF Editors 2.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "He wrote a poem that reads, in its entirety, \"The red spots on the planet Jupiter are three-hundred-year-old hurricanes,\" and another reads, \"At the end only so many will remain as can sit around a drum.\" He described these \"micropoems\" in a letter to the artist Tess Jaray, and they were paired with Jan Peter Tripp's lithographs depicting pairs of eyes in the collection Unrecounted. A trip to Corsica inspired his collection of essays Campo Santo. The narrator of one of his novels seeks out Thomas Browne's skull, prompting one of the historical meditations that punctuate the subtitular \"English Pilgrimage.\" Another novel focuses on the titular architectural historian of Czech descent, who escaped from Nazi Germany to Britain as a child. Known for incorporating newspaper clippings and photographs into his novels, for 10 points, identify this twentieth-century German author of The Rings of Saturn and Austerlitz.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Winfried Georg Sebald", "round": "2010 - Chicago Open - Round 14 - The Gorilla Wrestles With The Superman.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "This man's Tenth Walk, in Reveries of a Solitary Walker, is unfinished, and another work discusses federalizing The Government of Poland. One theory of his posits that monarchies should develop in warmer nations, and a discourse of his describes the first man to enclose a plot of land and declare \u201cThis is mine\u201d; [*] that's On the Origins of Inequality in Mankind. This author of the Confessions wrote a tract on education called \u00c9mile, popularized the \u201cnoble savage\u201d, and said that the general will leaves man \u201cforced to be free\u201d. For 10 points, name this Swiss-French philosopher and author of The Social Contract.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Jean-Jacques Rousseau [MJ]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 9 COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL States", "question": "These bodies form through a process that begins with ambipolar diffusion, which leads to cloud collapse. During the formation of these bodies, they go through the Hayashi and sometimes the Henyey track. The Pillars of Creation are a region in which many of these bodies form. These bodies can be grouped by population depending on their metallicity. Their life cycles follow the Main Sequence of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. For 10 points, name these bodies that include Alpha Centauri and the sun.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "stars", "round": "06.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "THUNDER", "question": "\u00a0Some critical work on this novel focuses on its use of the term \"autumn people\" to denote a type of people that fail to die, and thus, be reborn. One character in this novel becomes lost in a maze filled with mirrors that continually show her reflections of her youth.\u00a0The lightning rod peddler Tom Fury appears at the beginning of this nvoel to announce the arrival of a new evil in the town, while Miss Foley betrays the two protagonists of this novel to their enemies for eternal youth.\u00a0Charles is a janitor at a library in this novel, in which a battle occurs against learning in that library.\u00a0Some of the events of this novel take place at a place with attractions like\u00a0a man with a body completely covered in tattoos, Cooger and Dark's Pandemonium Shadow Show.\u00a0For 10 points, identify this work about\u00a0Jim Nightshade and Will Halloway, a work by Ray Bradbury.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Something Wicked This Way Comes", "round": "THUNDER Round 9 - Final.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "An argument removing the burden of proof from the skeptic envisions an undetectable orbiting object, this man's namesake \u201cteapot\u201d. A principal follower of logical atomism, his namesake paradox asks, \u201cDoes the set of all sets that do not contain themselves contain itself?\u201d With Einstein, he names a manifesto advocating [*] nuclear disarmament, signed by many nuclear physicists, and claimed that organized churches oppose moral progress in \u201cWhy I Am Not A Christian\u201d. Also known for his work with Alfred Whitehead, for 10 points, name this author who attempted a logical foundation for math in his Principia Mathematica.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Bertrand Russell [accept Russell's teapot before \u201chis namesake\u201d is mentioned] [AJ]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 3 COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "One form of this mineral exhibits chatoyancy and features golden-brown fibers. A cryptoclinic mixture of this mineral and moganite has a waxy luster and is called chalcedony. This piezoelectric mineral is found at the bottom of Bowen\u2019s reaction series. Gold ore is sometimes found in veins of this mineral, which is used in crystal oscillators. Found in granite and sandstone, it consists of silicon dioxide. Other variants of this mineral include jasper, citrine, and amethyst. For 10 points, name this silicate mineral with a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "quartz <SH>", "round": "Round11.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 2", "question": "This man led the American League in times caught stealing in 2008, and his brother bowled over Kaz Matsui during the 2007 NLCS after being made the top pick of the 2005 draft by the Diamondbacks. Despite being benched three times in 2008 for lack of hustle, this player hit seven home runs in the first two rounds of the playoffs while batting between Akinori Iwamura and Carlos Pena. For 10 points, name this Tampa Bay Rays center fielder whose given names are Melvin Emanuel, but who is known by an acronym for his nickname \u201cBossman Junior.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "B.J. Upton [or Melvin Emanuel Upton]", "round": "Round_11_HSAPQACF2.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 16", "question": "The drowning death of this man's favorite, Antinous, prompted a cult in Antinous' honor. Tertullian called this man \"the explorer of everything interesting.\" He created the Panhellenion federation. This man had a temple of Jupiter Capitolinus built on the site of the Temple of Jerusalem and he put down the Bar Kokba revolt. He oversaw the rebuilding of the (*) Pantheon and he was memorialized with a great tomb. For 10 points, name this Roman emperor who was succeeded by Antoninus Pius and preceded by Trajan.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Caesar Trajanus Hadrianus Augustus [or Publius Aelius Hadrianus]", "round": "11.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "In England, an early use of this invention was credited with \u201changing John Tawell,\u201d and it only became popular after it was brought to Slough by William F. Cooke and Charles Wheatstone. This invention was expanded to global scale by the crew of the Great Eastern as part of an endeavor financed by Cyrus West Field. In the United States, the company that monopolized this invention was founded by Ezra Cornell and later went on to popularize the (*) stock ticker. This invention was used to promise a return of Arizona and Texas to Mexican control when it was operated by Arthur Zimmerman during World War I. The subject of the book The Victorian Internet, for 10 points, name this invention popularized by Samuel Morse.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "the telegraph [or telegram]\u000b<Bentley>\u000b\u000b22. This author\u2019s short story collection Children Are Civilians Too contains \u201cBlack Sheep,\u201d which won the literature prize of Gruppe 47. He wrote about a man who can smell over the telephone, Hans Schnier, in one novel. This author of The (*) Clown also wrote a novel subtitled \u201cHow violence develops and where it can lead\u201d in which Werner T\u00f6tges is killed by the title character, Katharina Blum. He also wrote a novel about the family of the architect Robert Faehmel. For 10 points, name this author of Billiards at Half-past Nine.\u000bANSWER: Heinrich Theodor B\u00f6ll", "round": "Packet 10 - Playoffs 5.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "This man waged war against Maxentius and Licinius and he's not Octavian, but he was promoted to the rank of Augustus at Eboracum. One year after this Tetrarch's vision at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, he issued the Edict of Milan. This man called the First Council of Nicaea and was baptized on his deathbed. For 10 points, name this first Christian Roman emperor, a man who moved the capital to a self-named city in Byzantium.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Constantine I [or Constantine the Great]", "round": "Packet 8.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "TJ NAREN", "question": "In one of this author's works Gervaise and Coupeau are happily married before sliding into alcoholism, and in another the title character and Laurent kill Camille to marry but later commit suicide. In addition to L'Assommoir and Therese Raquin, he wrote about the title female who stars in La Blonde Venus and destroys men who pursue her in one novel, and in another of his works Etienne Lantier becomes the leader of a miners' strike. One of his letters was published in newspaper L'Aurore and attacked Felix Faure. For 10 points, name this French writer who included \"Nana\" and \"Germinal\" in his Rougon-Macquart Cycle and who defended Dreyfus in J'Accuse.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Emile Zola", "round": "Round 4.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 31, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "An influx of this ion is thought to trigger release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. This ion also binds to troponin to allow muscle contraction, before being pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Vitamin D increases absorption of this ion via the small intestine. In conjunction with parathyroid hormone, Vitamin D stimulates release of both this cation and phosphate from bone, where the vast majority of it is stored. For 10 points, name this plus two ion of element number 20, a deficiency in which is known as hypocalcemia.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "calcium [or Ca++]", "round": "4q1-03.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "In one of, this author's novels, Gilliatt attempts to save the steam ship Durande. In another of this author's novels, Sister Gudule is tormented by an embroidered shoe that reminds her of the child that was taken from her. This author of The Toilers of the Sea wrote a novel in which a man imprisoned for stealing a (*) loaf of bread adopts Cosette and is constantly pursued by Inspector Javert, as well as a novel about the bellringer Quasimodo. For 10 points, name this author of The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Victor Hugo", "round": "tourn8-12.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 43, "tournament": "HSAPQ NASAT Tryout Set", "question": "This man defeated Welsh king Gruffyd ap Llywelyn (Griffith Ap Loo-Ellen) in two invasions, and this man was captured by Guy of Ponthieu after being shipwrecked. This man alienated his brother after supporting Morcar as Earl of Northumbria. He defeated Harald Hardrata and Tostig at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. The Bayeux Tapestry depicts this man as being killed by an arrow through the eye. This man was the last Anglo-Saxon king of England. For 10 points, name this man who was killed in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Harold II [or Harold Godwinson]", "round": "nasat-tryout-all.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "HSAPQ Colonia 2", "question": "In one story, this god disguises himself as the farmhand Bolverk in a successful attempt to retrieve the Mead of Poetry. This god sits atop the \"high place\" of Hlidskjalf, and that which he cannot see is recalled to him by his two ever-circling ravens, Hugin and Munin. This god, who hung from the world tree on the spear Gungnir to earn mastery of the runes, will be swallowed whole by the wolf Fenrir at Ragnarok. For 10 points, name this one-eyed chief god of the Norse pantheon.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Odin [or Wodinaz]", "round": "colonia-05.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regionals", "question": "In one of this author\u2019s novels, Anthony Patch and Gloria Gilbert throw wild parties while waiting to inherit Anthony\u2019s grandfather\u2019s money. In another of his novels, Amory Blaine\u2019s pursuit of Rosalind Connage ends after a financial disaster. This author of The Beautiful and Damned and This Side of Paradise also wrote a novel in which the psychiatrist Dick Diver treats his insane wife, Nicole. For 10 points, name this author of Tender Is the Night who also wrote about a man who loves Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald", "round": "regionals-08.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "The effect of high values of this measure in electrified nitrobenzene cells are approximated by Langevin-Born Theory, and it may be alleviated by the Senarmont method.\u00a0\u00a0Cross-sectional areas of three dimensional surfaces across which it occurs may be imaged in convergent beam electron diffraction via higher order Laue zone energy analysis. (*)\u00a0One governing equation gives the complex electric permittivity of a dielectric as a function of angular momentum and contains the term negative two over pi times the Cauchy principle value. That expression, which implies the existence of its real and imaginary components, is the Kronig-Kramers relation. The Sellmeier Equation determines the strength of its optical form, which may be used to determine optic sign, while its measure in transparent materials is the Abbe Number. FTP, what is this measure of the variation in the refractive indices of a material with wavelength that causes the splitting of white light in a prism?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "dispersion", "round": "Packet 10 - Gentlemen from Sangala.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Sun n Fun", "question": "One experiment that attempted to resolve this problem, proposed by Lederman and Garwin, and performed using a cyclotron known as the \u201cpie factory,\u201d involved placing a six by one inch block of carbon wrapped in a wire coil in the path of streaming mu mesons. The genesis of this problem involved the observations of unusual decay patterns of cosmic rays by C.F. Powell, and R.H. Dalitz proposed that the particles in question could not be the same. Violating Laporte's selection rule, a proposed solution was offered in the paper, \u201cQuestion of Parity Conservation in Weak Interactions,\u201d written by Lee and Yang, and was experimentally confirmed by Wu using super-cooled Cobalt 60 atoms. For 10 points, name this problem dealing with the two eponymous K mesons.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "tau-theta puzzle or problem [accept in either order, prompt on \u201cparity violation\u201d until \u201ctwo namesake\u201d is read]", "round": "Round by Editors 1.docx"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "Harvard International", "question": "This monarch attempted to enforce an English monopoly on the whale fisheries of Spitzbergen, leading to an undeclared naval war with the Dutch over control of Svalbard. The Duke of Lennox served as regent for this man. Scandals during this king's rule included the building of a Jesuit chapel at Somerset House, the first Catholic church built in England since the reformation. As a lad, this man was held hostage by Protestant nobles at the Ruthven Raid. This king's attempt to find a bride for his son resulted in the scandal called \u201cThe Spanish Match\u201d. This king's favorite was the Duke of Buckingham, with whom he may have had a homosexual affair. For ten points, name this son of Mary, Queen of Scots, who succeeded Elizabeth I and was the first King from the House of Stuart.\u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "James I of England [accept: James VI of Scotland]", "round": "Round 02.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "For a Wilson prime p, this function on p minus one is congruent to negative one modulo p. This function of z is given by the integral from zero to infinity dt of t to the z times e to the negative t. For large values of n, this operator on n can be approximated by Stirling's formula, and e can be written as the (*) infinite sum of the reciprocals of this function on whole numbers. It is extended to all complex numbers except the negative integers by the gamma function. This function on n represents the number of permutations of n items. For 10 points, name this operator equal to the product of all positive integers less than or equal to a given number, symbolized by an exclamation point.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "factorial [prompt on \u201cGamma Function\u201d]", "round": "Round 15.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "EFT", "question": "Selection of reagents in this technique is often performed using the Prisma model, and for particularly complex samples multiple gradient development is often employed. In far-eastern blotting, this technique precedes a transfer to a PVDF membrane. Adding ninhydrin to the samples in this technique is a method to detect amines. Samples are commonly applied by using a small capillary tube. Commonly used on a panel of analgesics in introductory chemistry classes, this technique can use an iodine vapor as a developer. The retention factor is equal to the sample distance divided by the solvent front distance in this technique. It is also commonly used to separate the components of plant extracts. For 10 points, name this type of chromatography commonly performed on silica gel plates.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Thin-layer chromatography or TLC", "round": "Round 14 updated.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "Minnesota Open KLEE Fine Arts", "question": "This artist showed a lady using a wine glass to lure a bird out of a cage in a painting symbolic of a woman being seduced. Along with Couple with Parrot, this painter showed a maid angrily holding one silver coin in her right hand and demanding another coin from a soldier in Paying the Hostess, and a lady in a yellow dress squeezes a lemon into her glass while her husband sitting across from her at a wooden table holds a beer in his piece The Village House. In another one of his paintings a classical statue stands over a doorway where a girl plays with a \u201ckolf\u201d stick, while on the left a woman and her maid withdraw cloth from the titular structure. A discarded broom lies next to an empty wooden bucket in the right foreground of one of his best-known works, which shows a maid holding the hand of a young girl on the right and features a sign over an archway that reads, \u201cThis is St. Jerome's Vale.\u201d Paintings such as At the Linen Closet and The Card-Players were completed after this artist moving to Amsterdam to avoid competition with Vermeer. For 10 points, name this Dutch genre painter of The Courtyard of a House in Delft.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Pieter de Hooch\u00a0[TG]", "round": "KLEE - Round 7.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "BATE", "question": "He wrote a short story concerning an engineer in the town of Iguape, Brazil,\u00a0titled The Growing Stone, which, along with works like The Guest and The Artist at Work, appears in his short story collection.\u00a0His first novel sees the murder of Zagreus\u00a0while the protagonist of\u00a0another of his works\u00a0mentions how he stole part of the Ghent Altarpiece and discusses how he \"needed to feel above\".\u00a0In one work by this author, the protagonist helps his friend Raymond break up with his Moorish girlfriend. This author wrote a work that sees\u00a0Dr.\u00a0Rieux investigate the death of thousands of rats in Oran while another work opens with the funeral of the mother of the protagonist, Mersault.\u00a0FTP, identify this French author of The\u00a0Fall and The Stranger.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Albert Camus", "round": "Finals 1.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "Measures in its second movement indicate Trombone basso e tuba, and the triangle and cymbals are used solely in its third and fourth movements respectively. The piccolo plays a small section in its first movement, and its largo was supposedly adapted into the spiritual \u201cGoin' Home.\u201d Its composer compared the music it drew from to \u201cthe music of Scotland,\u201d and its scherzo references a dance during a feast in The Song of Hiawatha. Premiering in Carnegie Hall during an 1893 visit, for 10 points, name this Native American-influenced symphony by Antonin Dvo?\u00e1k.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "From the New World [or Symphony No. 9 in E Minor; accept New World Symphony]", "round": "Round_11_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "Alexander Calder\u2019s Ordinary is displayed outside one of this architect\u2019s buildings. This architect of the Lake Shore Drive Towers and also designed the Brno and Tugendhat chairs. He designed a house in Illinois with a core fireplace instead of interior walls and white horizontal slabs with floor-to-ceiling windows, his Farnsworth House. He collaborated with Philip Johnson on a building that only allows three window blind positions and is located on Park Avenue. Known for his maxim \u201cless is more,\u201d for 10 points, name this last director of the Bauhaus and architect of the Seagram Building.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Ludwig Mies van der Rohe <MZ>", "round": "Round09.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 27, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "One composer from this country wrote a piece subtitled \"An Oriental Fantasy.\" Another man composed a Black Mass Sonata and a White Mass Sonata. The Scythian Suite was composed by a man from here, as well as a piece in which Emperor Paul demands that Lieutenant Kije be brought to him. Islamey is a work by a composer from this country, which is also home to the composers of In the Steppes of Central Asia and a certain \"Eastern Festival Overture.\" For 10 points, name this country home to Alexander Borodin and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Russia", "round": "4q2-07.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "A Guido Reni rendition of the archangel Michael was based on the features of this pontiff whose sister-in-law, Olympia Maidalchini, wielded influence in his court. During the seventeenth century, the dukes of Parma waged the Wars of Castro against his family and that of his predecessor, Barberini. Originally, he was elected as a compromise against the candidate put forth by Mazarin, with whom he bickered almost continuously for the eleven-year duration of his papacy. He issued the Bull Zelo Domus Dei in protest against the French-negotiated provisions of the Peace of Westphalia. The successor to Urban VIII and commissioner of Bernini's Fountain of Four Rivers for his family's piazza this is, FTP, what Pamphili Pope whose portrait was painted by Velasquez?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2006, "answer": "Innocent X (accept on Giovanni Battista Pamphili before it's mentioned and prompt on it afterwards)", "round": "ACF Editors 3.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 1", "question": "Early models for it used a constant velocity parametrization model. Those models only considered the regions of mafic and ultramafic rock that surrounded it. First hypothesized due to an event that occurred in the Kulpa valley, it is marked by a rapid increase in the velocity of compressional waves, and its depth ranges from five to fifty kilometers. Named for a Croatian seismologist, for 10 points, identify this region which forms the boundary between the crust and the mantle.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Mohorovicic discontinuity", "round": "Round_12_HSAPQACF1.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "The losers here sent many prisoners to Susa, while the hoisting of a shield on Mount Pentelicus signaled the losers to attempt a follow-up attack near Plalerum. The Takabara infantry of the losers were ineffective against the enemy's long spears, although they did kill Cynegeirus (*) here. Datis may have met his end here, a battle started by the decision of Callimachus to not wait for the Spartans. For 10 points, name this 480 BCE Greek victory for Miltiades over the Persians.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Battle of Marathon", "round": "03_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Delta Burke", "question": "The southwest portion of this country contains the Damrei Mountains, and its northwest portion contains the Dangrek Mountains. This country's largest lake, Tonle Sap, is located to the south of the city of Siem Reap. In this country, a city formerly known as Kampong Som is located on the Gulf of Thailand. The communist regime Democratic Kampuchea existed in the 1970s in this country, whose official language is Khmer. For 10 points, name this southeast Asian country that is home to Angkor Wat, and has its capital at Phnom Penh [NOM PEN].", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Cambodia", "round": "DB 2010 round 2.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "HFT", "question": "One of this man's novels is narrated by Susan Barton and is modeled on Robinson Crusoe, while another of his novels features the invasion of a frontier town by Colonel Joll and takes its title from a Constantine Cavafy poem. In addition to Foe and Waiting for the Barbarians, this man wrote about a hare-lipped gardener who journeys to his mother's hometown in one work, while another features a professor who loses his job after he seduces a student. The creator of the character David Lurie, for 10 points, identify this South African author of The Life and Times of Michael K and Disgrace.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "John Maxwell Coetzee", "round": "04 HFT.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "This man won a run-off election thanks to Frank W. Mayborn rushing home from a business trip. That\n victory for this man was for the Senate seat of Pappy O'Daniel and came against former governor Coke\n Stevenson. The Bilingual Education Act became law during his presidency. This president approved\n Operation Plan 34A, which was responsible for the placement of the Turner Joy and another ship. During a\n speech at Ohio University, this man mentioned a plan to continue his predecessor's \"New Frontier.\" For 10\n points, name this president who was empowered by the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and who supported the\n War on Poverty as part of his \"Great Society.\"", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Lyndon Baines Johnson [or LBJ; prompt on Johnson]", "round": "04.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "This author wrote a novel in which Dr. Swain wins a Presidential election on a plan of organizing America into a network of vast extended families, and another in which war criminal Howard Campbell is tried in Israel for working as a Nazi propagandist. This author of Slapstick and Mother Night also wrote a short story whose protagonist dances into the sky with a ballerina and is shot by Handicapper General Diana Moon Glampers. He wrote about the Pontiac dealer Dwayne Hoover\u2019s obsession with science fiction author Kilgore Trount in one novel, and he wrote a book in which Paul Lazzaro believes he must kill World War II veteran and time traveler Billy Pilgrim. For 10 points, name the man who wrote \u201cHarrison Bergeron,\u201d Breakfast of Champions, and Slaughterhouse-Five.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.", "round": "Packet 1 - finalized (updated).doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Winter", "question": "Pattison and Degering prepared a version of this catalyst using an alloy of magnesium and acetic acid to remove inactive portions of its structure, and that catalyst improved significantly on Mozingo's W-2 version. Formaldehyde is entirely disproportionated within seventy minutes in the presence of it, and it catalyzes other Cannizzaro-type pathways effectively. Its preparation involves alloying aluminum and silicon and dissolving using sodium hydroxide. Its industrial applications include complete reduction of benzene and desulfurization processes. For 10 points, name this catalyst whose mesh surface structure allows for high catalytic activity, named for its discoverer and the metal it contains, nickel.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Raney nickel", "round": "ACF Winter 2010 - Michigan State + South Carolina A.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "One author from this country wrote The Traps of Faith about an earlier writer from this nation. That writer is also known for the poem \"Sunstone.\" Another writer from this country of Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz imagined a dying soldier and member of the PRI recalling his life in The Death of Artemio Cruz. That author from this country was inspired by the disappearance of (*) Ambrose Bierce to write The Old Gringo. For 10 points, Carlos Fuentes and Octavio Paz hail from what large Latin American country?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Mexico [or United Mexican States; or Estados Unidos Mexicanos]", "round": "tournament17-13.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "VCU Open (Sunday)", "question": "Trebula Suffenas and Trebula Mutusca were two cities mentioned by Pliny as belonging to these peoples. Eretum was one of their major cities, where they suffered defeats in 503 and 458 BCE. Volesus of Cures was probably one of these peoples, who were defeated by Tullus Hostillus at Silva Malitiosa. The creation of the Neputunius festival led to a surprise attack by these peoples, during which Mettius Curtius discovered a swamp. Quirinus was originally a god of these peoples. During an invasion by them led by Titus Tatius, the treason of (*) Tarpeia took place. According to Livy, the intervention of Jove turned the tide of a battle eventually stopped by female members of this group. For 10 points, identify this neighboring tribe of Rome, whose female members \"intervened\" after their abduction, or \u201crape.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Sabines", "round": "Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "Delta Burke", "question": "This band recently announced their 2011 release will be titled Collapse Into Now, and will feature guest appearances by the man who inducted them into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Eddie Vedder. This album will follow this band's 2008 album Accelerate, which critics hailed as a return to their successes of the \u201880s and \u201890s before the departure of drummer and founding member Bill Berry. This band's biggest hits came off of 1991's Out of Time and 1992's Automatic for the People, which refers to a restaurant slogan from their hometown of Athens, Georgia. For 10 points, name this Michael Stipe-fronted band, whose songs include \u201cMan on the Moon\u201d and \u201cLosing my Religion\u201d.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "R.E.M.", "round": "DB 2010 round 13.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 23, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson wrote a book named after one of this thinker\u2019s constructions, claiming it subsumed the three similar constructs with which it was grouped. According to this thinker, certain attempts at communication tend to be non-conventional, calculable, non-detachable, and defeasible. This thinker described exploitation of his constructs through flouting them as a form of communication. This man defined a speaker trying to impart something to a hearer merely by having the hearer recognize his intention as non-natural meaning, or meaning-nn. His theory of implicatures espouses that people pay attention to Quality, Quantity, Relevance, and Manner in making cooperative utterances. For 10 points, name this man who did foundational work in pragmatics, including the formulation of his four maxims for conversation.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Herbert Paul Grice [accept Relevance before \u201cthis thinker\u201d; I guess accept irony before \u201cthis thinker\u201d as well since Sperber and Wilson did a lot of work on that]", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-BrownFinal.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 25, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "The expansion to the second installment in this series introduced such characters as Kurdran, who rides on a gryphon, and a dragon named Deathwing. That game, subtitled Beyond the Dark Portal, was the sequel to a game subtitled Tides of Darkness. Its better known third installment includes such titles as Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne, the latter of which pits Illidan against Arthas in the campaign mode. For 10 points, name this Blizzard series that includes night elves, undead, orcs, and humans and gave rise to a namesake \"World\".", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Warcraft", "round": "29.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "ACF Novice", "question": "This body's differential rotation combines with magneto-hydro-dynamic effects to form a magnetic field known as the Parker spiral. Thermal columns in the convection zone cause the granulation of this body. The discovery of flavor oscillation resolved this body's namesake \u201cneutrino problem.\u201d \u201cBow shock\u201d is the phenomenon in which the flow of plasma from this body is interrupted by a planetary magnetic field. It creates its namesake \u201cwind\u201d as its corona expands into space. For 10 points, name this star that is one astronomical unit away from Earth.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "the sun [or sol]", "round": "Early Autumn Collegiate Novice - Packet 4.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "Francis Beaufort invented one of these that was used in the Hagelin M-209 machine. An early digraphic one was invented by Charles Wheatstone. Johan Trithemius wrote a tract about the use of these that is seemingly a discourse on magic. Marian Rajewski using a cyclometer to analyze one in his Steganographia. Kasiski undermined one created by Vigenere in the 15th century. Thomas Phelippes managed to defeat one used by Anthony Babington while working on behalf of Francis Walsingham. Magic, Room 47, and Bletchly Park were all facilities dedicated to cracking them. For 10 points, name these constructs including Purple; Enigma; and, in modern times, RSA.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "ciphers (accept cryptographs or secret codes or close equivalents)", "round": "3.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "THUNDER II", "question": "The speaker of one of this author's poems spends \u201ca tedious twelve hours' space\u201d loving a woman who questions his fidelity. Another of his speakers will \u201ccreate/A genuine summer in each other's breast\u201d with the title creature, a \u201cpoor verdant fool!\u201d that \u201cswing'st upon the waving ear.\u201d This author of \u201cThe Scrutiny\u201d would not appease \u201cthe foaming blue god's rage\u201d and would withstand any \u201cblast or gale\u201d for a character to whom he admits \u201ctrue, \u00a0a new mistress I now chase,\u201d pleading her to \u201ctell me not, sweet, I am unkind.\u201d This poet of \u201cThe Grasshopper\u201d compared himself to \u201ccommitted (*) linnets\u201d and notes that \u201clove with unconfined wings/Hovers within my gates.\u201d He wrote the lines \u201cI could not love thee (Deare) so much/Lov'd I not Honour More\u201d and \u201cStone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage.\u201d For 10 points, identify this poet of the Lucasta poems and \u201cTo Althea from Prison.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Richard Lovelace", "round": "THUNDER Round 8.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Princeton Buzzerfest", "question": "One technique developed by this man is known as the \u201cLorenzo van Matterhorn,\u201d and requires a good deal of preparation beforehand. Several of the walls in his apartment are actually extremely large television screens, and he keeps a full-size Stormtrooper in his living room. Wayne Brady plays his gay, black brother James, and he wins an episode of \u201cThe Price is Right\u201d to impress Bob Barker, who he believes is his father. He works as head of the Search Committee at Goliath National Bank, where his friend Marshall began working. For 10 points, name this owner of the catchphrase \u201cSuit Up,\u201d played by Neil Patrick Harris, one of the five main characters on the television show \u201cHow I Met Your Mother.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Barney Stinson [accept either name]", "round": "ColumbiaA.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "One collection of poetry in this language states that \u201cone grain of rice will make up each man's measure\u201d and describes an unjust king's arrival to a shrine where the prophet John's body is contained. This language was used to write the book Advantages of Silence by the author ofThe Rose Garden. In a narrative poem written in this language, a stepson uses the trial by fire to escape from the lust of his stepmother. Another poet in this language wrote \"Our Death is our Wedding\" and \"A Star Without a Name,\" composed the epic Spiritual Couplets, and popularized the ghazal form. Landmarks in this language's medieval corpus include theDiwan by Sa'di. For 10 points, name this language used by Rumi, as well as by Ferdowsi for the Shah Nameh and an author who wrote about \"a loaf of bread\" and \"a jug of wine\" in the Rubiyat.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Persian [or Farsi]", "round": "r12- Rutgers.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "Probenecid is used along with this compound to slow its renal clearance and increase retention. It is synthesized from a core of 6-APA, which contains a cyclic amide of three carbon atoms and one nitrogen, a beta-lactam ring. This compound's V form is orally active, unlike the stronger G form. It binds to PBPs and inhibits the formation of peptidoglycan cross-links, which compromises the structure of the cell wall; thus it is most effective on Gram-negative bacteria. First isolated from a fungus, for 10 points, name this antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "penicillins [prompt on antibiotics or antibacterial agents] <LC>", "round": "Round 11.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 9", "question": "Only fragments survive of this man's comedic play The Tracking Satyrs. He wrote a play in which Deianeira (DIE-uh-NARR-uh) accidentally kills Heracles with the shirt of Nessus, The Women of Trachis. One of his plays is the middle part of a trilogy and is set \"at (*) Colonus.\" His two plays about the outwitter of the Sphinx make up a trilogy, along with a play about a niece of Creon, who insists on burying Polyneices (PALL-ee-NEESE-eez) despite Creon's decree. For 10 points, name this playwright whose \"Theban Plays\" include Antigone (an-TIG-uh-nee) and Oedipus Rex.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Sophocles", "round": "tourn9-02.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "One article of this treaty transferred control of Ruanda-Urundi to Belgium and divided Togoland\n between France and the United Kingdom. The provision of this treaty that gave territory in the Shandong\n Peninsula to Japan sparked the Chinese nationalist movement called the May Fourth Movement. The\n negotiation of this treaty was walked out on by Vittorio Orlando, and its \u201ceconomic consequences\u201d were\n examined by John Maynard Keynes. This treaty established the League of Nations. For 10 points, the Paris\n Peace Conference produced what treaty that ended World War I?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Treaty of Versailles", "round": "17.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "One of this person\u2019s supporters was arrested in Norway on complaint from jilted fianc\u00e9 Anna Throndsen. This person\u2019s private secretary was brutally stabbed to death by forces under Lord Ruthven. This employer of David Rizzio\u2019s apparent reluctance to marry initiated the so-called War of the Rough Wooing. This figure was said to be the author of the so-called \u201cCasket Letters,\u201d which seemed to provide proof in this person\u2019s involvement with the explosion-related death of Lord Darnley. The Ridolfi plot sought to place this person on the throne, while Sir Francis Walsingham foiled the Babington plot, eventually leading to her death. For 10 points, name this Scottish queen, who was executed by her cousin, Elizabeth I.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Mary, Queen of Scots [accept Mary Stuart or Mary I of Scotland, do not accept just Mary I or Bloody Mary, as that is someone else]", "round": "Packet 9 - finalized.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "A minor character in this novel is tricked into eating rabbit droppings that are put into his Sunmaid raisin box. Another character is the author of the study The Creative Spirit of the Middle Ages and shows off a copy of Hroswitha's \"Dulcitus\" at her house. The main character notices that her classmate \"Broccoli\" Detwiler has an uncircumcised penis, so she decides they can make money by showing it off to kids for a nickel a peak. She revisits her hometown of Coffee Hollow, Pennsylvania after being expelled from the University of Florida, and reminisces on Carolyn Simpson, the head cheerleader at Lauderdale High, as well as her redneck friend Leroy Denman. In the end, the documentary film created by Molly Bolt is ignored and most of her lesbian lovers deny their feelings for her. This novel is titled for the slang term she uses for her genitals, because she thinks they're simply delicious. FTP, name this 1973 picaresque masterpiece by Rita Mae Brown.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Rubyfruit Jungle", "round": "FINALS1.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "THUNDER", "question": "This entity negotiated the Treaty of Dumplin Creek with Alexander Outlaw, which set its southern border as the Little River. Governor Esteban Miro sent gold to entice this entity, and James White attempted to place it under Spanish rule. This entity's first proposed constitution prohibited doctors, lawyers and priests from election to its legislature, and the economic system of this entity was bartering. William Cocke defended this entity from a force sent by Governor Richard Caswell, and John Tipton defeated the militia of its Governor John Sevier. Native American raids finally ended this entity, and it then returned to North Carolina, although it later became part of Tennessee. For 10 points, name this attempted US state named for a Founding Father from Pennsylvania.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "State of Franklin [or Frankland]", "round": "THUNDER Round 13.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "In one of this man's works, Thomas Hudson comes to terms with the death of his kids and hunts for a damaged German boat. He wrote a work in which Harry Morgan runs contraband, and also wrote of Robert and Maria, who clash with Paolo, in the stories \u201cIslands in the Stream\u201d and \u201cTrue at First Light.\u201d Another short story by this author sees Al and Max discuss murdering the boxer Ole Andreson. That work is \u201cThe Killers,\u201d which includes his recurring character Nick Adams. This man's longer works include To Have and Have Not and one in which Manolin assists the fisherman Santiago. For 10 points, name this author of A Farewell to Arms and The Old Man and the Sea.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Ernest Hemingway", "round": "ACF Fall 2008 - MIT A + South Carolina.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Mahfouz Memorial Lit", "question": "In one of this author's works a prompter informs a playwright that he might find his play short because the actors have cut sections they found \u2018\u2018heavy or unnecessary to the plot.'' He wrote about Tom Fashion's triumph over his miserly brother Lord Foppington in A Trip to Scarborough, and in another work Sir Fretful Plagiary accosts Mr. Dangle before he attends a rehearsal Mr. Puff's new play [?] The Spanish Armada. In one of his plays Crabtree and Sir Benjamin Backbite make up a false story about a nonexistent duel between Peter Teazle and Joseph before Lady Sneerwell complains that her plans to ruin the marriage Maria and Charles Surface have failed. In addition to The Critic, in his best known play Bob Acres and Lucius O'Trigger both court a woman, who is infatuated with \u201cEnsign Beverley\u201d, who is actually Jack Absolute is disguise in his play featuring Mrs. Malaprop. For 10 points, name this Irish playwright, who wrote School for Scandal and The Rivals.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Richard Brinsley Sheridan [TG]", "round": "FINALS.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "One figure involved in this event had been absent from his job at the Three-K shoe factory, purportedly to get a passport, and after this event the American embassy in Paris was bombed and another bomb was intercepted in Lisbon. Fred Moore, a habitual cocaine addict, had the plan to make the proceedings as political as possible, and he eventually enlisted the aid of the New England Civil Liberties Union. Four decades after this event, tests at the Massachusetts police labs confirmed that Bullet Three had been fired by one of the participants' guns. The prosecutor Frederick Katzman's closing line \"Stand together, you men of Norfolk!\" played upon the jury's fear in the wake of the red scare. Webster Thayer presided over, For Ten Points, what 1920 case on the Braintree murder that sentenced two anarchist Italian immigrants to an unjust death?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "the Sacco-Vanzetti Trial [accept the execution of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, accept word logical equivalents, prompt on Braintree murder until mentioned]", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 23 (mini).doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This process is inhibited by the PI3K pathway, and it can be initiated upon the binding of Apo-1 to Fas receptors, which leads to the formation of DISC complexes. Proteins in the Bcl2 family inhibit this process, while proteins like Bax and (*) Bad promote it. This process, which occurs 191 times during C. elegans development, can be initiated upon an increase in p53 concentration due to DNA damage. It occurs upon the release of cytochrome c from the inner membrane of the mitochondria, which activates a caspase cascade. The action of those proteases leads to blebbing and the eventual fragmentation of the cell. For 10 points, name this process of controlled cell death.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "apoptosis", "round": "Packet 14 - Superplayoffs 4.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "One president of this country was known as El Manguerazo after the police turned water cannons on his supporters, while another president created the Grupo Calina death squad, which carried about the La Cantuta massacre. In 1996, the Japanese embassy in this nation was taken over by the MRTA. This nation, which was once ruled by Fernando Terry, is also home to an organization which took a group of Techint employees hostage and detonated a bomb on Tarata Street. That Maoist group was led by Abimael Guzman and called (*) Shining Path. For 10 points, name this country which was once presided over by Alberto Fujimori, with capital at Lima.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Peru", "round": "tournament17-14.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "This author's nonfiction works include a study of religious fanaticism, Somersault, while the title isolated teenager sexually assaults women on crowded subways in his novel J. He wrote about a man's attempt to assassinate Patron in The Pinch Runner Memorandum, and in another work, a plague strikes a secluded valley where teenage boys have been evacuated. Bird tries to kill his deformed son in one work, while another ends with Takashi leaving a suicide note saying \u201cI told the truth\u201d to his brother Mitsusaburo when attempts to incite revolution through soccer fail. For 10 points, name this author of Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids; A Personal Matter; and The Silent Cry.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "?e Kenzabur? [GT]", "round": "Finals Packet 1.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "Addo Elephant National Park is located near one city in this nation, and another city includes the tourist district known as the Golden Mile. Those cities in this nation are Port Elizabeth and Durban. This nation is home to the Drakensberg Mountains and the Great Escarpment, and this nation completely surrounds the Kingdom of Lesotho. For 10 points, name this nation whose judicial capital is in Bloemfontein and whose legislative capital is in Cape Town.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Republic of South Africa", "round": "4q2-01.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This man's son was defeated by Edward Codrington at the Battle of Navarino. The dynasty established by this father of Ibrahim Pasha included two kings named Fuad and was overthrown by a group including Abdel Amer and Muhammad Naguib, the Free Officers Movement. The rulers of that dynasty were known as Khedives, and this man had born the title Wali, denoting his status as a territorial governor under Sultan Mahmud II. Although he withdrew after the Battle of Nezib, he was granted hereditary control over a country that would later be ruled by his descendant Farouk. For ten points, identify this former Ottoman viceroy who became the founder of modern Egypt.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Muhammad Ali Pasha al-Mas'ud ibn Agha (accept Mehmet Ali)", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 23 (mini).doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Delta Burke", "question": "This man hid out in a cave for a month to avoid his father's wrath after stealing some cloth and selling that and his horse to pay for repairs to the tiny church of St. Damian. Angelus Tancredi, Leo, and Rufinus were this man's noted \u201cThree Companions,\u201d who wrote his hagiography, while Rufinus's cousin founded the \u201cPoor Clares,\u201d the female analogue to this man's namesake monastic order. He wrote his \u201cCanticle to the Sun\u201d soon before he died, and the \u201cFioretti,\u201d or little flowers, describe his preaching to the birds. FTP who was this Italian saint from Assisi?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "St. Francis of Assisi", "round": "DB 2010 round 2.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "Delta Burke", "question": "The Archbishop of York commissioned a work from this artist which depicts Agrippina Landing at Brundisium with the Ashes of Germanicus. His Departure of Regulus from Rome was painted shortly before becoming the official historical painter for the king of England. Some art critics believe that his Death on a Pale Horse marks a shift away from the neoclassic toward the romantic. Nevertheless, historical subjects are what he is best known for, such as Penn's Treaty with the Indians and his most famous work, in which a British general strikes a Christ-like pose. FTP name this painter of The Death of General Wolfe.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Benjamin West", "round": "DB 2010 round 6.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "The work of Vaughan Jones has connected these objects to the Ising model of statistical mechanics, while Dehn's theorem demonstrates that if one of these objects' namesake group is isomorphic to the integers, then the object itself is isomorphic to a closed loop. Dowker notation can be used to enumerate prime ones, examples of which are the hyperbolic, torus, and satellite types. The determinants of these structures are given by evaluating the Alexander polynmial at negative one, and other invariants related to these objects are the Jones and HOMFLY polynomials. Manipulated by Reidemesiter moves and generalizable in three dimensions to links, for ten points, identify these mathematical objects, examples of which include the bend, trefoil, and pretzel varieties.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2007, "answer": "knots", "round": "2007 ACF Regionals - Vanderbilt A.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "Martin Heidegger claimed that it referred to philosophy itself in an essay published in Holzwege. The \u201cmadman\u201d gleefully suggests that the subject of this phrase \u201ctook an ocean voyage\u201d or \u201clost his way like a little child\u201d in the work it appears in, which later states of it that \u201cthere has never been a greater deed.\u201d The speaker of another work says of it that \u201cthis old saint in the forest has not yet heard anything of this.\u201d Originating in The Gay Science, for 10 points, name this phrase used by Friedrich Nietzsche to suggest that a certain deity is no longer useful as a moral source.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "\u201cGod is dead\u201d [or \u201cGott ist tot\u201d]", "round": "Round_04_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "Terrapin Invitational", "question": "These constructs can be omitted in Density Functional Theories in a uniqueness result named for Hohenberg and Kohn. Woodward and Hoffman used these constructs to predict stereo- and regio-selectivity of pericyclic reactions. Koopmans' theorem relates the energy of these constructs to ionization energy. In Hartree-Fock theory these are the (*) eigenfunctions of the Fock operator, and are linear combination of Gaussian functions. They can also be calculated by Self-Consistent Field theories. They can be used to calculate bond order, and these predict the paramagnetism of gaseous oxygen and the stability of radicals like nitric oxide. Their antibonding variety is usually denoted with an asterisk. For 10 points, name this extension of Lewis and VSEPR theory to multi-atom systems", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Molecular Orbital Theory [prompt on MO, prompt on electron \"orbital\" until mentioned]", "round": "Editors.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "This term was introduced by John Ruskin, who illustrated it with a quote from a poem by Shenstone in which Jessy is reproached by jasmine flowers. It may be mistaken for a derogatory term, although its name actually derives from the Greek for \"suffering.\" Examples of this include the saying \"Nature abhors a vacuum\" and a description of an \"angry sky.\" For 10 points, name this form of personification, a \"fallacy\" in which human emotions are ascribed to inanimate objects.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "pathetic fallacy [prompt on personification before mention]", "round": "23.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "Born in Isreal, his Hebrew name is Chiam Witz. He immigrated to Jackson Heights in Queens, New York at the age of eight and took the name of a \"jumpin'\" rockabilly musician as his stage name. He helped found the band Wicked Lester in the early seventies before donning black and white Kabuki-style makeup and playing bass for one of the most popular bands of that decade. For 10 points, name this fire-breathing performer, the bassist for the rock group KISS and the patriarch on his own \"Family Jewels\" reality series?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Gene Simmons", "round": "02.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 23, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "The foundation that funded this man's \"Renewing American Civilization\" course at two Georgia\n colleges was cleared of wrong-doing by the IRS in 1999. He has been criticized for attacking as \"right-wing\n social engineering\" Paul Ryan's plan to reform Medicare, as well as for divorcing his former high school\n geometry teacher while she was hospitalized for cancer. This politician, who lost his most prominent job in\n November 1998, had pushed for the Contract with America after the election of 1994. For 10 points, name\n this Republican candidate for the Presidency in 2012, who served as a prominent Speaker of the House\n beginning in 1995.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Newt Gingrich [or Newton Leroy Gingrich; or Newton Leroy McPherson]", "round": "12.pdf"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "Princeton Buzzerfest", "question": "William James claimed that the pragmatist principle of truth would allow for this concept to be meaningful as a corollary to belief in a universe that could be improved, though logical positivists often claimed that in fact the transcendent version was meaningless. It was claimed that coming to understand this concept required first becoming a knight of infinite resignation by Kierkegaard, and George Berkeley argued that the universe was in fact made up of ideas in this in Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonus. It was argued that this could not be made up of parts since it would then not have the quality of unity in Maimonides's Guide to the Perplexed. For 10 points, name this philosophic entity that Anselm tried to prove ontologically and that St. Thomas Aquinas tried to prove in his Summa Theologica, a being often defined as \u201call knowing,\u201d \u201call good\u201d and \u201call powerful.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "God [or Gods]", "round": "RutgersNB.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "Meetings at this event were convened by prayers of Reverend Strong, and this event was satirized by a William Charles cartoon called \u201cLeap No Leap\u201d in which one of its leaders was jumping into a king's lap. Some attendees of this event were referred to by the term \u201cblue lights.\u201d Theodore Dwight published a History of this event, while Harrison Gray Otis published Letters in Defense of it. George Cabot served as its president and was a part of its dominant faction, the Essex Junto. This conference sought to amend the Constitution to limit presidents to one term and abolish the three-fifths clause. It was ultimately rendered ineffective by the signing of the Treaty of Ghent. For 10 points, name this meeting of Federalists who opposed the War of 1812, which took place in Connecticut.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Hartford Convention", "round": "2010 - ACF Regionals - CMU+Harvard.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "While campaigning in Castlecomer, this man had quicklime thrown in his eyes. He was cleared in a criminal investigation when evidence turned out to have been the work of forger Richard Piggott. His radical views caused him to clash with Isaac Butt. While in jail, this man negotiated a land reform agreement entitled the Kilmainham Treaty. His political career took a hit amid allegations that he had illegitimately fathered several of \u201cKitty\u201d O'Shea's children. Despite condemning it, he was accused of being involved in the deaths of Frederick Cavendish and T.H. Burke in the Phoenix Park murders. For 10 points, name this nineteenth-century land reform and Home Rule activist who founded the Irish Parliamentary Party.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Charles Stewart Parnell", "round": "12.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "VCU Open (Saturday)", "question": "This composer's song \u201cThe Caterpillar\u201d uses lyrics from his patron Francis Money-Coutts. He included such movements as \u201cOn the Beach\u201d and \u201cRumors of the Cove\u201d in one of his suites, while another of his works was inspired by the plains around an ancient castle. In addition to Travel Memories and La Vega, he also failed to complete his piece \u201cMosaics\u201d before he died due to complications with Bright's Disease. The swinging sensation in his \u201cSous de Palmes\u201d is meant to coincide with a Gypsy dance, while another of this composer's pieces is meant to depict the busy port at C\u00e1diz. Joaquim Malats's interpretation of this composer's piece Triana greatly influenced the third book of his best known work, whose opening piece includes elements of northern jotas and is entitled Evocaci\u00f3n. That work also includes a piece inspired by the festivities of Corpus Christi in Seville. For 10 points, name this Spanish composer of the piano suite Iberia.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Issac Alb\u00e9niz", "round": "Round 3.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "Albert de Gondi was influential in the decision to commit this act, which signaled the end of a truce made at the Peace of Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Pope Gregory XIII praised those involved in this event, which was signaled by the ringing of (*) church bells. This event was sparked by the outrage stemming from the assassination of Admiral Gaspard de Coligny. For 10 points, name this event perpetrated by Catherine de' Medici and Charles IX, in which Catholics massacred Huguenots in 1572 in Paris.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre", "round": "tourn8-12.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 34, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regionals", "question": "One novel set in this city features Miss Trixie, who demands a holiday turkey from her employers at Levy Pants, and Burma Jones, a janitor at the Night of Joy. That work centers on a figure who quotes Boethius and disdains \"that minx\" Myrna Minkoff, Ignatius J. Reilly. John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces is set in this city, which is also the setting of a play about a character who \"has always depended on the kindness of strangers,\" Blanche DuBois. For 10 points, name this setting of Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "New Orleans", "round": "regionals-05.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "A man suffers from nervous exhaustion so extreme that the sight of creeping vines in gold on a decorated tobacco tray upset him in this author's story \u201cLoyalty.\u201d In an essay, this author describes the stings of recognition he felt from every book he read, including Madame Bovary, on the upstairs shelf of a Maruzen bookstore. In one of his novels, Patient number 23 recounts his travels to an underground country populated by creatures with oval-shaped saucers tied to their heads. He also wrote a short story about an evil but brilliant artist, Yoshihide, who sacrifices his daughter Yuzuki to create the titular artwork, and described inhabiting a \u201cworld of diseased nerves, lucid as ice,\u201d in an \u201cA Note to an Old Friend,\u201d his suicide letter. FTP, name this author of \u201cHell Screen\u201d and the novel Kappa, the namesake of the highest literary award of Japan.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Akutagawa Ryunosuke [AR]", "round": "Packet_4.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "Some of the participants in this event were captured at the Arthur Allen House by troops deployed from the Young Prince. The first signatory to a peace treaty that followed this event was Cockacoeske, the so-called Queen of the Pamunkey. Early skirmishes in this event included the killing of Robert Hen, probably in retaliation for a debt owed by Thomas Matthew. That killing prompted a subsequent massacre of Doeg Indians. At the June Assembly, this event\u2019s namesake complained of recently added (*) property requirements for voting. John Ingram became the leader of this conflict after its namesake died of dysentery, and that leader had earlier been elected to the House of Burgesses. For 10 points, name this rebellion against Governor William Berkley in colonial Virginia.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Bacon\u2019s Rebellion [or Bacon\u2019s Revolt or Bacon\u2019s Uprising or equivalents that mention Bacon]", "round": "Packet 23 - Finals 2.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "T-Party", "question": "At one point in this work, its protagonist, who is judged to be \u201cno vulgar assassin\u201d, listens to the \u201caudible music\u201d of gnats and dragonflies after undergoing an \u201cawful disturbance of his organic system\u201d and later blesses the sand and judges the wind to sound like Aeolian harps upon reaching shore. Earlier, its protagonist had been given information about dry, flammable timber by a man later revealed to be a Federal scout. In the final scene of this work, the protagonist begins to greet his wife, but is interrupted by a \u201cstunning blow upon the back of the neck.\u201d For 10 points, name this Ambrose Bierce short story revealed to be a dream taking place during Peyton Farquhar's hanging.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "\u201cAn Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge\u201d", "round": "UMN 1 - T Party 2010.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "QuAC I", "question": "The towers of Notre Dame are visible in its background, and the central figure of this work wears a Phrygian cap. A figure on all fours in a blue tunic turns her face up at the title figure, while on the far left is a man with a white strap across his chest holding aloft a sword. The title figure is flanked by two men, the one on the left holding a rifle while wearing a top hat, and a boy on the right wielding two pistols. The bare-breasted title figure holds the tricolor in, for 10 points, what painting by Eugene Delacroix?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Liberty Leading the People [or La Liberte Guidant Le Peuple]", "round": "Round9Final.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "In this play\u2019s final act one character\u2019s ancestral ghosts summon Jupiter who descends as an eagle to leave a tablet inscribed with a cryptic prophecy. This play includes the quote \u201cthe game is up\u201d and one character hides in a trunk he gives a woman to guard so he can sneak into her bedroom. Belarius raises two of the title character\u2019s sons under the names Polydore and Cadwal, and another character pretends to be the page Fidele after being found weeping by the beheaded corpse of Cloven. In this play\u2019s fifth act Guiderius and Arviragus help the title character stave off a Roman invasion. For 10 points, name this Shakespeare play beginning when Posthumus Leonatus marries Imogen against the will of the titular king of Britain.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Cymbeline", "round": "ACF Regionals 2011 - YaleB + Illinois A + Toronto final.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "The beginning of this work discusses a town called The Motley Cow where one character gives a sermon \u201cOn the Despisers of the Body\u201d claiming that the enlightened one knows that he is body and nothing more. Socrates is alluded to in the section \u201cOn the Flies of the Marketplace\u201d and important themes include those of eternal recurrence and the will to power. Subtitled \u201cA Book for All and None,\u201d it begins when a prophet descends from the mountains to preach about the Ubermensch, and it reintroduced its author's earlier statement from The Gay Science, \u201cGod is dead.\u201d For 10 points, name this philosophical work, named for a dualistic prophet, by Nietzsche.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Thus Spake Zarathustra [or Also sprach Zarathustra; or Thus Spoke Zarathustra]", "round": "ACF Fall 2008 - MIT A + South Carolina.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "It begins with the protagonist's wife apologizing for the cold meat offered to a character who describes his boss as a \"chicken-hearted chap, a coward\". The protagonist notes how he once wrote a favorable article in The Messenger about an entity he later describes as \"the main artery\" and \"nerve center\". The protagonist's daughter gets fired from her teaching position after her supervisor receives threats, and, besides Petra, Vik fired Captain Horster for providing the main character with a speaking venue. Other characters include Aslaksen and Billing, two men who work on The People's Herald under Hovstad. The protagonist is accused by the mayor of writing his inflammatory article because of the will of Morten Kill. For 10 points, name this Henrik Ibsen play about Dr. Stockmann, a man who finds contaminated water in the town's baths.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "An Enemy of the People [or En Folkefiende]", "round": "2009 ACF Regionals - Orth-Bentley.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 10", "question": "Malfunction of this organ in utero can result in cretinism if it goes untreated after birth. Underactivity of this organ in utero can result in Hashimoto's disease, and (*) Graves's disease results from hyperactivity of it. This organ stimulates resorption of calcium by producing calcitonin. This organ's namesake peroxidase helps the body use tyrosine to produce its T4 and T3 hormones. Iodine deficiency causes this organ to increase in size. For 10 points, name this endocrine gland which, when enlarged, becomes a goiter.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "thyroid gland", "round": "tourn10-08.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "HFT", "question": "It provides a map to any Lie group from its corresponding Lie algebra. Its matrix form may be used to give solutions to systems of linear differential equations, while for the reals it is the unique Lebesgue measurable function f that satisfies f(x+y) = f(x) f(y). Its MacLaurin coefficients are equal to one, and it is the only function that is its own derivative. Euler's identity shows that its value at pi i is negative one, while its inverse is the natural logarithm. FTP, name this function whose value at positive integers is the product of several copies of Euler's constant.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "exponential function (accecpt y = e to the x after \u201creals\u201d is read)", "round": "HFT Round 03.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 24, "tournament": "RMP Fest", "question": "Early in this work, the author distinguishes between Gluck and Gluckseligheit, though he concludes that neither can be universally valid as both rest on solely empirical principles. That discussion serves to explain the various characterizations of the \u201csensuous impulse\u201d and deduces that moral law cannot contradict itself by abrogating the justifications of that impulse. In a section titled, \u201cDeduction of Religion in General,\u201d the author requires that God produce a \u201ccomplete congruency\u201d between the moral law and the happiness of finite rational beings, asserting he must be \u201ctotally just.\u201d This work shows that a test of congruency does not hold for the doctrine of Original Sin, but it does not explicitly target Christianity. First mistaken for a work of Kant, for ten points name broad criticism of religion by Johann Fichte.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "An Attempt at a Critique of All Revelation", "round": "RoundFINALS.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 27, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This man became the mentor to Maxime Maufra, Emile Bernard, and other members of the Pont-Aven School. A blue idol at the left, a multicolored bird in the center, and a child reclining on the right are elements of one of his paintings, while in another, a man is climbing over a stone fence behind the title figure, who is surrounded by three woman in habits. For 10 points, name this creator of Where Do We Come From? Who Are We? Where Are We Going?, who also painted Vision After the Sermon and The Yellow Christ before departing for Tahiti.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Eugene Henri Paul Gaugin", "round": "Round 7.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "Escobedo and de Pablo modified a type of \u201cintegration\u201d introduced by Kofke that is derived from this equation. The Lewis-Randall rule can be used to relate Henry's Law to this statement, while it itself is derived by differentiating the Euler equation. The Clausius-Clapeyron equation follows directly from this relation. At constant temperature and pressure, its states that given multiple species in solution, the products of the number of moles of a species in solution and the derivative of that species' chemical potential will sum to zero. For 10 points, name this equation that shows that the intensive variables of a system are not independent, named after a man with an eponymous phase rule and a French scientist-philosopher.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Gibbs-Duhem equation [prompt on partial answer]", "round": "r08- Missouri State-UCSD.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "The roof of this structure has grass growing in the widely spaced joints created by sand covered with concrete. The aqua-tiled bath tub in this structure's master bedroom stands in contrast to the utilitarian simplicity of its kitchen. This structure's window-lined facade is separated from its load-bearing columns, called pilotes. This structure's sun room overlooks a ramp that provides ventilation. Its reinforced-concrete construction enables its \"free plan,\" which was crucial to its designer's concept of a \"Machine for Living.\" It exemplifies the \"Five Points\" of its designer, who placed this structure in Poissy, France. For 10 points, name this International Style residence, designed by Le Corbusier.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "the Villa Savoye", "round": "20.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "Chicago Open Arts", "question": "A curved mirror in the top background shows the fireplace that a sumptously painted woman contemplates in Il Dolce Far Niente and this man's first work in his mature style was Rienzi Avowing to Avenge the Death of His Brother. His trips to Jerusalem inspired paintings such as The Afterglow in Egypt and Triumph of the Innocents, while the \u201cmuscular Christianity\u201d of Hughes and Kingsley inspired his depiction of Christ in (*) The Shadow of Death. Peggoty's search for Emily in David Copperfield inspired a painting in which a dandy reclines and curls his arm around a woman about to sit in his lap. Another work shows Jesus in a moonlit grove about to knock on a door. For 10 points, name this distinctly religious Pre-Raphaelite painter of The Awakening Conscience and The Light of the World.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "William Holman Hunt (Jha)", "round": "Lully 10.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "A type of this phenomenon named after Johnson is frequency bandwidth dependent and occurs due to charge inhomogeneities created by thermal agitation of charge carriers. Its shot variety occurs when electrons cross junctions and its (*) flicker variety is ubiquitous and significant at low frequencies. Its frequency-independent form is referred to as white and it can be minimized by low-pass filters and modulation. For 10 points, name this extraneous information that decreases the accuracy and precision of a signal.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "noise", "round": "01_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "This author's first English-language book was a collection of short sayings and stories entitled The Madman. One of his poems, \"Sand and Foam,\" contains a line which was incorporated into the Beatles song \"Julia.\" His best-known work is a collection of 26 essays including \"Good and Evil,\" \"Self-Knowledge,\" and \"Eating and Drinking,\" and beginning with \"The Coming of the (*) Ship.\" For 10 points, name this Lebanese author of a book about Al-Mustafa, The Prophet.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Khalil Gibran", "round": "tournament17-10.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 43, "tournament": "HSAPQ Colonia 2", "question": "One part of this modern day country agreed to outlaw slavery as part of the Sand River Convention. Leander Starr Jameson led a raid in this country, which was ruled by the National Party from 1948 until 1994. The Sharpeville Massacre resulted from protests against this country\u2019s pass laws, which were also a factor in an uprising in its Soweto Township. For 20 points, name this country which has been led by the ANC since 1993.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Republic of South Africa [or RSA]", "round": "colonia-02.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "A \"bidirectional\" variation of this algorithm passes through the list twice per iteration and is also called \"shuttle\" or \"cocktail,\" and \"odd-even\" sort is a parallel-processing optimized alteration; the first method eliminates the problem of small elements at the big-element end, which are called \"turtles\" since they uniquely must travel the full length of the list. For 10 points, name this na\u00efve big-oh-of-n-squared sorting algorithm, in which repeated passes are made swapping adjacent out-of-order elements, such that the small elements float to the top.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "bubble sort", "round": "4q2-11.pdf"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "The Druze believe that all of the Jewish type of this person were really the same person, while the Baha'i faith holds that Baha'ullah was the last of this type of person. In the Mormon Church, Joseph Smith became one of these people after being baptized, and had earlier heard the voices of Malachi, Joel, and Isaiah, three Jewish people of this type. The shahadah, or Islamic confession of faith, states that Muhammad is this type of person in relation to Allah. For 10 points, name these religious figures who claim to pass on to their followers the Word of God.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "prophets", "round": "13.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "Delayed load scheduling is a variant on the Sethi-Ullman algorithm frequently used in simple implementations of one of their stages. \u00a0One of these called ROSE produces a higher level output than usual, and up to three different systems are employed in the Canadian Cross version of one of these. \u00a0Some of these perform strength reduction and rematerialization, the latter of which reduce calls to memory. \u00a0Simpler ones execute in a single pass, and common optimizations in them include loop unrolling. \u00a0Their traditional first step outputs a series of identifiers such as \"Keyword\" or \"Integer\" that are called tokens; that is the lexical analysis step. \u00a0Self-hosting ones of these are called bootstrappers. \u00a0Typically not performed by interpreted languages like Perl, Java uses a just-in-time one. \u00a0For 10 points, name this operation that turns source code into a machine readable target language.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Compiler\u00a0[or\u00a0Compilation;\u00a0accept\u00a0Code Generation\u00a0before \"ROSE\"]", "round": "MD A Illinois B - Final.docx"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "RMP Fest", "question": "In 2007, the University of Maryland Undergraduate History Journal published an article by Ivan Szpakowski claiming that this concept was a response to ethnic heterogeneity. Jean-Paul Sartre wrote a 1976 article about this concept in the New Left Review, calling it an \u201cideological monstrosity\u201d and the product of personal conflicts. This concept forms the subtitle of an E.H. Carr book on Soviet history. A fake letter from \u201cComrade Ivanov\u201d was used to defend this concept in an issue of Pravda. This concept's most notable critic called it an impossibility in a work subtitled A Criticism of Fundamentals, as well as in the postscript to his book A Program of Peace and in his book The Year 1905. This concept formulated by Nikolai Bukharin was formally adopted at the Third Communist International, and was opposed by those favoring the \u201cpermanent revolution\u201d doctrine of Leon Trotsky. For ten points, name this Stalinist doctrine which said that the worker's revolution did not have to be universal and that dictatorships of the proletariat could exist with physical borders.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Socialism in One Country [accept clear equivalents, like \u201cSocialism Within One State\u201d] {BA}", "round": "Round 3.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "This war's Strategic Hamlet Program largely failed, and William Calley was convicted of a massacre investigated by Seymour Hersh in this war. General Westmoreland commanded forces in this war until a series of attacks on a local lunar holiday, the Tet Offensive, and it included the battle of Khe Sanh. The Kent State massacre occurred during its expansion into nearby Cambodia. For 10 points, name this war fought by the US from 1961 to 1975 in a divided Southeast Asian country.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Vietnam War", "round": "Packet 11.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "HFT", "question": "One early author of this type spoke Oscan and wrote his Annales in Saturnian meter, while another feuded with Metelli and wrote the Bellum Poenicum. In addition to Ennius and Naevius, they included one who discussed the Catalinian conspiracy, Sallust, as well as Suetonius. One noted writer of this type wrote of the reigns from Augustus to Domitian, while another compiled 142 books starting with Romulus and ending with the death of Drusus the Elder. FTP, name this profession of Polybius, Tacitus, and Livy, who were later counterparts of Herodotus.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Roman historians (accept chroniclers)", "round": "HFT Round 07.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "Drippings from this object were said to have created the Red Sea's coral and Egypt's vipers. This object was used by one hero to wreak havoc on a party on Sephiros, where it killed Polydectes and his nobles. It was also used to ease Atlas's pains, and was often stored in Hermes's magic bag. For 10 points, name this object that was lopped off of a Gorgon's body, has snakes for hair, and will still turn viewers to stone.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "the head of Medusa [do not accept or prompt on \u201cMedusa\u201d]", "round": "Round_14_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "The Ackermann function must be expressed using this concept, and it is often used to define fractals such as the Sierpinski triangle. This technique is employed by the fastest algorithms for computing factorials, and its \u201ctail-\u201d form can emulate iterative processes. The operation of an algorithm of this kind continues until encountering a base case. For 10 points, name this technique from computer science employed by functions which call themselves.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "recursion [accept word forms such as recursive]", "round": "Packet 7.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "The central object in the painting is decorated by a maroon elongated crescent and contains a dark-cross shaped cleat bound by a thin brown rope. Green and red cords lie next to the central figure, who wears crumpled beige pants. A whitecap, an incoming storm on the top left, and a three masted rescue vessel form this painting's background. For 10 points, name this canvas executed while its artist was vacationing in the Bahamas, containing blood-red water and accurately depicted sharks in its foreground that are threatening this work's central figure, the doomed Anne's sole survivor, a muscular black man; name this painting by Winslow Homer.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "The Gulf Stream", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 21 (mini).doc"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "According to local legend, Jacob Waltz established the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine near this state\u2019s\n Superstition Mountains. Brigham Young\u2019s son John built Fort Moroni on this state's San Francisco Peak,\n which includes its highest point, Humphreys Peak. This state\u2019s northern border straddles Monument\n Valley, where John Ford filmed many of his movies. Its largest cities include Chandler and Scottsdale, and\n it is home to the Big Horn Mountains and Sonoran Desert. The Colorado River forms this state\u2019s most\n notable feature. For 10 points, name this home of the Grand Canyon.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Arizona", "round": "06.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "ACF Novice", "question": "This ruler faced a scandal when Amy Robsart, the wife of Robert Dudley, died by falling down some stairs. This ruler was dubbed a \u201cservant of crime\u201d and excommunicated in the papal bull Regnans in Excelsis, a response to the passage of the Second Act of Supremacy. Anthony Babington's plan to assassinate this ruler was uncovered by spymaster Francis Walsingham. This ruler ordered the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots and sent Francis Drake to defeat the Spanish Armada. For 10 points, name this Tudor monarch, the \u201cVirgin Queen\u201d of England.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Queen Elizabeth I [prompt on Queen Elizabeth]", "round": "Early Autumn Collegiate Novice - Packet 7.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "St. Anselms and Torrey Pines", "question": "This region is home to objects with a 1:2 resonance in its namesake cliff, where density drops dramatically. Those objects in this region are called called twotinos. The classical types of objects in this area are called cubewanos. 2060 Chiron is located in this region, along with many other [*] centaurs, and this region, along with the Oort Cloud and Scattered Disk region, is home to the trans-Neptunian objects. Home to Quaor, Sedna, and Eris, for 10 points, name this region at the edge of the solar system, where short-period comets were first thought to originate, named after a Dutch-American astronomer.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Edgeworth-Kuiper belt", "round": "Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "DAFT", "question": "This writer depicts a widowed mother raising a boy named Georgie in the novella entitled The Steppe. Nadyezhda Fyodorovna is the mistress of Ivan Laevsky in this writer's short story entitled \u201cThe Duel.\u201d Constantine Treplieff commits suicide due to emotional neglect on the part of Irinia Arkadina in one of this writer's plays. He depicts Irina, Olga, Masha, Natasha, and Audrey in one play while a remnant of the old order of society named Madame Ranevskaya is depicted in another play where a titular estate is cut down. For 10 points, name this Russian writer who wrote The Seagull, The Three Sisters, and The Cherry Orchard.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Anton Pavlovich Chekhov", "round": "DAFT 2009 Round 04 - Edited - Proofread.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "The tunneling of electrons between objects displaying this property separated by an insulator is described in the Josephson effect. When metals with this property are placed in a magnetic field they repel the field demonstrating perfect diamagnetism, which can be seen in the levitation of a magnet above them. That effect postulated by Ochsenfeld and Meissner is described in a theory of it stating that this arises from the condensation of electron pairs. That BCS theory states this phenomenon is linked with the formation of Cooper pairs, allowing for increased electric flow. For 10 points, name this property characterized by zero resistance in very cold metals.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "superconductivity\u00a0[or\u00a0superconductor]", "round": "2009 ACF Fall edited - Chattahoochee.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "This man came to power after his forces\u2019 victory in the Boshin War. This ruler put down a revolt led by Saigo Takamuri called the Satsuma Rebellion. During his rule, his country formulated a new constitution in 1890 and fought a war with Russia that was ended by the Treaty of Portsmouth, which was mediated by Theodore Roosevelt. The Charter Oath laid down the (*) Westernizing goals of his reign, which was preceded by the Tokugawa Shogunate. For 10 points, name this emperor of Japan who led a modernization known as his namesake restoration.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Mutsuhito Meiji [or Mutsuhito Meiji; or Meiji the Great]", "round": "03.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "During an event of a certain Brick Lane Branch in this novel, a melody from the Old Hundredth, written by Charles Dibdin, is used for a poem when one character is asked by his father what Anthony Humm means by the phrase \u201csoft sex.\u201d That son, who later looks intently at the dashing and partially dressed Mr. Smangle, is Samuel Weller. The son is incarcerated in Fleet Prison after losing a trial to Mrs. Bardell. \u201cSpeculations on the Source of the Hampstead Ponds, with some Observations on the Theory of Tittlebats\u201d is a document that is read out-loud at the beginning of, for 10 points, what novel concerning the adventures of misters Snodgrass, Tupman, and Winkle as members of a London association along with the titular chairman, by Charles Dickens?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "The Pickwick Papers [or The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club]", "round": "r12- Rutgers.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "This philosopher oddly denounced atheists in A Letter Concerning Toleration, and his work Some Thoughts Concerning Education claimed humans are born without innate ideas, a concept that he called tabula rasa. Another of this empiricist's works describes a good state of nature featuring rights to \u201clife, liberty, and property.\u201d For 10 points, name this English philosopher who authored Two Treatises of Government and An Essay Concerning Human Understanding.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "John Locke", "round": "Packet 13.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "This politician gave the Seventh of March speech during his last attempt to run for president on the Whig ticket. In response to the Foote Resolution, this man debated with Robert Hayne during the Nullification Crisis. This man argued for his alma mater in Dartmouth v. Woodward. This politician negotiated a treaty which resolved the Caroline Affair and Aroostook (uh-ROO-stuk) War with Baron Ashburton in 1842. For 10 points, name this Massachusetts Senator and two-time Secretary of State, who was part of the Great Triumvirate with Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Daniel Webster", "round": "4q2-12.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "Girls from Troezen who were just about to be married offered locks of their hair to this figure to commemorate their virginity. This figure shares his name with a giant killed by Hermes, and by his father this man was the half-brother of Demophoon. This man was cursed by Aphrodite after building a rival deity\u2019s temple near her lands, which curse resulted in his death. This man married the nymph Egeria, and changed his name to Virbius after being brought back to life by Asclepius. Either a wild bull or a sea monster terrified this figure\u2019s horses, which dragged this figure to his death in an olive grove. This man was a favorite of Artemis, who may have avenged his death by having Adonis killed and his mother is given in some legends as Antiope. His death came about when his father prayed to Poseidon after this man\u2019s stepmother Phedre alleges that he had tried to rape her. For 10 points, identify this mythological son of Theseus and a similarly-named Amazonian queen whose girdle was the target of Heracles\u2019 ninth labor.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Hippolytus [obviously, do not accept \u201cHippolyta,\u201d the mother of this figure]", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-UCSDFinal.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "From Here To Eternity", "question": "An attempt to foil this man occurs when a character hides under a cloth-covered table to eavesdrop on his wooing. At another point, Monsieur Loyal serves an eviction notice because of this character that ends up being arrested for revealing state secrets on order of the king. Earlier, Dorine and Damis point out his wickedness, while Valere objects to Mariane marrying him. Madame Pernelle and Orgon welcome him into his home and is allured by his false piety. For ten points, name this hypocrite created by Moliere.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Tartuffe", "round": "FHTE R4 Final Final Final.rtf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "This artist portrayed the power of irrationality in his painting of a sleeping man surrounded by bats and owls. This artist included that work, The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters, in his series of Capriccios. He painted a man in a white shirt standing with his arms raised in the air while facing a line of French (*) soldiers about to fire, and his depiction of Saturn Devouring His Son is part of his Black Paintings. For ten points, name this Spanish artist of The Nude Maja and The Third of May, 1808.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Francisco Jos\u00e9 de Goya y Lucientes", "round": "tourn8-05.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "**The non-linear Anscombe transform on this type of variable sets the variance of it to 1, and Dobinski's formula demonstrates that nth Bell number is the nth moment of this distribution. With PDF proportional to its characteristic value to the k over k factorial, the difference between two variables with this distribution follows the Skellam distribution, and it can be considered a limiting case of the binomial distribution. It has both mean and variance lambda, and von Bortkiewicz used it to model deaths by horse kick in the Prussian army, illustrating his proposed Law of Small Numbers. For 10 points, identify this probability distribution, used to model the number of low-probability events that occur in a specific time period.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Poisson Distribution", "round": "2009 ACF Regionals - CMU.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Penn Bowl", "question": "The ruling family during this period had a family crest of three fish scales in a Triforce-like formation and set up a secret police known as the Rokuhara Tandai. The Joei code was promulgated during its reign. Before a major battle one leader of this polity meditated to find the source of cowardice in himself, and one conflict during it occurred when the cloistered emperor Go-Toba attempted to take the throne. Besides the Jokyu disturbance, this polity saw the rise of Nichiren buddhism and an invasion that was supposedly repelled by the kamikaze winds. Started in the wake of a massive conflict between the Taira and Minamoto and ruled by the Hojo clan, for 10 points, name this polity that began afer the Genpei War, the first shogunate of Japan.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Kamakura\u00a0shogunate", "round": "Maryland A.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "He was a member of a folk band featured in the film Bound to Lose, the Holy Modal Rounders. A monologue about fish sex is collected in Hawk Moon, and he co-wrote Zabriskie Point with Antonioni. He played law school professor Thomas Callahan in The (*)Pelican Brief. In one work of his Tilden went mad after an act of incest with Halie, forcing Dodge to dispose of the title figure. For 10 points \u2013 name this man who wrote the Pulitzer-Prize winning Buried Child and played Chuck Yeager in The Right Stuff.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Sam Shepard", "round": "04_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "Terrapin Invitational", "question": "A coincident D-brane/anti-D-brane pair contains excitations of these particles, and one of Sen\u2019s conjectures states that the contributions from these particles\u2019 potential gives that configuration a zero energy density. The set of solutions to the Klein-Gordon equation corresponding to these particles is incomplete, and these particles cannot be localized in space. The (*) Feinberg reinterpretation principle partially resolves a paradox associated with these particles that must always lose energy via Cherenkov radiation. If these particles exist, as a consequence of their defining property they have imaginary mass, and these particles could violate causality via their namesake \u201ctelephone paradox.\u201d Contrasted with luxons and bradyons, for 10 points name these hypothetical particles that move faster than light.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "tachyons", "round": "FINAL_Minnesota+Duke.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "This architect argued for the building of structures with \u201ca spiritual quality\u201d which conveys a \u201cfeeling of eternity\u201d in his essay \u201cMonumentality,\u201d written while he was a junior partner of Oscar Stonorov and George Howe. Seven glass blocks form his unrealized plan for a work in Battery Park, the Memorial to the Six Million Jewish Martyrs. He constructed a residence from two cubes attached at a 45 degree angle in his design for the Norman Fisher house. He designed the Indian Institute of Management, and he argued for the separation of \u201cservant\u201d and \u201cserved\u201d in architectural spaces. One of his buildings features a ceiling made from tetrahedral concrete honeycombing, and another is an art museum consisting of a series of parallel barrel vaults. In addition to the Yale Art Gallery and the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, his designs include a medical research complex built around a central court with a water channel pointing toward the Pacific Ocean. FTP, name this American Jewish architect who designed the Salk Institute in La Jolla.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Louis Kahn", "round": "PACKET15Carson.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "One variety of this effect produces Kossel lines, and Kikuchi lines are a result of this effect in transmission electron microscopes. Theories of this phenomenon include Rayleigh-Sommerfield, and one device which makes use of it consists of concentric alternating black and white rings. One equation describing it equates order times wavelength with twice the distance between crystal planes times the (*) angle, a law named for Bragg, and when this phenomenon occurs through a circular aperture it produces elliptical zones named for Fresnel. When this effect occurs in the far-field limit, it is named for Fraunhofer. For 10 points, name this phenomenon, the bending of light around obstacles.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "diffraction", "round": "Round 4.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "Its independence was fought for by the Friendly Brotherhood, and was secured by the last naval battle fought between wooden ships, at Navarino. For seven years until 1974, it was ruled by \u201cThe Colonels,\u201d a military junta. Following the British defeat of this nation's Communist Party in 1945, it was ruled by kings Paul I and Constantine II, and it was one of two countries targeted by the Truman Doctrine, along with neighboring Turkey. For 10 points, name this country, which seeks return of the Elgin Marbles to its Parthenon.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Greece", "round": "Round_14_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This composer based four\u00a0Symphonic Dances\u00a0on folk music collected by Ludvig Lindeman, while a sarabande, a gavotte, and a rigadoun are among the five pieces \u201cin olden style\u201d found in his suite celebrating a countryman's birth. A timpani roll followed by a crashing chord opens his piano concerto in A minor, while he included such pieces as \u201cTo Spring,\u201d \u201cErotikon,\u201d \u201cArietta,\u201d and \u201cWedding Day at (*) Troldhaugen\u201d in a set of short works for piano called Lyric Pieces. His most famous work is a suite that includes the movements \u201cAnitra's Dance,\u201d \u201cMorning Mood,\u201d and \u201cIn the Hall of the Mountain King.\u201d For 10 points, identify this Norwegian composer of the\u00a0Peer Gynt\u00a0Suite.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Edvard Hagerup\u00a0Grieg", "round": "Round 15.doc"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 16", "question": "Regions of this country include Glarus, St. Gallen, and Ticino. It includes the northern part of Lake Maggiore, and the largest lake entirely within this country is Lake Neuch\u00e2tel. Its namesake plateau lies between the Jura Mountains and the Alps. It shares Lake (*) Constance with Germany and Austria, and it has four official languages, including Romansh. For 10 points, name this country which is divided into cantons and which is home to Geneva.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Switzerland [or the Swiss Confederation]", "round": "12.pdf"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Gaddis II", "question": "[AR] The author claims that the most telling evidence of the conditions that are the focus of this work can be found by listening to the AM Radio for one consecutive hour for a few days, and claims that such works as Vance Packard's\u00a0The Hidden Persuders\u00a0and Fred Crook's\u00a0The Warfare State\u00a0are of vital importance to overcome \"The Paralysis of Criticism.\" In a section titled, \"The Catastrophe of Liberation\": riding in a new automobile, taking a walk in the country, the subway during evening rush hour are examples of banal harmonization the author cites to explicate the absorption of the positive into the negative in what is known as the grand\u00a0\"integration of opposites.\" Modifying Freud's concept of the Pleasure Principle in a chapter entitled \"The Conquest of the Unhappy Unconsciousness\" the author of this work coins a term, which denotes the giving up of sovereignty for the sake of vulgar material pleasures, and is known as \"repressive desublimation.\"\u00a0Arguing that advanced technological society has created\u00a0?\"false needs,\" the author articulates the need for the \"Great Refusal\" in order to overcome the oppression of political ideology and the constricting and compressive effects of mass media. Subtitled, \"Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society,\" for 10 points, name this work about the title individual \"flattened out\" by modern society, written by Herbert Marcuse\u00a0\u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "One-Dimensional Man", "round": "Packet 4.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Fall Kickoff Tournament", "question": "On a phase diagram, it can be determined by finding the area under the curve. The amount of it done on a system can be found by subtracting the amount of heat added from the internal energy of the system. Sometimes measured in ergs, it can be found by multiplying the pressure and volume change in a system. Like torque, it can be expressed in the units Newton-meters, and the rate at which it happens is known as power. For 10 points, name this physical quantity, the amount of energy needed by a force to move an object a distance.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "work", "round": "FKT 2010 Jasper FINAL.rtf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "St. Anselms and Torrey Pines", "question": "These objects are thought to provide power to blazars. The rotating versions of these bodies described by the Kerr metric are surrounded by ergospheres from which energy can be gained in the Penrose process, and they can be described by mass, charge, and angular momentum according to the [*] no-hair theorem. They aren\u2019t neutron stars, but after exploding in supernovae, stars that have overcome the electron degeneracy pressure of the Chandrasekhar limit can form these objects. Featuring an event horizon at the Schwarzchild radius surrounding a gravitational singularity, for 10 points, name these astronomical objects so massive that no light can escape them.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "black holes [prompt on \u201cactive galactic nuclei\u201d until \u201crotating\u201d]", "round": "Round 12.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 10", "question": "This can be measured on the Allen scale. One method of calculating this quantity defines it as the average of ionization energy and electron affinity. On the periodic table, it increases as one goes up and to the (*) right, so that cesium has the lowest value for this quantity and fluorine the highest. For 10 points, name this quantity which can also be described by the Mulliken and Pauling scales and describes an atom's ability to attract electrons.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "electronegativity", "round": "tourn10-08.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "MELD", "question": "Stories in this collection include one in which the narrator describes his childhood crush Linda, who dies of brain cancer, and one in which Elroy Berdahl shelters the protagonist in the Tip Top Lodge. One minor character in this work is Dave Jensen, who sings \u201cLemon Tree\u201d while cleaning the remains of Curt Lemon out of a tree. In another story in this collection, Azar helps the narrator get revenge on Bobby Jorgenson, the replacement for the medic Rat Kiley, who had earlier shot himself in the foot. The protagonist of the title story blames his infatuation with Martha for Ted Lavender's death; that character is Lieutenant Jimmy Cross. For 10 points, \u201cThe Man I Killed\u201d and \u201cHow to Tell a True War Story\u201d are included in what short story collection about a group of soldiers in the Vietnam War by Tim O'Brien?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "The Things They Carried", "round": "Packet 07.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "HFT", "question": "One past rivalry in this sport was between American Linda Fratianne and East German Anett P\u00f6tzsch, while a 1988 competition in this sport was nicknamed the \u201cBattle of the Carmens.\u201d Surya Bonaly never managed better than fourth at the Olympics in this sport. Irina Slutskaya earned a silver medal in this sport at the Turin Olympics, which were another disappointment for a competitor once defeated by Tara Lipinski. For 10 points, identify this sport whose other champions have included Kristi Yamaguchi, Sarah Hughes, and Michelle Kwan.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "women's figure skating", "round": "07 HFT.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This religion's place in America was explicated in a letter by this religion's only Guardian. A book by the son of this religion's founder, Will and Testaments, outlines the rules for the Spiritual Assemblies of this religion that are subordinate to an organization created after the Ten Year Crusade. The journey of the soul in this religion through the titular amount of stages is described in The Seven Valleys. The supreme body of this religion founded by Shoghi (*) Effendi is called the Universal House of Justice. This religion holds that progressive revelation has occurred though ten different Manifestations of God, including Jesus and Muhammad, while its belief in the unity of God, humanity, and religion was first preached by the Bab. For 10 points, name this religion founded by Baha'u'llah.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Baha'i faith", "round": "Round 25 Emergency.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "Chicago Open Arts", "question": "Pablo Casals substituted a soprano saxophone for a trumpet in his complete recordings of these works in 1950 and 1964. The third movement of the first piece was later used for \"Auf, schmetternde T\u00f6ne\" while its first movement became the sinfonia of Falsche Welt, dir. The \"affetuoso\" movement in the fifth of these works uses a theme from Louis Marchand in addition to featuring a 65 measure solo cadenza for the new harpsichord in (*) Cothen. The fourth strangely suggests the use of two \"echo flutes,\" and the sixth uses no violins and instead features two violas and two violas da gamba. Presented to Margrave Christian Ludwig in 1721, for 10 points, name this set of six concerti by Johann Sebastian Bach.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Brandenburg Concertoes [also accept Six Concerts \u00e0 plusieurs instrument] (Jha)", "round": "Lully 1.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "In one fragmentary poem, this mythological figure is said to have fractured the shield of Fair Cei. Another source says that this figure was birthed under the Black Stone at Llanfair in Arfon, after the mother of this figure had been chased across the country by Coll ap Collfrewy. That source calls this figure one of the \"three great oppressions of Mon\" and says that its mother Henwen bore a great womb-burden. The prior poem declares that ninescore warriors fell just to make food for this creature, which now roams the Isle of Anglesey after it had swam across the straits of Menai. For 10 points, name this gigantic \u201cclawing\u201d creature in Welsh mythology, named after the man whose sons adopted it.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Palug's Cat (or Cath Palug, or any indication of a feline and Palug)", "round": "Editor's Round 1 (RR).docx"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "NTV", "question": "In 1934, this man became chief attorney for the Federal Alcohol Control Administration after serving as assistant to Jerome Frank of the AAA. A lawyer for Colonel Frank Knox, FDR's Secretary of the Navy, he defeated Dwight H. Green in a gubernatorial election, and JFK made him U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., a position in which he declared that he would wait for an answer from Valerian Zorin \u201cuntil Hell freezes over\u201d. He implored, \u201ceggheads of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your yolks\u201d, and, in 1948, he became governor of Illinois. Name this Democrat who lost the 1952 and 1956 Presidential elections to Dwight D. Eisenhower.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Adlai Ewing Stevenson II", "round": "finals 2 TU.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "In one of this author's short stories, a fishing village mistakes the title figure for a ship and a whale before naming him Esteban. Santiago Nasar is killed by Pablo and Pedro after supposedly deflowering Angela Vicario in another of his novels, and this man wrote of Fermina Daza's marriage to Dr. Urbino. For 10 points name this author of \u201cThe Handsomest Drowned Man in the World,\u201d Chronicle of a Death Foretold, and Love in the Time of Cholera, who wrote about the Buendia family of Macondo in One Hundred Years of Solitude.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Gabriel Jos\u00e9 de la Concordia Garc\u00eda M\u00e1rquez", "round": "Round_08_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "TJ NAREN", "question": "This man \"walked on the banks of the tincan banana dock\" and tells the title object that \"You were never no locomotive\" in his \"Sunflower Sutra,\" and poems such as \"Iron Horse\" and \"Wichita Vortex Sutra\" appear in this writer's collection The Fall of America. He spied Garcia Lorca \"by the watermelons\" and called Walt Whitman a \"childless, lonely old grubber\" in his work \"A Supermarket in California,\" and mourned his mother Naomi in his poem \"Kaddish.\" His best-known poem mentions \"angel-headed hipsters\" and is dedicated to Carl Solomon. For 10 points, name this Beat Generation poet who wrote \"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness\" in Howl.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Allen Ginsberg", "round": "Round 8.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "One of this man's appointees is under impeachment for falsely claiming to possess several honorary doctorates from prestigious universities, and health concerns that surfaced in October 2008 due to a heavy workload have cast doubts on his reelection bid. This man's request to visit Ground Zero was denied in September 2007, when he gave a speech in Columbia University. He sparked outrage after claiming that the Holocaust was \u201ca myth\u201d and wanted Israel to be \u201cwiped off the map.\u201d For 10 points, identify this man, the current President of Iran.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Mahmoud Ahmadinejad", "round": "Round_01_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 3", "question": "In one of its outtakes, the protagonist claims that \u201c98 percent of us will die at some point in our lives.\u201d Another of this film's characters explains how a tuxedo T-shirt says \u201cI wanna be formal, but I'm here to party, too\u201d as part of a dinner conversation in which the lead opts for an \u201c8-pound, 6-ounce, newborn (*) infant Jesus.\u201d More central to its plot are the protagonist's \u201cshake and bake\u201d tag-team with Cal Naughton, Jr. and his rivalry with the gay French racer Jean Girard, played by Sacha Baron Cohen. For 10 points, name this comedy starring Will Ferrell as Ricky Bobby.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby", "round": "Round_14_HSAPQACF3.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "NTSS", "question": "A synthetic form of this substance available over the counter is called menadione (MEH-nuh-di-ohn) and all types of this substance contain a methylated (MEH-thih-lay-tud) naphthoquinone (naaf-thoh-KWI-nohn) ring. Much of the daily requirement of this substance is supplied by E. coli in the large intestine, explaining why newborns often receive an injection of this vitamin. Its effect is opposed by warfarin, which prevents this vitamin from participat- ing in the formation of prothrombin. Found in leafy green vegetables, name this fat-soluble vitamin necessary for the synthesis of blood clotting factors.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "vitamin K [accept phylloquinone; accept phytomenadione; accept phytonadione]", "round": "07.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "DAFT", "question": "This writer depicted Giles Winterborne's love for Edgar Fitzpier's wife Grace Medbury in the novel entitled The Woodlanders. Richard marries Sue Bridehead twice while Arabella Donn tricks the titular protagonist into marriage twice in one work by this writer. In another work by this writer, Donald Farfrae marries Elizabeth-Jane who is related to Susan and Michael Henchard. In another work by this writer, Sorrow is born as a result of the fornication between Alec and the titular protagonist who is married to Angel Clare. For 10 points, name this English writer who wrote Jude the Obscure, The Mayor of Casterbridge, and Tess of the D'Urbervilles.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Thomas Hardy", "round": "DAFT 2009 Round 09 - Edited - Proofread.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "TJ NAREN", "question": "This philosopher stated that marriage is the union of a couple into a single moral entity in Observations on the Feelings of the Beautiful and Sublime, and he argues for moral relativism and defends the Three Maxims in another of his works. He synthesized rationalist and empiricist theories by defining a priori knowledge, which this author of the Metaphysics of Morals extended to the idea of sensus communis in his Critique of Judgment. In another work this thinker defines an ontological and a \"watch-maker\" proof of God's existence, and attacks the title concept's circular logic. For 10 points, name this German creator of the categorical imperative and author of Critique of Pure Reason.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Immanuel Kant", "round": "Round 7.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "This structure is overriding in patients with tetralogy of Fallot, while Marfan syndrome causes its myxomatous degeneration and Turner syndrome causes its coarctation. This elastic structure bifurcates at the level of the fourth lumbar vertebra. Existing as six arches in the developing embryo, in adults it contains a single arch, which branches into the brachiocephalic, subclavian, and common carotid arteries. The coronary arteries branch off from the ascending portion of this structure immediately after it emerges from the left ventricle. For 10 points, name this largest artery in the body that carries oxygenated blood from the heart.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "aorta <LC>", "round": "Round05.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "Originally, there were twenty-six pieces depicting this character, one of which conveys a meeting with a \u201cwoman in green.\u201d Flutes signal the rising of the sun in the musical work in which this character appears. His careful footsteps are represented by the cellos and bassoons in a movement that ends with a B-minor chord signaling his escape. In one scene, this character watches \u201cAnitra's Dance.\u201d Movements in a work titled for him include \u201cThe Death of Ase,\u201d \u201cMorning Mood,\u201d and \u201cIn the Hall of the Mountain King.\u201d For 10 points, name this character, the namesake of a suite taken from the incidental music to a Henrik Ibsen play, composed by Edvard Grieg.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Peer Gynt [accept either]", "round": "MUT 2010 - Finals 1 [DO NOT READ FOR PRELIMS] - Done.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 11", "question": "This composer parodied Richard Wagner's (REE-card VOG-nerz) Tristan and Isolde (eye-SOLE-duh) in his Children's Corner Suite . \"The Play of the Waves\" is a movement in one of his works. He composed a solo piano work entitled (*) Suite Bergamesque (bur-guh-MESK). Stephane Mallarm\u00e9 inspired this man's Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun. He composed La Mer (MARE) and \u201cClair De Lune.\u201d For 10 points, name this French Impressionist composer.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Achille-Claude Debussy", "round": "tourn11-11.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "In one of this man\u2019s novels, the protagonist learns of the existence of \u201cgood\u201d and \u201cbad\u201d Russian tables. In a novella by this man, the narrator encounters three villainous red-haired men, including a guitar player and a dandy wearing too much make-up. Another novel by this man describes the composition of Apocalypsis cum figuris; in that work, narrated by Serenus Zeitblom, Adrian completes his (*) masterwork before dying of syphilis. This author also wrote a novel in which a young student goes to Berghof and meets Naptha and Settembrini as they recover from lung problems. For 10 points, name this author of Doctor Faustus and The Magic Mountain who described Gustav von Aschenbach\u2019s fondness for Tadzio in Death in Venice.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Thomas Mann", "round": "Packet 12 - Superplayoffs 2.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "One of this location's features, Gipul Catena, is an almost six hundred twenty-kilometer-long straight line of craters, and its magnetic field is generated by rapid circulation of a large electrolyte flow beneath its surface, making it strong enough to be detectable even in the larger fields of nearby bodies. As it has almost no geological activity, it has the oldest and most cratered surface in the solar system. Many of its features are named after Norse mythology, as exemplified by the impact craters Valhalla and Asgard. It is the third-largest moon in the solar system and is farther away from Jupiter than the other Galilean moons. FTP, name this moon named after a nymph Zeus loved who was transformed into a bear.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2006, "answer": "Callisto", "round": "Texas.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "During both in medieval times and during this city\u2019s time as a \u201ccommune,\u201d it was ruled by a piccolo and gran consiglio of 25 and 50 members respectively. Soon afterwards, this city split from a \u201clittoral\u201d region to form the Corpus Separatum after being given up on by Maria Theresa. The Whitehead Torpedo Works and the Adria Navigation Company were two industries built in this city by its modernizer, Giovanni de Ciotta. During another independent stint, this city elected a member of the Autonomist party, Riccardo Zanella. The Istrian Exodus was precipitated by Yugoslav soldiers expelling around 60,000 Italians from this city and its environs. Earlier, this city was embroiled in a debate that Woodrow Wilson intervened in, calling for this city to be autonomous and to be home to the League of Nations. That was after the fascist Regency of Carnaro took this city over for several months and called it a \u201cFree State,\u201d led by Gabriele d\u2019Annunzio. For 10 points, identify this port in Croatia.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Fiume [or Rijeka]", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-UCSDFinal.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "To offset the instability caused by one of these conflicts, Parthamaspatas was briefly installed on the throne of Ctesiphon and Cyrenica had to be repopulated; that second of these was named after the general Lucius Quietus. The first was supposedly triggered by insensitive bird sacrifices and saw Agrippa II flee shortly before the 12th Legion was ambushed in a mountain pass. Leaders of these events include John of Giscala and a man given the epithet (*) \u201cSon of a Star\u201d to fuel his messianic claims, Bar Kokhba. Josephus related the mass suicide of the Sicarii, a group of Zealots, after the siege of Masada during the first of these conflicts, which saw Titus destroy the Second Temple. For 10 points, identify these revolts against Roman rule by a certain religious group, supported by figures like Rabbi Akiva.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Jewish Revolts or Romano-Jewish Wars [accept equivalents]", "round": "Round 18.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "HFT", "question": "In one of his stories, Sheldon Grossbart tries to elicit favors from Sergeant Marx, and the protagonist of another work mistakenly believes that Amy Willette is Anne Frank while staying at E. I. Lonoff's house. In addition to \u201cDefender of the Faith\u201d and Ghost Writer, one of his novels centers on the marriage between star high school athlete \u201cThe Swede\u201d and Miss New Jersey Dawn Dwyer, and the title character of another novel talks about his trysts with \u201cThe Pilgrim,\u201d \u201cThe Pumpkin,\u201d and \u201cThe Monkey.\u201d FTP, name this author who wrote about Nathan Zuckerman in American Pastoral and about Alexander's discussion of sexual urges with Dr. Spielvogel in Portnoy's Complaint.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Philip Roth", "round": "HFT Championship 01 FINISHED.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "In the first section of this work, the title character is disappointed at the condition of the city that he arrives to and he meets several unique characters including Nehemiah, who later hallucinates and drowns, and an optimistic Anglican priest named Derwent, with which the title character travels to Mount Quarantania. However, the most significant companion of the protagonist is Ruth, a young Jewish woman with whom the titular young American theology student falls in love. However, in the conclusion, the title character unfortunately returns from the (*) Middle East on Ash Wednesday to find her dead. Over eighteen thousand lines long and divided into four parts called \u201cJerusalem\u201d, \u201cThe Wilderness\u201d, \u201cMar Saba\u201d, and \u201cBethlehem\u201d, it ends with the line \u201cEmerge thou mayst from the last whelming sea / And prove that death but routs life into victory\u201d. This is, for 10 points, what epic poem subtitled A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land, a late philosophical work by Herman Melville?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Clarel", "round": "Rd07.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "VCU Open (Sunday)", "question": "In one story, this figure was conceived when his mother saw a baby wrapped in the sun, moon, and clouds. When he was born, three suns rose and nine dragons gave him magic water to drink. Born with the name Li Erh, he learned to swallow the rays of the sun. He washes the ears of his donkey after receiving a political message. Near the end of his life, this man was said to have climbed Mount Kun Lun. He was told to write (*) five thousand characters after Yinxi stopped him at the Hangu pass. From those characters, he produced a work that includes the directive \u201cHe who knows does not speak\u201d among its eighty-one chapters, popularizing the concept of wu-wei. For 10 points, name this mythical author of the Tao Te Ching.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Lao Tzu [or Laozi]", "round": "Round 9.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "After a scandal caused by a member of the \u201cchromatic sedition\u201d deceiving a woman into marriage in this novel, Pantocyclus delivers a twenty-four-hour speech against the Universal Color Bill. Women in this work have the ability to immediately kill any man, and rain always falls from north to south. There is an event at each new millennium in which a higher being passes through the world but is suppressed by the chief (*) circle, who is at the top of the social hierarchy. For 10 points, name this work, addressed \u201cto the inhabitants of space in general\u201d and written by Edwin Abbot, which consists of A. Square's monograph about life in a two-dimensional society.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions", "round": "Round 25 Emergency.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "Chicago Open History", "question": "Members of this polity squeezed Philip II by stopping the payment of gold to his troops in the Netherlands, which eventually led to unpaid troops looting Antwerp. This polity had become a major Spanish banking hub after the decline of the Fuggers. This polity ruled Corsica for over 400 years, and for much of the thirteenth century it controlled Caffa in the Crimea. This polity allied with Michael VIII Paleologus to overthrow the Latin Empire of Constantinople and it defeated a Pisan fleet at the battle of Meloria. It was incorporated into the Ligurian Republic by Napoleon and defeated by Venice in the War of Chioggia. For 10 points, identify this northeastern Italian city that was home to a maritime republic and the birthplace of Andrea Doria and Christopher Columbus.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Republic of Genoa", "round": "2011 CO History Gauthier Steinbaum.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "A festival that is repeatedly celebrated during this period commonly involves apricots and sweet milk and is known as the iftar. The twenty-seventh day of this timeframe is known for the ability to multiply merit and is called the Night of Power. This period ends with the coming of Shawwal and the Eid al-Fitr celebration. The pillar of sawm is practiced during this month and includes refraining from impure thoughts as well as food and drink. For 10 points, identify this month of daytime fasting in Islam.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Ramadan", "round": "30.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "A green door can be seen in a back room in this painting, and to the left a man in a white hat talks to woman in a blue dress and red shawl. A bunch of white flowers in a vase stands next to bottles on a yellow-green bar, and near the center stands a white-haired man wearing a cream suit. The clock hanging on one of the red walls places the time at a quarter past midnight, and the center is dominated by a billiard table. For 10 points, name this painting featuring three glowing orange lamps and a yellow floor, an Impressionist take on an eatery by Vincent van Gogh.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "The Night Caf\u00e9", "round": "Round_12_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "Princeton Buzzerfest", "question": "A bitter personal attack by Sir Earle Page on the floor of the House created a rift between this man and Page, as he accused this man of cowardice for not serving in World War I. In perhaps his most famous speech, he referred to the \u201cmiddle class who, properly regarded, represent the backbone of this country,\u201d a speech titled \u201cThe Forgotten People.\u201d A virulent anti-Communist, he harnessed a Communist-backed coal strike to a decisive defeat of Labor Prime Minister Ben Chifley, and then rode the post-war boom to an unprecedented 15 years as prime minister. The founder of the Australian Liberal Party, for 10 points, name this longest-serving Australian prime minister.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Robert Gordon Menzies", "round": "MarylandA.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "Kaiser's similarly titled 1963 work on this book is frequently referenced in Clarence Miller's important 1979 translator's introduction to it. After attacking the distinction between grace gratis data and grace gratificans, this work challenges the authority of the Speculum maius and Gesta Romanorum. It is often published today with a letter defending it to Martin Dorp. Claiming that worshipers of Saints Barbara, George, Hippolytus and the author's namesake are \u201cclosely related [to gamblers],\u201d who engage in the title action, the narrator herself concludes that activity by noting that she \u201chate[s] a listener with a memory.\u201d FTP, name this 1511 religious tract; the best known work of Desiderius Erasmus.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2006, "answer": "The Praise of Folly or Moriae encomium", "round": "ACF Editors 2.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "George Norris tried to take power from one holder of this post, Joseph Cannon, though he was able to retain his position by threatening to resign. The first man to hold this post was Frederick Muhlenberg, while other powerful holders of this post included Samuel Randall, Tip O\u2019Neill, and Thomas Brackett Reed, who attacked the disappearing quorum while holding this post. This position lost an accompanying chairmanship of the Rules Committee following the Revolt of 1910. The Contract with America was suggested by one holder of this office, Newt Gingrich. For 10 points, name this position held in recent years by Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives <ZZ>", "round": "Round01.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 11", "question": "In one story by this author, the bathwater near Aliokhin turns brown; later, Ivan tells Burkin of his brother Nikolai, who became supercilious after acquiring an estate on which he could plant the title Gooseberries. He wrote a play in which a serf discovers that he has been boarded up inside his longtime home to die; that servant, Firs, has remained after (*) Lopakhin purchased the title location, long owned by Madame Ranevskaya. For 10 points, name this author of The Cherry Orchard.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Anton Pavlovich Chekhov", "round": "tourn11-06.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "VCU Open (Sunday)", "question": "He painted a woman in a white cap who holds an animal munching on an acorn in his Portrait of a Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling. Many of this artist's early works were commissioned by Jakob Meyer, who is seen with his family in The Darmstadt Madonna. Dostoyevsky was obsessed with this man's realistically grotesque The Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb. He painted the Greek for \u201cthe Labors of Hercules on a red book held by (*) Erasmus, on whose recommendation he was commissioned to paint Thomas More. In a lost work, he painted a king holding a glove in one hand and a dagger in the other. He included a wildly skewed skull in his portrait of Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve. For 10 points, name this court painter to Henry VIII who painted The Ambassadors.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Hans Holbein the Younger", "round": "Round 6.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "When Derforgaill is in this form, C\u00fa Chulainn once hits her with a sling, though he saves her by sucking the stone out. Louhi promises to give his daughter to Lemmink\u00e4inen only if he can shoot this creature in Tuonela, the [*] underworld, in the Finnish epic Kalevala. Saraswati is often depicted sitting on a lotus or this animal. The wife of Tyndareus and mother of Helen and Clytemnestra laid eggs from which the Dioscuri came out, after she was raped by Zeus in this form. For 10 points, Leda is associated with what white, beautiful bird?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "swan [DU]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 4 COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "St. Anselms and Torrey Pines", "question": "At the back of this painting is a green door behind a brown curtain. A clock on the orange back wall reads 12:15, and below the clock in this painting is a table with many bottles of wine on it along with a large white vase with flowers. In this painting, a man in a white suit stands next to a table with a wine bottle and a glass on it, and above him is a large [*] yellow chandelier hanging from the green ceiling. Groups of people sit drinking at various tables in this work. There is a pool table at the center of, for 10 points, what painting depicting an eatery late in the day by Vincent Van Gogh?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "The Night Caf\u00e9 [or La Caf\u00e9 du Nuit]", "round": "Round 3.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "At a party in this novel, Karmazinov discusses scandalous episodes from his youth and Liputin reads a poem satirizing the government. A character in this novel marries a slow-witted crippled girl on a bet and becomes a military officer but resigns his commission and bites the ear of a governor; that governor is replaced by von Lembke, who is under the thrall of his wife Yulia. The main character flees to Berlin for four months after failing to start a literary journal in this novel; later, the Lebyadkins are found (*) murdered by Fedka and Lizaveta is beaten to death, with one crime being blamed on Kirillov. An affair with the servant Dasha is exposed, the secretary Blum leads a raid in search of radical manifestos, and Shatov is killed by Pyotr, leading to Nikolay hanging himself at the end of this book. For 10 points, name this novel in which the Verhovensky and Stavrogin families become entangled in nihilist revolution, a work of Fyodor Dostoyevsky.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "The Possessed [or Besy; or The Devils]", "round": "Rd09.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "NNT", "question": "In one scene in this film, the protagonist watches a man steal a sports car while discussing the contents of his lost luggage with an airport employee. After the protagonist moves into an abandoned house with the owner of the Paper Street Soap Company, he no longer needs to attend support groups in order to sleep. The protagonist attempts to stop a man from blowing up some buildings by shooting himself in the cheek, but the buildings explode to the Pixies' \u201cWhere is My Mind?\u201d and he tells Marla Singer that \u201cyou met me at a very strange time in my life.\u201d For 10 points, name this 1999 movie featuring Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden and Edward Norton as an unnamed narrator, based on a book by Chuck Palahniuk.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Fight Club", "round": "NNT_Packet_6.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "According to legend, the arrows owned by this figure were each tipped with a half-ounce of gold - so that, even if they killed their target, the gold could be sold by the victim's family to ease their suffering. He wrote a letter called the \u201cZafarnamah\u201d or \"Epistle of Victory\" which describes the Battle of Chamkaur, where he shot two arrows into the bed of Wazir Khan. Upon death, he used his horse Dilbagh to ascend to heaven at Nanded. Five of his followers were known as the \"Panj Piare,\" or beloved ones, because they had enough faith to go into his tent even after he emerged with a sword dripping blood. Those followers carry daggers, wooden combs, and iron bracelets and were the first members of the Khalsa. He succeeded his father Tegh Bahadur and was pursued for a time by Aurangzeb. FTP, name this tenth guru of Sikhism, the final human one before the Guru Granth Sahib.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Gobind Singh [or Gobind Rai]", "round": "PACKET01MikeTeam.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "Late in his life this figure traveled to Sardinia with either Aristaeus or Iolaus after a stay in Sicily, where he helped King Cocalus and his daughters murder a visiting king. The father of the healer Iapyx, this figure fled Athens after the Areopagus condemned him to death for the murder of his nephew Perdix. He once used honey and an ant to thread a seashell, and he gave Pasiphae the wooden cow she used to mate with a bull, after which he built a structure to house their child. While imprisoned at the top of a tower, this man escaped with his son after building a pair of wings. For 10 points, identify this Greek inventor, the builder of the Minotaur's Labyrinth and the father of Icarus.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Daedalus [accept Daidalos; or Taitle]", "round": "ACF Fall 2008 - Missouri S&T + Dartmouth B.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "This state's last Democratic senator won in 1974, Frank Church, and this state's ski resort of Sun Valley featured the world's first chairlift. This state features the Silver Valley, out of which flows the Coeur d'Alene River, which, after it passes through its namesake lake, becomes the (*) Spokane, which mostly flows through another state. Governed by Butch Otter, this state features Nez Perce County, whose county seat, Lewiston, is the furthest inland seaport in the Western United States and sits at the confluence of the Clearwater and Snake. For 10 points, name this forty-third state, a potato producer with capital Boise.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Idaho", "round": "tourn8-01.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 2", "question": "The title character of this work learns that an old friend is visiting when she reads a card on a bouquet of flowers that Bertha places on the piano. One death in this work occurs in Madame Diana's boudoir. The title character's jealousy of Thea leads her to burn a manuscript, and she commits suicide after Judge Brack threatens to reveal why Eilert Lovborg committed suicide. For 10 points, name this play whose title character is George Tesman's wife, written by Henrik Ibsen.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Hedda Gabbler", "round": "Round_08_HSAPQACF2.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 11", "question": "This poet lamented the loss of \"that store...counted best\" that now \"in ashes lie\" in one poem. Another poem by this writer claims that \"friends, less wise than true\" \"snatcht\" \"the ill-formed offspring of [this poet's] feeble brain.\" Those works by this poet are titled \"Upon the Burning of Our House\" and \"The (*) Author to Her Book.\" Some of this woman's works were published without her knowledge by her brother-in-law in England. For 10 points, name this seventeenth century American female poet of The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Anne Bradstreet", "round": "tourn11-07.pdf"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Penn Bowl", "question": "Friedmann and Savage developed a model relating the shape of the utility function to income levels characterizing the \"premium\" associated with this phenomenon, and John Harsanyi argued that the cardinal utility function used in welfare economics was closely related to the cardinal utility function used in the theory of this phenomenon.\u00a0 The tendency to avoid this phenomenon is estimated with ratio of the second derivative of the utility function to its first derivative in a model named for Arrow and Pratt; Markowitz's portfolio selection model identifies this with variance, while Frank Knight contrasted it with \"uncertainty\" by asserting that it could be measured. For 10 points, identify this concept from economics which indicates what an agent stands to lose or gain from an uncertain outcome, and which cautious people may be \"averse\" to.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "risk\u00a0[accept word forms like risk-taking]", "round": "Brown A + Missouri State.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "THUNDER", "question": "One of this man's poems was written after he visited the\u00a0Fountain of Tears at the Khan Palace; that poem, \u201cThe Fountain of Bakhchisy.\u201dIn another of his poems, the protagonist looks\u00a0at the empty plain / and the secret reason for his sadness / he did not dare to seek to discover; that protagonist is Aleko, who is one of the titular \u201cGypsises.\u201d \u201cGypsies\u201d is one of the Southern Poems that this man wrote while he was in exile, but a better known poem by this man sees the titular characters face off against the evil sorcerer Chernomor. This man's best known poem sees the titular statue of Peter the Great come to life in a Moscow square. For 10 points, name this author of\u00a0Ruslan and Lyudmila\u00a0and\u00a0The Bronze Horseman,\u00a0who also wrote the verse novel\u00a0Eugene Onegin.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Mikhail\u00a0Pushkin", "round": "THUNDER Round 6 - Final.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "BATE", "question": "Debate exists over who exactly the title figure is in this artist's work, The Polish Rider. This artist depicted an ancient thinker putting his hand on the bust of an ancient writer in Aristotle with a Bust of Homer while another work depicts the writing on the wall from the Book of Daniel in Belshazzar's Feast. A group of men in black coats listen to a man in a black hat as they surround a cadaver in another work. Another painting depicts a company led by Captain Frans Banning Cocq, shows a man in the background holding a large flag and the lighting focuses on the center group of people armed with lances and musket. FTP, identify this Dutch artist who painted the Anatomy Lesson of Dr.\u00a0Nicolaes Tulp and The\u00a0Night Watch.\u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Rembrandt Harmeenszoon van Rijn", "round": "Round 4.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "A local legend about this mountain tells how Saghalie transformed Wy'east into it as a punishment for defying him. Lakes near this mountain include Burnt Lake, Trillium Lake and Lost Lake. One of the ways to climb this mountain is by using the dangerous Muddy Forks trail. Points of interest at this mountain include Ramona Falls, which flows into Sandy Creek, and the Eliot Creek. This mountain's passes include Zigzag Canyon and it is located nearby the polis of Parkdale. Iit was named by William Broughton, a member of George Vancouver's expedition. For 10 points, name this extinct volcano that has caused multiple climbing accidents in Oregon, its highest point.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Mount Hood", "round": "MUT 2010 - Minnesota 6 - Done.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "This man\u2019s letter to the city of Priene contains the first reference to the philoi, or \u201cfriends,\u201d a private council of advisors common to rulers of his time. This ruler founded a namesake capital on the site of Cardia and after his death at the Battle of Corupedium, he was succeeded by Ceraunus, who lasted only a few years before being killed in battle against the Gauls. This man\u2019s late rule was dominated by the intrigues of his wife Arsinoe II, who convinced him to execute his son Agathocles on charges of plotting with a rival; in the ensuing chaos, that rival invaded Asia Minor and killed this ruler. Originally a governor of Thrace, this man did not become involved in the conflicts of his rivals until fielding the army that would defeat Demetrius I Poliorcetes and his father in 301 B.C.E. For ten points, identify this general who defeated Antingonus Monopthalmos at the Battle of Ipsus and was killed by his rival Seleucus I Nicator, a member of the Diadochi.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Lysimachus", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-BrownFinal.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "DAFT", "question": "A similar product of this compound known as PFA contains carbon-oxygen bonds and is used for molding and extrusion processes. This compound gains its unique features through the high electronegativity of one atom, lowering the effect of London dispersion forces, and the so called \u201ccop killer bullets\u201d are coated with this material. This polymer of tetrafluoroethylene has a coefficient of friction less than zero point one, making it the only known surface on which a gecko cannot stick to. For 10 points, name this product commonly used as a non-stick surface for cooking ware.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Teflon [or PTFE; or polytetrafluoroethylene]", "round": "DAFT 2009 Round 05 - Edited - Proofread.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "The sum of two types of this quantity is given by the Hamiltonian and its \u201cinternal\u201d type is symbolized U. Reactions are spontaneous when there is a negative value for a \u201cfree\u201d type named for Gibbs. One type is given by negative big G mass 1 mass 2 all divided by radius, or by mgh. ATP is a source of this in cells, and another type has the formula one-half mass velocity squared. For 10 points, name this quantity measured in joules, which has kinetic and potential types.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "energy [do not prompt on any more specific answers than that]", "round": "Packet 13.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "This character is first seen as one of the twelve survivors of the wreck of the Hunter Gratzner, after which he dislocates his shoulders to escape. In a 2004 game by Starbreeze Studios, he escapes from Butcher Bay with the bounty hunter Johns and his special sight is the result of an operation performed on him by Pope Joe. Aeon Flux creator Peter Chung based a short film subtitled Dark Fury on his adventures and, in a more famous appearance, he defeats the Lord Marshall and the Necromongers, finding out in the process that he is a Furyan warrior. FTP, identify this character first appearing in a movie loosely based on Asimov's Nightfall, Pitch Black; a Vin Diesel character whose Chronicles were told in a 2004 David Twohy movie.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2006, "answer": "Richard B. Riddick", "round": "Brown.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "The Suda claims that one of this goddess\u2019s offspring helps guide people to the Nesoi Makaron and shares a name with a woman who volunteered to be sacrificed to this goddess by Demophon in the Heracleidae. Anapos was the husband of one companion of this figure, the nymph Cyane, who melted after witnessing a certain event. This figure once stopped her husband from seducing a nymph by turning that nymph into a mint plant. She may have slept with Zeus to produce her daughter Melinoe, while her other children include Macaria. A Lapith who attempted to abduct her was permanently fastened to a chair, while she gained her most famous position after accidentally eating a few pomegranate seeds. For 10 points, name this consort of Hades, the daughter of Demeter.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Persephone [accept Proserpina until \u201cZeus\u201d]", "round": "ACF Regionals 2011 - Georgetown and ASU A final.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 24, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "For a space with this property, the intersection of a countable number of open dense sets is also dense, as shown in the Baire category theorem. All closed and bounded sets are compact only if the space holds this property, and spaces with this property are compact if and only if they are also totally bounded. Hilbert space is the extension of an inner product space to make it have this property. In general a field without this property can be extended into with it by finding the set of equivalence classes of all the Cauchy sequences, as seen by the construction of the reals from the rationals. For 10 points, name this property of a metric space in which every Cauchy sequence converges to a point in the space.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Cauchy completeness [accept just \u201cCauchy\u201d before mentioned]", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-ChicagoAFinal.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 27, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "The narrator of this poem tells its subject that, \"they tell me you are wicked and I believe them,\" but that \"I give them back the sneer.\" The subject of this poem is described as \"fierce as a dog with tongue lapping for action\" and \"laughing the stormy, husky, brawling laughter of Youth.\" This poem's subject is proud to have such appellations as Tool Maker, Player with Railroads, and Stacker of Wheat. For 10 points, \"Hog Butcher for the world\" is the first appellation bestowed upon the subject of what Carl Sandburg poem about a Midwestern city?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "\"Chicago\"", "round": "12.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "These structures have amortized insert cost of \u201cbig O of 1\u201d despite having to be periodically resized. Due to their constant lookup time, they are often used instead of linked lists to implement data structures such as hash tables and queues. In C they can be dynamically allocated with malloc, and they function by automatically implementing pointer arithmetic. The multi-dimensional types are useful for storing matrices, and they are generally accessed with square brackets. For 10 points, name these data structures that store multiple elements by index.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "arrays", "round": "Round_13_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "Chicago Open Arts", "question": "The seventh work opens with the B-E falling fifth motif that permeates this collection, and that work describes an old knight who sits for hundreds of years with his beard and hair turned into one. The sixth work in this collection uses a series of rising and falling sixths at the end of the third strophe, which describes how \"The distance speaks, enraptured, of a great future happiness,\" while the fifth uses the aforementioned E-B-E-B motif at the close of each strophe, as on the closing words \"nach Hause.\" Containing Auf einer Burg, Schone Fremde, and (*) Mondnacht, this collection shares its name with its composer's earlier Opus 24 setting of nine Heine poems. Opening with In Der Fremde and closing with Frulingsnacht, for 10 points, name this song cycle that sets twelve Joseph Eichendorff poems, the opus 39 of Robert Schumann.\u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "The Eichendorff Liederkreis\u00a0(Jha)", "round": "Lully 6.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 11", "question": "The pro-trade Walker Tariff was passed during the term of this President, who was asked to demonstrate the location of spilled blood by Abraham Lincoln's Spot Resolutions. After this man's ambassador John Slidell failed to negotiate a purchase, this President sent the army across the (*) Nueces (new-EY-seys) to initiate a war. During his term, the U.S. annexed Texas and gained the Oregon Territory. For 10 points, name this dark horse President who fought with Mexico.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "James Knox Polk", "round": "tourn11-12.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regionals", "question": "One novel by this author has a love interest who might be Joaquin Murieta. A sequel to that novel is narrated by Aurora and follows Clara, a clairvoyant mute who leaves notebooks her granddaughter Alba finds in another work. Her works Daughter of Fortune and Portrait in Sepia can be read as part of a trilogy following the del Valles. One of her works chronicles life at Tres Marias, the Trueba family hacienda, before and after a military coup. For 10 points, name this Chilean author of The House of the Spirits.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Isabel Allende Llona", "round": "regionals-06.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "The Hausdorff dimensions of these objects are greater than their topological dimensions. Examples of these objects include the Menger sponge and the Sierpinski triangle, and types of them, such as the Cantor set, can be created by infinitely iterating a recursive equation. These objects exhibit self-similarity on very small scales, and resemble natural features like coastline and snowflakes. For 10 points, identify these geometric spaces named by Beno\u00eet Mandelbrot, which contain infinitely smaller copies of themselves.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "fractals", "round": "4q1-13.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 24, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "While running for office, this politician used the policy of \"Garibi Hatao\" to secure victory. From 1975 to 1977, this leader declared a state of emergency in order to stay in power. This leader authorized the Smiling Buddha nuclear tests. This ruler ordered Operation Blue Star, which was an assault on the Golden Temple. That operation led to this leader's assassination by her Sikh bodyguards. For 10 points, name this ruler succeeded by her son Rajiv, who was the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru and the first female prime minister of India.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi [or Indira at the end; prompt on \"Gandhi\"]", "round": "4q1-10.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "Fall Kickoff Tournament", "question": "In this novel, Klipspringer is a freeloader who calls the narrator about a pair of tennis shoes he may have left at the now deceased titular character's mansion. That titular character had earlier introduced the narrator to Meyer Wolfsheim, who claims that he fixed the World Series. The narrator becomes romantically involved with Jordan Baker, who is a friend of Daisy Buchanan. Daisy hits and kills Myrtle Wilson but the titular character takes the blame in, for 10 points, what novel narrated by Nick Carraway and written by F. Scott Fitzgerald?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "The Great Gatsby", "round": "FKT Mike Bindis.rtf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "DAFT", "question": "In one of this writer's plays, Atossa summons the ghost of Darius, who expresses contempt for the hubris of his son, King Xerxes. In another play by this writer, the titular character is struck by lightning after refusing to tell Zeus who would overthrow him. Earlier, Kratos and Hephaestus chain him to a rock. Beyond The Persians and Prometheus Bound, this writer wrote of a man who is put on trial for the murder of Aegisthus and his lover, who had plotted together to kill his father, Agamemnon. For 10 points, The Libation Bearers and The Eumenides make up what ancient Greek playwright's Oresteia trilogy?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Aeschylus", "round": "DAFT 2009 Round 10 - Edited - Proofread.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "One of this author's plays is named for an intellectual who resolves to oppose the politician Wally O'Hara. In another play by this author of Les Blancs and The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window, Willie Harris runs off with money invested in a liquor store, causing Walter Lee Younger to defend his family's purchase of a home in an all-white suburb of Chicago. For 10 points, name this African-American playwright of A Raisin in the Sun.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Lorraine Hansberry", "round": "4q1-12.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "This opera's second act includes the prelude \"Les Dragons d'Alcala.\" Act II opens at Lillas Pastia's inn and sees Danca\u00efre and Remendado tell Frasquita, Merc\u00e9d\u00e8s, and the main character to dispose of their contraband. The main character earlier escapes from Lieutenant Zuniga by singing the \"Seguidilla\" aria, seducing her guard, Don Jos\u00e9. The title character claims that \"Love is a rebellious bird\" in the \"Habanera\" aria, and Escamillo the bullfighter sings the Toreador song. For 10 points, name this opera about a gypsy working in a cigarette factory, by Georges Bizet.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Carmen <DX>", "round": "Round 03.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Chitin", "question": "Bidelloid rotifers are unusual in that they do not undergo this process, and in order for this process to be successful, there must be at least one recombination nodule for each bivalent.\u00a0 It is the opposite process of syngamy, and in one part of the second stage of this process, dyads are moved to opposite poles of the cell.\u00a0 Nondisjunction in the process can lead to aneuploidy where entire chromosomes are either gained or lost.\u00a0 It does not result in DNA synthesis, and in animals it is primarily used to create eggs and sperm.\u00a0 For 10 points, identify process distinct from mitosis where a cell divides to form gametes.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Meiosis", "round": "Round 2 - UMD 1.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "Four strangers tell their life stories while waiting for rescue in a hayloft in this author's story \u201cThe Deluge at Noderney, and the widow Anne-Marie Kiil dies after mowing an entire field of rye in one day to free her son in this author's story \u201cSorrow-Acre.\u201d She published her earliest fiction in a newspaper under the pen name \u201cOsceola\u201d and took the pseudonym Pierre Andrezel for her only full-length novel, The Angelic Avengers. She adopted another pseudonym for other works, including one set primarily at the foot of the Ngong Hills that depicts her life as the owner of a coffee plantation in Kenya. FTP, name this Danish author of Seven Gothic Tales and Out of Africa.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2007, "answer": "Karen Blixen (accept Isak Dinesen)", "round": "2007 ACF Regionals - Brown A.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "This organization was a party to the treaty of Tongsberg, where it resolved a conflict with Eric the\n Priest-Hater. It originally encouraged the privateering activities of the Victual Brothers. At the city of\n Novgorod, this group established a kontor, while a similar post was at the Steelyard in London. As this\n group's power waned, its sphere of influence was limited to its capital, Lubeck. For 10 points, name this\n Northern European trading league established during the late Middle Ages.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Hanseatic League or Hansa", "round": "11.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "One author from this country wrote of Joszef\u2019s visit to his father at the title institution run by Doctor Gotard in the title short story of his collection, The Sanatorium at the Sign of the Hourglass. A dramatist from this country wrote a play about the poet Alexander Walpurg, entitled The Madman and the Nun. This nation was home to the author of the novel The Valley of Issa, as well as a work which gives disguised portraits of real-life intellectuals who were destroyed by Communism, including characters dubbed Beta, the Disappointed Lover, and Gamma, the slaver of History. In addition to being the home of the author of the story, \u201cThe Street of Crocodiles,\u201d Bruno Schulz, this nation was also home to an author who wrote about Johnny\u2019s return to adolescence at the insistence of Professor Pimko in his novel Ferdydurke. Yet another author from this country wrote about the romance between Marcus Vicinius and Ligia, as Nero orders Rome to burn in his most famous novel. For 10 points, name this home country of Witold Gombrowicz, as well as the author of The Captive Mind, Czeslaw Milosz, and the author of Quo Vadis, Henryk Sienkiewicz.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Poland", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-YaleFinal.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "This group outlined its beliefs in documents known as the \"Fundamental Spirit\" and the \"Iron Discipline.\" Their members included the female warrior Felipa Culala, while their political branch was spearheaded by Jose Lava. Targeted by the so-called \"mailed fist\" policies, many members of this group were sent to Iwahig Prison after being pursued by USAFFE groups. They supported the candidacy of Sergio Osme\u00f1a in his run against Manuel Roxas, who prosecuted them and their leader Luis Taruc. For 10 points, name this group that led a Marxist rebellion after the Japanese invasion of the Philippines, and took their name from a Tagalog phrase.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Hukbalahaps or the Huks (or, certainly, the \"Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa mga Hapon\")", "round": "VCU - Final.docx"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "One of this figure's suitors, the son of a Garamantian nymph and Jupiter Ammon, was the Gaetulian king Iarbas. The isoperimetric problem is sometimes named for this figure, a reference to the hill of Byrsa, which this figure encircled with strips of ox-hide. This daughter of Belus lost her husband Sychaeus, prompting her to (*) flee from her murderous brother Pygmalion. She fell in love with a visitor to her palace after Venus sent Cupid, disguised as that visitor's father Ascanius, to sit on her lap. Also known as Elissa, for 10 points, name this queen of Carthage, who killed herself on a funeral pyre after she was spurned by Aeneas.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Dido [accept Elissa before mentioned]", "round": "Round 7.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "HSAPQ National History Bowl", "question": "This group, which is depicted in the novel Shirley, inspired the Swing Riots. Known as an \u201cArmy of Redressers,\u201d this group was defended by Lord Byron. Their actions, carried out with the \u201cthe Hammer of God,\u201d were made a capital offense by the Frame Breaking Act. For 10 points, name this group led by General Ned that attacked new technology in textile mills during the Industrial Revolution.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Luddites [accept General Ned and his Army of Redressers before mentioned]", "round": "05.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "This group includes Bors, one of two who met the injured Fisher King, and its members honor an empty seat, the Siege Perilous. Another member gets a girdle from Lady Bertilak before going to the Green Chapel to face an enemy of that color. Their monarch loses the Battle of Camlann to Mordred, and their champion has an affair with Guinevere. For 10 points, name this Grail-seeking group including Percival, Gawain, and Lancelot, that dines with King Arthur at Camelot.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Knights of the Round Table [accept Knights of Camelot or Knights of King Arthur before those words are read; prompt \u201cknights\u201d, \u201cEnglish knights,\u201d etc throughout]", "round": "Packet 10.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "One of its victims may have lamented that he was killed at \u201c[the hands] of a valet\u201d, or he may have unsuccessfully pleaded with Besme the German to \u201crespect these white hairs\u201d. It was the result of a fight that broke out during the wedding of Marguerite of Valois, and the aforementioned Gaspard de Coligny was its most famous victim. Scholars differ as to whether Henry of Guise or Catherine de Medici was the orchestrator of this attack. For 10 points, name this 1572 massacre of over 30,000 Huguenots which occurred on a certain saint's day.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre [or Massacre de la Saint-Barth\u00e9lemy]", "round": "Round_11_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "EFT", "question": "In one play by this author, we learn Sancho is a deposed king locked up in a dungeon, whose kingdom of Aragon is besieged by Moors until Duke Bertran routs them with Torrismund's help. Another of this author's plays, dedicated to the Earl of Mulgrave, sees the \"Old Emperor\" express his love for Nourmahal several times and is titled after an Indian Emperor. This dramatist has also written a poetic attack on his contemporary Thomas Shadwell, as well as a poem that describes London in the year 1666. For 10 points, name this playwright of The Spanish Friar and Aurengzebe who also wrote the poems \u201cMac Flecknoe\u201d and \"Annus Mirabilis.\"", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "John Dryden", "round": "Round 09 updated.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 9", "question": "This politician's half-brother Austen won a Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the 1925 Locarno Pact. This man was appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer by Stanley Baldwin, a man whom he subsequently replaced as Prime Minister. This politician made his own internal party rival into the First Lord of the (*) Admiralty. For 10 points, name this British prime minister who claimed he had achieved \"peace in our time\" when he signed the 1938 Munich Pact with Adolf Hitler, but was replaced by Winston Churchill two years later.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Neville Chamberlain", "round": "tourn9-08.pdf"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "T-Party", "question": "One essay by this thinker argues against historical determinism and asserts that fully developed capitalist modes of production are not necessary for a socialist revolution. In another work, this author of \u201cThe Revolution Against Das Kapital\u201d argued that \u201cAmericanism\u201d was mechanical, crude, and brutal and regulated sexual urges of workers when paired with \u201cFordism\u201d. That work proposes a \u201cmodern prince\u201d who would develop \u201corganic intellectuals\u201d to help the working class escape from exploitation and attach them to the \u201csubaltern\u201d classes to oppose capitalist cultural hegemony. For 10 points, name this founder of the Italian Communist party and author of The Prison Notebooks.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Antonio Gramsci", "round": "USC + Editors 4 - T Party 2010.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "Collaborative MS Tournament", "question": "The harmonic one of n numbers in a data set is n divided by the sum of the reciprocals of the numbers. The geometric one is the nth root of the product of the numbers. The geometric one is always less than or equal to the arithmetic (\"air-ith-MET-ick\") one. For 10 points, what is this term in mathematics\u2014the arithmetic one being the sum of the numbers divided by n?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "MS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Mean [do not accept \u201caverage\u201d]", "round": "CMST_Round02.pdf"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "Terrapin Invitational", "question": "A follow up study to a work by this man showed that conditions set up by this psychologist led to an increase in corticosterone secretion. One study by this man was inspired by previous work conducted by John Bowlby and used a device which would occasionally catapult the subject off, while another consisted of a modified Butler box. This man published the results of one set of experiments in his paper \u201cThe Nature of Love.\u201d One study by this man explored the idea of (*)\u201ccontact comfort\u201d in infants, using \u201csurrogate mothers\u201d made out of terrycloth and wire, and this psychologist's more sociopathic experiments included the \"rape rack.\" For 10 points, name this American psychologist known for experimenting on rhesus monkeys in isolation chambers dubbed \u201cpits of despair\u201d.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Harry Harlow", "round": "FINAL_ASU_B+RPI.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "T-Party", "question": "Johann Hasse's La Contadina premiered during a performance of an opera by one of these composers called Clitarco. Another of them wrote an aria that described the sun rising over the Ganges for his opera Honesty in Love's Affairs; that one also composed the St. Cecilia Mass and the opera Mitridate Eupatore. The catalogue of the works of another of these composers includes the Cat's Fugue and begins with the 30 Essercizi; that catalogue was collected by Ralph Kirkpatrick and contains 555 keyboard sonatas in total. For 10 points, identify this family of Italian Baroque composers that included the aforementioned Pietro, Alessandro, and Domenico.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Scarlatti [accept things like \u201cmembers of the Scarlatti family\u201d; accept the added given names Pietro (Filippo), Alessandro, or (Giuseppe) Domenico]", "round": "Editors 1 - T Party 2010.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 2", "question": "Ronald Ridenhour conducted an investigation into it, and it was codenamed Pinkville. Hugh Thompson, Lawrence Colburn, and Glenn Andreotta used a helicopter to help end it, and were subsequently awarded Soldier's Medals. Journalist Seymour Hersh broke the story on it, and Lieutenant William Calley was sent to prison for four years for his role in it. For 10 points, name this massacre of hundreds of South Vietnamese civilians by United States servicemen in March of 1968.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "My Lai Massacre", "round": "Round_13_HSAPQACF2.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "NTV", "question": "(JP) Velupillai Prabhakaran heads this organization which is considered a terrorist group by thirty-one nations, including the United States. Headquartered in Kilinochchi, where a lot of fighting has taken place this month, its members have waged a civil war campaign against their government since the early 1980s in an effort to gain independence for their home state of Eelam. They were responsible for the 1991 assas- sination of Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, for which they apologized 15 years later. This groups claims to represent an ethnic group that has opposed the Sinhalese. Name this organization whose exis- tence could be threatened by the advancing Sri Lankan army.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Tamil Tigers or Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam", "round": "r7tossups.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "Gaddis I", "question": "One character in this novel is jailed for nearly killing Dusty-butt Jones. Later on, Bo creates watch fobs out of the remains of Smothers, who dies in an explosion that blinds a character with a gold tooth. One character in this novel kills a riding-boss for insulting his mother, and becomes unfaithful to his wife Hattie after breaking up a dogfight. This novel features a love triangle involving the Mexican prostitute Anna, and depicts the migration of three brothers from Kentucky to Pennsylvania. It ends with Melody and Chinatown leaving for Pittsburgh after their brother Big Mat is killed breaking a strike. For fifteen points, name this novel about the Moss brothers, who move North to work in a steel mill, a work by William Attaway.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Blood on the Forge (6)", "round": "Gaddis - Round 8.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "Sun n Fun", "question": "One of this man's works repeats the lines \u201cRome burns/and our slavery begins.\u201d This man described how \u201cit is the cloud that curls to hide the eagle it is the ripple of the stream from bamboo\u201d in \u201cFlutes\u201d and \u201chow the old man's hands are alligator/skins\u201d in \u201cDuke Playing Piano at 70.\u201d One collection uses the Voodoo prayer \u201cAttibon Legba/ Ouvri bayi pou'moi\u201d as a refrain, while in another collection Sonny Rollins makes \u201cbridges of sound curve\u201d in \u201cJah.\u201d The latter collection contains a \u201cLimbo\u201d section containing the poem \u201cThe Cracked Mother,\u201d and Islands was the last collection in a trilogy including Masks and Rights of Passage. For 10 points, name this author of X/Self and The Arrivants Trilogy who hails from Barbados.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Edward Kamau Braithwaite", "round": "Round by Shantanu Jha and Chris Ray.docx"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "In a lecture, this man claimed that the gift of charisma was one of three grounds for legitimate rule; later in that lecture to the Free Students Society, he defined the state as that entity which monopolizes legitimate use of physical force. In addition to Politics as a Vocation, this author of [*] Economy and Society described the \u201ciron cage\u201d of rationality in another essay, arguing that self-confidence of salvation among Calvinists helped spur a mass action towards economic growth. For 10 points, name this author of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, a founding German sociologist.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Max Weber", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 12 [Finals 1] COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "Delta Burke", "question": "The speaker of this poem describes his final destination as a house which seemed but \u201ca swelling of the ground,\u201d with a roof that was \u201cscarcely visible,/The cornice but a mound.\u201d Previously the speaker described passing \u201cfields of gazing grain\u201d and the \u201csetting sun,\u201d all this after surmising that the \u201chorses' heads/Were pointed toward eternity.\u201d Having \u201cput away/[his] labor, and [his] leisure too\u201d for his host's civility, the speaker notes that the title figure had \u201ckindly stopped for [him].\u201d FTP what is this poem by Emily Dickinson in which the Grim Reaper picks up the speaker to take him to eternity?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "\u201cBecause I Could Not Stop for Death\u201d", "round": "DB 2010 round 2.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "The ratio of the land area being used for this process, to the amount of labor and capital required, determines whether it is the \"extensive\" or \"intensive\" kind. In recent years, controversy has erupted over the environmental impact of a form of this activity practiced in Southeast Asia, known as \"slash-and-burn.\" Anthropologists distinguish the various forms of this practice from foraging, or hunter-gatherer behavior. What practice, tied to the development of a settled culture, is defined, for 10 points, as the purposeful raising of plants or animals as food?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "agriculture [or farming]", "round": "4q1-07.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "At one point, this figure acquires, and binds a relative with, a chain that was once used to constrict a colicky Lucifer. This character once stole some bells to tie around his horse's neck, whereupon Janotus de Bragmardo was sent to retrieve them. This character\u2019s father decides that he isn\u2019t learning under Holofernes and Joberlin Bride, so he sends him to Ponocrates in Paris instead. This figure builds a structure whose constitution reads, in its entirety, \u201cDo what you will.\u201d This son of Gargamelle and Grandgousier defeated King Picrochole, then built the Abbey of Theleme for Friar John of the Funnels, who later helps this man\u2019s son and his son\u2019s friend, Panurge, reach the Oracle of the Holy Bottle. For 10 points, name this giant father of Pantagruel from a series of books by Francois Rabelais.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Gargantua", "round": "ACF Regionals 2011 - Brown and Michigan A final.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 2", "question": "In Aborigine myth, this event began due to the laughing of a frog, and in Irish myth, Cessair was killed by one of these. In Norse mythology, one of these created by Vili, Ve, and Odin killed all but the frost giant Bergelmir. This type of event was survived by Manu in Hinduism and Pyrrha and Deucalion in Greek mythology. For 10 points, name these mythological catastrophes, whose Biblical variety lasted forty days and was survived by Noah.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "floods [or deluges or other equivalents]", "round": "Round_02_HSAPQACF2.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "Its standard version only provides the volatile keyword to support multithreading, and operations may only be carried out on arrays by using templates. This language sets the default namespace with the using keyword. It allows inheritance from multiple base classes, unlike Java, and it implements references by a postfixed ampersand and pointers by a prefixed asterisk. For 10 points, identify this common programming language whose object oriented extension is denoted using its own increment operator, this \u201cplus plus.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "C", "round": "Round_14_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "In this novel one character mentions that an old man will suffer sunstroke if he walks too slowly, or sweat and catch a chill if he walks too quickly. Another character Salamano laments the loss of his diseased dog, while the protagonist reacquaints himself with Marie Cardona after his mother's funeral. The protagonist writes a break-up letter for his neighbor Raymond Sintes, whose gun he uses to shoot a corpse four times after initially killing the Arab. For 10 points name this novel about Mersault written by Albert Camus.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "The Stranger or L'Etranger <YC>", "round": "Round 01.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "Chipola Lit + Fine Arts", "question": "One character in this work shaved her head because her hair was too cumbersome, and wore a coarse cassock so she could wear clothes and still preserve the feeling of being naked, before causing the death of a strange man who climbs up on the roof to watch her bathe through rotting tiles on the roof. That character was named after a woman who died of blood poisoning while pregnant with twins, and had been married to a character who makes little golden fish in his workshop before becoming a military leader and fathering 17 sons, who all bore his name. For 10 points\u2014name this work, containing Remedios the Beauty, Colonel Aureliano Buendia, and the village of Macondo, a novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "One Hundred Years of Solitude", "round": "7.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "NTV", "question": "This object is located on the trans side of the vesicular-tubular cluster, whose interface with it may be described by the \u201choming in\u201d hypothesis. On its opposite side, the targeting of its trans network is thought to involve mannose-6- phosphate and other molecular tags. Molecules found in this organelle's lumens include glycosidases and kinases, and its tasks include the phosphorylation or cleavage of certain molecules, which are then transported to other organelles, or out of the cell via vesicles. Composed of a group of membranous sacs called cisternae, identify this organelle involved in protein transport and packaging, named after an Italian scientist.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Golgi apparatus [or Golgi body; or Golgi complex; etc.]", "round": "05 TU.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "Close relatives of this creature include Gorosaurus and the smaller Albertosaurus, both of which lived contemporaneously with the unrelated Hadrosaurs. The largest known skeleton of this dinosaur is found at the Field Museum in Chicago and is named Sue. Jack Horner argues that this therapod was unable to run because of its heavy head, and that it must have therefore been a scavenger. Much speculation about this dinosaur focuses on its tiny arms. For 10 points, name this carnivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous, whose name translates as \u201ctyrant lizard king\u201d.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Tyrannosaurus rex [accept Tyrannosaurus rex]", "round": "Round_14_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "MW GSAC XVII", "question": "In one novel by this author, Boaz comes to the central city to study music and an affair between Gideon and Ann is observed by the troubled Jessica Stilwell. In addition to Occasion for Loving, this author wrote a novel in which the title character visits Katya Bagnelli in France and runs into Baasie before being arrested and one in which a dead man is found on the farm belonging to Terry's father and Antonia's lover Mehring. This author of Burger's Daughter and The Conversationist also wrote a novel in which the title character aids Bam and Maureen Smales. For 10 points, name this South African author of July's People.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Nadine Gordimer", "round": "Round 3.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "The thermal form of this effect can occur in cluster radio halo sources due to the presence of highly relativistic electrons and in the non-relativistic limit it can be described by the Kompaneets equation. It is redshift-independent and occurs through the Thomson (*) scattering of photons as they interact with thermal electrons in galaxy clusters and other reservoirs of plasma. For 10 points, name this astronomical effect that results in an alteration of the apparent brightness of the CMBR.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect", "round": "06_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "One character in this novel uses the deceitful governess Mrs. Younge to plan an elopement with Georgiana. One character in this work stays with the Gardiners while visiting London. This novel features the haughty Catherine de Bourgh, who supports the clergyman Mr. Collins, a man who marries the protagonist's best friend Charlotte Lucas. The protagonist's youngest sister Lydia causes a scandal by eloping with the villainous officer Mr. Wickam in this novel. The protagonist of this novel helps match up her sister Jane with Mr. Bingley, before finally accepting Fitzwilliam Darcy's second proposal. For 10 points, name this Jane Austen novel about Elizabeth Bennet.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Pride and Prejudice", "round": "2009 ACF Fall edited - Duke A + Harvard Zhao.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 11", "question": "Ixion copulated with a cloud shaped like this goddess to birth the race of centaurs. To prevent a certain birth, this figure ordered Alcmene's (alk-MEN-eez) legs to be tied up. She sent two snakes that one child easily killed and sent the hundred-eyed giant (*) Argus to watch Io. This frequently jealous goddess was the protector of women and marriages. For 10 points, name this mother of Hebe (HEE-bee) and Ares (AAR-eez), who was the wife of Zeus and the queen of the Greek gods.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Hera [accept Juno before \"Ares\" is read]", "round": "tourn11-08.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "TJ NAREN", "question": "In one episode in this novel, the protagonist encounters a soldier carving wooden animals for his family, Pamphil. The protagonist has multiple flings with a woman who borrowed money from her former employer Kolgrivov, and while a member of the Forest Brotherhood, the main character is forced to sleep in the tent of his superior Liberius. After leaving the army, he is nursed back to health by his former lover Lara, and this novel begins with the protagonist attending his mother's funeral with his uncle Kolya. For 10 points, name this Russian novel by Boris Pasternak centered around Yuri, the title medical officer.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Dr. Zhivago", "round": "Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 9", "question": "One novel by this author features a visit to Eliot's Pulpit and sees the feminist Zenobia committing suicide after Hollingsworth betrays her for her half-sister. In another work by him, Hepzibah feels shame when poverty forces her to open a penny shop, and she eventually leaves her estate behind to Holgrave, a descendant of (*) Matthew Maule. For 10 points, name the author of The Blithedale Romance and The House of the Seven Gables, who wrote about Pearl and her adulterous mother Hester in The Scarlet Letter.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Nathaniel Hawthorne", "round": "tourn9-04.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "This algorithm is sometimes implemented with a switch to a heap-based approach at a sufficiently deep level of recursion. This solves the problem that when operating on an array that is already in order, this algorithm degenerates to n squared running time. It works by sorting elements based on whether they are greater or less than a selected pivot and then recurring for each of those halves. For 10 points, give this O(n log n) [big-oh of n log n] sorting algorithm named for its rapidity.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "quicksort", "round": "round06.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 1", "question": "One man tries to find out the truth about an affair in this play by pretending to be Mr. Brook, and shortly thereafter a man is stuffed into a laundry basket and thrown into the river. A plan to embarrass a man by dressing him as Herne the Hunter is launched by the mother of the woman who loves Fenton, but is betrothed to Dr. Caius. This play includes the scheming Mistress Quickly, and it opens with love letters to Mistress Ford and Mistress Page. For 10 points, name this Shakespearean comedy depicting the comeuppance of Falstaff.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "The Merry Wives of Windsor", "round": "Round_08_HSAPQACF1.pdf"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "One section of this work makes the claim that, in order for a person to achieve freedom, he must translate it into the external sphere, ensuring that it would exist as an idea. Another section of this book claims that people \u00a0reflect their own subjectivity of others in order to respect them, forming moral life, but eventually integrate that with ideas of non-interference to form ethical life, which comprises the third sphere of the title concept. The second section of this book ends with the observation that the mind of the world exercises its right in the 'history of the world which is the world's court of judgment. The final section of this book discusses the claim that \"The state is the march of God through the world\" and holds up the Germanic state as the final form of states, completing the dialectic. For ten points, name this work written by Georg Hegel.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Elements of the Philosophy of Right (or Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts)", "round": "2010 - Chicago Open - Round 02 - Great Unaffected Vampires.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "One man with this last name included Narcissism and Pugnacity in a list of \u201cergs,\u201d or innate drives. An unrelated woman with this last name extended the age range of the Stanford-Binet test down to 3 months with a namesake Infant Intelligence Scale. That woman, Psyche, was the daughter of a man with this last name who taught Edward Thorndike and experimented with hashish while working as an assistant to Wundt. The first man with this last name distinguished between crystal and fluid forms of intelligence, while the second man with this last name founded Popular Science and Scientific Monthly. The first man with this last name studied with Charles Spearman, and used Spearman's method of factor analysis to develop a list of 16 primary traits and then derive the \u201cBig Five\u201d global personality traits. For 10 points, give this last name shared by psychometricians Raymond and James McKeen.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Cattell", "round": "2010 - Chicago Open - Round 01 - The Solid Scholars.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 2", "question": "This city was a merger between the towns Philadelphia and one founded by a group of Georgians, and it was the namesake of a railroad to West Point, Georgia. James Wilson occupied this city in 1865, and it would later be the site of a march over a drive to register black voters that began in Selma. This city was the site of the Secession Conference of the Civil War, where it was chosen to serve as the Confederate capital. The city where Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, for 10 points, name this Alabama city where a bus boycott was held.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Montgomery", "round": "Round_05_HSAPQACF2.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 29, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regionals", "question": "The remolding action of polycomb proteins prevents this process and the homeodomain is found in \"factors\" of it. This process often ends with the addition of a poly(A) tail. The removal of exons, in a process called splicing, also occurs at the end of this process. Retroviruses such as HIV are named for their ability to perform this process in reverse. The product of this process is subsequently shipped off to the ribosome. For 10 points, name this biological process in which a DNA sequence is used to create a sequence of messenger RNA.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "transcription", "round": "regionals-01.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "This ruler reinstated the Supremacy Act of 1534 and issued the Thirty-Nine Articles in an attempt to move this monarch's country away from Catholicism. One plot against this ruler involved a marriage to the Duke of Norfolk. Another plot involved the machinations of Sir Francis Walsingham. The Ridolfi and Babington Plots against this leader eventually led her to have Mary, Queen of Scots, executed. For 10 points, name this English queen whose rule followed that of Bloody Mary, and who was famed for her virginity.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Elizabeth I", "round": "4q2-09.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "One character in this work receives a \"pinelight torch reception.\" Its narrator undergoes the task of thrice sweeping a recital room to get a job offer from Mary Mackie. It gives some pages to the marriages to Fannie Smith and Olivia Davidson, while in the final chapter the narrator is awarded an honorary degree by Charles Eliot from Harvard. The narrator receives twenty thousand dollars from Andrew Carnegie after writing a letter asking him for money. He meets both General (*) Marshall and Samuel Armstrong while at the Hampton Institute, both of whom aid him in his central endeavor. The chapter \"The Secret of Success in Public Speaking\" gives an account of its subject's 1895 Atlanta Address. For 10 points, name this work that recounts the creation of the Tuskegee Institute, the autobiography of Booker T. Washington. [Shantanu]", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Up From Slavery", "round": "Round 01.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "Gaddis I", "question": "The first Leonese ruler of this name underwent a massive weight-loss program with the help of Hasdai ibn-Sharput, the Umayyad ruler Abd-ar-Rahman's personal physician, but still did not manage to defeat Ordo\u00f1o IV the Bad. A second king of this name of Castile was assassinated in Zamora after reuniting Leon and Castile after the battle of Golpejera. A fourth king of this name, the son of Queen Violante and Alfonso X, employed the Genoese admiral Benedetto Zaccaria, and betrayed the Granadan emir Muhammed II, with whom he had formed alliance against the Marinids. The most famous king of this name vassalized Ramon Berenguer, count of Barcelona, and took Leon from Vermudo III in 1034, thus gaining for himself Aragon, Castile, Leon, and his namesake kingdom. Known as Garces or \u201cel Mayor\u201d or \u201cthe Great,\u201d he was responsible for the apogee of ? Navarre's rule. FTP, give this common name held by a certain \u201cPanza\u201d in Don Quixote.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Sancho (4)", "round": "Gaddis - Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "A period known as \"The Years of Hunger\" occurred during the reign of this man, who first came to fame by leading his country\u2019s Foreign Legion in the Rif War. A farewell speech at the Zaragoza military academy placed him under police surveillance. Later, he led the African forces in a failed coup with Emilo Mola and Jos\u00e9 Sanjurjo (san-HUR-ho). This leader of the (*) Falange (fuh-LANJ) party remained neutral during World War II and in 1969 he named Juan Carlos I to be his successor. For 10 points, name this Spanish dictator from 1939 to 1975.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Francisco Franco Bahamonde", "round": "12.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "This group used a military formation called the \"Buffalo Horns, \"rose to prominence under the successor to Dingiswayo, and expanded their lands through the mfecane, or great crushing. Their primary weapon was a short spear called the assegai, which was wielded by soldiers called impi, which they used under Cetshwayo to defeat a British force at Isandlwana, though they were later defeated at Ulundi to mark the end of their namesake war. For 10 points, name this South African tribe once led by Shaka.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "amaZulu", "round": "4q1-10.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "In one poem, this man called himself \u201cthe least of all poets,\u201d just as Cicero is \u201cthe greatest of all lawyers.\u201d Another of this author\u2019s poems asks the \u201cwaves of the Lydian lake\u201d to \u201claugh whatever laughter there is\u201d after addressing the \u201cjewel of peninsulas,\u201d Sirmio. One of this man\u2019s poems begins \u201cLet us live and let us love!\u201d, while another is an adaptation of (*) Sappho\u2019s \u201cHe seems to me equal to the gods.\u201d This man wrote two poems concerning his lover\u2019s pet sparrow and another about going to his brother\u2019s funeral rites, which ends \u201cHail and Farewell!\u201d 10 points, name this Silver Age poet who addressed a number of works to Lesbia.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Gaius Valerius Catullus", "round": "Packet 23 - Finals 2.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "This author's musically inspired novels include Napoleon Symphony and Mozart and the Wolf Gang. This twentieth century novelist wrote a book subtitled \"A Story of Shakespeare's Love Life\" in Nothing Like the Sun. One of this man's works focuses on a patron of the Korova Milk Bar. That main character of a work by this man undergoes the Ludovico technique, which causes him to hate Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and abandon ultraviolence. For 10 points, name this man who wrote about Alex DeLarge's droogs in the work A Clockwork Orange.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "John Anthony Burgess Wilson [or Joseph Kell]", "round": "4q2-05.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "The architectural achievements of this dynasty include erecting the Gateways of Bharhut Stupa, and its ninth king erected the \"Heliodorus pillar,\" which attests to the visit of a Greek diplomat to this empire. Its founder employed the philosopher Patanjali as a guide, who authored the Yoga Sutras - that founder allegedly persecuted Buddhists and warred with king Menander of Bactria. The final ruler of this empire was overthrown by Vasudeva, who set up the short-lived Kanva Dynasty. The first ruler of this dynasty ascended by killing Brithadratha at a military parade and ruled for 36 years - that king Pushyamitra then gave way to his son, who was the subject of a play by Kalidasa - that son was Agnimitra. FTP, name this dynasty founded in 185 B.C. after the collapse of the Mauryan Empire.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Sunga Dynasty", "round": "PACKET09Editor2.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "SACK", "question": "A notorious act of political violence in this state occurred when a mounted band of semi-official vigilantes charged down Mount Oread and into the stronghold of Senator James Lane, killing 183 unarmed men and burning the town. The present constitution of this state was known as the Wyandotte Constitution when first adopted, and it was drafted after an earlier proposal, put to a violent and fraudulent referendum, alienated the \u201cpopular sovereignty\u201d faction of the Democratic party led by Stephen Douglas when President Buchanan endorsed the Lecompton Constitution. That followed the first sacking of Lawrence in 1856; Quantrill\u2019s Raid of 1863 was the second. For ten points, what is this US state, site of the Pottawatomie Creek Massacre and other bloody conflict over whether slavery should be legal?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Kansas", "round": "Packet 12.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "VCU Open (Saturday)", "question": "Adrian Monk once compared this activity to Dante's Seventh Circle of Hell when he had to engage in it to talk to Jenna Ryan, an aspiring actress. In an episode of Psych, Shawn and Gus participated in it when it appeared to be connected to a series of alien abductions. Miranda from Sex and the City pretended to be a stewardess during it after she realized that telling people her true occupation was not such a good idea. Hitch proclaims that \"This is exactly why falling in love is so goddamn hard!\" while gesturing towards this activity. In The 40 Year Old Virgin, after Jay's girlfriend Jill finds a piece of evidence that he had engaged in this activity, Andy is forced to cover for him; earlier, during it, Andy had seen one woman whose breast hung out from her shirt. For 10 points, name this activity in which a lot of guys and girls meet each other.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Speed Dating", "round": "Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "QuAC I", "question": "Short lyrics like \u201cSong of the Forge\u201d and \u201cShe Spins Silk,\u201d in translation by Arthur Waley, show this poet's love of workday subject matter. He describes listening to the song \u201cFalling Plum Blossoms\u201d in his \u201cListening to a Flute Player in Yellow Crane Pavilion,\u201d and his favorite subject can be seen in his complaint that \u201cShantung wine can't get me drunk\u201d in a poem dedicated to his contemporary Tu Fu. Also having one of his lyrics adapted by Ezra Pound as \u201cThe River Merchant's Wife: A Letter\u201d and dying while trying to embrace the moon, this is for 10 points, what classical Chinese poet?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Li Po [or Li Bo or Li Bai]", "round": "Round8Final.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "One invasion under this ruler led to the death by beating of Cornelis and Johan de Witt before the treaty of Nijmegen ended the Dutch War. That war led to the ascension to power of this man's longtime enemy, William III. Charles II's granting of Spain to this ruler's grandson sparked the War of the Spanish Succession. This man revoked the rights given to Protestants in his country by Henry IV in the Edict of Nantes in his own Edict of Fontainebleau. For 10 points, name this French monarch, whose long rule led to his being named the Sun King.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Louis XIV [accept Sun King before read; prompt on Louis]", "round": "4q2-03.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "This composer's sole string quartet, in G minor, was labeled opus 10. He composed a symphonic poem that opens with an ascending and descending flute solo. Other works include Golliwogg's Cakewalk from the Children's Corner suite for solo piano, and the opera Pell\u00e9as and M\u00e9lisande. Known for using whole-tone and pentatonic scales, he composed a piece based on a Paul Verlaine poem, the third movement of his Suite Bergamasque. For 10 points, name this French impressionist composer of Clair de Lune, Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, and La Mer.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Achille-Claude Debussy <DX>", "round": "Round 01.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "This author wrote an essay attacking the German railroad industry, noting that a Vanderbilt should step in and reform the system. That essay ends by saying \u201cit is the greatest folly of which a man can be capable, to sit down with a slate and pencil to plan out a new social world.\u201d Besides The Absurd Effort to Make the World Over, one of his essays attacks the \u201cecclesiastical prejudice in favor of the poor and against the rich,\u201d while another essay urges that attention be turned away from the poor \u201cgoodfornothing\u201d and instead towards the \u201cproductive force.\u201d That essay describes the namesake individual as a commonplace man who carries society's burdens. Besides What Social Classes Owe to Each Other and The Forgotten Man, his best known work features the subtitle a study of the sociological importance of usages, manners, customs, mores, and morals and describes the title behavioral norms. For 10 points, name this American sociologist, the author of Folkways.\u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "William Graham Sumner", "round": "2010 - Chicago Open - Round 13 - Speculative Hipsters.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "NTSS", "question": "One version of this reaction, the Ames process, was used to purify uranium during the Manhattan Project, while the nano- type frequently ends with the reduction of molybdenum-6-plus. A mixture of potassium permanganate and glycerol often provides the activation energy for this reaction, which its discoverer, Hans Goldschmidt, originally used to weld railroad tracks. This reaction is notoriously difficult to smother since its metal oxide reactant yields a constant supply of oxygen, explaining why the U.S. Coast Guard has used this reaction to fragment icebergs. Generating tem- peratures up to 2500 degrees Celsius, name this chemical reaction that in its most common form, combines aluminum powder with rust to produce molten iron.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "thermite reaction [or thermit reaction]", "round": "finals phase 2.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "MW GSAC XVII", "question": "This empire failed to keep Harideva on the throne of the rival Champa kingdom. Previously, the Champa had traitorously switched sides in a war between this empire and Dai Viet. It was initially centered on the region of Kambuja, and it was destroyed by Ayuthaya. Its ruler Jayavarman VII, who may have had leprosy, built a prodigious number of temples, including Bayon, a few miles north of another complex built by Suryavarman II. That temple, which was in imitation of Mount Meru and was surrounded by a moat, is Angkor Wat. For 10 points, name this ancient empire of Southeast Asia, mostly located in Cambodia.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Khmer Empire [do NOT accept Khmer Rouge]", "round": "Round 8.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "ACF Novice", "question": "In one of this author's novels, seventeen half-brothers with the same first name are marked for death by permanent Ash Wednesday crosses. He wrote about Dr. Urbino's death while trying to capture a parrot in a novel that ends with Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza sailing down a river while flying a yellow flag. This author of Love in the Time of Cholera created Remedios, Aurileano, and other descendents of Ursula and Jose Arcadio Buendia in a novel set in Macondo. For 10 points, name this magical realist author who wrote One Hundred Years of Solitude.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Gabriel Garc\u00eda M\u00e1rquez [prompt on partial answer]", "round": "Early Autumn Collegiate Novice - Packet 2.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "In Aboriginal beliefs, the transformed sacred objects and powers of the ancestors were known ngaraka wanga, which means the \u201ccountry\u201d of these objects. The Ainu would collect these into keyohniusi based on their origin. During the Hindu Asthi-Sanchaya ceremony, some of these referred to as \u201cflowers\u201d are collected. In Jewish folklore, one of these called a Luz can be used to bring the dead back to life. Josiah covers the spots of the Asherah poles he breaks with these. In 2nd Kings 13, a dead man is raised upon contact with these belonging to Elisha. Oded Golan claimed to own those of James, the brother of Jesus. After some time had passed, bleached ones would be moved from the top of a Zoroastrian Tower of Silence into a pit. In the Shang Dynasty, these objects were used to tell the future. In Genesis, Eve is constructed from a particular one of these belonging to Adam. FTP, name these body parts that make up the Grim Reaper.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "bones", "round": "PACKET15Carson.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "In antenna theory it can be obtained from the superposition of one turn of the helical antenna translated along the z-axis. Its physical significance was demonstrated in an experiment in which a shielded solenoid produced interference in an external (*) field-free region. Since its divergence has no physical significance, the Lorenz gauge can be used to separate it from the electric scalar potential and its nature was elucidated in the Aharonov-Bohm experiment. For 10 points, name this vector field with a curl that equals the magnetic field.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "magnetic vector potential [or magnetic potentia]", "round": "13_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "VCU Open (Sunday)", "question": "The title character of this novel claims that a mother is \u201cone who screams when you suffer\u201d while being operated on by a man whose third eye bores into his soul. That character gets banned from the Men's Club for 99 years and one day, after emptying a spittoon on a laughing man. He is seduced under the pretense of a discussion of feminism by a neglected wife after being transferred by Tarp and Wrestum. Near the end of this novel, several passersby address the title character as (*) \u201cRinehart,\u201d a contrast to when he assaulted a tall, blond man for insulting him. Early in this novel, the title character goes to the Golden Day with Mr. Norton after partaking in a \u201cBattle Royal\u201d to earn the right to speak. After becoming the enemy of Dr. Bledsoe and a Caribbean man who chucks a spear at him, the title character strings 1369 light bulbs in a basement to steal electricity from a power company. For 10 points, identify this novel about a black man nobody makes an effort to recognize, written by Ralph Ellison.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Invisible Man", "round": "Round 2.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "ACF Winter", "question": "Pyrethrin contains one of these molecules bridging an ester and an alkene moiety, and 1-1-1-propellene contains three of these molecules fused together. DBU and a diethyl malonate derivative are used to add this moeity to a fullerene in the Bingel reaction, and its bonds have partial pi character according to the Walsh orbital model. Adding a carbene to an alkene is another way of generating it; that same transformation can be performed via the Simmons- Smith reaction. Bent or banana bonding is used to explain how it relieves its incredible ring strain, which occurs due to the sixty degree angles between its carbon-carbon bonds. For 10 points, name this compound consisting of three carbons in a ring.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "cyclopropane", "round": "ACF Winter 2010 - Chicago A + LASA.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "This compound used to be manufactured with the use of a nitrogen dioxide catalyst, though a vanadium oxide catalyst is now more common. It can be used as a desiccant, as its reaction with water is highly exothermic and may release enough energy to boil the water. The lead-chamber process has been replaced by the contact process as the most common method for producing this compound, the most synthesized industrial chemical in the United States. For 10 points, name this acid produced by adding water to sulfur trioxide.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "sulfuric acid [or H2SO4]", "round": "Round_10_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "Its main opponent in the Senate was New Jersey's Theodore Frelinguysen, who gave a six-hour speech against it. The missionary Jeremiah Evarts opposed it in his William Penn Essays, and Davy Crockett also voted against it. Discussed in the Supreme Court decision Worcester v. Georgia, it provided for negotiation on the basis of payment for lands. Chief resistance to it came from the \"Five Civilized Tribes\" including the Chicasaw and Cherokee, and Seminole nations. For 10, points name this bill, championed by Andrew Jackson, that led to the Trail of Tears.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Indian Removal Act", "round": "Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "This story relates an incident about a man who is spotted running out the back door of a burning house and mistakenly hung for looting. Its central figures re-unite in a valley full of pomegranate trees, and one later accuses a group of being \u201cbloodthirsty tigers\u201d before being clubbed to death. At the start of this story, one character begins to hang himself in jail at the sound of bells, because his lover is going to be executed for committing adultery while a Carmelite nun at Our Lady of the Mountain. At the climax of this story, a shoemaker, inflamed by a sermon, kills the wrong child, with the surviving infant adopted by Don Fernando. For 10 points, name this tale in which Jeronimo Rugero's fate is delayed by the titular natural disaster, written by Heinrich von Kleist.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "\"The Earthquake in Chile\" [or \u201cDas Erdbeben in Chili\"]", "round": "r18- Editors 4.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "A watermill in Wickham was built from the wood of this ship, which was notably crewed by Jenkin Ratford, David Martin, John Strachan, and William Ware at one point. This ship flew a flag with the phrase \"Free Trade and Sailors Rights\" when it was attacked by Philip (*) Broke, leading James Lawrence to order \"don't give up the ship.\" Earlier, under the command of James Barron, it saw those four men impressed by the Leopard. For 10 points, name this ship that also encountered the Shannon.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "U.S.S Chesapeake", "round": "06_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 23, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "This man wrote a play whose title is a double entendre which can refer to Lord Darlington. His scathing letter to Alfred Douglas was later edited and published as De Profundis; that work, like a poem that claims that \"each man kills the thing he loves,\" was written while in Reading Gaol (JAIL). One of this man's works was satirized in the skit, (*) \"The Advisability of Not Being Brought Up in a Handbag.\" For 10 points, name this author of Lady Windermere's Fan and The Importance of Being Earnest.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Oscar Fingal O'Flaherty Wills Wilde", "round": "tournament17-02.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "This poem's central action occurs as \u201cMalignant Fate sat by, and smil'd.\u201d This poem's final line quotes a note read by the Prince of Morocco in The Merchant of Venice, while its first stanza describes a \u201clofty vase\u201d where \u201cChina's gayest art had dyed the azure flowers that blow.\u201d Two figures in this poem are described as having armor of a \u201cTyrian hue\u201d that is \u201crichest purple to the view.\u201d The narrator notes that neither \u201ccruel Tom nor Susan heard\u201d the title character's pleas to \u201cevery watery God.\u201d This poem was dedicated to Horace Walpole and concludes that \u201cNot all that tempts your wandering eyes, And heedless hearts, is lawful prize; Nor all, that glisters, gold.\u201d For 10 points, name this Thomas Gray poem that describes the drowning of the feline Selima.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "\u201cOde on the Death of a Favourite Cat Drowned in a Tub of Goldfishes\u201d", "round": "VCU - Final.docx"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "The Cairoli cabinet in Italy came under heavy fire for Italian losses after this event, and offered up foreign minister Luigi Corti as the scapegoat. Lord Salisbury expressed concern in later years that Britain \u201cbacked the wrong horse\u201d at this meeting, which allowed France to occupy Tunis and placed Britain in control of Cyprus. Another key participant here was Gyula Andr\u00e1ssy, who negotiated the occupation of Bosnia-Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary. This meeting also shrunk the generous boundaries of the new Bulgarian state. For 10 points, name this meeting called to revise the Treaty of San Stefano in 1878, presided over by Otto von Bismarck.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Congress of Berlin", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 17.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "One artist from this city depicted a reclining goddess with her hand to her breast as her son holds a wreath and urinates in his Venus and Cupid. Another painted many figures in white robes as part of a procession in a square in this city. Painters from this city include Lorenzo Lotto and Francesco Guardi. The aforementioned square is next to a church whose statues include four Byzantine horses and some porphyry Tetrarchs. One family from this city included Giovanni, (*) Jacopo, and Gentile, who painted its Piazza San Marco. One artist from this city showed boats on a body of water flanked on both sides by houses in his View of the Grand Canal from Palazzo Balbi to the Rialto. For 10 points, name this Italian home of the Bellinis, the subject of many paintings by Canaletto.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Venice [or Venezia]", "round": "Packet 24 - All-Star.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "The author of this work speaks of \u201cthe woman-god [who] demands our veneration, the god-like woman [who] kindles our love\u201d while describing a statue which he believes represents Juno Ludovisi. One section of this work argues that only the title kind of \u201cdisposition of the soul,\u201d gives birth to liberty, pointing out that \u201cthe delightfull flower... will never unfold itself in the case of the Troglodyte.\u201d The 19th section of this work distinguishes between two different states of passive and active capacity, arguing that the opposition between those states \u201cpreserves an entire freedom between them both,\u201d while earlier, the author postulates a dialectic between the sensuous drive and the formal drive. This work\u2019s last section advocates a \u201cdynamic state of rights of man,\u201d which leads to the \u201crealm of the beautiful,\u201d in which man appears to man, \u201conly... as an object of free play.\u201d For ten points, identify this series of epistles on the philosophy of art, written to the author\u2019s patron, the Duke of Augustenberg by Friedrich Schiller.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "The Aesthetic Letters or On the Aesthetic Education of Man in a Series of Letters", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-BrownFinal.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "The center of the defending forces in this battle was led by the Marquis of Caracena, while the cavalry on the right flank of the opposing forces was led by the Marquis de Crequy. The winning side featured Thomas Morgan, who had been made governor of Mardyke, which the winning forces had captured the previous year. This battle, which was fought near the Furnes canal, featured a charge by the left side of the winning forces led by William Lockhart, while the losing side's left flank was led by a French rebel, the Prince de Cond\u00e9. The victorious forces were led by Turenne, and this battle would lead to the signing of the Peace of the Pyrenees the next year. For 10 points, name this victory for a French-English alliance over the Spanish, a 1658 battle fought near Dunkirk.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Battle of the Dunes", "round": "r11- Stanford.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "THUNDER II", "question": "In this novel, a grandfather tells his son that it is a sin to prefer one dish to another because \u201cthere are people who are hungry.\u201d This novel's narrator compares his \u201cinternal no\u201d and \u201cthe void\u201d with the Buddha, which he studies about just as the title character compares the Virgin Mary to the object of his affection. That woman spends the night with the narrator and causes a jealous suitor to drown himself in the ocean, leading to her own stoning. The title character often dances and plays his santuri, which he uses to entertain and persuade several monks into letting him use the (*) timber from their forest. The murder of the Widow occurs just before an aged hotel-owning harlot marries the title character, who had first met the narrator at a cafe in Piraeus and serves under him as an employee of a lignite mine in Crete. Madame Hortense dies at the end of, for 10 points, what masterwork of Nikos Kazantzakis?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Zorba the Greek [or Life and Adventures of Alexis Zorbas]", "round": "THUNDER Round 8.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 10", "question": "A tank battle in Amran escalated a 1994 civil war in this country that ended with the defeat of the YSP. This country's north was ruled by a Mutawakelite (moo-tah-WOK-ah-lite) Kingdom until 1962, and it remained separate from the south of this country until a (*) 1990 unification. This country's south was colonized by the British as the Aden Protectorate. Al-Qaeda operatives killed seventeen sailors on the USS Cole when it was docked in a port of this country. For 10 points, name this Arabian country.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Republic of Yemen", "round": "tourn10-05.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "By the Third Law of Thermodynamics and a magnetic equivalent of this law, the critical magnetic field for a superconductor approaches a constant as temperature approaches absolute zero. This equation can be derived by showing that a Carnot engine run between two phases at two close temperatures has the same thermal efficiency. It can also be derived by finding the infinitesimal change in chemical potential for each of two phases in equilibrium with each other; that form of this equation says that the derivative of vapor pressure with respect to temperature equals the change in entropy over the change in volume. For 10 points, name this doubly-eponymous equation which gives the slope of the coexistence line in a pressure versus temperature plot.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Clausius-Clapeyron equation [or Clausius-Clapeyron equation before \"vaporization\"]", "round": "2010 - ACF Regionals - Rice + Claremont.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "VCU Open (Sunday)", "question": "On an atomic scale, this property may be explained by either of two models in which it is mediated by phonons: the dislocation model, and one proposed by Tomlinson. It may be measured by an atomic force microscope or a tribometer. Darcy and Weisbach name a factor for determining it for fluid flow through a pipe, and this type of force is completely dominant at extremely low Reynolds numbers. According to (*) Amonton's laws, this force is independent of the apparent area of contact between two objects. It is responsible for damping oscillations, and in free fall, when this force balances an object's weight, that object falls at its terminal velocity. For 10 points, identify this non-conservative force which acts opposite to the direction of an object's motion, with a coefficient symbolized by \"mu.\"", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "friction", "round": "Round 2.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "Terrapin Invitational", "question": "In the foreground of one of this man\u2019s paintings, a brown-clad monk reaches forward with a goblet to meet a number of swords. That painting by this man, his largest canvas ever, unexpectedly places a two-tiered blue-and-gold crown on a one-eyed Batavian and was systematically sliced apart in a desperate attempt to sell the fragments. In another of his paintings, an older beret-wearing figure peeks out from behind a curtain to gaze at the title figure, who lies in bed as a golden infant with an anguished expression flies above her. This artist of The (*) Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis and that depiction of Danae painted a work centered on a skullcapped man, who stands in an alcove behind a quintet of hat-wearing men who examine a logbook. Another painting by this artist of Syndics of the Clothmakers' Guild depicts a shadowy dog menacing a drummer on the right, while an illuminated, ethereal girl holds a chicken next to a red-clad man holding a musket. For 10 points, identify this artist who depicted the company of Frans Banning Cocq in his Night Watch.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn [accept either underlined portion]", "round": "FINAL_Minnesota+Duke.doc"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "SACK", "question": "Lakes found in this geographic feature tend to be of two very different types: either mineral and located below sea level, or very deep and biologically diverse, forming the heads of river systems like the Ruhuhu. The Beqaa Valley is one part of this geographical feature, whose generally violent history is explained by its fertility, most recently following the 2007 Kenyan Presidential election. South of the Beqaa, it is known as the Hula Valley between Lake Tiberias and the Golan Heights. Both valleys are part of the Dead Sea Transform, which also includes the Gulf of Aqaba and meets the Red Sea Transform south of \u00a0the Sinai Peninsula. The Olduvai Gorge is in the Eastern branch of this feature; the Western branch includes Lakes Kivu and Tanganyika. For ten points, what is this geographical feature marking the boundary of the Arabian and African plates?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Great Rift Valley ( prompt on \u201crift valley\u201d)", "round": "Packet 10.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "One poem contrasts the \u201ccracks and wrinkles\u201d of Chloe\u2019s mind with this woman\u2019s \u201cbreeding, humour, wit, and sense,\u201d and compares her to the \u201ctrue old Angel Inn.\u201d A poem by the same author declares that Pallas, \u201cin high concern for human kind / Fix'd honour\u201d in this woman\u2019s \u201cinfant mind,\u201d and is addressed to this woman visiting the author in his sickness. A poem named for this woman claims that \u201cFor Virtue in her daily Race, Like Janus bears a double Face; Looks back with Joy where she has gone, And therefore goes with Courage on.\u201d Another poem tells this woman \u201cbe not troubled / although thy size and years are doubled / since first I saw thee at sixteen\u201d because \u201cSo little is thy form declined / Made up so largely in thy mind.\u201d That poem begins by stating that this woman \u201cthis day is thirty-four,\u201d and it's the earliest of the poems celebrating her birthday written from 1719 to 1727. FTP, give this poetic name of Esther Johnson, the subject of many poems by her close friend Jonathan Swift, who also wrote a \u201cjournal\u201d to her.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Stella [or Esther Johnson before mentioned; or Esther Johnson before mentioned]", "round": "PACKET14Magin.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "Sun n Fun", "question": "Abreu-Goodger and Merino devised the most prominent software for detecting these structures that can come in \u201ctuning fork\u201d arrangements. The proposed moco and tuco examples bind to metal containing components and one associated with the B. subtilis glycine cleavage operon has both type I and II components that act cooperatively. They are associated with TH1 box binding to TPP and thus can regulate thiamine biosynthesis. These structures with an expression platform and a natural aptamer are found in the 5' UTR and work by the formation of a stem loop that either stops transcription via terminator loops or prevents transcription by hiding the Shine-Delgarno sequence. For 10 points, name this form of gene regulation in bacteria where the mRNA binds a metabolite and thus turns on or off the expression that mRNA.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "riboswitch [prompt on aptamer before mentioned]", "round": "Round by Will Butler Evan Adams and Matt Bollinger.docx"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "VCU Open (Sunday)", "question": "One character in Vasilij Aksenov's novel The Burn creates a gigantic statue of one of these animals titled \u201cHumility.\u201d In a Margaret Atwood novel, Nate's lover Lesje is obsessed with them. In a story sometimes considered the shortest published, Augusto Monterroso wrote about one of these animals that awoke and was still there. In Cosmicomics, Qfwfq fights with Zahn and falls for Fern-flower when the New Ones don't realize he is one of these animals. Robert Lowell's \u201cFor the Union Dead\u201d describes the yellow (*) steam shovels that \u201cgouge their underworld garage\u201d as these. The reporter Edward Malone joins Lord John Roxton and Professor Challenger to journey to a plateau inhabited by these animals in an Arthur Conan Doyle novel. For 10 points, name these extinct residents of The Lost World.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "dinosaurs", "round": "Round 12.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "Francisco-Miguel Marqu\u00e9s has hypothesized a stable cluster of four of these particles, which consist of two down quarks and one up quark. When these particles are in free space they rapidly undergo beta decay and have an average lifespan of about fifteen minutes. Discovered in 1932 by James (*) Chadwick, the number of these particles determines the isotope of an element, and their number is included in atomic mass but not atomic number. For 10 points, name this subatomic particle with no net electric charge, slightly heavier than a proton.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "neutron", "round": "tourn8-09.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 2", "question": "A small, obscured dog veers off to the right in this painting, taking note of a scarecrow or plowman positioned next to an abandoned wooden boat. The artist of this work reflected on his earlier Wivenhoe Park to divide the complexion of the cloudy sky, with the stormier half above a set of tall trees. Across from those trees is a turning water wheel, providing energy for the mill which prominently occupies its western part. Two black horses pull the title object, in which one man has his whip raised. For 10 points, identify this painting of a cart by John Constable.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "The Hay Wain", "round": "Round_08_HSAPQACF2.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This lawyer presented the argument that \u201ca law cannot exceed the authority of the lawgiver\u201d in a case involving the selling of D.C. lottery tickets in another state, Cohens v. Virginia. Later, he negotiated a treaty that helped mediate the Caroline Affair. This lawyer argued against a state\u2019s right to tax a federal bank in (*) McCulloch v Maryland. He served as Secretary of State under William Henry Harrison and John Tyler and during his time in office negotiated a treaty that settled the border of Maine. This man\u2019s \u201cSecond Reply to Robert Hayne\u201d during the Nullification Crisis contains the famous phrase, \u201cLiberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!\u201d For 10 points, name this noted orator, a senator from Massachusetts.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Daniel Webster", "round": "Packet 14 - Superplayoffs 4.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "In one of this author's works, the Communist Carson helps the wife of Maurice Castle escape to South Africa. Another of his works features the vacuum cleaner salesman James Wormold, who is offered a job by Hawthorne. This author of The Human Factor also wrote a work in which Sarah Miles promises God to stop seeing Maurice Bendrix if he should survive his injury from an explosion. However, this author is better known for a novel set in Mexico featuring characters such as The Mestizo, Coral Fellows, and the Whiskey Priest. For 10 points, name this British author of Our Man in Havana, The End of the Affair, and The Power and the Glory.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Graham Greene", "round": "Dorman and Arizona State F.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 25, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "This man inserted a quote from Piers Plowman into his overture called \"In a London Town.\" One of his oratorios is based on a Cardinal Newman poem. He composed the \"Cockaigne Overture\" and \"The Dream of Gerontius.\" This composer included \"E.D.U.\" as part of his finale in a set of fourteen variations that supposedly contains a hidden theme. \"Land of Hope and Glory,\" from a set of marches by this composer, is often played at graduations. For 10 points, name this English composer of the Enigma Variations and Pomp and Circumstance Marches.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Edward William Elgar", "round": "4q1-04.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "In one scene, this character is given coffee beans to sober up, and in another he quotes \u201cTo His Coy Mistress\u201d. Among the helpful characters he encounters are Meyers, who gives him wagering advice when he goes to the horse track, and Ralph Simmons, who gives him proper clothes to blend in. After this character gets stuck in the mud with several other men, he has to take drastic action before hiding in a barn. This character spends significant time in a (*) hospital, where a nurse sneaks him alcoholic eggnog and Dr. Valentini operates on his leg. The novel famously ends when this character walks in the rain upon learning of his child's death. He talks with Rinaldi about women throughout the story and rows with his lover to Switzerland under the cover of night. For ten points, name this enduring ambulance driver attracted to Catherine Barkley in Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Lieutenant Frederic Henry [accept either name]", "round": "Rd01.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "This nation's war with Britain saw the victory of Charles Grant and Archibald Campbell, which resulted in the Treaty of Yandabo, and during World War II, the Chindits of Orde Wingate fought here. The location of the early kingdoms of Taungoo and Konbaung, this country was ruled by U Nu after its independence until an overthrow by Ne Win. Ruled since 1992 by Than Shwe, for 10 points, name this Asian nation from which both the Nobel Peace Prize recipient Aung San Su Kyi and former Secretary General of the United Nations, U Thant, are from.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Burma [or Myanmar]", "round": "Round_11_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 11", "question": "During this historical period, Allie Mae Burroughs became the subject of artwork, and the lives of the Gudger and Ricketts families were artistically depicted by Walker Evans in Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. Employees of the (*) Farm Security Administration were tasked with documenting this period in photographs. One photo taken during this period shows two children leaning against Florence Owens Thompson as she holds her chin in her hand. For 10 points, name this period of U.S. history that produced the iconic Dorothea Lange photo Migrant Mother.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "the Great Depression [prompt on Depression; do not accept \"Dust Bowl\"]", "round": "tourn11-04.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 9", "question": "Wagner designed the bass version of this instrument, which is pitched an octave below the version tuned in F. This instrument plays a solo in Charles Ives's The Unanswered Question. Variants of this instrument are the flugelhorn and cornet. (*) Fanfares often employ this instrument, which has three valves. This instrument was performed by Ornette Coleman, Dizzy Gillespie, and Louis Armstrong. For 10 points, name this brass instrument that is neither the trombone nor the French horn.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "trumpet", "round": "tourn9-13.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Fall Kickoff Tournament", "question": "This author described the titular character's speculation that there are no human editors for manuscripts in Martin Eden and profiled the rise of tyranny in the United States in 1908's The Iron Heel. His first novel, 1902's A Daughter of the Snows, is set in the Yukon, as is his 1903 novel, featuring the character John Thornton, and his 1902 short story To Build a Fire. Describing Humphrey van Weyden in his 1904 work The Sea-Wolf, for 10 points, identify this author who depicted a she-wolf and her cub in White Fang and created Buck and Spitz in The Call of the Wild.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Jack London", "round": "FKT Jonathan Graham 2.rtf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Chitin", "question": "He once conspired with Hera and Athena to put Zeus in chains; later, he killed the giant Polybotes with an island. Some stories claim that he was raised by the Telchines or hidden in a flock of sheep by Arne at the request of Rhea instead of suffering the fate of most of his siblings. He sent a monster to attack Troy after Laomedon failed to reward him for helping Apollo build walls, and later sent another monster to devour Laocoon. His horse lost to Athena's olive tree in the contest for Athens, his children include Polyphemus and Triton, and his wife is Amphitrite. For 10 points, identify this brother of Hades and trident-wielder, the Greek god of horses and the sea.\u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Poseidon\u00a0", "round": "Round 11 - UMN 4.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 49, "tournament": "HSAPQ NASAT Tryout Set", "question": "This man wrote a glowing letter to his friend Dionigi after he climbed Mount Ventoux. This man wrote of meeting a woman on Good Friday and alleged that she also died on Good Friday. One of his collections is also called Rime Sparse (ree-MAY spar-SAY), or \"scattered rhymes.\" He wrote the poetry collection Il Canzoniere, or \"song book,\" which was dedicated to his beloved Laura. For 10 points, name this Renaissance humanist and early poet who names a type of Italian sonnet.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Petrarch [or Francesco Petrarca]", "round": "nasat-tryout-all.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "This figure climbed to the top of a mountain before challenging a monster to try and eat him, and afterwards cut out that monster's heart from the inside, thus freeing his friends. Using the monster's entrails he created men, while in another tradition, he kicked a ball of dirt or feces to accomplish the same goal. He boasted that he would be given the names Grizzly Bear, Eagle, or Salmon, while the Hopi usually associate him with Kokopelli. Also notable for freeing the buffalo, for 10 points, name this doglike trickster figure in Native American mythology.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Coyote", "round": "Round_03_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "In one variation of this technique, ligands reversibly react with proteins which may be tagged with polyhistidine residues. That is usually followed by CIPP. Another form of it is performed on glass coated with an adsorbent material like silica gel, which can also line the insides of capillary tubes useful in this technique after vaporizing the gas. In addition to the thin layer and capillary gas types, this can be performed through a stationary phase of charged particles in the ion exchange type. For 10 points, identify this technique separating substances based on their chemical properties, such as the pigments of a plant into its constituent colors in the paper type.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "chromatography [accept column chromatography until \u201cglass\u201d]", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 15.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "One character in this novel nicknames himself \"resurrection man\" since he unearths fresh bodies to sell to medical students. Besides Jerry Cruncher, who works for the seedy Tellson's Bank as a runner, this novel describes a man driven insane by his prison sentence, who is rescued with the help of Jarvis Lorry. That character is the father of a young woman sometimes called a \"golden thread.\" At the end of this novel, Miss Pross shoots Madame (*) Defarge in order to allow that woman, Lucy Manette, to escape Paris. For 10 points, name this novel in which Sydney Carton sacrifices himself to save Charles Darney during the French Revolution, written by Charles Dickens.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "A Tale of Two Cities", "round": "tourn8-05.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "Only for certain circuit components is its differential form, equal to the slope of the U-I graph, equal to its more common formulation. Eddies in nearby magnetic fields are generated by other nearby alternating currents in the proximity effect, which increases this quantity. Below the Debye temperature, it decreases as temperature to the fifth, since it arises from scattering off phonons. Generally, it is proportional both to a wire's length and the reciprocal of its cross-section. For 10 points, give this quantity, the reciprocal of conductance and measured in ohms, equal to the ratio of the voltage to the current.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "resistance", "round": "Round_15_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 30, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "This man called the Second Council of Constantinople in order to resolve the Monophysite Controversy. One of this ruler's reform efforts was overseen by Tribonian. The Secret History of Procopius is an account of this man's reign. This ruler was opposed by the Blues and Greens in one rebellion. That revolt, the Nika Riot, was suppressed by this man's general Belisarius. For 10 points, name this husband of Theodora, a Byzantine emperor who oversaw the creation of his namesake legal code.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Justinian I", "round": "08.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "From Here To Eternity", "question": "A version of this in effect from 1980 to 1988 taxed the difference between the market price and $18.50, and raised about $80 billion over its life. Alaska passed a similar levy in 2007, pegged to increasing market prices, that levied about $6 billion from producers on the North Slope and elsewhere. Barack Obama proposed one for the United States that would fall on companies like ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil. For ten points, name this proposed tax that would fall on oil companies perceived to be collecting excess money.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Windfall profits tax on oil", "round": "FHTE Finals 2 -- Final Final Final.rtf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 11", "question": "This quantity is increased in the proximity effect, which results from current crowding in materials that are close together. This quantity is proportional to the length of a wire and inversely proportional to the cross section of a wire. The (*) \"sea of electrons\" effect makes this quantity low in metals. It is equal to potential over current according to Ohm's (OMEZ) Law. For 10 points, identify this measure of a material's opposition to the flow of steady current through it.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "electrical resistance", "round": "tourn11-05.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 10", "question": "The L-system can generate these entities, as it is capable of describing many iterated function systems. The most famous example of these is defined in terms of whether points on the complex plane, when iteratively squared, are bounded. The Hilbert curve is a (*) space-filling one of these. Examples of these include the Menger sponge, the Sierpinski carpet, and the Koch snowflake. For 10 points, name these self-similar geometric structures exemplified by the Mandelbrot set.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "fractal", "round": "tourn10-01.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "T-Party", "question": "This operation can be accomplished using a bis-iodozincio compound in the absence of metal salts in an ionic liquid as a single substitution, or via the reaction of formaldehyde to a malonic ester in the presence of an amine, a reaction named for Knoevenagel. Using a compound with two cyclopentadiene ligands, a titanium carbenoid, this operation occurs as a single substitution at a carbonyl in the Tebbe olefination. The group added in this reaction is named for how it would appear following homolytic cleavage, a neutral one-carbon species with two unpaired electrons; that group is the simplest carbene. For 10 points, name this type of reaction in which a CH2 group is attached.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "methylenation [accept equivalents like adding a methylene group; accept adding a CH2 group before \u201cCH2\u201d and prompt on it afterwards; prompt on making a terminal olefin; prompt on alkylation]", "round": "UIUC A - T Party 2010.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "Harvard International", "question": "Leo Crowley became the first chairman of one agency created by this act. The Camp case saw the Supreme Court create a two-part test for interpreting this law, while in a 1984 case called SIA II, the Supreme Court held that this law extended to Commercial Paper. Part of this act was known as \u201cRegulation Q\u201d and allowed the federal government to control interest rates, and this also created the FDIC. The Gramm\u2013Leach\u2013Bliley Act repealed this act in 1999, but Paul Volcker has suggested bringing it back. For ten points, name this 1933 act that prevented banks from serving both consumers and investors.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Glass-Steagell Act", "round": "Round 03.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "This work's first section describes an object that has \"white hills, white thighs\" as the speaker describes how his \"rough peasants body digs in you.\" The third section of this work describes the \"murmur of waves breaking, slow play of lights.\" This collection ends with the lines \"It is the hour of departure. Oh abandoned one!\" and laments how the author is \"deserted like the dwarves at dawn.\" The author of this work notes, \u201cYour breast is enough for my heart\u201d and also that \u201cGirl lithe and tawny, nothing draws me towards you.\u201d It contains such poems as \"Body of Woman\" and \"Ah Vastness of Pines\", and the speaker of its final poem laments \u201cIn you everything sank!\u201d For 10 points, identify this collection of poems that includes \u201cTonight I can write the saddest lines\u201d, written by Pablo Neruda.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair [accept Veinte poemas de amor y una canci\u00f3n desesperada]", "round": "Packet 7 - finalized.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "VCU Open (Saturday)", "question": "He included a call for lush vegetation under the hexagonal glass latticed roof in the design of his unrealized Arizona state capitol building titled \u201cOasis.\u201d Another of his Arizona designs is often compared to his plan for a Baghdad Opera House and is Arizona State's Gammage Auditorium. One of the houses he designed includes a daughter's bedroom jutting from the second story with no visible supports, as well as a glass \u201ccrow's nest\u201d where Herbert Johnson's children could watch him fly by in his airplane. This architect who used four zones to divide his Wingspread House was commissioned by Elbert Hubbard and a soap magnate to construct a Buffalo building. He supported the roof of the \u201cGreat Workroom\u201d with stalactite like columns in the Johnson Wax Building, and received numerous complaints from modern painters because of the curved walls of his Guggenheim Museum. For 10 points, name this American Prairie Style architect of Falling Water.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Frank Lloyd Wright", "round": "The Finals 1.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "Chitin", "question": "Grover's Algorithm provides a mechanism for doing this operation in Big O of squareroot of n time on a quantum computer.\u00a0 One way to optimize this operation is with a genetic algorithm and a well built hash table can perform this operation in constant time.\u00a0 A binary type of this operation can produce an output in Big O of log n time on a sorted list by always picking the middle element of a sublist.\u00a0 In graph theory, this can be done in a breadth first or depth first fashion.\u00a0 For 10 points, identify this type of algorithm that, unsurprisingly, finds an element in a data structure.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Searching Algorithms (also accept things like Lookup Algorithms; prompt on \"Query\" since that's a related but different operation)", "round": "Round 6 - UMD 2.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "In one work by this author, dike inspector Cornelius de Witt attempts to win a prize by breeding the title flower, The Black Tulip. One this author\u2019s recurring characters has a scar across his cheek, is known as the \u201cMan from Meung,\u201d and first appears stealing another character\u2019s letter. In one of this man\u2019s novels, a villain named John Francis uses the alias \u201cMordaunt\u201d after being stripped of his titles. In this author\u2019s most famous novel, a villainess features a fleur-de-lis on her shoulder and sets up the murders of the Duke of Buckingham and Constance Bonacieux. This author created the villainous Milady de Winter, who is employed by Cardinal Richelieu. For 10 points, name this French author who created d\u2019Artagnan and the other Three Musketeers.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Alexandre Dumas pere [accept Dumas the elder, do not accept Alexandre Dumas fils or Dumas the younger]", "round": "Packet 12 - finalized (updated).doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regionals", "question": "This man's papers were collected in The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. He described moments of profound happiness that he called \u201cpeak experiences,\u201d which many of his subjects repeatedly experienced. He proposed that humans must attain physical needs such as water and food, then safety needs, and once a person achieved those they could potentially reach self-actualization. For 10 points, name this humanist psychologist who created the concept of the Hierarchy of Needs.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Abraham Harold Maslow", "round": "regionals-04.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "Chicago Open History", "question": "This polity was granted to the son of the Duke of Parma under the Treaty of Aranjuez, and although it was thereby promoted to a kingdom, it was soon granted to Elisa Bonaparte, Napoleon\u2019s oldest sister. In order to escape conscription during the Seven Years\u2019 War, residents of this polity fled to the Papal States. The flagship of this polity\u2019s navy was intended to pick up a cargo of spices that could not be delivered to Antwerp; instead the galleon San Francesco was seized by the Marquis of Santa Cruz and sent to the Azores before it joined the Spanish Armada. Francis Stephen of Lorraine, the husband of Maria Theresa, became the ruler of this polity after the last ruler of its original dynasty, Gian Gastone, died without heir in 1737. For 10 points, the Medici family had ruled what Italian grand duchy on the banks of the River Arno?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Grand Duchy of Tuscany", "round": "2011 CO History Hoppes Ray.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 10", "question": "One of this author's works features a schoolmaster named Old Porteous and his friend George Bowling, who grew up in Lower Binfield. He also wrote about timber merchant John Flory and the Indian Dr. Veraswami. This author of Coming Up for Air was inspired by his time in the Imperial Police to write (*) Burmese Days and the anti-imperialist essay \"Shooting an Elephant.\" He also criticized fascism in a work featuring the villainous Napoleon, a Stalin stand-in who is a pig. For 10 points, name this British author of Animal Farm.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "George Orwell [or Eric Arthur Blair]", "round": "tourn10-06.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Chicago Open History", "question": "One member of a group in this movement attempted to kill Henry Meister, but that agent codenamed Max was instead shot and killed by Meister. Another group in this movement had an agent codenamed Herman take out Hedvig Delbo after an attempt by Finn and another agent fell through. One action by this movement included Dr. Koster allowing hundreds of people to stay in his hospital after Georg Duckwitz leaked information he had been told by Werner Best. Groups involved in this movement included BOPA, originally named KOPA, and a group that included Bent Faurschou-Hviid and Jorgen Haagen Schmith, or Flame and Citroen. For 10 points, name this movement that included fighters in a group named for Holger, and which also successfully saved most of the country\u2019s Jews from being deported by ferrying them to Sweden.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Danish resistance movement (or Modstandsbev\u00e6gelsen; accept equivalents)", "round": "2011 CO History Gehring Larsen.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "THUNDER", "question": "During this the tasmiya is recited, followed by threefold takbir and then the turning towards the qibla. Ending at sunset on the third of the ayyam al-tashrik, it requires the use of udiyya or kurbani and was an adoption of an old Arab custom which occurred in the Valley of Mina. Controversially, Saddam Hussein was hung on the first day of this festival and it is the only holiday celebrated by the Druze. Set to occur on November twenty-seventh of 2009, it acknowledges the actions of Abraham and Isaac or Ismail on Mount Moriah. Celebrated on the tenth of Dhul-al-Hidjja, for 10 points, name this Islamic Festival of Sacrifice which concludes the Hajj.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Eid-al-Adha [accept Festival of Sacrifice until read; prompt on \u201cEid\u201d]", "round": "THUNDER Round 12.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 2", "question": "This author's sketches for Harper's include \u201cThe Paradise of Bachelors and the Tartarus of Maids.\u201d He wrote about an aspiring New York writer paralyzed by a vision of Enceladus in his novel Pierre, and memorialized his friend Jack Chase in White-Jacket. He wrote about a slave rebellion aboard the San Dominick which is put down by Amasa Delano in his story \u201cBenito Cerreno.\u201d Another of his novels includes characters like Starbuck and Queequeg, as well as the chapter \u201cThe Whiteness of the Whale.\u201d For 10 points, name this American author of Moby-Dick.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Herman Melville", "round": "Round_08_HSAPQACF2.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "A cruder form of it was proposed by Wilhelmy in 1858, and its namesake observed the implications of this statement when equilibrium of reactive and unreactive molecules is considered in the van't Hoff equation. A T to m term is sometimes introduced to it, as a quantity in it is approximated to be independent of temperature. That quantity accounts for the rate and orientation of collisions is called the pre exponential factor. One form of it states that the natural log of the equilibrium constant has a inverse relationship with one over T, and it allows one to relate the equilibrium constant with activation energy. For 10 points, identify this equation named for the Swedish chemist.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Arrhenius equation", "round": "ACF Fall 2008 - Harvard C.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "The city of Abdera was founded in honor of a man who died during a plot against one figure of this name. That figure may have resulted from Atlas' incestuous relations with Asteria, but most sources refer to him as the son of Cyrene and Ares. Another man of this name, the son of Deipyle, was one of the Epigoni who fought alongside Sthenelus and Euryalus, killed Pandarus, and knocked Aeneas down in single combat. That warrior was a favorite of (*) Athena, who helped him to wound both Ares and Aphrodite. For 10 points, identify this son of Tydeus, who shares his name with a king of the Bistones who was the object of Heracles' eighth labor and the owner of some flesh-eating mares.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Diomedes", "round": "Round 8.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "Sun n Fun", "question": "One story by this author features a woman who lives with her brother and knits continuously, causing clothing to pile up around the house. That story also sees the title event, which causes the protagonists to seal off rooms until they are left on the street. This author also wrote a story which sees a wealthy man read about a murder plot between a woman and her paramour, who turn out to be the man's wife and her lover. This author also wrote about a man recovering from a motorcycle accident who dreams he is a Motecan Indian pursued by Aztec warriors, only to realize that the dream is reality. For 10 points, name this author of \u201cThe House Taken Over,\u201d \u201cContinuity of Parks,\u201d and \u201cThe Night Face Up\u201d who included such stories in his collections The End of the Game and Bestiary.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Julio Cort\u00e1zar", "round": "Round by Jerry Vinokurov and Charles Hang.docx"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "Faa Di Bruno's Formula gives an explicit formula for one type of this operation. Operations of this type for a vector function form the entries of the Jacobian matrix, and operations of this type form the entries of the gradient. L'Hospital's Rule uses a quotient of these operations to calculate limits. For composite functions, this operation is applied using the chain rule. This operation finds the slope of a curve's tangent line, and is defined as the \"limit as h goes to zero of 'f of x plus h' minus 'f of x', all over h.\" For 10 points, name this basic operation of calculus, the inverse of the integral.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "derivative", "round": "4q2-08.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "In astrology the planet Ketu is most often identified as being beneficial for it, and in another tradition pursuing it requires a mode of dialogue known as Nirvikalpa Samadhi. In yet another tradition it must be differentiated from satcitananda and is an understanding gained by sadhaks, or practitioners, who unravel the illusion of the world. It is referred to as the \u201cfarthest shore from darkness\u201d in the Chandogya Upanishad reflecting the traversal of the four margs or paths, which include self-dissolving love and selfless work. It is synonymous with the stage of Jivan mukti and can imply the destruction of karma. For 10 points, name this concept that signifies release from samsara, the notion of being freed from the cycle of rebirth.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "moksha (accept mukti before it is mentioned)", "round": "USC CMU - Final.docx"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "HFT", "question": "\u00a0Violins are excluded from a section of this work that includes a part sung by a swan being cooked alive on a spit. Another movement of this work uses three glockenspiels and praises Blanzifor and Helena. The movement \u201cOlim lacus colueram\u201d is found in the larger section \u201cIn the Tavern.\u201d This work is the first part in the composer's Trionfi trilogy and it includes sections titled \u201cIn Spring\u201d and \u201cCourt of Love.\u201d This work derives its text from a 13th century collection of medieval goliard songs and its best-known section is titled for the \u201cImperatix Mundi.\u201d For 10 points, name this cantata that starts and ends with the \u201cO Fortuna\u201d chorus, written by Carl Orff.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Carmina Burana: Cantiones profanae cantoribus et choris cantandae comitantibus instrumentis atque imaginibus magicis", "round": "06 HFT.doc"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 9", "question": "The Scandinavian-inspired mansion Vikingsholm sits near the coast of Emerald Bay in this body of water. The only island in this body of water is Fanette Island, and Eagle Falls flows directly into it. The Truckee River flows directly from this (*) lake to Pyramid Lake. Towns near this lake include the host of the 1960 Winter Olympics, Squaw Valley. The closest major city to it is Reno, Nevada. For 10 points, name this lake on the California-Nevada border, which is a major tourist attraction due to its numerous nearby ski resorts.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Lake Tahoe", "round": "tourn9-08.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "This process resembles the resistive ballooning mode of magnetized plasmas except the plasma pressure replaces rho. In this process, penetration distance is proportional to the Atwood number and gravitational acceleration, and the sonoluminescent bubbles created by snapping shrimp are destroyed via this process. It can be seen in delamination of lithosphere layers and in carbon detonation within a type 1a supernova, in which it displays its characteristic \"fingers\". For 10 points, identify this configuration where a more dense fluid lies on top of a less dense one, resulting in instability.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Rayleigh-Taylor instability", "round": "r15- Editors 2.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "Its medicinal form, known to produce balance in the Vata and Putta, has the consistency of Thaila. Its burning is also present during the ceremony of Aarti, and on Maha Shivatri, it appears along with milk, sugar, dahi (DA-hee), and honey in the (*) Panchamrut sacrifice It is complete when a white froth appears at its surface and the resulting mixture is filtered to yield an oil-like substance. For 10 points, name this Indian ritual substance and food, obtained by removing the golden liquid from a pot of melted butter.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "ghee [prompt on butter or clarified butter or anything that sounds like it's describing a form of butter without actually saying \u201cghee\u201d]", "round": "10_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "NTV", "question": "This artist depicted a man facing a mirror in whose reflection he is facing away from himself in Not to Be Reproduced. He showed a room with eight smaller images on the walls, including a nude female torso, and a cannon in the foreground, in On the Threshold of Liberty. This artist also showed a score of identical men falling from the sky near a red-roofed building in Golconde. Other paintings of his show a train coming out of a fireplace and a man with an apple in front of his face. Identify this Belgian artist who, in his The Treachery of Images, famously claimed that one of his paintings \u2026Is Not a Pipe.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Ren\u00e9 Fran\u00e7ois Ghislain Magritte", "round": "06 TU.pdf"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "Many of this religion's main figures reached moksha on the mountain Sametshikharji. This religion performs sacred rituals at derasars, including reciting a mantra which ends \u201cPadhamam Havei Mangalam,\u201d the Navkar Mantra. Members of one sect of this religion sweep ahead of where they walk and wear cloth over the mouth to avoid trampling and ingesting insects, while another group does not even own clothes and are called \u201csky-clad,\u201d or Digambaras. It was founded by its 24th \u201cford-maker\u201d, or Tirthankara, Mahavira. For 10 points, name this Indian religion whose five core principles include ahimsa, the protection of all life.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Jainism", "round": "VCU.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "Terrapin Invitational", "question": "The Supreme Court ruled that sex discrimination in this type of benefit was illegal in Arizona Governing Committee v. Norris. \u00a0Contracts of this type are governed by uberrima fides, and a failure to adhere to this leads to bad faith lawsuits. \u00a0Kenneth Arrow argued that adverse selection and transaction costs were two of the reasons for limitations in these contracts, although in ideal conditions fixed-percentage loading made the optimal type of these contracts. \u00a0In one field, the presence of this can lead to increased loss due to (*) indifference, which is deemed a morale hazard, a special case of the moral hazard. \u00a0When this concept replaces what it lost, it\u2019s termed indemnity, which contrasts with the contingent type of this entity. \u00a0Specific examples include Worker\u2019s Compensation. \u00a0For 10 points, give this term for a policy purchased to hedge against uncertain losses.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Insurance", "round": "FINAL_UNC_A+OSU_B+UW_B.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "It was the first of a series painted for a sodality of which the artist's future father-in-law, Marco Episcopi, was Grand Guardian, though it currently rests in an art museum opposite Titian's Assumption.\u00a0 Despite the large crowd, there is only one woman \u2013 on the left side in an orange dress holding an infant.\u00a0 There are two armored figures among the onlookers, though the titular figure, supposedly a knight of Provence according to this painting's source material, lies naked at the bottom.\u00a0 Next to his head are a few broken axes and hammers, and also notable are the numerous turbaned figures in the crowd, including the assumed executioner in the center.\u00a0 Most noticeable are the halo, pink robe, and orange cape of the upside down figure descending from the sky at the top.\u00a0 For 10 points, name this painting of St. Mark rescuing one of his devoted followers, an early masterpiece of Tintoretto's.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "The Miracle of the Slave or The Miracle of St. Mark Freeing the Slave (accept equivalents that don't have the word miracle, e.g. St. Mark Freeing the Slave, before St. Mark is mentioned)", "round": "VCU - Final.docx"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "RMP Fest", "question": "This structure was built after the defeat of Prince Stephen Bocskay and the signing of the Treaty of Zsitvatorok and its construction was seen as a way of placating God in the wake of defeat in the Fifteen Years War. An entry ramp on this structure allows entry by horseback into the royal kiosk, and its design, which was based on a similar building named the \u201cSehzade\u201d, consists of a central dome surrounded by four smaller domes, giving it the shape of a four-leaf clover. Its interior was decorated with jeweled ostrich eggs, which were believed to repel spiders, and it features the massive \u201celephant pillars\u201d, which are over twenty feet in diamater, and it is controversially surrounded by six minarets. For ten points, name this mosque in Istanbul, named for the colorful tiles that line its interior.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "The Blue Mosque [accept: Sultan Ahmed Mosque; Sultanahmed Camii] {BA}", "round": "Round 4.doc"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "This nation contains the once nominally independent Bantustans of Transkei, Venda, Ciskei, and Bophuthatswana. This nation\u2019s currency is the Rand, and its largest city lies in Gauteng province. Cape Agulhas is the southernmost point in this nation. The (*) Orange river defines part of its border with Namibia. Two of its capitals are Pretoria and Bloemfontein. For 10 points, name this country whose largest cities are Cape Town and Johannesburg, which hosted the 2010 World Cup.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "South Africa", "round": "tournament17-11.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "Vlasov's equation is a special case of an equation named after this man in which collisions are neglected, while another equation named after this man describes \u201calmost rigid motion.\u201d An equation inscribed on his tombstone reads \u201cS = k log W\u201d, where k is his namesake constant. A law stating that the energy radiated by a black body is proportional to the fourth power of temperature is named for Stefan and this man. For 10 points, name this Austrian scientist, one of the founders of statistical mechanics.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Ludwig Boltzmann", "round": "Round_12_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "HSAPQ Colonia 2", "question": "This state\u2019s colonial governor William Stone was defeated by a puritan army at the Battle of the Severn after a period of instability called \u201cthe plundering time.\u201d This state was the site of the Battle of Bladensburg, and in another War of 1812 action, forces under George Armistead withstood a 25 hour bombardment at its Fort McHenry. During the Civil War, a battle in this state was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history. For 10 points, name this state which was first colonized by Cecilius Calvert, the 2nd Baron Baltimore.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Maryland", "round": "colonia-01.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "ACF Novice", "question": "This author's major comedic plays were all translated by American poet Richard Wilbur. One of this author's plays sees a potential marriage between Angelique and Thomas Diaforious planned by Angelique's father Argan, the role that this author was playing when he collapsed and died on stage. In another work, this playwright described how Damis (dah-MEE) is banished from Orgon's house on the whim of a scheming religious hypocrite. For 10 points, name this author of The Imaginary Invalid and Tartuffe, a French comic playwright of the mid 1600s.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Moli\u00e8re [or Jean-Baptiste Poquelin]", "round": "Early Autumn Collegiate Novice - Packet 9.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Chipola Lit + Fine Arts", "question": "The movements of one of this man's works include \u201cStory\u201d, \u201cMelody\u201d, \u201cEnd\u201d and \u201cTo Begin\u201d and is a quartet for unspecified instruments, and the second movement consists entirely of overlapping voices quoting Gertrude Stein's \u201cThe World is Round\u201d. This composer of Living Room Music wrote a work whose score consists of six transparent squares that can be combined in any way and belongs to a group also containing a work \u201cfor any number of players and any sound-producing means\u201d. This composer of Variations I-VIII wrote a work whose first performance is scheduled to end in the year 2640, and a more well known work in three movements that consists of the sounds of the environment of the performance. For 10 points\u2014name this composer of many works for prepared piano and the compositions As SLow aS Possible and 4'33\u201d.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "John Cage", "round": "10.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "NTSS", "question": "This agreement set up a commission to identify what was meant by the Saint Croix River, deciding that a previous agreement should have named the Schoodiac River. An article added to this agreement opposed its limit on trade in the West Indies. After a leak by Senator Stevens Mason, this treaty became unpopular, and the House threatened not to fund it, but it passed by a single Senate vote. Debts were sent to arbitration, the United States agreed to limit cot- ton exports, and Britain agreed to withdraw from the Northwest Territories. Name this treaty whose namesake, who was burned in effigy throughout the United States, was the first Supreme Court Chief Justice.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Jay's Treaty [or Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation]", "round": "05.pdf"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "In medieval times, this city was the site of al-Azhar University, and it was refounded in the tenth century by the Fatimid Dynasty under the Arabic name \"the victorious.\" This city's landmarks include the Mosque and Madrasa of Sultan Hassan and a cemetery home to millions known as the City of the Dead. Nicknamed \"The City of a Thousand Minarets,\" this most (*) populous city in Africa is located on the delta of the Nile. For 10 points, name this location found near the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids of Giza, the capital of Egypt.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Cairo [or al-Qahira]", "round": "07.pdf"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "Princeton Buzzerfest", "question": "In the Epistle of Barnabas, this act is considered a prefiguration of Christ's crucifixion, because the number 318 in Greek, TIH, resembles Christ on the cross according to the author. During the Reformation, Zwingli opposed Anabaptism, citing this practice as justification for infant baptism. This practice was forbidden in Eugenius IV's papal bull reuniting with the Coptic Church after the Council of Basel-Florence. Chapter 15 of Acts features an apostolic council where it was decided that this act was unnecessary, and in the fifth chapter of Galatians, Paul declares that Christians who have performed this act have \u201cfallen away from grace\u201d. In the early church, this practice was associated with Jewish Christians, who were distinguished from Gentile Christians by it. Considered the foremost mark of the Covenant, this is, for 10 points, what practice whereby the foreskin is cut from the penis?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "circumcision", "round": "RutgersNB.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "HSAPQ Colonia 2", "question": "This man remains the only MLB player ever to hit the warehouse behind the right field wall at Oriole Park, which he did during the 1993 Home Run Derby. This winner of a Gold Glove every year from 1990 to 1999 was the first pick of the 1987 draft by a team for whom he played the first decade of his career and to whom he returned last year before his retirement this year. For 10 points, name this son of a former Reds player who ended fifth on the all-time home run list, playing mostly for the Seattle Mariners.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Ken Griffey, Jr. (prompt on Griffey, do not accept Ken Griffey, Sr.)", "round": "colonia-02.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "This man\u2019s father released him from the cardinalate through an agreement with Ferdinand V following the division of Naples. This leader attempted to maintain a treaty with a neighboring nation by ordering the assassination of Alfonso, Duke of Bisceglie. This son of Vannozza dei Catanei was given control of French forces by Louis XII after his defeat of Ludovico Sforza. This man was forced to give up parts of Romagna in exchange for freedom after his imprisonment by a pope who was not his father, Julius II. He allegedly killed his brother Giovanni and slept with his sister Lucrezia. For 10 points, name this military leader who was a model for Machiavelli\u2019s The Prince, the son of Rodrigo Borgia.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Cesare Borgia [or Cesare Borja; prompt on Borgia]", "round": "ACF Regionals 2011 - Carleton A and Bellarmine final.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HFT", "question": "Britain agreed to subsidize Maria Theresa's government as part of the 1743 treaty of this city that allied Britain with Austria and Sardinia. This city had given its name to an 1122 agreement between Pope Calixtus II and Holy Roman Emperor Henry V that ended the investiture controversy. At a later congress in this city, Johann Eck cross-examined a monk whose safe passage had been arranged by Frederick III of Saxony and who was declared a heretic by Charles V. FTP, identify this German city whose 1521 Diet denounced Martin Luther.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Worms", "round": "HFT Round 02.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "This prophet, the son of Amittai, caused an entire city to fast and wear sackcloth, and at the end of his namesake book he becomes angry when a worm destroys a plant that was providing him shade. After boarding a ship in Joppa, God created a great storm, which prompts the other passengers to throw this prophet into the sea. Earlier, he had purposely disobeyed God\u2019s wishes by not going to the sinful city of Ninevah (NIN-ee-vuh). For 10 points, name this prophet of the Old Testament who was swallowed by a large fish.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Jonah", "round": "29.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Harvard International", "question": "This man controversially ordered the bombing of the village of Katyr-Yurt, despite the fact that its inhabitants were waving white flags. This man organized his country's 83 sub-divisions into eight \u201cFederal Districts\u201d whose Presidents were appointed directly by him, and during his first term he had to deal with the Beslan massacre. This man unexpectedly became Head of State when his predecessor resigned on New Years Eve. During this man's term in office, the government prosecuted many \u201coligarchs\u201d such as the head of Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky. For ten points, name this current Prime Minister of Russia, who succeeded Boris Yeltsin as President.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Vladimir Putin", "round": "Round 04.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "One character in this play exclaims, \u201cThe bastard! He doesn't exist,\u201d after praying to God. That occurs after he bribes his father into listening to him for a sugar-plum. He insistently asks \u201cIs it not my time for pain-killer?\u201d but when he discovers that his servant has no more, he throws away his black toy dog and puts on a handkerchief on his face, preparing to die. Two characters kept in ashbins are the protagonist's parents, Nagg and Nell. Not much other than pointless arguments occur in, for 10 points, what play by Samuel Beckett about the mutually dependent Hamm and Clov that gets its name from part of a chess game?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Endgame or Fin de partie [DU]", "round": "Finals Packet 2.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "Chitin", "question": "One work set in this country opens with Piet's fascination for the titular plants, while another work set in this country focuses on a luncheon organized by Frances Taver, who introduces Robert Ceretti to local residents. In addition to A Lesson From Aloes and \u201cOpen House,\u201d this country is also home to the writer of Waiting for Barbarians and Foe and it is also the setting for the works in which Steven Kumalo's son Absalom murders the white man Jarvis. For 10 points, identify this country home to Athol Fugard, Nadine Gordimer, J. M. Coetzee, and is the setting of Alan Paton's Cry, the Beloved Country.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "South Africa", "round": "Round 10 - UMN 3.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 33, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL States", "question": "This man made Herod the Great Tetrarch of Galilee, and in Athens he was deified as New Dionysus. This man's wife Fulvia was given the heads of Rufus and Cicero following the proscription of 43 BCE. He led Julius Caesar's left wing at the Battle of Pharsalus. He later organized a mob that drove Caesar's assassins from Rome. This man suffered a defeat at the hands of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa in the naval battle of Actium. For 10 points, name this member of the triumvirate who committed suicide following his and Cleopatra's defeat at the hands of Octavian.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Mark Antony [or Marcus Antonius]", "round": "06.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This conflict saw the Battle of Vergas as part of the invasion of the Mani Peninsula, and its outcome resulted in an offer being extended to a Wittelsbach prince named Otto. Facilitated by the formation of the secretive \u201cFriendly Society\u201d groups, this conflict is traditionally held to have begun when a cross was raised by Germanos, leading to the execution of Gregory V. It witnessed the infamous (*) Massacre at Chios and saw Ibrahim Pasha help capture Missolonghi. The victors in this conflict were led by men like Alexandros Ypsilantis, and it saw a decisive victory at the Battle of Navarino. For 10 points, name this conflict that resulted in the liberation of a Hellenistic nation from the Ottoman Empire.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Greek War of Independence [accept logical equivalents like the Greek Revolution]", "round": "Round 12.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "This ruler's predecessor won the Battle of Maritsa, after which the fealty of Constantine Draga\u0161 and his companion King Marko would be assured; both died fighting for this man at the Battle of Rovine, which this ruler fought against Mircea cel B?tr\u00e2n. This ruler built the Anadoluhisari in preparation for one siege, and after the death of his son Musa at the Battle of Despotovac, this ruler acknowledged the autonomy of Stefan Lazarevi?'s kingdom. This man built the Grand Mosque of Bursa to celebrate a victory wherein he crushed the forces of (*)\u00a0Sigismund of Hungary at the Battle of Nicopolis, ending a crusade started after this man unsuccessfully sieged Constantinople. This man's reign was followed by a twelve year power struggle known as the Interregnum before the confirmation of Mehmet I as sultan. This loser of the Battle of Ankara met his end in captivity, where he was supposedly used as a footstool by Tamerlane. For 10 points, name this successor to Murad I, the Ottoman sultan from 1389 to 1402.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Bayezid I\u00a0[or\u00a0Bayezid Y?ld?r?m; or\u00a0Bayezid\u00a0the\u00a0Thunderbolt]", "round": "Packet 07 - Incarcerated Scarfaces.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 11", "question": "On the left of this painting is a distorted, wailing mother who holds her dead child. Its top depicts a woman's arm holding a lantern, above which a light bulb shines. In the center of this painting, a horse is being (*) stabbed with a spear. In 2003, a reproduction of this painting was covered leading up to the war in Iraq. This black-and-white work was a response to the actions of the Condor Legion of the Luftwaffe (LOOFT-voff-uh). For 10 points, name this work painted by Pablo Picasso after the bombing of a Basque town.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Guernica (GARE-nee-kah)", "round": "tourn11-05.pdf"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "THUNDER II", "question": "This work criticizes American policy for not putting a cap on what percentage of an American household's income is being used to pay off debts by illustrating how American presidential candidates would always choose a policy that does not increase economic growth in its chapter \u201cThe Bill Collector Cometh.\u201d This work argues that the \u201cmonetary illusion\u201d is that monetary policies go beyond impacting the \u201cwage-price spiral,\u201d arguing that although it may prevent short-run inflation, it does nothing to stop it. Another chapter of this work discusses how in consumers, emulation and advertising are the basis for the (*) \u201cdependence effect,\u201d the phenomenon that, as production rises, so does increase in desires. The first chapter of this work claims it goes against \u201ccurrently accepted paradigms\u201d that may make it seem its ideas are currently untenable. For 10 points, identify this work, followed up with The New Industrial State that popularized the term conventional wisdom, which was written by John Galbraith.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "The Affluent Society", "round": "THUNDER Round 4.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "The first proof that this number is irrational is believed to have been produced by Hippasus, a student of Pythagoras, but it was thrown overboard by the Pythagoreans. Also known as Pythagoras' constant, it is the geometric mean of one-half and four. It is also equal to the secant of forty-five degrees, which means it is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle whose two legs each measure one unit. For 10 points, identify this number, approximately equal to 1.414, and the only solution to the equation \"x squared minus two equals zero.\"", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "square root of 2 [or radical 2]", "round": "4q1-12.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Fall Kickoff Tournament", "question": "Among his lesser know works is Liberty Tree, published in 1841 as part of a series of stories written for children. Hollingsworth and Zenobia live with two others on the titular farm in his The Blithedale Romance, and the title character's life ruined by seeing his wife Faith at a witches' meeting in this author's Young Goodman Brown. Hepzibah Pyncheon opens a stop in the haunted titular locale in one work, and another is set in his hometown of Salem, Massachusetts. For 10 points, name this author of The House of Seven Gables and The Scarlet Letter.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Nathaniel Hawthorne [accept Nathaniel Hathorne]", "round": "FKT Bellas.rtf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "Mahfouz Memorial Lit", "question": "The title creature of one his stories is unable to find a red flower, so it seeps its blood in a white rose by pricking himself, while another involves a Syrian captain falling in love with an enchanted mermaid. In addition to writing a tale about a nightingale, he wrote a play about the daughter of Peter Sabouroff who joins a terrorist group to kill Ivan the Czar, as well as another drama about Gerald Arbuthnot threatening to make Illingworth marry his mother for messing with his kid. In addition to Vera, or the Nihilists, and A Woman of No Importance, Aubrey Beardsley illustrated his play about a woman who desires Jokanaan's head. In addition to writing Salome, this man created the character of Mrs. Erlynne in Lady Windemere's Fan. For ten points, what author created Jack Worthing in The Importance of Being Earnest?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde", "round": "PRELIMS ROUND 4.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "Chicago Open Arts", "question": "This character flips a coin and gives it to another character, saying that it's \u201ca franc for your thoughts\u201d. She says that its unfortunate that she's fallen in love \u201cwith the whole world crumbling\u201d. The waiter Carl drives this character to a hotel, so that a character whom she last met at \u201cLa Belle Aurore\u201d can enter a meeting. She tells one character that \u201cYou used to be a much better liar\u201d, and is married to Victor (*) Laszlo. At the end of the film that she appears in, she is implored to get on a plane because she'll regret it, \u201csoon, and for the rest of her life\u201d, and before that, she asks Sam to play \"As Time Goes By\" again. For 10 points, identify this character who is the \u201ckid\u201d that Rick Blaine says \u201cHere's looking at you\u201d to in Casablanca.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Ilsa Lund Laszlo [accept either underlined, prompt on Laszlo] (Sy)", "round": "Lully 5.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "One group in the universe of this game, the Tolgath, rang the Apocalypse Chime, which was later recovered in Ulgrotha by the vampire Baron Sengir. A magical ship in the continuity of this game was invented at the Tolarian Academy and transported the Bones of Ramos. That vehicle, the Skyship Weatherlight, was designed by Urza, whose wars with Yawgmoth and Mishra scarred the plains of Dominaria. Recently expanded with the Shadowmoor and Shards of Alara sets, this game has a \"Power Nine\" that includes the Ancestrall Recall and Timetwister. Common strategies in it depend on using the Counterspell or the Circle of Protection. For 10 points, name this Richard Garfield-designed card game, the flagship product of Wizards of the Coast, which involves tapping lands for white, green, red, blue, or black mana.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Magic: The Gathering [or MTG]", "round": "r13- Chicago A.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "One novel set in this city features Miss Trixie, who demands a holiday turkey from her employers at Levy Pants, and Burma Jones, a janitor at the Night of Joy. That work centers on a figure who quotes Boethius and disdains \"that minx\" Myrna Minkoff, Ignatius J. Reilly. John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces is set in this city, which is also the setting of a play about a character who (*) \"has always depended on the kindness of strangers,\" Blanche DuBois. For 10 points, name this setting of Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "New Orleans", "round": "tournament17-12.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "According to one account, this figure was killed by Herakles for stealing Geryon's oxen; another account claims she aroused the wrath of Amphitrite. In a third account, this lover of Glaucus was transformed out of jealousy by Circe. This woman was turned into a (*) creature with twelve feet, the body of a dog, and six heads, each of which devoured a sailor as a ship passed through the Strait of Messina. For 10 points, name this sea monster located directly across from the whirlpool Charybdis.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Scylla", "round": "tourn8-14.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 30, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "One character in this play claims \u201cour little life is rounded with a sleep\u201d after noting that \u201cwe are such stuff as dreams are made on.\u201d Another of its characters expresses shock at the \u201cbrave new world, that has such people in't!\u201d A subplot in this play involves the drunken butler Stephano, who plots with Trinculo and Sycorax\u2019s son Caliban to overthrow Prospero, a sorcerer who has been exiled with his daughter Miranda. For 10 points, name this Shakespeare play in which Prospero has been blown to an island by the title storm.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "The Tempest", "round": "23.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "TJ NAREN", "question": "This politician's opposition to labor strikes in the coal industry led the Archbishop of Canterbury to accuse this figure of a \"politics of confrontation\". This politician's term saw the unpopular Community Charge tax introduced, and John Nott proposed cutting navy funding during this politician's term which saw the Falkland Wars occur. Her namesake economic policy involved the privatization of many industrial monopolies, including British Petroleum and British Airways, and this leader was targeted by an assassination attempt at the Grand Hotel in Brighton. For 10 points, name this first female to hold the office of British prime minister, a conservative known as the Iron Lady.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "The Right Honourable Margaret Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher", "round": "Round 14.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "A process named for Cholesky decomposes these objects into the product of a lower- triangular matrix with its adjoint. These objects are always orthogonally diagonalizable, and are positive- definite if and only if all their eigenvalues are positive. Different eigenspaces of these objects produce orthogonal eigenvectors, and according to the (*) spectral theorem, these objects always have orthonormal bases of eigenvectors; thus, all these types of matrices\u2019 eigenvalues are real. Generalized by Hermitian matrices, for 10 points, name these types of matrices that are equal to their transpose, with entries i,j always equal to entries j,i.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "symmetric matrices [accept word forms; prompt on matrix before \u201ctypes of\u201d is read]", "round": "Packet 11 - Superplayoffs 1.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "One of his incidental scores for a play includes the movements \u201cRoma militaria\u201d and \u201cThe Eclipse of Cleopatra.\u201d That work is his Egyptian Nights, and his first symphony in D major uses a Gavotte movement and is known as the Classical symphony. This composer also depicted \u201cCapulets and Montagues\u201d in his Romeo and Juliet. The composer of the Scythian Suite, for 10 points, name this composer of the \u201cLieutenant Kije Suite\u201d and a work where the oboe portrays a duck, \u201cPeter and the Wolf.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Sergei Prokofiev", "round": "Round_14_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "VCU Open (Saturday)", "question": "Tumors originating from one type of these cells are identified by perivascular rosettes, and HIV-1's Tat protein can increase expression of the JC virus genome in these cells. One subtype is marked by enlarged processes and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Members of another subtype of these cells are functionally influenced by a namesake fibrillary acidic protein, and are called gemistocytes. Other groups include those which secrete a thick protein-rich fluid, known as ependymal cells. Some of these cells direct the migration of neurons, while others tightly regulate which compounds diffuse into the brain from blood vessels. One type synthesizes growth factors following Wallerian degeneration and wraps its cell membrane multiple times around portions of adjacent cells, forming a myelin sheath. Including astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and Schwann cells, for 10 points, are which components of neural tissue that support and nourish neurons?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "neuroglia [accept neuroglial cells]", "round": "Round 3.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "A driving force in the creation of this sect was Gerald Brousseau Gardner. One of its central beliefs is a namesake \u201cRede\u201d which states \u201cIf it harm none, do what you will.\u201d Alexander Sanders started this religion\u2019s \u201cDianic\u201d branch, and most of its practitioners worship a male deity termed the \u201cHorned God.\u201d Adherents to this faith worship a (*) female deity usually called \u201cthe Goddess\u201d in small groups called \u201ccovens.\u201d For 10 points, name this Neopagan movement whose practitioners are often called witches.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Wiccan [prompt on \u201cWitchcraft\u201d]", "round": "tournament17-12.pdf"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 25, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL States", "question": "This quality is described as being both temporal, timeless, and a combination of the two, and its attributes of historicism let it avoid the trap of novelties being preferable to repetition. It is remarked as lamentable that this term has been linked to the science of archaeology. The essay that analyzes it concludes by recommending a move away from analyzing poets to analyzing their works. For 10 points, name this concept contrasted with the \"Individual Talent\" in a T. S. Eliot essay, a term referring to bygone practices.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "\"Tradition and the Individual Talent\"", "round": "06.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 32, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "2,4-DNP is an example of an uncoupler used by this organelle. The color of brown fat is due to the high concentration of this organelle, which is responsible for generating heat in that tissue. One can trace matrilineal descent through this organelle's DNA. Like the chloroplast, this double-membraned organelle is the subject of the endosymbiotic hypothesis. For 10 points, name this site of oxidative phosphorylation, the energy-producing organelle.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "mitochondria", "round": "4q1-12.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 11", "question": "Calculations involving these mixtures often involve rearranging an equation with negative log of the acid dissociation constant, or pKa [pee-kay-ay]. That Henderson-Hasselbalch equation can then be used to find the strongest point for these mixtures, which is often when pKa is equal to pH. These solutions are made by mixing together a (*) weak base and its conjugate acid or a weak acid and its conjugate base. For 10 points, name this type of solution, that used in chemistry when adding acids or bases to a solution to make sure there is only a small change in pH.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "buffer solutions", "round": "tourn11-12.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "One participant in this event went by the aliases Colerdin and Pietro, and a poem called \u201cTichborn's Lamentation\u201d was popularized after this event. One party in this event received a letter with a small picture of a gallows drawn on the seal. One overseer of this event was Charles Paget, and Bernardino de Mendoza met with one of the leaders of this event, who was exposed by the double agent Gilbert Gifford. This event began when John Ballard met with John Savage, and after one party in this event received a letter from Thomas Morgan, another letter was intercepted and deciphered by Phelippes, which allowed for close monitoring by Sir Francis Walsingham. Sharing the same goals as the earlier Ridolfi plot, for 10 points, identify this event, which led to the death of Mary, Queen of Scots, a plot against Elizabeth I of Britain.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Babington Plot", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-HarvardFinal.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "From Here To Eternity", "question": "One group in this country is Joint Task Force OMEGA, that was part of Operation JM. Another is the Black Eagles, government combatted by using Search Bloc. This country was the home of a member of the Oxygen Green, Marc Gonslaves, Kieth Stanwell and Thomas Howes, until Operation Jacque, was launched to rescue a person with French citizenship, Ingrid Betancourt, who supported Alvaro Uribe's third term after years of captivity with FARC. For ten points, identify this nation, whose other current problems include the Medellin drug cartel.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Republic of Colombia", "round": "FHTE Finals 1 -- Final Final Final.rtf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "T-Party", "question": "Defects in DHAP acyltransferase and alkyl DHAP synthase result in faulty plasmalogen synthesis, which causes impaired biogenesis of this organelle in patients suffering from rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata. Mutations in phytanic acid metabolism in this structure are the primary cause of Refsum's disease, while the congenital deficiency of its characteristic enzyme occurs in patients with Takahara's disease. They contain an enzyme that requires a haematin prosthetic group to reduce the product of superoxide dismutase, called catalase. For 10 points, name these organelles which decompose a toxic namesake hydrogen compound.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "peroxisomes", "round": "Dunbar + UMN - T Party 2010.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "Golding and Ross created a very effective version of this type of application based on Winnow. Simple versions of these programs make comparisons based on small Levenshtein distances. Jerrold H. Zar created a \"poem\" called \"Candidate for a Pullet Surprise\" that lampoons these applications, one of which was added to Firefox in version (*) 2.0 (two-point-oh). For 10 points, name this type of application that flags writing errors and suggests changes, which in Microsoft Word is paired with a grammar checker.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "spell checker", "round": "07.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "During his lame-duck period, he appointed Nathan Goff, Jr., as Secretary of the Navy to replace Richard Wigginton Thompson, and other members of his cabinet included Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz and Attorney General Carl Devens. Pozo Colorado is the capital of a department named after him in Paraguay, where he is a national hero, having arbitrated in their favor while president after the War of the Triple Alliance. Congress overrode his veto of the (*) Bland-Allison Act, and he promised not to run for a second term after a supposed bipartisan committee rewarded him 20 disputed electoral votes. FTP, name this 19th president who won a controversial election in 1876 against Democrat Samuel Tilden.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Rutherford Birchard Hayes", "round": "Round 2.rtf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "RMP Fest", "question": "One of his works lists instances of \u201cfigures\u201d with source citations like Werther listed parallel to the text. That work is a glossary that explores the relationship between the Subject, the Rival and the Beloved and is called A Lover's Discourse. He explores political, poetic and bourgeois types of the titular activity in a work frequently published alongside his Elements of Semiology. In one of his better-known works he analyzes cultural phenomena like the legends about Einstein's brain, the role of villain in professional wrestling and the face of Greta Garbo while yet another book concerns itself with the Balzac story Sarassine. FTP, identify this influential French literary theorist, philosopher and author of Writing Degree Zero, Mythologies, and S/Z.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Roland Barthes {MA}", "round": "Round 4.doc"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "From Here To Eternity", "question": "One river in this state is named because of its Jerusalem artichokes, while another river is the La Seuer, which is itself a tributary of the Blue Earth River. Southwest of the Northwest Angle, is the U.S. exclave of Elm Point. It also features the High Falls of Tettegouche and Lake Itasca. Its Lakes of the Woods County is the northernmost point of the continental U.S. Its cities include Maple Grove, Minnetonka, Plymouth and Rochester. For ten points, name this state that borders the Dakotas and Wisconsin that features twin cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Minnesota", "round": "FHTE R5 Final Final Final.rtf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "An assembly of this name produced the Directory of Worship to replace the Book of Common Prayer in addition to a namesake Confessions and Catechisms. Amendments to the Provisions of Oxford were declared in the 1259 provisions of this place by Henry III. Legislative equality was granted to Australia and New Zealand in a 1931 statute of this name. A monastery of this name houses King Edward\u2019s Chair and the Stone of Scone and was the original (*) burial site of Oliver Cromwell. That monestary is also the resting site of people like Jane Austen and Alfred Lord Tennyson in its Poets\u2019 Corner. For 10 points, give this common name for an abbey where British monarchs are crowned.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Westminster\u000b<Bentley>\u000b\u000b22. At the end of this play, the narrator proclaims \u201cI didn\u2019t go to the moon, I went much further \u2013 for time is the longest distance between two places.\u201d The words \u201cOu sont les neiges d\u2019antan\u201d appear onstage during its first act, in which the narrator describes himself as the opposite of a stage magician. The central character of this play ditches classes at the Rubicam (*) Business School to explore the city and later ends the play by blowing out several candles. That character\u2019s crush kisses her before remembering that he has a fianc\u00e9e at home and after he accidentally breaks the horn of a unicorn from the title collection. For 10 points, identify this play in which the \u201cgentleman caller\u201d Jim visits the handicapped Laura Wingfield, written by Tennessee Williams.", "round": "Packet 8 - Playoffs 3.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "MW GSAC XVII", "question": "In one opera by this composer, the success of the schemes of the Sorceress and her horde of witches leads one character who is advised by Belinda to sing When I am laid in earth, also known as her namesake \u201clament,\u201d before dying of love as her fianc\u00e9 sails away. This composer's works Dioclesian, The Indian Queen, and King Arthur all characterize a genre he championed, the semi-opera. Using a libretto based on by Nahum Tate for one of the earliest English operas, for 10 points, name this British Baroque composer of The Fairy-Queen and Dido and Aeneas.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Henry Purcell", "round": "Round 7.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "A general appointed by this body, Jean Humbert, was defeated at the Battle of Ballinamuck in a failed attempt to capture Ireland. This government executed Gracchus Babeuf, the head of the Conspiracy of Equals. With the Austrian Empire, this entity signed a treaty recognizing the Ligurian and Cisalpine Republics, the Treaty of (*) Campo Formio. This government ended a revolt in the Vendee, and it was preserved when a certain general defeated a rebellion with a \u201cwhiff of grapeshot.\u201d This entity included two houses, the Council of Five Hundred and the Council of Elders, and was controlled by five namesake executives. Established by the Constitution of 1795, for 10 points, name this French Revolutionary government that gave way to the Consulate of Napoleon.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "the French Directory [or Executive Directory; or Directoire ex\u00e9cutif; prompt on Council of Five Hundred or Council of Elders before read]\u000b<Bollinger>", "round": "Packet 10 - Playoffs 5.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "HSAPQ Colonia 2", "question": "In one work by this poet, the narrator describes being an \"inebriate of air\" and a \"debauchee of dew\" because they \"taste a liquor never brewed.\" Another poem by this writer describes a \"blue, uncertain, stumbling\" sound that occurred at the title moment in \"I heard a fly buzz when I died.\" This poet also wrote a poem about horses whose \"heads were toward eternity\" during a carriage ride with Immortality and another figure. For 10 points, name this writer of \"Because I could not stop for Death,\" a reclusive and prolific female poet who lived in Massachusetts.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Emily Elizabeth Dickinson", "round": "colonia-01.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "HSAPQ Colonia 2", "question": "Among this man's inventions are an improved gyrocompass and, with Leo Szilard, a refrigerator that cooled using only heat as an input. One formula attributed to this man states that energy equals Planck's constant times the frequency of radiation. Another states that in the same reference frame, gravity and acceleration are locally equal, and is known as the equivalence principle. A third formula states that rest energy equals mass times the square of the speed of light. For 10 points, name this Swiss physicist who explained the photoelectric effect, developed general relativity, and formulated the equation E equals m c squared.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Albert Einstein", "round": "colonia-03.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "MW GSAC XVII", "question": "In one of this man's novels, Brenda marries Jock Grant-Menzies after her husband Tony is declared dead and her affair with John Beaver proves unsuccessful. In addition to A Handful of Dust, this man wrote a novel in which Mr. Prendergrast accidentally shoots Lord Tangent and Margot is engaged to Paul Pennyfeather. In another of this man's novels, Julia marries Rex Mottram and Charles Ryder befriends Sebastian Marchmain, whose family owns the title estate. For 10 points, name this British author of Decline and Fall and Brideshead Revisited.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Evelyn Waugh", "round": "Round 1.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Gaddis I", "question": "The thromboxane A2 synthase is the only member of type 5 of this family of proteins, though it lacks their most distinctive function, where as isoform 24A1 these proteins aids in the degradation of vitamin D3. The nuclear pregnane X receptor is known to regulate it, while drosophila strains resistant to DDT overexpress type 6g of these proteins. Some members of this family of proteins catalyze the rate limiting step in the biosynthesis of steroids and prostaglandins, while some others help rid the body of toxins by hydroxylating them at the heme cofactor found at their active sites and are the sites of drug metabolism. For fifteen points, identify this large family of monooxygenase proteins so named for their characteristic absorbance peak, and are found in large quantities in the smooth ER of the liver.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "cytochrome p450 monooxygenase [or CYP450 or just CYP] (4)", "round": "Gaddis - Round 6.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 23, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "An apocalyptic inscription in Greek appears at the top of this artist\u2019s Mystic Nativity, which is thought to have been influenced by Savonarola. Hermes can be seen reaching for some fruit in his painting depicting the nymph Chloris being kidnapped while the three Graces dance on the left side. In one of his best known works, a personification of wind blows on the titular figure, who stands on a (*) shell in the middle of the water. For 10 points, name this Italian Renaissance painter of Primavera and The Birth of Venus.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Sandro Botticelli [or Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi]", "round": "02.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "One type of this process involves gas passing through small holes and has its rate given by Graham's Law. Two laws named for Adolf Fick describe this process, and another type of this process occurs in hypotonic and hypertonic cells; that process involves water crossing a semipermeable membrane. Osmosis is a type of, for 10 points, what process in which particles move from regions of high concentration to low concentration?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "diffusion [prompt on effusion; prompt on osmosis before it is mentioned]", "round": "Packet 2.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "ACF Winter", "question": "This composer wrote a symphonic suite in which the fairy Gul-Nazar rescues a gazelle from a bird. One of his works uses the unusual time signatures 2/1 and 3/1 in its final movement, and its Andante lugubre first movement alternates a woodwind theme with a cello rendition of the hymn \"An Angel Cried Out.\" The fourth movement of one work by this composer opens with five cadenzas played over percussion rolls and sees violins, violas, and cellos played quasi guitara. That work's third movement nearly repeats its first save in key and instrumentation, an asturian dance. For 10 points, name this composer of Russian Easter Overture and Capriccio Espagnol as well as a suite with movements like \"The Kalendar Prince\" and \"The Sea and Sinbad's Ship\" called Scheherezade.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov", "round": "ACF Winter 2010 - Hannah and Andy.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "One ruler of this country entrusted Charles Duncan Cameron to deliver a letter to Queen Victoria, but the letter was delayed for over a year, resulting in the ruler taking Cameron hostage. An 1868 expedition to rescue the hostages in this country was led by Robert Napier, who triumphed at the battle of Magdala, after which Emperor Tewodros II committed suicide. Oreste Baratieri was court-martialed after decisively losing to this country\u2019s forces in 1896. This country won the Battle of Adowa against Italy during the reign of Menelik II, but was later attacked again by Mussolini in the Abyssinia Crisis. For 10 points, name this African nation once ruled by Emperor Haile Selassie from a capital at Addis Ababa.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia [accept Abyssinia until mentioned]", "round": "zFinals 2 - finalized (updated).doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "The Al ha-Nissim addition is made to the hoda'ah benediction in the prayer service for this holiday, which includes the reading of Zechariah 2:14-4:7. The final moments of this holiday include the reading of the verse \u201cThis was the dedication of the altar\u201d on its final day, which is known as Zot. The medieval German hymn Ma'oz Tzur is sung during this holiday, which sees the wide consumption of latkes. This holiday was borne from a struggle against Antiochus and included an incident in which a container of oil kept a menorah burning for eight days. Gelt is distributed and dreidel is played on, for 10 points, what winter Jewish holiday?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Hanukkah [or Chanukah; prompt on Festival of Lights]", "round": "2009 ACF Fall edited - Maryland A + CWRU.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "SACK", "question": "In an early scene in this novel, a young journalist goes to the dog pound to retrieve his dog, whom corrupt dogcatchers have stolen. There, he recognizes the man whose job is to club stray dogs to death as his father\u2019s former chauffeur. Later in this novel, the journalist says of his father that he has \u201cno \u2018political ideas,\u2019 only \u2018political interests,\u2019\u201d while a different senior official, Cayo Bermudez, declares \u201cwe\u2019re all with the government out of convenience.\u201d This work addresses the atmosphere of greed and authoritarian repression during the dictatorship of Manuel Odria. \u00a0The journalist, Santiago Zavala, opens this book by stepping out of his office for lunch and asking \u201cat what precise moment had Peru fucked itself up?\u201d For ten points, name this novel whose title refers to Zavala\u2019s asking the former chauffeur Ambrosio Pardo to join him for a drink in a bar, a work by Mario Vargas Llosa.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Conversation in the Cathedral (Spanish: Conversacion en La Catedral)", "round": "Finals 2.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "THUNDER II", "question": "This group hired official \u201cadmonitors\u201d to warn leaders when they were acting imprudently. A forgery associated with this group was written by discharged member Jerome Zahorowski and was titled the Monita Secreta. The practice of discernment, or discretio, of good spirits from bad is the cornerstone of the Novitiate training period endured by members of this group. This order was associated with the (*) Ultramontanist campaigners for Papal Infallibility. Matteo Ricci was a member of this order known sometimes as God's Marines,\u201d which flourished briefly in Japan before Francis Xavier was forced to leave. Its founder, who lost both legs to an errant cannonball, authored the Spiritual Exercises. For 10 points, identify this Catholic order of priests and brothers founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Society of Jesus [or Jesuits]", "round": "THUNDER Round 7.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "One of her sons was killed by Heracles during the labor of the Geryon's cattle, and another had his skin worn by Heracles after the first labor. One son of this figure was killed just before a battle with the Solymi and, in addition to breathing fire, had goat, snake, and lion parts. Both the Nemean Lion and the Sphinx of Thebes were the product of her incestuous relationship with her son, Orthrus. She was the daughter of Chrysaor and Callirhoe. For 10 points, identify this mother if the Chimera and two further creatures involved in the labors of Heracles, the Hydra and Cerberus, a half-nymph, half-snake monster who bred many horrible offspring with Typhon.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Echidna", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 19.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "SACK", "question": "After this man\u2019s death, his personal papers were organized by his aide, Daniel O\u2019Leary, who also wrote a thirty-four volume history of this man\u2019s military career. This man received weapons from Alexandre Petion and allied himself with the Belgian merchant Luis Brion, who supplied this man with ships. That support allowed this man and a band of exiled soldiers to make a successful amphibious landing at Los Cayos. General Soublette was one of this man\u2019s most important deputies. This man\u2019s first military offensive is called the \u201cAdmirable Campaign\u201d, which failed. This man\u2019s \u201cDecree of War to the Death\u201d helped him defeat Field Marshal de la Torre after returning from Jamaica, where he wrote a notable letter. For ten points, name this victor of the Battles of Carabobo and Boyaca, the liberator of South America.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Simon Bolivar", "round": "Finals 2.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "For orthotropic materials, a 36 member compliance matrix can be used to generalize this law. For an isotropic solid this law can be expressed in terms of the two Lam\u00e9 parameters. The anisotropic form of this law was expanded to describe three dimensional objects by Cauchy. The negative sign in this law describes the tendency to return to equilibrium position, and this law does not apply beyond the elastic range. It states that stress is directly proportional to strain. For 10 points, identify this law, more commonly stated as f equals negative k x, which can be used to calculate the restoring force on a spring.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Hooke's Law", "round": "Lisle and Maryland B.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "NTV", "question": "One figure in this painting wears a necklace from which dangles a cross and clutches the branches of a tree. That tree has green, glowing fruit, and that figure almost entirely dominates the right side of the painting. In the background, a figure pokes its face out of an Orthodox church, and another figure walks with a scythe towards another figure. He, like two of the five houses in this painting, is upside down. Notable for its depiction of a huge green face looking into the eyes of a goat upon which another figure it milking a different goat, name this painting of Vitebsk, a work by Marc Chagall.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "I and the Village", "round": "finals 1 TU.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "In this work, a diagnosis of pleurisy keeps the narrator out of the army, which allows him to carry through with a lucrative plan conceived while carting dustbins and scrubbing floors as punishment. Earlier the main character walked in on his father's bloody corpse, but lived off ham sandwiches and lemonade from the resultant insurance money. The narrator of this work distinguishes himself from \"In-laws,\" repeatedly describes the governor as potbellied and claims that \"my own war's all that I'll ever be bothered about.\" This story's narrator splits seventy pounds with Mike, and declares he has a baker's dozen of thirteen witnesses for his alibi, including his mother's fancy-man. The Essex boys cheer him on at the end of this work in which he allows boys from Aylesham and Gunthorpe to pass him and take an All England Borstal Blue Ribbon Prize Cup. For 10 points, name this Allan Sillitoe story about a juvenile delinquent named Smith who throws a race to spite the authorities.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-OSUBerkeleyStateCollegeFinal.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "Princeton Buzzerfest", "question": "One version of this song was released by Jonathan King in 1998 under the name Fatt Jakk after a hairdresser supposedly heard the original version and showed it to him.\u00a0 The most popular version was released two years later on an album also containing the song \u201cYou All Dat\u201d by a group whose other albums include Junkanoo and Doong Spank. Originally recorded by Anslem Douglas for a festival in Trinidad and Tobago, its lyrics include such lines as \u201cYou fetch a woman and her man's right behind\u201d and \u201cWhen the party was nice, the party was jumpin,\u201d as well as the repeating phrase \u201cYippie yi yo\u201d in the first two verses. Covered by Crazy Frog with a similar title, this is, for 10 points, what 2000 hit single released by the Baha Men, who ask the listener the titular question involving members of the canine family?\u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "\u201cWho Let the Dogs Out?\u201d\u00a0", "round": "MichiganB.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "One daughter of this woman eloped with the King of Dulichium while married to the King of Arcadia. This woman's husband helped Odysseus court his niece Penelope. The role that this mother of Phoebe, Philonoe, and Timandra played is sometimes also filled by Nemesis, and involves her lover coming to her arms to seek protection from an eagle. This woman slept with her husband Tyndareus, resulting in two eggs containing Clytemnestra, Helen, Castor, and Pollux. For 10 points, name this queen of Sparta who bore those children after Zeus impregnated her in the form of a swan.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Leda", "round": "13.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HSAPQ National History Bowl", "question": "Prior to this war, one side was engaged in the Uskok War, while the Treaty of Lubeck ended Danish involvement in this war. The (+) Bohemian Stage of this war was sparked by the Second Defenestration of Prague. In one battle, Swedish troops were rallied under Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar after a previous leader was killed, and that battle saw the defeat of the Catholics under (*) Wallenstein despite the death of Gustavus Adolphus, and was the Battle of Lutzen. The treaty that ended this war assured the recognition of the Peace of Augsburg. For 10 points, name this European religious war that was ended by the Peace of Westphalia.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Thirty Years' War", "round": "04.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "Cleanth Brooks discusses how this poet renews a \u201cstale metaphor\u201d with a poem\u2019s final lines, \u201cDear God! the very houses seem asleep; and all that mighty heart is lying still.\u201d One of his poems describes a girl who \u201cseemed a thing that could not feel / the touch of earthly years\u201d while another poem claims, \u201cgetting and spending we lay waste to our powers.\u201d This poet of \u201cComposed upon Westminster Bridge\u201d created a speaker who hopes to \u201chear old Triton blow his wreathed horn\u201d in his sonnet \u201cThe World is Too Much With Us.\u201d This poet claims his mind \u201cshall be a mansion for all lovely forms\u201d after reminiscing about his sister Dorothy and the River Wye. For 10 points, name this Romantic poet who wrote \u201cTintern Abbey.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "William Wordsworth", "round": "ACF Regionals 2011 - Editors 2 final.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "One poem in this collection tells how \u201cThe glory of Greek shame\u201d was cast \u201cinto silent Acheron\u201d after the battle of Marathon, and another describes a man who \u201cin God's hand has weighed / Your squeamish and emasculate crusade / Against the grim dominion of his art.\u201d In addition to \u201cVillanelle of Change\u201d and \u201cZola,\u201d it includes sonnets about a poet whose \u201chard, human pulse is throbbing still,\u201d George Crabbe, and a butcher who tears down his slaughterhouse in response to his wife's death, Reuben Bright. Its title poem asserts \u201cIt is the promise of the day / that makes the starry sky sublime,\u201d and implores the title group to \u201cput off the cloak that hides the scar.\u201d It also includes poems about a character ordered to \u201cgo to the western gate,\u201d and \u201ca gentleman from sole to crown\u201d who \u201cwent home and put a bullet through his head.\u201d Including \u201cLuke Havergal\u201d and \u201cRichard Cory,\u201d FTP, name this poetry collection by Edwin Arlington Robinson.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "The Children of the Night [EM]", "round": "Packet_10.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "This author's short stories include a work about Dick Small's docility, \u201cHeadwaiter,\u201d and a man who steals from his mother to buy his friends gifts, \u201cMama's Missionary Money.\u201d His novel about Jimmy Monroe's experiences in prison was reissued posthumously under the title Yesterday Will Make You Cry. His first novel dealt with the fallout resulting from Madge Perkins' accusations of rape and ends with the protagonist being sent to join the army, while The Primitive depicted a tense relationship between a white woman executive and a black writer. His novel For Love of Imabelle later began a series that culminated in the apocalyptic work Plan B and focused on the violent exploits of two Harlem detectives, Coffin Ed Johnson and Grave Digger Jones. For 10 points, identify this author of such works as Cotton Comes to Harlem and If He Hollers Let Him Go.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Chester Himes", "round": "Editor's Round 2 (RR).docx"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "Sun n Fun", "question": "When asked about her subjects this artist noted, \u201cBeauty is itself an aberration, a burden, a mystery, even to itself.\u201d This artist studied at the New School under Lisette Model. Norman Mailer suggested that putting a camera in this artist's hand was like putting a live grenade in the hands of a child, a direct reference to a photograph taken by this artist, which was used for a 1984 album cover by the Canadian post-punk band SNFU. Another of this artist's photos features a rather milquetoast look fellow with an American flag and a \u201cBomb Hanoi\u201d button and ne of this artist's most recognizable photographs is of Eddie Carmel, known as the \u201cJewish Giant\u201d at home with his parents. For 10 points, name this American photographer often depicting marginalized or deviant subjects such as dwarfs, giants and transvestites.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Diane Arbus", "round": "Round by Matt Weiner Eric Mukherjee Aaron Rosenberg and Editor.docx"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "EFT", "question": "These peoples believed that men and women were created by a war god who needed to offer human flesh to the sun to quench its hunger. That god that they worshipped lost a foot battling a crocodile in order to create the world only to replace that foot with a magic obsidian mirror. One goddess venerated by these people wore a necklace of hearts and skeletons and was impregnated by a ball of feathers. That impregnation led to a god worshipped by these people who often warred with Tezcatlipoca and is known as a \"feathered serpent.\" For 10 points, which people's myth system includes Quetzalcoatl?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Aztecs", "round": "Round 10 updated.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "T-Party", "question": "This strategic military action was performed by Maximilian I of Austria during the \u201cMad War.\" One instance of this action was code-named \u201cCase Red.\" One plan for performing this action had to be modified when the side doing this lost the \u201crace to the sea\u201d and failed to take the railroads of Liege in time. A successful instance of this that resulted in the capture of the capital led to the Treaty of Frankfurt. This action was most recently performed at six locations near Caen, including ones codenamed Sword, Juno, and Omaha. For 10 points name this action often performed by Germany involving directing troops towards Paris.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Invading France [accept clear equivalent]", "round": "USC + Editors 4 - T Party 2010.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "In 1998, wreckage from this engagement was found by Robert Ballard. Prior to it, one commander faced an attack of psoriasis before being replaced by Raymond Spruance. Preceded by the breaking of the code JN-25 and Operation Al, an invasion of Kiska and Attu, this battle resulted in Tamon Yamaguchi going down with his ship. The aircraft carriers Akagi, Kaga, Soryu and USS Yorktown were sunk during, for 10 points, what naval battle between Isoroku Yamamoto and Chester Nimitz, fought exactly six months after Pearl Harbor in 1942?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Battle of Midway", "round": "Round_09_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "Ometepe and Solentiname are islands in this nation's largest lake, and the Corn islands are found to the east of this nation. The eastern portion of its border with its northern neighbor is marked by the Coco River, while the San Juan river makes up this country's southern border. The city of Ocotal is located near the Cordilera Isabelia mountain range in the northwest of this country, whose city of Matagalpa lies along the Rio Grande. The chief port of this nation is Bluefields. Puerto Cabezas lies along its Mosquito Coast with the Caribbean Sea. For 10 points, name this nation that borders Honduras to the north and Costa Rica to the south, which has its capitol at Managua.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Nicaragua", "round": "MUT 2010 - EP Gaurav - Done.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "His attorney general, Godfrey Lule, often had to defend this man's practices at the United Nations, while his defense minister, Mustafa Adrisi, was his brother-in-law. Upon taking power, he murdered his main rival, Pierino Okoya, and he created the Public Safety Unit and the State Research Center, whose employees spent most of the time murdering members of the Langi and Acholi tribes and feeding their bodies to Nile crocodiles. A member of the Kakwa ethnic group, after becoming chief of his country's army and air force, he deposed Milton Obote in a coup. FTP, name this man accused of helping the Palestinians at Entebbe, who, from 1971 to 1979, was dictator of Uganda.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2006, "answer": "Idi Amin Dada Oumee (prompt on Big Daddy, Butcher of Africa, or other nicknames)", "round": "Illinois - Rutgers-Newark.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ Colonia 2", "question": "This author attached a story about a man who buys a pair of ruby slippers at auction to his work of film criticism, which opens \u201cWhen I first saw The Wizard of Oz it made a writer of me.\u201d This author of novels such as Fury and Shame also wrote about the switched-at-birth Saleem and Shiva, part of a generation of children born at the moment of India\u2019s independence. For 10 points, name this author of Midnight\u2019s Children, who was targeted for assassination after his controversial The Satanic Verses.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Ahmed Salman Rushdie", "round": "colonia-04.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "NTSS", "question": "In this novel, when one character's son is complimented, the father replies by wishing that neither the son, named Harry Harris, nor himself were ever born. This novel contains Tom Loker, who works for Haley, who causes an ar- gument after having dinner at Arthur and Emily Shelby's house. Another character saves Eva from drowning and be- comes a coachman, but his fate worsens when Eva's father Augustine does not follow her dying wish. While Eliza heads North in this story, another main character heads South, ending up on Simon Legree's plantation. Name this novel about slavery by Harriet Beecher Stowe.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly", "round": "10.pdf"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "HFT", "question": "One of this philosopher's works supposedly contains the origin of a namesake logical method, which he called \"speculative triads.\" This thinker contrasted sublated qualities with an object's determinate being in his Science of Logic. This philosopher wrote a work, featuring the master-slave consciousness, about the attainment of \"Absolute Knowledge.\" This author of The Philosophy of Right is best known for creating a concept that describes how thesis and antithesis clash to form a synthesis. For 10 points, name this German philosopher who wrote The Phenomenology of Spirit and pioneered the concept of dialectics.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", "round": "02 HFT.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "This author wrote about Kemal's love for Fusun in his most recent novel, The Museum of Innocence. He wrote a novel about an Italian scholar who becomes a teacher to the Hoja, entitled The White Castle. He also wrote a novel in which Ka travels to a town to investigate a series of suicides, and gets involved in a debate about (*) headscarves. For 10 points, name this Nobel-winning Turkish author of Snow and My Name Is Red.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Orhan Pamuk", "round": "tournament17-07.pdf"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "One of this man's books opens with a discussion of Price Waterhouse vs. Hopkins and outlines the ways that identity features in norms and utility. That work, Identity Economics, was co-written with Rachel Kranton. He also argued that a \u201cmarriage shock\u201d contributed to increased rates of crime and drug use in the United States in his, \u201cMen Without Children.\u201d In his 2007 presidential address to the AEA, published as \u201cThe Missing Motivation in Macroeconomics,\u201d he suggested that assuming decision-makers have \u201cnatural norms\u201d would eliminate five \u201cneutralities,\u201d a theme he also expounded on in a book co-written with Robert Shiller. In his most famous work, he argued that concerns over quality uncertainty would result in prices that result in \u201cthe bad driving out the good\u201d and cause market failure. For 10 points, identify this economist, who illustrated asymmetric information through used cars in his 1970 paper \u201cThe Market for Lemons.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "George\u00a0Akerlof accept Identity Economics before \u201cthat work\u201d", "round": "MN A Chicago B - Final.docx"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "NTV", "question": "(JP) This writing was specially designed to combat the heresy of Arius of Alexandria. The addition of a clause that asserted that the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Son and the Father was approved by the Coun- cil of Toledo in 589 CE, which became a primary cause of the schism between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. Name this statement of doctrine formulated by the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, which is still recited as part of every Catholic Mass.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Nicene Creed", "round": "r6tossups.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "Though not the Netherlands, Andrew Carnegie helped build an international judicial court in this country, which later became this nation's Ministry of Foreign Relations. Jos\u00e9 Figueres founded the party of its current president, the National Liberation Party, or the PLN; that president is Oscar Arias. A group of Alabama [*] Quakers founded a settlement in this nation near what is now the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve; this politically stable country abolished its army following the 1948 civil war. For 10 points, name this Central American nation with capital at San Jos\u00e9.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Costa Rica [JaC]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 10 COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "One of this man's collections contains a poem dedicated to Mickey Smith that writes the word \u201cmurder\u201d with 49 \u201cR\u201ds and claims \u201ci nevva wear neck. tie yet.\u201d\u00a0 In addition to that poem about a man who was stoned to death, appropriately titled \u201cStone,\u201d he opened a long poetic work with the line \u201cTo hell / with Af- / rica / to hell / with Eu- / rope too.\u201d\u00a0 This poet symbolizes his nation's struggles with the symbol of an unfertile \u201crock seed,\u201d and he claims that the effects of slavery caused the rise of a misogynist system he dubs the \u201cmanscape.\u201d\u00a0 A long poetic work by this author, the third in a trilogy with his\u00a0Mother Poem\u00a0and\u00a0Sun Poem, ends with a section called \u201cXango\u201d and recasts (*)\u00a0Prospero and Caliban as a plantation owner and servant.\u00a0 This author\u00a0of\u00a0X/Self\u00a0also claims that Caribbean poets must use an amalgamation of tongues he dubs the \u201cnation language.\u201d For 10 points, name this author\u00a0of a trilogy consisting of\u00a0Rites of Passage,\u00a0Masks, and\u00a0Islands, the\u00a0Arrivants\u00a0trilogy, an author who is not George Lamming, but is from Barbados.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Edward Kamau\u00a0Brathwaite\u00a0[or Lawson Edward\u00a0Brathwaite]", "round": "Packet 08 - The Lady's Not for Byrning.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "This author wrote a short novel about Maurice Bendrix's obsession with his former lover Sarah Miles. This author created a character nicknamed \"Ticki\" who is given hints about how to find smuggled diamonds by the Syrian Yusef and has an affair with Helen Rolt. This author wrote a novel about Major (*) Scobie, as well as a novel about a man who goes by the name the Whiskey Priest as the last cleric in his Mexican province. For 10 points, name this Catholic British author of The End of the Affair, The Heart of the Matter, and The Power and the Glory.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Henry Graham Greene", "round": "tourn8-11.pdf"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "St. Anselms and Torrey Pines", "question": "In one treatise, this thinker suggests that children be exposed to harsh elements, in order to inure them in the future and in another work, he explains that all ideas are derived from sensation and reflection, and proves the existence of an intelligent being. This thinker argued against atheism in A Letter [*] Concerning Toleration and he expanded on his idea that children\u2019s minds began without any preexisting ideas, or \u201ctabula rasa\u201d, in his Some Thoughts Concerning Education. Advocating the right to \u201clife, liberty, and property,\u201d for 10 points, name this philosopher who wrote Two Treatises of Government and An Essay Concerning Human Understanding.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "John Locke", "round": "Round 1.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 29, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "A Frenchman named Ducondray nearly displaced this man in his military post. Timothy Pickering succeeded this man in his highest government position. This man came up with the idea of the Society of the Cincinnati. This man was responsible for organizing Washington\u2019s crossing of the Delaware as chief artillery officer. During the Revolutionary War, this man led an expedition that used ox-drawn sleds to transport artillery captured at Fort Ticonderoga back to Boston. For 10 points, name this man who later served as the first Secretary of War.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Henry Knox", "round": "11.pdf"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "HFT", "question": "Adolf Hitler used to vacation 30km south of this city at the Berghof, but modern visitors here are best entertained by its Mirabell Palace, which boasts trick fountains that squirt tourists. This city is also home to the rococo Leopoldskron Palace near the Untersberg. It was ceded to Bavaria along with the Tyrol by the Treaty of Sch\u00f6nbrunn, while the Anschluss forced the Von Trapp family to flee this city named for its reserves of salt. Best known as the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, this is, FTP, what second most populous city in Austria?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Salzburg", "round": "HFT Round 07 ADV FINISHED.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "THUNDER", "question": "The Battle of Annaberg was the largest engagement of this region's namesake uprisings, and this region's economy was based on coal mining in its Rybnik area. This region was the site of the 1241 Battle of Liegnitz in which its ruler Henry II the Pious was killed by Mongols. The peace agreement which ended the War of the Bavarian Succession was signed in this region's city of Teschen. The cities of Ostrava and Troppau are the largest in the small portion of this region which lies in one country, and its city of Opole served as the capital of its Upper section. The Oder River begins in this region, and Katowice and Wroclaw are its largest cities. This region borders Moravia and Saxony, and it was captured by Prussia in the War of the Austrian Succession. For 10 points, name this Polish region on the border of the Czech Republic and Germany.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Silesia [or Slask; or Slezsko; or Schlesien; or Slunsk]", "round": "THUNDER Round 12.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "VCU Open (Saturday)", "question": "One reaction that produces a functional group of this type involves a concerted reaction among an isocyanide, an aldehyde, and a carboxylic acid. Another reaction that produces this type of compound involves a ketone which undergoes an addition with an azide to form an azidohydrin intermediate. In addition to the aforementioned Passerini and Schimdt reactions, another reaction that results in this type of compound involves the acid catalyzed rearrangement of an oxime, named the Beckmann rearrangement. If sodium hydroxide and a halogen are added to a compound with this functional group, it undergoes decarboxylation in a process known as the Hoffman rearrangement. For 10 points, name this functional group which can be formed from the reaction of an amine and a carboxylic acid.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "amide", "round": "Round 6.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "NTSS", "question": "Some historians claim this man's presidency was harmed by having William Eustis and then John Armstrong, Jr. serve as Secretary of War. During his presidency, Macon's Bill Number Two replaced a bill that was passed a few days before he took office, the Non-Intercourse Act. He was a forceful advocate of the need to control factions and in the necessity of checks and balances, and after allowing the First Bank of the United States to expire in his first term, he signed into law the Second Bank of the United States five years later. Name this man who served as Thomas Jeffer- son's Secretary of State and who wrote many of the Federalist Papers.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "James Madison", "round": "07.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "One disorder that causes increased levels of this compound results from a mutation in the cMOAT gene,\n while another is caused by mutations leading to decreased UGT1. Besides Dubin-Johnson, Gilbert, and\n Rotor\u2019s syndrome, inactivating mutations in UDP glucoronosyltransferase lead to accumulation of the\n unconjugated form of this substance in Crigler-Najjar syndrome. Lab tests usually measure both the direct\n and indirect versions of this open-chain polypyrrole. Exposing this substance to light transforms it from the\n ZZ to EE isomer, which is why ultraviolet light is a treatment for the accumulation of this substance in\n newborns. For 10 points, name this product of heme metabolism, which when elevated causes jaundice.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "bilirubin [or conjugated, unconjugated, direct or indirect bilirubin]", "round": "05.pdf"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Penn Bowl", "question": "This work compares Kant's explanation of synthetic a priori judgments to a description of opium in Moliere's The Imaginary Invalid in its second chapter, which and calls for a \u201cnew species of philosophers\u201d who are investigators. This book's first chapter is titled \u201cOn the Prejudices of Philosophers\u201d and later claims \u201cwhen you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.\u201d It concludes with an \u201caftersong\u201d titled \u201cFrom the High Mountains\u201d about the arrival of a philosopher building on the author's earlier\u00a0Thus Spake Zarathustra. Subtitled \u201cPrelude to a Philosophy of the Future,\u201d for 10 points, name this Nietzsche work which aims to abandon traditional Christian morality.\u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Beyond Good and Evil\u00a0(accept\u00a0Jenseits von Gut und Bose)", "round": "Harvard A.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 25, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "This thinker described the beautiful, agreeable, good, and sublime types of the titular action in one work. This man distinguished between analytic and synthetic propositions and put forth the possibility of a priori knowledge in his most famous work. This author of Critique of Judgement outlined an ethical rule based in duty that states that every moral question has an absolute answer that must be followed. For 10 points, name this German Idealist philosopher who wrote Critique of Pure Reason and formulated the Categorical Imperative.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Immanuel Kant", "round": "4q2-01.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "These phenomena are believed to be responsible for the predicted polarization anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background. One possible path to detection of these phenomena is the observation of growing perturbations of spinning neutron stars, an effect known as the Chandrasekhar-Friedman-Schutz instability. The amplitude of these tensor phenomena is given by the second time derivative of the quadrupole source term in the post-Newtonian method of analyzing them. Evidence for these phenomena includes the orbital shrinking of binary systems such as the Hulse-Taylor pulsar, and these objects are being sought by both the Large Interferometric Space Antenna and the LIGO project. For 10 points, identify these tensor perturbations predicted by general relativity which represent emissions of energy from massive systems.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "gravity waves [accept word forms as well as gravitational radiation]", "round": "2010 - ACF Regionals - Rice + Claremont.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "THUNDER", "question": "One character in this work battles with the title character for two days and reveals that he's vulnerable in his navel after sleeping on a rock as a pillow. That same character was earlier confronted by the ghost of Argalia,\u00a0(*)\u00a0who gives him a magic helmet. That character is Farau, but Bradamante is a female warrior in this work who possesses a magical lance that unseats everyone.\u00a0Agramante and his allies\u00a0are the main antagonists in this work, and the English Knight Astolfo flies on a hippogriff to Ethiopia and then to the moon to help cure the title character.\u00a0Matteo Maria Boiardo\u00a0wrote the work which this long poem attempts to continue, which told of its title character in love. For 10 points, name this work which focuses on the titular paladin in the service of Charlemagne, an epic poem by Ludovico Ariosto.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Orlando Furioso\u00a0(also accept things like\u00a0Crazy\u00a0Orlando;accept\u00a0Orlando Inamorato\u00a0before *)", "round": "THUNDER Round 11.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "Benjamin Jealous blamed this organization's head for complicity in the outcome of Meredith v. Jefferson County. It faced controversy in 2000 after anti-semitic comments about Joe Lieberman were made by Lee Alcorn. The IRS conducted a two-year investigation into whether this organization could be made tax-exempt after a 2004 convention speech where its chairman criticized George W. Bush, who did not formally address this organization until 2006. For 10 points, identify this organization recently led by Kweisi Mfume and Julian Bond, whose goal is to opposed racial discrimination, particularly that facing African-Americans.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "the NAACP [or National Association for the Advancement of Colored People]", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 8.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "Although mannose-6-phosphate tagged molecules are sent to this organelle, its failure results in I-cell disease, characterized by the formation of inclusion bodies. Niemann-Pick disease and Gaucher's disease are results of malfunction in it, while sphingo-lipid buildup around it occurs in [*] Tay-Sachs disease. Its namesake enzymes are produced in the endoplasmic reticulum, though this organelle itself buds off from the Golgi apparatus. Its membrane maintains an acidic environment in the interior, necessary for hydrolases to function. For 10 points, what organelle uses autophagy to consume old organelles and digest macromolecules?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "lysosome [DU]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 4 COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ Colonia 2", "question": "This man acted as an advisor to the Minister of War Diego Hidalgo. He first gained fame as a general during the Rif War of 1920. This man consolidated the Carlists with a party founded by Jos\u00e9 Antonio Primo de Rivera, the Falange (fah-LON-hay). This leader suppressed minority languages such as Catalan and Basque after taking power in his country's civil war. This man was in power from 1939 until his 1975 death, after which power went back to a monarchy under Juan Carlos I. For 10 points, name this military dictator of Spain.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Te\u00f3dulo Franco Bahamonde", "round": "colonia-06.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "In some stories, this god kicks Littur onto the funeral pyre of Baldur. This god protects his daughter from having to marry Alvis by asking Alvis questions until sunrise, at which point he is turned to stone. His possessions include a chariot pulled by goats, as well as a belt and special gloves. While visiting Utgard-Loki, this god fails to pick up a cat, which is later revealed to be his nemesis, Jormungand. The sons of Ivaldi made this husband of Sif a tool he uses to slay many giants, Mjollnir the hammer. For 10 points, name this Norse god of thunder.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Thor [or Donar]", "round": "Round_02_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 16", "question": "In one of this man\u2019s novels, rumors about the football star Fareek Fanon\u2019s rape of a woman stir up race tensions in Atlanta. He wrote about the painted school bus named \u201cFurthur\u201d and the travels of Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters in another work. This pioneer of the New Journalism and author of A Man in Full wrote a novel about the fall of a \u201cMaster of the Universe\u201d bond trader named (*) Sherman McCoy. For 10 points, name this American author of The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test and The Bonfire of the Vanities.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Tom Wolfe", "round": "06.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "Tensions between this organization and its rival flared in an incident during which this group\u2019s supply ship, the Altalena, was sunk. Following the issuing of the Passfield White Paper, this group helped organize immigration, and its military operations included the capture of Jaffa as well as the freeing of over 200 prisoners held at Acre. Along with an organization called \u201cLehi,\u201d this group was an offshoot of the Hagana and its political wing would later become the Herut, or \u201cFreedom,\u201d party. This organization\u2019s most famous actions included the killing of all 254 inhabitants of the village of Deir Yassin, as well as the July 22, 1946 killing of 91 people via a bomb. Disbanded by order of David Ben Gurion after its members\u2019 incorporation into the IDF, for 10 points, identify this Menachem Begin-led paramilitary force of Jewish settlers, whose notable acts of terrorism included the bombing of the King David Hotel.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Irgun Zvai Leumi [accept Etzel, do not accept \u201cthe Stern Gang\u201d]", "round": "2011-ACFNationals-Editors5Final.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "HSAPQ National History Bowl", "question": "One leader of this religious movement was responsible for the creation of the newspaper The Final Call. This movement's founder was (+) Wallace D. Fard. One part of the mythology of this movement claims that a Mother Plane was built in Japan in 1929 and can reach speeds of 9,000 miles per hour. Three members of this religion were responsible for an (*) assassination in the Audubon Ballroom of a former member of this movement. For 10 points, name this American religious movement whose leaders have included Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan, and once included Malcolm X.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Nation of Islam", "round": "08.pdf"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "In a late work, he quotes Cicero for a title and says that the unquestioning acceptance of the validity of the law was the basis for Roman power. In addition to Concord and Liberty, this author of The (*) Dehumanization of Art claimed that the population explosion in Europe was leading to \u201cthe barbarism of specialization.\u201d For 10 points, name this philosopher who tried to \u201cEuropeanize\u201d his homeland in Invertebrate Spain and wrote The Revolt of the Masses.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Jose Ortega y Gasset", "round": "07_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "This commander won a victory over Jose de Canterac at the Battle of Junin. He defeated a force led by Miguel de la Torre at the Battle of Carabobo. Another one of this man's victories came after the Vargas Swamp Battle and saw fighting around a bridge over the Teatinos River. After winning the Battle of Boyaca and winning other battles against the Spanish with the help of (*) Antonio Jose de Sucre, he attempted to rule over Gran Colombia. For 10 points, name this man known as \"the liberator\" for his work freeing much of South America from Spanish rule.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar", "round": "07.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This event resulted in the Great Lakes refugee crisis. Romeo Dellaire and Jacques Roger Booh-Booh were criticized for inaction during this event, which saw the establishment of the \u201cZone Turquoise.\u201d Carried out by the Interahamwe, this event prompted the deployment of UNAMIR. This event was sparked when President Juvenal (*) Habyarimana\u2019s plane was shot down, and it ended when Paul Kagame of the RTF took power. This event was executed by the Hutus against the minority Tutsis. For 10 points, name this 1994 mass killing that took place in an African country.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Rwandan genocide [accept obvious equivalents]", "round": "Packet 15 - Superplayoffs 5.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "Two changes of setting in this opera are accompanied by the \"Transformation Music.\" The title character\n of this opera throws away his bow and arrow in shame after shooting down a swan. Another of its\n characters is doomed to wander the earth forever because she laughed at Christ on the cross. Six\n flower-maidens try to seduce the protagonist of this opera in an enchanted garden owned by the villain\n Klingsor. After having his feet washed by Kundry, the protagonist of this opera heals the wound of\n Amfortas with the spear that had stabbed Christ. For 10 points, name this opera about an Arthurian knight\n who seeks the holy grail, the last completed opera of Richard Wagner.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Parsifal", "round": "08.pdf"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "This philosopher's doctoral thesis, Aristotle's Conception of Place, was referred to in a footnote of Heidegger's Being and Time to support the claim that his theories were never far from the Greeks. Some of his more idiosyncratic works include one on the \u201cPhilosophy of Poetry\u201d subtitled the \u201cgenius of Lucretius\u201d and an \u201cessay on the meaning of the comic\u201d entitled Laughter. He examined aphasia in Matter and Memory, and Whitehead acknowledged him as an influence on his process metaphysics. Among his major tomes is Time and Free Will, but he remains most associated with an idea put forth in Creative Evolution. FTP, name this 20th century French philosopher who introduced the concept of \u00e9lan vital.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2007, "answer": "Henri-Louis Bergson", "round": "2007 ACF Regionals - Chicago B Harvard C.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "TJ NAREN", "question": "This conflict would lead to the War of the Quadruple Alliance, and several attacks on Port Royal and the Raid on Deerfield occurred on its North American front, known as Queen Anne's War. The fortress of Mons fell soon after the Battle of Malplaquet in this conflict, and Great Britain signed the \"Asiento\" with one country involved in this conflict, gaining slave trade rights. Involving the duc de Villars and the Dukes of Savoy and Marlborough, this struggle was fought over the right of a Bourbon to rule after a Hapsburg. Ending with Philip of Anjou recognized as Philip V of France, for 10 points, name this conflict ended by the Treaty of Utrecht.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "War of the Spanish Succession [prompt on partial]", "round": "Round 11.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 28, "tournament": "HSAPQ NASAT Tryout Set", "question": "One ruler of this royal house ordered the arrest of the radical John Wilkes. Another ruler of this royal house appointed his obese son the Duke of Cumberland to suppress a rebellion that ended after the Battle of Culloden Moor. Because the first king of this royal house spoke no English, he appointed Robert Walpole the first Prime Minister of England. This royal house was succeeded by the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (sacks-EH KOH-burg GOTH-eh) after the reign of its final ruler, Queen Victoria. For 10 points, name this English royal house which succeeded the House of Stuart and included four kings named George.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "House of Hanover", "round": "nasat-tryout-history.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "Terrapin Invitational", "question": "One work by this man begins with the narrator saying that he and Ringo are \u201cthe two supreme undefeated like two moths, two feathers riding above a hurricane,\u201d and in a section of that work titled \u201cAn Odor of Verbena,\u201d Bayard confronts Ben Redmond in his office while unarmed. The titular woman of one of this man\u2019s short stories was said to be \u201ca tradition, a duty, and a care,\u201d by the townspeople, and this man wrote a series of seven stories including one in which Boon Hogganbeck kills Old Ben. Those stories involving Ike (*) McCaslin are collectively considered the novel Go Down, Moses. Joe was kidnapped from an orphanage and taken to Little Rock before fleeing to Mississippi and selling moonshine in this author\u2019s Light in August, and another of his novels contains a chapter that simply says \u201cMy mother is a fish.\u201d For 10 points, name this American author of A Rose for Emily and As I Lay Dying.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "William Faulkner", "round": "FINAL_ASU_B+RPI.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "Hans Hendrik Andersen demonstrated that the stopping power of these objects does not follow the Bethe formula, a result that proved the existence of the Barkas effect, and they are the cause of both pleochroic halos and of mineral metamictization. The last step in the CNO cycle creates a carbon atom and one of these. These are only associated with elements heavier than tellurium. Timothy May discovered that emission of these from DRAM can cause soft errors in microprocessor operations, and the Geiger-Nuttall law relates the life of an isotope to the production of these. For 10 points, identify these particles that escape from radioactive elements via quantum tunneling and Coulomb repulsion, which were used in Rutherford's gold foil experiment and are identical to a helium-4 nucleus.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "alpha particles", "round": "r16- Magin.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 3", "question": "One of his symphonies opens with the hymn \u201cVeni Sancte Spiritus\u201d and ends with the Holy Anchorites scene from Faust. His C-sharp minor fifth symphony opens with a \u201cFuneral March\u201d and contains an F major \u201cAdagietto.\u201d His sixth symphony had three hammer blows, while his first included a movement that opened with a minor setting of (*) Fr\u00e8re Jacques. He composed a work based on The Chinese Flute entitled The Song of the Earth. For 10 points, name this composer of the Titan and Resurrection symphonies, as well as the Symphony of a Thousand.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Gustav Mahler", "round": "Round_11_HSAPQACF3.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "This composer created such works as the six \u201cSun\u201d and six \u201cErdody\u201d string quartets. In the final adagio of one of his symphonies, the performers gradually leave the stage until two muted violins remain. Another symphony is notable for a sudden fortissimo chord in its andante second movement. For 10 points, identify this composer of the Creation oratorio and London Symphonies, which include ones nicknamed \u201cFarewell\u201d and \u201cSurprise.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Franz Josef Haydn", "round": "Packet 11.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This thinker wrote an introduction called the \u201cAdvertisement\u201d to open one work in seven dialogues refuting the so-called \u201cfree-thinkers\u201d; that work was named for a certain \u201cminute philosopher.\u201d He asks the reader to imagine a tree or a book which is entirely unimagined in his Master Argument and claimed the eye sees only light and color in his Essay Towards a New Theory of (*) Vision. He claimed that \u201cto be is to be perceived\u201d and wrote Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. For 10 points, name this idealist Irish bishop and author of Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne (\u201cBARK\u201d-lee)", "round": "Packet 5 - Prelims 5.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 1", "question": "One of this author's works consists of fictional letters written by women like Oenone and Briseis to their lovers. In addition to Heroides, this author wrote a poem based on a calendar of festivals, Fasti. He wrote Tristia, a poem lamenting his sorrows, after being exiled to Tomis by Augustus, possibly for writing Ars Amatoria, or The Art of Love. Another of his poems begins by describing Apollo's pursuit of Daphne, who turns into a laurel tree, and recounts numerous mythological transformations. For 10 points, name this Roman poet ofMetamorphoses.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Publius Ovidius Naso", "round": "Round_02_HSAPQACF1.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "This man published his Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs but was not considering publishing his most famous finding until urged by Charles Lyell. Most of his evidence for his most famous theory had been accumulated on a voyage on the HMS Beagle to the Galapagos Islands, where he studied finches. For 10 points, name this author of The Descent of Man and On the Origin of Species, the originator of the theory or natural selection.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Charles Darwin", "round": "round06.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "The protagonist of this novel detests \"men of measured merriment,\" and goes to college with Fatty Pfaff, who eventually becomes a male midwife. The novel opens with a scene from the life of the title character's great-grandmother, who is excited to go West because \"they's a whole lot of new things I aim to be seeing!\" Its protagonist is modeled after Paul DeKruif, and discovers that the X Principle might prevent bacterial disease, only to learn that D'Herelle has already published the results. The title character belatedly chooses research over fame and wealth when he retreats to the Vermont woods with Terry Wickett. For 10 points, name this novel about an idealistic doctor by Sinclair Lewis.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Arrowsmith", "round": "2009 ACF Regionals - Brandeis + Miami OH A.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regionals", "question": "This battle was preceded by the landing at Pevesney, and it took place at Senlac Hill. This battle was preceded by the defeat of Harald Hardrata at Stamford Bridge. According to the Bayeux Tapestry, one commander at this battle died after getting struck in the eye by an arrow. Two months after this battle, the victor was crowned king in London. For 10 points, name this 1066 battle in which the forces of Harold II were defeated by the Norman forces under William the Conqueror.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Battle of Hastings", "round": "regionals-06.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "T-Party", "question": "This man adapted Psalm 55 into an anthem called Hear My Prayer that gained fame for its final section, \u201cO for the Wings of a Dove\u201d. A piece depicting spinners that is also known as \u201cThe Bee's Wedding\u201d is part of a collection by this man that consists of eight books of anti-programmatic music and also contains three \u201cVenetian Boat Songs\u201d. Another of his works repeatedly uses strings to introduce the \u201cDresden Amen\u201d and ends with an adaptation of \u201cA Mighty Fortress Is Our God\u201d. For 10 points, identify this composer of a \u201cWedding March\u201d for A Midsummer Night's Dream who also wrote Songs without Words and the Reformation, Scottish, and Italian symphonies.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Felix Mendelssohn [or Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy]", "round": "Editors 5 - T Party 2010.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "An obscure story about this man states that he once accidentally dropped some toys into the underworld and sent his friend to get them back, only to have his friend imprisoned there. A woman bakes seven loaves of bread in seven days to show that this man had slept for a week. After taking advice from Utanapishtim, this man is foiled when a snake eats an herb that he found at the bottom of a lake. Said to be two-thirds man and one-third immortal, he slays Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven. For 10 points, name this King of Uruk and friend of Enkidu, the namesake of a Sumerian epic.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Gilgamesh", "round": "Round_09_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 1", "question": "In 1448, residents of this city rebelled against Frederick II Irontooth. One meeting here was convoked by Count Gyula Andrassy and revised the Treaty of San Stefano. Another meeting here established free navigation on the Niger, created the Congo Free State, and sparked the scramble for Africa. In addition to that 1885 conference, this capital of the kingdom of Prussia was divided into four quadrants among the Allies after World War II. For 10 points, name this German city, the location of a wall torn down in 1989.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Berlin", "round": "Round_05_HSAPQACF1.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "Early in life, he composed a poem entitled \u201cThe Feelings of One in Despair,\u201d but soon set about his career with such works as an exhaustive tome recently translated as Universal Right. He begins one work with a \u201cfrontspiece\u201d entitled \u201cThe Idea of the Work,\u201d and spends book one \u201cEstablishing Principles.\u201d That book by this author of The Art of Rhetoric was translated by Jules Michelet and contains a \u201cDiscovery of the True Homer\u201d as well as a distinction between poetic and philosophical wisdom, which transitions into his thesis that all nations pass through ages of gods, heroes, and men. FTP, name this Italian philosopher and historian, author of The New Science.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2007, "answer": "Giambattista Vico (Giovanni Battista Vico)", "round": "2007 ACF Regionals - Brown A.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "The narrator of this work countenances his belief in daimonia by the mention of the 'Prince of Persia' in Daniel and cites the Alexandrian school of Origen and Clement as providing his notion of angels as \"the Economy of the Visible World\", as well as claiming that \"I thought life might be a dream, or I an Angel\" after mentioning \"I used to wish the Arabian Nights were true.\" He recounts a \"humorous revenge\" in which he was placed among \"the least intellectual men\" by Dr. Whately and the narrator speaks of the teachings \"so pure, so beautiful\" of John Keble, though he admits that Keble's intellectual principles merely recast the teachings of Joseph Butler's The Analogy of Religion. This work also recounts involvement in the (*) Oxford movement in sections like \"History of My Religious Opinions from 1839 to 1841\", and this work published in Macmillan's Magazine was a response to Charles Kingsley. Defending its author's conversion to Catholicism from the Anglican church, for 10 points, name this work of John Henry Newman.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Apologia Pro Vita Sua", "round": "Rd07.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "This figure was a close analog of the wind god Ehecatl. Cihuacoatl aided him in grinding up the bones of older races to begin the fifth age of mankind, and this deity either disappeared on a raft of snakes or got exiled by his rival. He jumped onto a funeral pyre, causing his heart to become the morning star, after being tricked by Tezcatlipoca. Often conflated with the Mayan Kukulcan, this god's twin brother was the dog-headed skeletal psychopomp Xolotl (sho-LOT-tul), and he was the son of either Coatlicue by herself or Mixcoatl and Xochiquetzal (sho-chi-KET-zal). For 10 points, name this Atzec sky god, often depicted as a plumed serpent, not to be confused with Hernan Cortes.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Quetzalcoatl [accept Quetzalcohuatl; don't accept \u201cQuetzalcoatlus\u201d because that's a pterosaur]", "round": "ACF Fall 2008 - UCLA A + Missouri State + J.S. Reynolds.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "One character on this series forces another to play Yahtzee with her before sharing advice. This show's title sequence includes scenes of two women praying, an adult baptism, and the disintegration of a fox into flies. This show is based on a series of books by Charlaine Harris. In this show's second season, one character infiltrates the Order of the Sun after the disappearance of Godric, the sheriff of Area Nine. Characters in this show include the maenad Maryann who is finally killed by the shape shifter Sam Merlotte after she takes control of the town of Bon Temps, Louisiana. For 10 points, name this HBO series about the telepathic barmaid Sookie Stackhouse and the vampire Bill Compton.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "True Blood", "round": "2009 ACF Fall edited - Yale B + Northwestern A.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "HSAPQ NASAT Tryout Set", "question": "The final ruler of this civilization was held at the so-called \"Ransom Room\" before being suffocated to death. This empire's downfall came after its royal procession was ambushed at the Battle of Cajamarca (KAH-hah-MAR-kah). The ruler of this civilization was known as Sapa. Its semi-legendary first ruler was Manco Capac. It ruled from the Kingdom of Cuzco until its final ruler, Atahualpa (AHT-ah-HWALL-pah), was captured. For 10 points, name this civilization that built the mountain fortress of Macchu Picchu and was conquered by Francisco Pizarro.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "the Incans [or Kingdom of Cuzco before it is read]", "round": "nasat-tryout-history.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 27, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "The protagonist of this work deals with a cramp in his hand as he attempts to cut up dolphin meat at the end of an eighty-four day unlucky streak. At the end of this work, two people in Pedrico\u2019s caf\u00e9 observe the title character dreaming of lions on a beach. The title character of this work raves about \u201cthe great DiMaggio\u201d to his apprentice Manolin. He tries to fight off sharks as they consume the huge marlin he has caught off the coast of Cuba. For 10 points, name this novel about a fisherman named Santiago by Ernest Hemingway.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "The Old Man and the Sea", "round": "25.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "Princeton Buzzerfest", "question": "William Hulton sent the orders to George L'Estrange that eventually led to this, and his choice of his second-in-command to carry this out may have made matters worse. John Knight was arrested for his presence here, even though he did not actually fulfill his purpose for attending before he was arrested by troops led by Hugh Birley, who might have been drunk. This incident also led to the founding of what is now The Guardian newspaper, as well as inspired a poem that imputes Castlereagh with Murder and Lord Eldon with Fraud, Percy Shelley's The Masque of Anarchy. What was this event in which fifteen people were killed after cavalry charged into a rally led, for 10 points, by Henry Hunt for parliamentary reform, held in Manchester in 1819?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Peterloo Massacre [accept Battle of Peterloo or reasonable equivalents involving St. Peter's Field]", "round": "Editors2.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "This relation was discovered by Irving Fisher in the 1920s, thirty-two years before its namesake published his work on it. The New Classical version of it was developed by Robert Lucas. Robert Solow and Paul Samuelson showed that this it applied to the United States. It was criticized by Edmund Phelps and Milton Friedman, who argued that it could not hold in the long run. This relation, which is similar to Okun's law, came under increasing attack in the 1970s due to stagflation. For 10 points, identify this curve in economics that gives an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Phillips curve", "round": "2009 ACF Fall edited - RPI + MSU A.doc"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Districts", "question": "One tributary of this river drains the Khorat Plateau. That tributary is the Mun. The Khone Falls blocks prevents navigating this river into one country. The Za Qu River is its primary source. This river is home to an exceptionally large species of giant catfish. Tonl\u00e9 Sap drains into this river. Phnom Penh is located along this river which makes up the border between Thailand and Laos. For 10 points, name this large river of southeast Asia whose delta is in Vietnam.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Mekong River", "round": "districts-07.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "Minnesota Open", "question": "Until displaced by the House of Gonzaga, members of this dynasty ruled the territory of Montferrat for two centuries. One ruler of this dynasty ordered the assassination of Roger de Flor and the massacre of his Catalan Company, who previously served this house. One story says the final emperor of this dynasty was turned into marble and is sleeping in a cave near the Golden Gate until his future awakening. One member of this dynasty, (*) Manuel II, was the only ruler in the empire's history to visit England, meeting with Henry IV. The founder of this dynasty helped fund Aragon's campaigns during the Sicilian Vespers. This dynasty took power after the defeat of Baldwin II, ending the Latin Empire founded after the Fourth Crusade. For10 points, name this Byzantine dynasty founded by Michael VIII, which under Constantine XI saw the 1453 fall of Constantinople.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "House of Palaeologus", "round": "Round 08 - Chicago C.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "TJ NAREN", "question": "During his reign, William III of Orange and Emperor Leopold I formed the League of Augsburg to further the balance of power against his country, later known as the Grand Alliance, and during his childhood under the regency of Anne of Austria, power was held by Cardinal Mazarin. A proponent of rule by divine right, this figure protected writers like La Fontaine by becoming patron of the Academie Francaise, and he moved his court from the Louvre Palace to the newly-built Palace at Versailles. For 10 points, name this longest-serving French ruler who proclaimed that \"he was the state\" known as the \"Sun King\".", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Louis XIV of France [prompt on \"Louis\", accept Sun King before it is read]", "round": "Round 6.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "This man led William Jenkins Worth's men down La Veronica Causeway before he was wounded at the Battle of Chapultepec. He was promoted after the wounding of Joseph Johnston at Seven Pines. At Harper's Ferry, he captured John Brown. This man won the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Second Bull Run while commanding the Army of Northern Virginia. For 10 points, name this General-in-Chief of the Confederate forces during the American Civil War.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Robert Edward Lee", "round": "round08.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 3", "question": "Members of this state won the Grass Fight during the successful siege of Bexar. This state's bloodiest Indian war ended with Buffalo Hump's loss at the Battle of Plum Creek. The burning of Vince's Bridge by Deaf Smith in this state began a battle that avenged those massacred in this state at (*) Goliad. It was led by politicians like Mirabeau Lamar and Stephen F. Austin. For 10 points, name this state that won its independence from Mexico at the Battle of San Jacinto and was subsequently governed by Sam Houston.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Texas", "round": "Round_11_HSAPQACF3.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "Chitin", "question": "This theory assumes the existence of Cladogenesis, but not anagenesis, and it rejects the idea of saltation. It was first said to have been introduced by Ernst Mayr's work, and it is based on allopatric speciation. A special case of phyletic gradualism, much controversy exists over the rate at which evolution occurs in this theory. For 10 points, identify this theory proposed by Niles Eldridge and Stephen Jay Gould, which states that evolution occurs in short, rapid bursts.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "punctuated equilibrium", "round": "Round 11 - UMN 4.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "This play's third act features a discussion of the \u201cnew small talk\u201d after one character uses the phrase \u201cdone her in,\u201d referring to an aunt who died of influenza after shots of gin healed her diptheria. In Act II, the housekeeper Mrs. Pearce helps a girl get dressed in a Japanese kimono, while her father Alfred petitions another character for money. It begins with two figures who pass a rainstorm in (*) Covent Garden by identify the origin of each person's accent. The main female character eventually marries Freddy Hill after the protagonist's bet with Colonel Pickering leads him to give that flower girl elocution lessons. For 10 points, name this play in which Henry Higgins tutors Eliza Doolittle, written by George Bernard Shaw.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Pygmalion", "round": "Round 8.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "One general event of this type was depicted as a hirsute man inside a demon's flaming mouth below a lion with the head of a British monarch in an illustration in the Biblia Paupernun. Another example of this event was caused by the beginning of the Little Ice Age and led to a lack of resistance to the Black Death, while another was exacerbated by absentee landlords and began when Phytopthora infestans crossed the Atlantic. For 10 points, name these catastrophic events, one of which lasted from 1845 to 1852 in Ireland and was caused by potato blight.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "gigantic famines [do not accept potato famines, since the first two are not that]", "round": "Round 2.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "An architecture firm originating in this country designed the Vodol chair as well as the UFA Cinema Center and an extension for the Akron Art Museum.\u00a0 An architect from this country designed the Haas Haus and the Museum Abteiburg.\u00a0 In addition to the firm Coop Himmelblau and Hans Hollein, this country was home to an architect who created the Goldman and Salatsch building, the Steiner house, and the Paris home of Tristan Tzara as well as writing the manifesto Ornament and Crime.\u00a0 That man, Adolf Loos, was opposed to a movement in this country's capitol that was headquartered in a building topped by a gold leaf dome and was known as the city's namesake \u201cSecession.\u201d\u00a0 That movement from this country produced the Beethoven Frieze and was led by a man who painted figures covered with squares and circles in The Kiss.\u00a0 For 10 points, name this home of Gustav Klimt as well as composers like Franz Schubert and Johann Strauss.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Austria", "round": "2010 - ACF Regionals - CMU+Harvard.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "EFT", "question": "This artist's\u00a0Ecce Homo was commissioned with Cigoli's and Passignano's by Cardinal Massimo, who earlier commissioned his paintings depicting a \u201cCrowning with Thorns.\u201d A bunch of Utrecht painters, including Hendrick Terbrugghen, formed a group named after him. A Jesus dressed in red appears in one of his works, which shows Cleophas rising from his chair and Peter outstretching his arms. Another work by him shows an open window at the top with light streaming from the side and a man with a red sleeve pointing towards the titular tax collector. For 10 points, identify this Chiaroscuro master known for pieces like Supper at Emmaus and The Calling of St. Matthew.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio\u00a0", "round": "Round 14 updated.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 27, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "In this work, the young Wally dies of a burst appendix on a Boy Scout trip and the milkman Howie Newsome appears each morning in each act. The drunken Simon Stimson is the subject of much gossip and eventually hangs himself in his attic, becoming a member of the group of dead souls in the local cemetery. The group is joined by Emily Webb, who dies in childbirth after marrying George Gibbs. For 10 points, name this play in which the Stage Manager describes the town of Grover's Corners to the audience, a work of Thornton Wilder.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Our Town", "round": "Round_13_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "Although it is not Sparta, the ancestors of this city's aristocratic families were known as the Sparti. Amphion and Zethus built the walls of this city, which was named after the wife of Zethus. One queen of this city blinded herself after realizing she had married her son; that son had solved the riddle of the Sphinx to become king of the city. One son of Jocasta and Oedipus (EH-duh-pus), Polynices (PO-lee-NEE-sez), recruited six other heroes to help him regain the throne of this city from his brother Eteocles. For 10 points, name this city in Boeotia (be-O-sha) against which seven fought.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Thebes", "round": "4q2-15.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Mahfouz Memorial Lit", "question": "A character that committed suicide in a later work of this work's author was described in this work as having \u201cthe melancholy air and intellectual abstraction of a Hamlet\u201d. The title character, once seen \u201ca-talking to a jaybird\u201d, enjoys listening to a song about \u201cthe Arethusa, Seventy-four\u201d sung by the sailor \u201cMan-o'-War Jack\u201d. A \u201cnoted wag\u201d named \u201cBoston\u201d arranges a satire of a church service in this work, but that is stopped when [?] Stumpy declares himself godfather and christens the title character \u201cThomas\u201d. This story ends when a flood kills both Kentuck and the title character, who'd been nursed by a donkey. For 10 points, identify this story in which Cherokee Sal dies while giving birth to the title character, a work of Bret Harte.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "\u201cThe Luck of Roaring Camp\u201d [RC]", "round": "FINALS.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "Geraldine Murphy recently edited together an unfinished novel by this man, a sequel to a work about Arthur and Nancy Croom's struggle with communism. One of his nonfiction works notes the irrational tension between Jane Austen's admirers and detractors and also claims that when he reads The Wasteland, the poem reads him and finds him dull. Another notes the historical differences between two words loosely meaning \u201cto stay true to oneself,\" while his most famous volume critiques the Kinsey Report's contrast of \u201cnatural\u201d and \u201cnormal,\u201d favors (*) Henry James over Theodore Dreiser, and wonders if its title entity is viable given the conservatism of most major modernists. For 10 points, name this New York Intellectual and author of Beyond Culture, Sincerity and Authenticity, and The Liberal Imagination.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Lionel Trilling", "round": "Rd09.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "This author expressed his love for his future wife Elizabeth Boyle in his sonnet sequence Amoretti. He never finished an allegory in which Duessa represents the Catholic Church, Britomart represents chastity, and Gloriana represents Queen Elizabeth I. His namesake stanza consists of eight lines of iambic pentameter followed by an alexandrine. For 10 points, name this sixteenth-century British poet of The Faerie Queene.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Edmund Spenser", "round": "26.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Districts", "question": "This biome (\"BYE\"-ohme) has a distinct wet and dry climate pattern, with a dry winter, and an annual mean temperature above 64 degrees Fahrenheit. Ungulates (UN-gyoo-lets), or hoofed mammals, and other grazers are the primary animals in this biome, which is dominated by grass and shrubs. For 10 points, name this biome found adjacent to tropical rainforests, such as the Serengeti (SAIR-en-\"getty\").", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "tropical savanna", "round": "districts-06.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "Objects near the center of this structure are subject to the \u201cparadox of youth.\u201d Bertil Lindblad attempted to explain the dynamics of this structure. It is the nearest object to which the Lin-Shu density wave theory applies. The center of this structure is visible through Baade's Window. The portion of the sky obscured by this structure is called the Zone of Avoidance. The massive radio source called Sagittarius A-Star is located in the center of this structure, which is a member of the Local Group that will eventually collide with Andromeda. For 10 points, name this spiral galaxy in which you currently reside.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "the Milky Way Galaxy", "round": "MUT 2010 - Minnesota 5 - Done.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "Delta Burke", "question": "One origin tale for this figure has it that his father was warned that a baby born on May Day would kill him, so he and all other May Day babies were sent away on a ship that sunk, though this figure survived. Depending on the tale, he was born of his father's rape of his mother or because his mother disguised herself as his father's wife. He fulfills the prophecy by killing his father at the Battle of Camlann, though he is also killed. Born variously of Morgause or Morgan le Fay, FTP who is this illegitimate son and slayer of King Arthur?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Mordred or Modred or Merdraut", "round": "DB 2010 round 13.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 16", "question": "One of this man's works ends with a defiant choral rendition of \"Schema Yisroel\" and is titled A Survivor from Warsaw. Theodor Adorno championed the work this man, author of the essay \"Brahms The Progressive.\" His wrote a string sextet based on a Richard Dehmel poem, and portrayed a pantomime character using sprechstimme in another work. His students include (*) Anton Von Webern and Alban Berg. For 10 points, name this composer of Transfigured Night and Pierrot Lunaire, who founded the Second Viennese School and developed the twelve-tone system.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Arnold Schoenberg", "round": "14.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "T-Party", "question": "One form of this technique used for monolayers adhered to metal substrates is called polarization-modulation-this, and another minimizes sample preparation and is called DRIFTS. Modes only give peaks in this technique if they change a molecule's dipole moment, and samples for this technique may be ground into a mull with nujol or placed between potassium bromide salt plates. Two normal modes of acid anhydrides appear around eighteen hundred wavenumbers in this technique, which features a muddled \u201cfingerprint region.\u201d For 10 points, name this form of spectroscopy that relies on a wavelength just longer than visible light.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "IR spectroscopy", "round": "Editors 5 - T Party 2010.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 11", "question": "This President became embroiled in the Travelgate controversy early in his presidency. The Americorps program was created during this man's administration. This signer of the Brady Bill oversaw the military's adoption of the (*) \"Don't Ask Don't Tell\" policy and presided over military actions in Bosnia and Somalia. This President was hampered by the Whitewater Scandal and appointed Madeline Albright as Secretary of State. For 10 points, name this U.S. President who was impeached following an affair with Monica Lewinsky.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "William Jefferson \"Bill\" Clinton [or William Jefferson Blythe III]", "round": "tourn11-05.pdf"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "Chitin", "question": "Ronald Jones discussed labor immobility and this concept in his attempts to expand the Hecksher-Ohlin model.\u00a0 Its formulator recognized that it did not hold for when all means of production are internationally mobile, while Paul Samuelson argued that it was a social-science construct that was both true and non-trivial.\u00a0 It's not the Iron Law of Wages, but it was elucidated in the Essay on the External Corn Trade by David Ricardo.\u00a0 An example of it explains why a man who is the best lawyer and typist in a city is better off only practicing law due to opportunity cost.\u00a0 For 10 points, identify this concept from economics that describes the benefits of trade specialization, less stringent than absolute advantage.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Comparative Advantage", "round": "Round 12 - UMD 4.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "THUNDER II", "question": "The phrase \u201cNulla displicuit meretrix praeter Babylonicam\u201d was used to describe the primary instigator of this event. That figure was acquitted for his actions in this event thanks to the defense of Lord Erskine. Despite attacks on the Sardinian and Bavarian embassies, the proposals supported by the perpetrators of this event were defeated by a vote of 192 to 6. This event saw the arrest and trial of some innocent bystanders at Newgate and the burning of Lord Chief Justice Mansfield's house. This event saw over 60,000 people assemble wearing blue cockades and it used the slogan \u201cNo Popery.\u201d \u00a0This event was a reaction by the Protestant Association to laws that and provided relief to Catholics two years earlier, the Papist Acts. Described in Barnaby Rudge, for ten points, name these 1780 anti-Catholic riots named after a Lord George. \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Gordon Riots", "round": "THUNDER Round 5.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "Fall Kickoff Tournament", "question": "When closed, this triptych shows an Earth still being created but filled with plant life. At the top of the central panel of this work, a mermaid is seen riding on a flying fish while carrying a red fruit on a pole, while a man hugs a giant owl below. In the left panel another owl is seen in the center of a fountain, and in the right panel two ears are pierced and, below that, a bird is seen eating and defecating humans. Giant fruits abound in \u2013 for 10 points \u2013 what triptych that shows God, Adam, and Eve in Heaven and the torments of damnation in Hell, the most famous work of Hieronymus Bosch?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "The Garden of Earthly Delights [accept The Millenium]", "round": "FKT Jonathan Graham.rtf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "A 1962 court decision concerned Daniel Rufeisen\u2019s attempt to perform this action, which was advocated by the group BILU and is often followed by attendance at an ulpan. Operation Magic Carpet enabled this action for some Yemenites, and in the 1980s and \u201990s, this action was undertaken by a group of people from Ethiopia known as the (*) falashas. It is known by a phrase literally meaning \u201cto go up,\u201d \u201cmaking aliyah.\u201d For 10 points, name this action undertaken by Jews who take advantage of the Law of Return by moving to a certain country.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "moving/immigrating to Israel [accept logical equivalents; prompt on a partial answer; accept making aliyah before it is mentioned; accept answers like settling Israel]\u000b<Greenthal>", "round": "Packet 11 - Superplayoffs 1.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 29, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "In this work, Jacinto is seen guarding the opening of a ceremonial cave. Antonio Jose Martinez instigates a revolt of the Taos Indians earlier in this work. Magdalena warns the title character of the evil intentions of her husband Buck Scales and lives with Kit Carson. The lifelong friend of the title character of this work is Father Joseph Vaillant. For 10 points, name this novel centering on Father Jean Marie Latour's experiences in New Mexico, which was written by Willa Cather.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Death Comes for the Archbishop", "round": "4q2-15.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "One forms an alcohol when coupled with a vinyl halide in the Nozaki-Hiyma-Kishi reaction, and the Nef reaction forms one via the acid hydrolysis of a nitroalkane salt. Their Zincke variety forms when the terminal imine group of a pyridine ring is hydrolyzed, while Meyers and Stephen synthesis yields them from oxazines and nitriles. The Tollens reagent forms a silver mirror in their presence, differentiating them from ketones. For 10 points, name these compounds with terminal carbonyl groups, whose simplest member is commonly used for embalming.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "aldehydes", "round": "Round 4.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Chicago Open Arts", "question": "One of this man's buildings overlooks the Williams Dam on the James River in Richmond, VA, and that building was build for Walter Rice. With his son Dion, he designed his \u201cresearch house\u201d on Silver Lake Boulevard that is called the van der Leeuw House. He was depicted alongside Ayn Rand in a Julius Shulman photograph of a house this man designed for Josef von Sternberg. Two Ford Model-A headlights in the stairwell are a distinguishing feature of the house that marked this man's break from Rudolf Schindler. Besides creating the (*) Lovell Health House House, this man also designed the iconic Kaufman Desert House. For 10 points, name this prolific modernist architect of the International Style, who created a bevy of works in Palm Springs and Los Angeles.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Richard Neutra (Jha)", "round": "Lully 2.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "A similar operation named for Hartley was proven not to be faster than this operation in 1987 by Duhamel and Vetterli. A Cunningham sequence of Sophie Germain primes leads to poor performance of this by Rader's algorithm, which works by changing prime lengths into convolutions. The Winograd method allows decimation by several different factors, and is an extension of the Danielson-Lanczos Lemma which allows a problem of length to be replaced by two problems of length N over two. The best known algorithm for it requires a twiddle factor to separate a sum over a certain complex exponential, that algorithm is named for Cooley and Tukey. FTP, name this efficient method to computer a certain discrete transform between time and frequency domain.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Fast Fourier Transform [accept FFT, prompt on Discrete \"Fourier\" Transform]", "round": "PACKET14Magin.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 77, "tournament": "HSAPQ NASAT Tryout Set", "question": "Literature important to adherents of this religion includes biographies of its first leader called Janamsakhis (jah-nahm-sahk-ees). This religion celebrates the martyrdom of figures like Tegh Bahadur with its festivals called Gurpurabs. Followers of this faith worship in Gurdwaras and drink the holy water amrit to be inducted into the khalsa. Some adherents of this faith follow the \u201cFive K's,\u201d which mandate carrying a dagger and covering their uncut hair with a turban. For 10 points, name this Indian religion led in the past by a series of ten gurus.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Sikhism", "round": "nasat-tryout-all.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "Andrew Hale turns down a loan for the protagonist of this work. The protagonist of this work visits widow Homan's store to buy a final bottle of glue to fix a pickle dish broken by a cat. Jotham Powell is hired by this novel's protagonist, who is jealous of Denis Eady before he learns of the affections of his wife's cousin. Set in Starkfield, this novel ends when Zeena fires her cousin, who persuades the protagonist to take a sled ride into an elm tree. For 10 points, name this novel about the title character's love for Mattie Silver, by Edith Wharton.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Ethan Frome", "round": "4q1-15.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "This man wrote Discord Among the Enemy and The Edge of the Sword, and he argued for mechanized warfare and the building of tanks in The Army of the Future. This man was president during student rioting in May 1968. This man became president of his country after a rebellion in Algeria, and was succeeded by Georges Pompidou. For 10 points, name this leader of the Free French during World War II, who later founded the French Fifth Republic.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Charles Andre Joseph Marie de Gaulle", "round": "round08.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "NTV", "question": "An unfinished second version of this painting in the London Tate has only one strap in the subject's dress. The light in this painting is from the right, accentuating the brooch in the subject's hair and both shoulder straps of her dress. That dress is low cut and shows the pale skin of the the titular character. This painting was very unpopular when it was first shown at the Salon in 1884, leading its American painter to leave France. Identify this seven-foot-tall painting of Virginie Gautreau, a work by John Singer Sargent.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Portrait of Madame X", "round": "07 TU.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 10", "question": "This man teamed with Ella Fitzgerald to record an album of songs from Porgy and Bess. This man recorded \u201cHeebie Jeebies\u201d with his band known as \u201cthe Hot Five.\u201d This musician popularized (*) \u201cWhen the Saints Go Marching In.\u201d He sang \u201cI hear babies crying, I watch them grow, they'll learn much more, than I'll never know\u201d in another song. For 10 points, name this New Orleans-based jazz trumpeter nicknamed Satchmo who sang about \u201ctrees of green, red roses too\u201d in \u201cWhat a Wonderful World.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Louis Armstrong", "round": "tourn10-04.pdf"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "One condition is caused when c-myc, [see-mick] an example of these, is translocated close to the enhancer for antibody heavy chains. The first known one was the src gene discovered in RSV. ABT737 targets one of these named bcl2 which inhibits the formation of certain pores during apoptosis. They can be categorized into broad classes such as growth factors, receptor tyrosine kinases, and other signaling GTPases. The two hit-loss of function makes tumor suppressor genes potent, and \u00a0has the same effect as a gain of function mutation in one of these genes. For 10 points, name these genes that cause cancer.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "oncogenes", "round": "Packet 7 - finalized.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "From Here To Eternity", "question": "One person who tried to do this was approached Edmund Neville, and that man was William Parry. John Resley tried to do it, while a certain Francis tried to do this action when it coincided with Henry I's invasion. In addition to the Roberto Ridolfi's collaborators, the Bond of Association was passed after Throckmorton failed to do it, and Gilbert Gifford, John Ballard and Anthony Babbington's conspiracy to do this action led to a certain Scott's death. Francis Walsingham tortured, for ten points, perpetrators of what action that saw the attempted killing of a certain female monarch?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "trying to kill Elizabeth I (accept equivalents, make sure they have the first Elizabeth, not the second.)", "round": "FHTE Finals 1 -- Final Final Final.rtf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 9", "question": "One motif found in this structure is a line of rearing cavalry, which is accompanied in one part by the Peplos scene. The first version of this structure replaced the hekatompedon (HECK-uk-TOMP-eh-don_, and a sculpture housed in its naos is now lost. A (*) cannonball destroyed some sculptures in the south metope (MEH-toe-pay) of this structure, which contained scenes from the Centauromachy (sen-TOR-oh-mock-ee). This structure is part of a complex that also includes the Erechtheum. It was sculpted by Iktinos and Kallikrates (cal-ICK-ruh-teez). For 10 points, name this temple that once included the Elgin marbles and was dedicated to Athena on the Acropolis.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "the Parthenon", "round": "tourn9-01.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 16", "question": "In this work, the nanny Anne-Marie works in a household where macaroons have been banned. After the protagonist of this work returns from dancing a tarantella at a costume ball, her gravely ill husband, a patient of Dr. Rank, furiously berates the protagonist for forging her father\u2019s signature to finance a trip they took to Italy for his recovery. As a result, they are blackmailed by (*) Krogstad. For 10 points, name this Henrik Ibsen play that ends with Torvald\u2019s wife, Nora Helmer, slamming the door as she walks out on him.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "A Doll\u2019s House [or Et Dukkehjem]", "round": "06.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "This country was home a group of painters known as the Wanderers. One artist from this country depicted a maid holding a doorknob and old woman rising in surprise as her gaunt son returns from political exile in the painting They Did Not Expect Him. An artist from this country wrote the treatise Concerning the Spiritual in Art, and another created a poster in which the word \u201cKLINOM\u201d appears above the title geometric figure, which is \"beating\" the \"whites.\" This country was home to an artist who cast his lot with the Donkey's Tail and Jack of Diamonds movements before painting White on White and founding Suprematism. El Lissitzky is from this country, which spawned the movement of Constructivism. For 10 points, name this country, home to Kasimir Malevich, Ilya Repin, and Wassily Kandinsky.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Russia [or the Russian Federation; do not accept or prompt on \"Soviet Union\" or \"USSR\"]", "round": "3.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "A short-lived communist republic was declared in this now defunct nation after it was invaded by Bela Kun. This country was home to the Charter 77 to protect against rights violations after one leader in this former nation declared the creation of \u201csocialism with a human face.\u201d Alexander Dubcek [DOOB-CHECK] was forced out of office after a Soviet invasion of this country. This nation was forced to give up the Sudetenland to Germany. Split in two by the Velvet divorce, for 10 points, name this former nation which was home to the \u201cPrague Spring\u201d movement.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Czechoslovakia [or Ceskoslovensko; prompt on Czech Republic; prompt on Slovakia]", "round": "4q1-05.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 31, "tournament": "Fall Kickoff Tournament", "question": "The narrator, the Judge, and Yuba Bill meet the paralyzed Jim in this man's short story Miggles, and the title character of another work attends his friend's trial and execution after returning to Sandy Bar. In addition to Tennessee's Partner and The Idyll of Red Gulch, this man collaborated with Mark Twain on Ah Sin and wrote a short story in which Uncle Billy, Mother Shipton, the Duchess, and John Oakhurst are the title characters. For 10 points, identify the author of The Luck of Roaring Camp and The Outcasts of Poker Flat.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Francis Bret Harte", "round": "FKT 2010 Jarret FINAL.rtf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "BATE", "question": "One can use this equation to derive Luke's variational principle, an equation used to model behavior on the surface. \u00a0Velocity can be calculated when applying it to measurements taken with a Pitot tube. \u00a0When the fluid is\u00a0compressible\u00a0the specific heat of the fluid must be taken into account, but it becomes much simpler when the fluid is incompressible like water. \u00a0An application of it allows boats to travel faster than the wind pushing their sails, as the sail can be used to create a pressure gradient. \u00a0FTP, name this equation important to hydrodynamics, used to describe fluid flow, named for a Swiss mathematician.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Bernoulli's equation or Bernoulli's principle", "round": "Round 4.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "Entering a code for this game in MechWarrior II causes it to claim \u201cThis ain't [this game], bub!\u201d and self-destruct the player's mech. It ends with the prominent image of a decapitated rabbit for which revenge will be taken in the sequel; that sequel, subtitled Hell on Earth, secretly has the head of a programmer on a stick as its final boss. Modifications could be made by .WAD file editors but built-in cheat codes include idspispopd for no clipping and idkfa for all weapons including the chainsaw, rocket launcher, and BFG-9000. Billed as \u201cWolfenstein on steroids,\u201d it would itself be followed by Quake. FTP, name this classic game by id Software in which you control a lone space marine on a Martian base overrun by the damned.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2006, "answer": "Doom", "round": "Florida State - Harvard A - Yale.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "The last name's the same. One man with this surname, a senator from Minnesota, prompted Lyndon Johnson to decline to seek a second term due to his strong performance in the 1968 New Hampshire primary. Another man with this last name claimed that Secretary of the Army Robert Stevens attempted to cover up evidence of espionage. That man's downfall was caused in part by Joseph Welch's questioning of this man before a congressional hearing, as well as Edward Murrow's expos\u00e9 on this man on the television show See it Now. For 10 points, give the last name of the senator from Wisconsin who led an anti-communist crusade in the early 1950s before being censured by the Senate.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "McCarthy", "round": "Round_08_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "St. Anselms and Torrey Pines", "question": "One ruler of this city was the son of the Alcmaeonid Megacles, and that son overthrew the son of the tyrant Pisistratus. This city\u2019s appeals court was held at the Areopagus, and the splitting of the phyles into trittyes and demes in this city was performed under the reforms of [*] Cleisthenes. This city-state led the victory at the Battle of Salamis against Xerxes\u2019s Persian army in the Greco-Persian Wars, and it led the Delian League against its archrival in the Peloponnesian War. For 10 points, name this ancient Greek city-state, Sparta\u2019s rival and the birthplace of democracy.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Athens", "round": "Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "Cimon received a command to retrieve this man's bones from Scyros, where he fled during an uprising led by Menestheus. A man who met him trying to steal his cattle, Pirithous, aided him in stealing Helen, and they were both imprisoned in Hades for trying to capture Persephone. He killed a man who tore people apart by tying them to pine trees and a man who cut or stretched people to fit his bed. He also received twine from Ariadne so he would not get lost in the labyrinth. For 10 points, name this Athenian king who killed Sinis, Procrustes, and the Minotaur.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Theseus", "round": "Round_07_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "THUNDER II", "question": "The early rule of this man saw the rebellion of Scribonianus in Dalmatia and \u201cThe Letter to the Alexandrians\u201d defined this man's policy of tolerance towards Jews. This man's sister, Livillia, married Gaius Caesar and may have killed her own son at the behest of Sejanus. Pallas advised this man to marry his last wife after he had executed his third wife for her mock marriage to the consul, Gaius Silius. Pallas, along with Polybius and Narcissus were among the several freedmen in this man's retinue. Tutored as a child by Livy, this man authored now-lost histories of the Etruscans and the Carthaginians. This emperor's most famous military campaign saw a victory at Medway by Aulus Plautius and resulted in a parade at Colchester. Probably poisoned by his fourth wife, Agrippina, for ten points, name this stuttering Roman emperor, who conquered Britain and succeeded Caligula.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus", "round": "THUNDER Round 7.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "St. Anselms and Torrey Pines", "question": "This band wrote the songs \u201cAstronomy Domin\u00e9\u201d and \u201cSet the Controls for the Heart of the Sun,\u201d which appear on The Piper at the Gates of Dawn and A Saucerful of Secrets. This band calls the title creatures \u201ccharades\u201d (shuh-RAHDS) in their song \u201cPigs (Three Different Ones).\u201d Before writing the album Animals, this band expressed sympathy for former member Syd Barrett in \u201cShine on You Crazy Diamond.\u201d The sound of an airplane crash ends their song \u201cOn the Run,\u201d which appears on the same album as \u201cMoney.\u201d Best known for an album with a prism on its cover, for 10 points, name this progressive band that created Wish You Were Here and Dark Side of the Moon.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Pink Floyd", "round": "Sample Packet.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "One deviation from this ideal system is mathematically described by an equation that includes a term\n proportional to the cube of position, where the proportionality constant is less than zero in the \"soft\" case.\n That equation is the Duffing equation. Another deviation from this ideal system is mathematically\n described by an equal that includes a term proportional to the time derivative of position, where the\n proportionality constant is known as the damping coefficient. This system itself is described by a\n second-order differential equation formed by equating Newton's Second Law and Hooke's Law. For 10\n points, sinusoidal motion is typical of what kind of system exemplified by pendulums and\n masses-on-springs?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "simple harmonic oscillator [or SHO; or simple harmonic motion; or SHM; or mass-on-a-", "round": "08.pdf"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "SACK", "question": "This concept is a feature of matching models, in which it gives mathematical meaning to intuitive notions of the \u201cthick market,\u201d where the benefits of trading are greater the larger the number of potential counter-parties with whom to trade. One well-known application of this concept is Krugman\u2019s 1991 paper entitled \u201c[This concept] and Economic Geography,\u201d in which it is used to explain why economic activity in a sector or industry concentrates in particular locations when locations are identical ex-ante. This concept usually enters models through a fixed cost of production, which along with monopolistic competition gives firms market power and non-zero profits. This concept is in general rejected by data on economy-, industry-, and firm-level production, which produce parameter estimates closer to Cobb-Douglas, so its use is disputed despite that models which assume this are successful. For ten points, what is this economic concept meaning that the marginal cost of production falls as the scale of production increases?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Increasing Returns to Scale (prompt on \u201cReturns to Scale\u201d or \u201cEconomies of Scale\u201d)", "round": "Packet 02.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "Aspects of this religion's dietary plan such as eating raw fruit\u00a0and once-daily meals are outlined by one of its leaders in How to Eat to Live. That leader claimed that the Book of Ezekiel passage about wheels of beryl described a circular flying object made of connecting spheres called the Mother Plane. It holds that an experiment conducted on the island of Patmos by Dr. Yakub created all other people from a \u201cblack seed.\u201d This religion is currently led by Louis Farrakhan, and it originally claimed that the last prophet was not Muhammad but Elijah Muhammad. For 10 points, name this religion, a supposed Muslim sect associated with Elijah Muhammad and Malcom X that advocates Black supremacy.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Nation of Islam [or NOI]", "round": "MUT 2010 - EP Tony - Done.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "The European Union restricted much of this nation's airline fleet and assets from its Bank Sepah in July. Brazil offered amnesty to an Azeri woman accused of adultery in this nation, which began deals with Turkey over facilities such as one in Qom. The defeat of Mir-Hossein Mousavi in this nation's 2009 elections was met with protests. For 10 points, name this aspiring nuclear power led by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Islamic Republic of Iran", "round": "Packet 11.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "This event may have started when a group in Brentwood chased away John Bampton, and it ended with Henry le Despenser's victory over John Litster. One action during this event led to the knighthood of William Walworth. One side in this conflict was responsible for the beheading of Robert Hales and Simon of Sudbury, and that side received support from the priest John Ball. The grievances that caused this event included a Statute of Laborers passed thirty years earlier and a heavy poll tax. For 10 points, name this rebellion that took place in 1381 in England against Richard II, which was led for a time by Wat Tyler and named for the social class that took part in it.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Peasants' Revolt [or Wat Tyler's Rebellion before mention]", "round": "Dorman and Arizona State F.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "He wrote a piece titled La m\u00e8re et l'enfant, originally for piano four hands, and contains a section called \u201cPetite Romance.\u201d He based his Six melodies on poems by Victor Hugo, and his Trio in C minor shows some influence by Beethoven. Arthur Coquard finished this composer's four-act opera La Jacquerie, and this composer also wrote a ballet that contains a \u201cPas des cymbals\u201d and some \u201cDanses marocaines.\u201d One of his operas was based on Schiller's Die Vershw\u00f6rung des Fiesco zu Genua, and another of his operas sees Magared betraying her father's city to Karnac and is based on a Breton legend. He worked with Adolphe Fischer on one of his better known pieces, and another may have anticipated the release of Bizet's Carmen a month later with a first movement habanera. For 10 points, identify this French composer of the ballet Namouna, the operas Fiesque and Le roi d'Ys, and the Cello Concerto in D minor, perhaps best known for a piece dedicated to Sarasate, Symphonie Espagnole.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "\u00c9douard-Victoire-Antoine Lalo", "round": "Packet 14 - Mont Pelerin Society.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "It claims that each instance of the title action forms a society in \"Law\", while the impossibility of loving women because of their current inferiority is put forth in \"Dirt/Death.\" Both of those chapters appear in the third section on \"Power, Status, and Hate, \" and it recounts Gustave Mahler telling Alma to read The Kreutzer Sonata and leaving in its chapter on \"Repulsion.\" The author's novel Ice and Fire was published a year earlier and is a fictional explication of this book's themes. It decries how the title act is seen as \"occupation\" and claims the title act is a synonym for (*) violation. For 10 points, name this horrifying and ridiculous book about having sex, a work by Andrea Dworkin. [Shantanu]", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Intercourse", "round": "Round 05.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "The fourth section includes a lusty tavern song that was originally intended for voice but is usually played by a wind instrument and is set against a backdrop of sleighbells. The second section, which features a dark melancholy theme, is typically played by a double bass or the saxophone. Beginning with an offstage fanfare for cornet, its fifth and final part, \u201cThe Internment,\u201d ends with a muted trumpet, but is preceded by melodies from the other movements recalling the titular figure's career. Due to translation issues, it was originally released in the United States as the score to a film by Alexander Feinzimmer called The Czar Wants to Dance. For 10 points, identify this satirical work about a non-existent soldier, a suite by Sergei Prokofiev.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Lt. Kije Suite", "round": "r18- Editors 4.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "A major primary source of this event is the \u201crelation\u201d of Lion Gardiner, who fired on a group of vessels despite the presence of Abraham Swain's daughters. Prior to this conflict, the ransom of Tatobem's corpse prompted the retaliatory murder of John Stone, and it saw John Mason immolate hundreds of civilians in an action that failed to kill its target Sassacus, who was with a Niantic raiding party. This conflict began after John (*) Oldham was murdered on his way to Block Island and ended after the \u201cGreat Swamp Fight\u201d near Fairfield. The Mystic Massacre occurred during this conflict, which was ended by the Treaty of Hartford. The Narragansett joined the Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth colonies in, for 10 points, what conflict that practically exterminated the namesake Indian tribe?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Pequotyo War", "round": "Round 18.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "This composer\u2019s incidental music to Under the Ramparts of Athens uses a major third to represent the columns of the Parthenon. In another work by this composer, moral commentary is given by the nursery rhymes of Coraline and Sylvia, and Valentine tells the audience that they can \u201creclaim their roles at the coat check.\u201d That opera\u2019s title translates to \u201cThere once was a little ship,\u201d and this composer also used some themes from it in her \u201cOutdoor Sonata\u201d for winds and piano. This composer of a Concertino for piano, flute, and orchestra used a libretto by Paul Valery for Cantate de Narcisse, and she wrote a quadrille and the \u201cWaltz of the Telegrams\u201d for Les mari\u00e9s de la Tour Eiffel. FTP, name this composer who wrote \u201cThe Knight\u2019s Farewell\u201d in memory of Francis Poulenc, a fellow member of Les Six.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Germaine Tailleferre [n\u00e9e Germaine Taillefesse]", "round": "PACKET06Surya.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "This novel's protagonist sees paratroopers shoot two women carrying babies in fighting near Phat Diem. This novel's protagonist remarks that \u201cyou can't blame the innocent...all you can do is control or eliminate them\u201d in reference to a figure in this novel who is a believer in the theories of York Harding. The protagonist spends an evening in a watch tower with this novel's title figure, who saves his life after they run out of gas on a trip with him to a Cao Dai compound. Vigot later investigates the death of this novel's title figure after the protagonist realizes he asked his lover to stay away from a town square which sees a boming; the protagonist then orders the title figure's killing by the Vietminh. For 10 points, name this Graham Greene novel which sees the British journalist Fowler compete for the affections of the Vietnamese girl Phuong with the title figure, whose real name is Alden Pyle.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "The Quiet American", "round": "2010 - Chicago Open - Round 09 - Academicus Anemicus.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "This philosopher's last major work salutes \"every fine genius\" and \"those who have added new sciences\" over \"fine society\" in a section titled \"Considerations by the Way.\" His position that \"he who does a good deed is instantly ennobled\" was later expanded into a work reflecting on a sermon about how \"the wicked are successful\" and \"the good are miserable,\" \"Compensation.\" He wrote that \"new views are ... but the very oldest of thoughts\" in an 1842 work named for his school of philosophy, and also wrote an essay which advises \"Trust thyself.\" For 10 points, name this transcendentalist, the author of philosophical essays like \"Experience,\" \"Nature\" and \"Self-Reliance.\"", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Ralph Waldo Emerson", "round": "2009 ACF Regionals - Orth-Bentley.doc"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "An ancient archaeological site in this modern-day country is a complex network of two-rut tracks named after the London rail station Clapham Junction. Another archaeological site in this country's Xaghra plateau was destroyed after being excavated by Otto Bayer, and survives only in drawings by Charles de Brochtroff, while its Ggantija Temple is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Margaritus of Brindisi was the first Count of this place. The storming of Fort St. Elmo was one of the key actions in the \u201cgreat siege\u201d of this place by a group that settled here at the behest of Charles V, and this archipelago contains Comino and Gozo. For 10 points, name this place where the Knights Hospitaller battled the Turks after failures at Rhodes and Cyprus, with a modern-day capital at Valletta.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Republic of Malta", "round": "r06- Minnesota A.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "Collaborative MS Tournament", "question": "The density of objects drops to almost zero at this region's namesake cliff. Most of the objects found here are called cubewanos (\u201cKYOO-bee-WAHN-ohs\u201d). The Oort cloud ends at the beginning of this region's elliptic. For 10 points, identify this area at the edge of the solar system that houses thousands of short period comets, Eris, and Pluto.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "MS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Edgeworth-Kuiper belt [or Edgeworth-Kuiper Disc]", "round": "CMST_Round03.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "At one point, this literary character meets a man looking for flowers, who boasts of a happy time in his life spent in the madhouse. This character forms a relationship with a woman called \u201cMiss B,\u201d but her aunt and societal pressures force the couple to break up. Near the end of the novel in which he appears, this character reads of the fates of people like Salgar and Morar. This occurs during his recitation off a poem by Ossian to his love. He is friends with Albert, but is enchanted with his friend\u2019s wife, Charlotte. This character\u2019s eventual suicide with a pistol reportedly kicked off waves of copycats throughout Europe. For 10 points, name this title character whose \u201csorrows\u201d were described in an epistolary novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Young Werther [accept Werthers]", "round": "Packet 6 - finalized.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "One of these works had its genesis when their artist told a friend to come over in evening dress and a pink domino and had him stand in front of a pinkish gray hanging. Another work in this genre is a portrait of Comte Robert de Montesquiou-Fezensac, and they include a peculiarly dark painting subtitled \u201cThe Fur Coat\u201d as well as a portrayal of Sir Henry Irving as Philip II of Spain. Also including portraits of Miss Rosa Corder, Arthur Jerome Eddy, and Theodore Duret, the most famous of these works was so adored by Thomas Carlyle that he had himself painted in the same pose. That painting was one of them in \u201cblack and grey.\u201d For 10 points, name this genre of works, the most famous of which is subtitled The Artist's Mother.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "James Abbott McNeill Whistler's Arrangements [prompt on Whistler's portraits or just Whistler's works or any reasonable equivalent]", "round": "2010 - Chicago Open - Round 14 - The Gorilla Wrestles With The Superman.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "One generally observes a hypsochromic shift when applying these to systems without planarity, while a bathochromic shift is observed when these are applied to coplanar systems exhibiting ring strain. They are also not very accurate when applied to systems exhibiting considerable branching. Their namesake, along with Moffit, Moscowitz, Klyne, and Djerassi published the \"octant rule,\" which were correlations between the ORD (*)\u00a0spectra of saturated ketones and their structures, and 5 nm are added for exocyclic double bonds according to them. They assign a value of 217 nanometers for conjugated dienes and , thus making them useful for predicting the wavelength of peak absorption for a chromophore in UV-Vis spectroscopy. For 10 points, identify this set of rules, which are sometimes also named for the people who categorized them, Mary and Louis Fieser.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Woodward's rules [or\u00a0Woodward-Feiser\u00a0rules]", "round": "Packet 14 - Mont Pelerin Society.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "Johannes Brahms composed a work for solo piano entitled \"Variations and a Fugue on a Theme by\" this man, and in one of his works, a solo tenor sings \u201cthat her iniquity is pardoned\u201d when addressing Jerusalem in \u201cComfort ye, my people.\u201d One of his works, now used at the [*] coronations of his nation's monarchs, is Zadok the Priest; this composer of The Harmonious Blacksmith included the Birth, the Passion, and the Aftermath in his most famous oratorio. For 10 points, name this German-born British composer of Water Music, whose Messiah features the \u201cHallelujah Chorus\u201d.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Georg Frederic Handel [DB-N]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 2 COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "Nordenfelt was an early proponent of these, one of which was responsible for sinking the USS Housatonic. Early prototypes included one which attempted to sink the HMS Eagle. The third one built for the Confederacy was the H.L. Huntley. Robert Fulton was commissioned by Napoleon to build an one of these vessels called the Nautilus, which was also the name of the first nuclear powered one of these. One of them sank the Lusitania. U-Boats are a type of this kind of ship. For 10 points, name these naval vessels which dive underwater and have periscopes.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "submarines [prompt on submersibles] <ZZ>", "round": "Round 13.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 8", "question": "One leader of this country made the \"History Will Absolve Me Speech\" after a disastrous attack on the Moncada Barracks. Another leader of this country came to power in the Sergeant's Revolt. Pierre Soule's ploy to purchase this nation was outlined in the (*) Ostend Manifesto. The United States supported this nation's dictator Fulgencio Batista, and had earlier warred with this nation's colonizer after the Maine exploded in its capital's harbor. For 10 points, name this Caribean subject of a long standing US embargo, ruled until recently by Fidel Castro.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Republic of Cuba", "round": "tourn8-01.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "Gaddis II", "question": "[EM] Chen and Shi used this theorem to prove Goldring's conjecture, and the namesakes of this theorem used to to prove a case of the \u201cMobius and nilsequences conjecture\u201d. The proof of this theorem relies on a generalization of the Koopman-von Neumann structure theorem and the Goldston-Yildirim truncated divisor sum. It was extended by one of its namesakes and Ziegler to polynomial progressions, and its namesakes proved a transference principle in order to obtain this result. Its namesakes relied on extending the statement that every subset of the integers 1 through N contains an arithmetic progression of length k, known as Szemerdi's theorem, and this theorem is similar to Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions. For 20 points, name this theorem that states that there exist arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of primes with arbitrary common difference, named for a British and Australian-Chinese mathematician.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Green-Tao\u00a0theorem", "round": "Packet 9.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "Sun n Fun", "question": "A speech given by Omer Talon presaged the first phase of this event. The title of a tract by Pierre Scarron attacking the title figure lends its name to the torrent of abusive publications accompanying this event, sometimes considered the first mass use of the printing press for propaganda. The agreement to nullify the king's letters of cachet as well as the July and October declarations of parliament ended the first phase in the Peace of Rueil. That first phase began in earnest with the arrest of Pierre Broussel for leading anti-tax legislation, leading to the second Day of the Barricades in Paris. Followed by a second phase involving intrigues against the regency of the young king, for 10 points what is this uprising against the policies of Cardinal Mazarin from 1648-53?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Fronde", "round": "Round by Editors 3.docx"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "This work notes \u201cthe pomegranates rise and burst and murmur with the bees\u201d and describes a time \u201cwhen the forest glows with gold and ashen tints.\u201d The narrator calls \u201cO fringes of a placid mere in Sicily,\u201d and discusses \u201cchilly blue eyes...like a fountain in tears.\u201d Its protagonist talks of \u201csucking the gleam of grape-flesh\u201d and imagines Venus across the very slopes of Etna after exclaiming \u201cTry, then, to flower again, organ of flights, malign syrinx.\u201d That character also made \u201cthe thicket steeped in music\u201d by his \u201cflute's outpourings\u201d and \u201cprised apart the tousled wry kisses the gods had so deftly mingled,\u201d spoiling his desire to ravish two nymphs. For 10 points, name this symbolist poem about a mythical beast, a work of St\u00e9phane Mallarm\u00e9 adapted into an orchestral piece by Debussy.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "\u201cAfternoon of a Faun\u201d [or \u201cL'Apr\u00e8s-midi d'un faune\u201d] [SJ]", "round": "Packet_7.doc"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "THUNDER", "question": "This state's Thousand Lake Mountain is located in Fishlake National Forest, and it was the site of the Tintic and Walkara wars, but more significantly a conflict led by Antonga Black Hawk. This state's Uinta Mountains contain Dinosaur National Monument, and its Promontory Summit was the location of the driving in of the Golden Spike which connected the First Transcontinental Railroad. This state was part of the short-lived State of Deseret, and it was the site of the 1857 slaughter of the Baker-Fancher party known as the Mountain Meadows Massacre. This state shares Lake Powell with Arizona, and it is home to the Bonneville Salt Flats as well as Arches National Park. For 10 points, name this US state whose city of Provo is home to Brigham Young University.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "State of Utah", "round": "THUNDER Round 13.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "Chicago Open Arts", "question": "In one of this man's paintings, a figure in black unsheaths a sword next to a large red rug behind a figure kissing a woman in an orange dress as she drops a book. In another, a bearded figure has his arms raised to the left as he watches a nude woman lying on grass next to a putto. This painter of Paolo and Francesca and Jupiter and Antiope depicted one of the founders of Rome raising his fist triumphantly in his Romulus' Victory over Acron. Another of his works shows a figure (*) thrusting a golden lance into the maw of a monster next to a rock upon which a woman is chained. This painter of Roger Freeing Angelica is, however, best known for a nude depiction of a woman with too many vertebrae. for 10 points, identify this painter of La Grande Odalisque.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (Haseeb)", "round": "Lully 3.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "St. Anselms and Torrey Pines", "question": "These compounds are synthesized from aldehydes or ketones in the Strecker synthesis. These compounds\u2019 various conformations can be visualized with a Ramachandran plot. Their base structure consists of an NH3+ group, a COO- group, and an R group. The simplest one has an R group consisting only of a hydrogen atom, [*] glycine, and other examples of these compounds include arginine and tryptophan. These compounds are divided into essential and nonessential groups, and they form peptide bonds with each other to form proteins. For 10 points, name these molecules that contain both an amine and carboxylic acid group.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "amino acids", "round": "Round 8.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "QuAC I", "question": "Due to the Ottoman invasion after the Battle of Mohacs, this city, then known as Pressburg, was named the capital of the Kingdom of Hungary in 1536. In 1740, Maria Theresa was crowned queen at the St. Martin's Cathedral in this city, and under her, this city experienced a golden era, as it became the cultural and social hub of the region before Joseph II took over and relocated the central authorities of the empire to Buda. For 10 points, name this city on the Danube that after the Velvet Divorce in 1993 became the capital of the newly established country of Slovakia.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Bratislava [accept Pressburg before mentioned]", "round": "Round7Final.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "One section in this work claims that the application of mathematical methods to philosophy \"will succeed in only building card-castles.\" One chapter in this work refutes the cosmological and physio-theological arguments, and this work states that the title concept should regulate knowledge rather than constitute it in its first section. This work outlines the three ideas of the world, the thinker, and the being of all beings in one section and introduces the history, discipline, architectonic, and canon of the titular concept in \"Transcendental Doctrines of Method.\" Claiming to be the \"New Copernican\" revolution of philosophy, for 10 points, identify this investigation into synthetic a priori truths, a first of three metaphysical critiques by Immanuel Kant.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Critique of Pure Reason or Kritik der reinen Vernunft", "round": "MUT II - Finals Packet 1 (intended for championship round).doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "This psychologist argued that dividing all women into categories of ones who can satisfy loneliness and ones who can satisfy sexual desire results from collisions between men's need for intimacy and their lust. His student Helen Swick Perry described his phobia of the color blue and his mysterious two-year disappearance from college in her biography of this psychologist, Psychiatrist of America. This psychologist defined a person's ability to minimize anxiety and maximize self-esteem as the \"self-system.\" He distinguished prototaxic, parataxic, and syntaxic modes of experience in his 1953 book The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry. For 10 points, name this American psychoanalyst who collected his studies of schizophrenic patients in Schizophrenia and the Human Process.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Harry Stack Sullivan", "round": "r02- Brandeis.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "MELD", "question": "One author of this surname wrote a short story about a man named Denton awaiting his death at the hands of three men and a machine. That author of this surname recently suggested that euthanasia booths should be placed on street corners, and his most recent novel is The Pregnant Widow. Another author of this surname won the Booker Prize for The Old Devils but is better known for a novel in which James Dixon becomes Gore-Urquhart's private secretary. That author is the father of the author of London Fields and Time's Arrow. For 10 points, give this surname shared by the author of Money, Martin, and the author of Lucky Jim, Kingsley.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Amis", "round": "Packet 07.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "The protagonist of this work accosts Miss Maitland and gives various accounts of the Resurrection to Mr. Shaw while living in Mrs. Jupp's house. In this novel, a game of cards is used to decide which of Mrs. Allaby's five daughters will marry the protagonist's father. The protagonist gives up his inheritance to a man who wishes to found a College of Spiritual Pathology, Pryer, and a speech by Gideon Hawke results in the protagonist joining the Simeonites. The narrator is appointed to guard the protagonist's inheritance by his aunt Alethea. This novel recounts the Calvinist upbringing of a son of Christina and Theobald, who later gives all his money to a drunkard he marries, Ellen. Never published in its author's lifetime, and narrated by Edward Overton, for 10 points, name this bildungsroman about Ernest Pontifex, a novel by Samuel Butler.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "The Way of All Flesh [SJ]", "round": "Packet_11.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "BATE", "question": "The passage of Macon's Bill No. 2 was among the economic factors leading to the outbreak of this conflict, and a confrontation involving the Leopold would motivate public support on one side. James Wilkinson was initially appointed by one side to help prepare for war but was later charged with neglect of duty. One battle saw the forces of Gordon Drummond repulsed by Jacob Brown and Winfield Scott and the latter stages of this conflict saw several delegates meet at the Hartford Convention.\u00a0A\u00a0side conflict to this war\u00a0had a battle featuring the forces of Tecumseh and one of its more notable battles took place after a peace treaty had been signed. FTP, name this war ended by the 1814 Treaty of Ghent and followed by the Battle of New Orleans.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "War of 1812", "round": "Round 6.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "MUT", "question": "A ruler with this first name defeated his brother, Robert Curthose, at the battle of Tinchebray. One ruler with this name lost the Battle of Lewes, resulting in his capture by Simon de Montfort. Another ruler with this name was known as \u201cBeauclerc\u201d for his scholarly pursuits. That ruler with this name saw his son, William Adelin, drown in the White Ship disaster, which eventually led to the succession crisis called the Anarchy. The first ruler to hail from the House of Plantagenet held this name. The second English king with this name was married to Eleanor of Aquitaine and may have given the order to kill Thomas a Becket. For 10 points, give this name held by eight kings of England.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Henry [number and epithet does not matter]", "round": "Packet 10 - finalized.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "RMP Fest", "question": "This deity was honored during the \u201cProcession of Wepwawet\u201d, part of a five-day festival dedicated to this deity and described on the Ikhernofret Stela. What was depicted as growing out of this deity's body, and the most notable shrine to this deity was at Abydos. The Ptolemaic dynasty created a new state god by merging this deity with Apis, and this god was usually depicted holding a crook and flail. His penis was eaten by a fish after he was cut into pieces and thrown into the Nile, but his body was stitched together and resurrected after he was killed by his brother, Seth. For ten points, name this ruler of the Egyptian underworld, the husband of Isis.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Osiris [accept: Aser; Weser]", "round": "Round5.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "This policy was originated by Daniel Fran\u00e7ois Malan, and its legality was questioned at the Rivonia Trial. One demonstration opposing it became the Sharpeville Massacre, and it was the impetus for a fourteen-year arms embargo and for the [*] Soweto Uprising. In 1990, Frederik Willem de Klerk started work on ending this policy, under which affected people were forced into Bantustans. For 10 points, name this policy which caused Blacks and peoples of color to become completely segregated, a South African policy famously protested against by Nelson Mandela.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "apartheid [SR]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 12 [Finals 1] COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "Collaborative MS Tournament", "question": "This artist's statues of a dying slave and a horned Moses were to adorn the tomb of Julius II. His only signed work is one in which Mary holds the dead body of Jesus, entitled Piet\u00e1 (\u201cpee-AY-tuh\u201d). One of his works depicts a nude giant killer holding a sling. This man depicted several scenes from Genesis in The Last Judgement. For 10 points, name this Italian Renaissance painter of the Sistine Chapel ceiling.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "MS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni [accept either]", "round": "CMST_Round05.pdf"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Geography Monstrosity 2", "question": "Eli Jennings established a plantation on Swains Atoll, an island north of this group of islands. The mythology of natives on these islands includes a storm god named Afa and a spirit god named Atua. The western most of these islands is Tau, while a more populous island is Upolu. Native inhabitants of these islands use a chieftain system called the Fa'amatai. Mount Vaea overlooks the largest city on these islands, home to the burial site of (*) Robert Louis Stevenson. One country found among these islands has its capital at ? Apia; a territory here has its capital at Pago Pago. For 10 points, name this group of Pacific islands that includes \u201cWestern\u201d and \u201cAmerican\u201d sections.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Samoan islands", "round": "GM2 round1.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 23, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "One character in this novel cries after the horse Frou-Frou breaks its back during a race against Gladiator. One scene in this novel sees the forceful eviction of Veslovsk. In another, the wife of the philandering Stiva encourages the match between the shy Konstantin Levin and Kitty. This novel opens with the line \"Happy families are all alike\" and sees the title character abandon her family, despite an \"evil omen,\" for the horseman Vronsky. For 10 points, name this novel whose protagonist commits suicide by jumping in front of a train, written by Leo Tolstoy.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Anna Karenina", "round": "4q1-08.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "TJ NAREN", "question": "Organisms with the coenocytic type resemble plasmodial slime molds, since they are formed by repeated mitosis without cytokinesis. They may form rings to trap and feed on prey, and Haustoria are a parasitic type that take nutrients from plants without penetrating their cell membranes. Ascomycetes use specialized ones, conidiophores, to reproduce, and the arbuscular type grows in response to low soil phosphorus levels and forms mycorrhizae with plants. Cells in the more common type of them are separated by walls through which organelles can pass, known as septa. Forming the mycelium, name, for 10 points, these filaments with chitinous cell walls that make up the bodies of fungi.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "hyphae", "round": "Round 8.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "According to this people, the god Kiaklo, who imparts all myths to this people, dug his own eyes out after he tried to seduce his sister Siwiluhsitsa, though he regained sight from the light of the fire god Shulawitsi. This people shares Paiteyuma, the clown companion of the sun, with the neighboring Keresan peoples, and one of their myths blames the incest among members of the Corn Clan for a great flood. Another tale of this people holds that death remains in the world because a youth could not stop himself from touching his wife, after she was brought from the Lake of the Dead for him by the owl people, and the existence of winter is attributed to Coyote's curiosity drove him to open the box containing the sun and the moon allowing them to fly away. In one creation myth attributed to this people, all living creatures were trapped in the womb of the Earth Mother, until she, taking the form of a woman, visited her own surface and was assured of nature's ability to sustain them. That myth was dubiously recorded by Frank Cushing, who wrote several works on this people after living with them for five years, and like other tribes of their region, they are known for their kachina\u00a0cult. For 10 points, name this Puebloan people of New Mexico, whose mythology is the title subject of a work by Ruth Benedict.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Zuni", "round": "2010 - Chicago Open - Round 15 - Autobiography of a Lungworm.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "One figure of this name is the sibling of Dag and Sigr\u00fan, and was slain at the Battle of Frekastein. Another figure of this name is the son of H\u00e1lfdan the Old, but the best known figure with this name offers an arm ring, sword, and horse to Loki and is accused of killing his wife's (*) brother. That figure has runes carved on his tongue, is married to I\u00f0unn, and welcomes newcomers to Valhalla. Oaths are sworn on the cup of, for 10 points, what Norse god of poetry?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Bragi", "round": "13_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "This story's younger character gains his curiosity into the title entities after their owner suddenly beats them against a fence and yells at him for being too conformist. Those entities are finally seen \u201cflashing in and out of the light\u2026going swiftly through decade after decade of [a] rosary,\u201d having earlier been described as moving \u201clike unto the beating of the wings of an imprisoned bird,\u201d leading their owner only to achieve peace at night on the veranda, when it is too dark to see them. The narrator reveals that the latter's major (*) tragedy occurred when he was known as Adolph Meyers, after a \u201chalf-witted boy\u201d at his school fell in love with him, leading the town to interpret his compulsive gestures and caresses as attempts to molest children. For 10 points, name this story about George Willard's friend Wing Biddlebaum, a possessor of fidgety digits, from Winesburg, Ohio.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "\u201cHands\u201d", "round": "Rd05.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "NTV", "question": "In 2009, this company dropped a billion-dollar claim against its former CEO, Hank Greenberg, returning his pictures with company founder Cornelius Vander Starr. It also set the salary of Robert Benmosche (ben-mo-SHAY), its current head and the former CEO of MetLife, at seven million dollars, a year after Edward Liddy was paid one dollar for the same job. A report by Neil Barofsky stated that government money was funneled to this company's counterparties, such as Goldman Sachs, when it was rescued with a bailout that could cost taxpayers 182 billion dollars. Name this insurance underwriter whose Fortune 500 ranking fell from thirteen to 245 in 2009 and which is now eighty percent owned by the US government.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "American International Group", "round": "finals 1 TU.pdf"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 9", "question": "In one work, this character describes the doctrines of his mentor, Diotima, about love. This character relates the story of Er to demonstrate the immortality of the soul, and refutes Thrasymachus's idea that justice is \"the advantage of the stronger.\" This character compares himself to a gadfly stinging a lazy horse to describe his method of questioning established beliefs, and defends himself from (*) Meletus's charges of atheism and corrupting the youth of Athens in the Apology. For 10 points, name this subject of Meno, Crito, and Phaedo, as well as many other dialogues by his student Plato.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Socrates", "round": "tourn9-08.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "TJ NAREN", "question": "The Paris Gun, used by Germany in World War I, was designed to shoot projectiles into this region, where they encountered almost no drag. Since 1979, the temperature of the lower part of this layer has decreased by 0.5 degrees Celsius per decade. No regular convection occurs in this layer. This is because, as in the thermosphere, temperature in this layer increases as altitude increases. This layer contains the Antarctic ozone hole, and it is located below 50 kilometers in altitude and above 10 kilometers. For 10 points, name this second major layer of Earth's atmosphere, located below the mesosphere and above the troposphere.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "stratosphere", "round": "Round 7.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "This story is set at a time when \u201cit was not unusual for the love of science to rival the love of woman.\u201d The protagonist's \u201cslender figure, and pale, intellectual face\u201d are contrasted with the \u201csmoky aspect, and \u2026 indescribable earthiness\u201d of his assistant, Aminadab. The protagonist's wife she agrees to risk anything rather than be \u201cthe object of [her husband's] horror and disgust.\u201d According to Georgiana, the title feature \u201chas been \u2026 often called a charm,\u201d though Aylmer cannot stand its resemblance to a crimson hand or its mere presence. FTP name this Hawthorne short story in which Georgiana dies after an operation to remove the titular blemish from her face.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2007, "answer": "\u201cThe Birth-mark\u201d", "round": "2007 ACF Regionals - Berkeley A.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "The most highly substituted type of these compounds forms alkyl halides when reacted with hydrobromic acid. Formed from alkenes by hydroboration and oxidation, these compounds can also be synthesized by reducing aldehydes and ketones. The simplest variety of these compounds can be formed from the distillation of wood. Common types include the three-carbon isopropyl and the two carbon ethyl type produced by fermentation. For 10 points, name this class of compounds, the simplest of which is methanol.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "alcohols", "round": "Round_08_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 24, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "K-complexes appear during the second stage of this state, whose fifth stage manifests in tonic and phasic categories. Its first stage is marked by the disappearance of alpha waves and the appearance of theta waves, while its later stages are categorized by long, slow delta waves. This state's fifth and final stage is characterized by increased neuron activity and rapid eye movements, as well as vivid dreams. For 10 points, name this state, prevented by insomnia.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "sleep", "round": "Round_01_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "As Chancellor of the Exchequer, this man oversaw Britain's return to the gold standard, which had negative consequences and led him to become the target of a John Maynard Keynes book attacking his actions. This man delivered such addresses as \"The Gathering Storm\" and \"The Finest Hour.\" This leader was appointed to First Lord of the Admiralty near the onset of a conflict during which he rose to the post of Prime Minister. Succeeded by Clement Atlee, for 10 points, name this World War II Prime Minister of Britain.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill", "round": "29.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "One of this writer's stories sees the child Hattie show the narrator a pickled baby in a jar, while in another Bitsy Barlow calls a group of french-fry-eating fat cats \u201clibertines\u201d for mistreating his injured jockey friend. She also wrote of John Ferris, who attends his father's Georgia funeral before running into his remarried ex Elizabeth while sojourning in New York, and of Mr. Brook, who discovers a European piano instructor to be a pathological liar because, despite (*) Madame Zelinsky's claim, there is no King of Finland. One of her novellas sees the convict Marvin, who had been married to Amelia for ten days, ruin the latter's relationship to the hunchback Lymon after they set up an eatery, while another sees its protagonist reinvent herself as F. Jasmine and dream of running off to Alaska with her brother and his bride. For 10 points, name this author of \u201cBallad of the Sad Cafe\u201d and \u201cA Member of the Wedding.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Carson McCullers", "round": "Rd03.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "In this market structure, the average revenue curve is equal to the demand curve, and thus the only way to increase revenue is to lower price. When the barriers to entry which create this structure manifest as extremely high infrastructure cost, this structure is said to be \u201cnatural;\u201d examples include (*) water utilities and telecommunications. For 10 points, identify this microeconomic market structure in which a good has only one seller.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "monopoly", "round": "tournament17-15.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 1", "question": "His fourth string quartet's fourth movement is entirely pizzicato and uses \u201chora lunga\u201d rhythms in the third movement. Tibor Serly helped complete his viola concerto, and his 153 solo piano works are collected in Mikrokosmos. This composer of the five-movement Concerto for Orchestra also wrote Music for Strings, Percussion, and Celesta. For 10 points, name this composer of the opera Duke Bluebeard's Castle, a composer who often used folk tunes and songs from his native Hungary.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Bela Bartok", "round": "Round_12_HSAPQ_NSC1.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "VCU Open (Sunday)", "question": "One way to find this value is by calculating it through the Kapustinskii equation. Another method includes using a constant that determines the electrostatic energy of a compound, called the Madelung constant. It increases with the separation of charge between ions, and decreases as ionic radius increases. Most often, it is calculated by analyzing the reaction between a (*) metal and a non-metal by comparing the enthalpy of formation of the compound to the energy required to make those elements into the gas phase, known as the Born-Haber cycle. Often symbolized U, for 10 points, is which measure of the strength of the bonds in an ionic solid.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "lattice energy", "round": "Round 2.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "This religious figure authored several poems commemorating deaths suffered during the People's Crusade, one of which is still recited during the Fast of Gedalia, while another is still read on the evening before the New Year. His work draws from Moses ha-Darshan of Narbonne and of Menahem ben ?elbo, who in turn relied upon sources such as the Aggadah. Typically, his writings are prompted by a textual puzzle which requires explanation like a repeated word. His grandsons disputed many of his assertions in a collection of writing known as the Tosafot, while the font in which his writings are printed is often known as his namesake script. A native of Troyes, for 10 points, identify this 11th century French rabbi whose commentaries typically adorn the Hebrew Bible and Talmud.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Rashi [accept Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki]", "round": "Editor's Round (PO 3).docx"}
{"category": "Geography", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "The Maghribian wadis run out of these mountains, as do the Moulouya and Chelif rivers. Mount Siroua links this chain's High and Anti ranges. The Taza Pass breaks this chain between the Rif and the Middle range of this system. The World War II Battle of the Kasserine Pass took place in this mountain system. The highest point in this range is Mount Toubkal. For 10 points, name this North African mountain system.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Atlas Mountains", "round": "22.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "ACF Novice", "question": "An early depiction of one of these creatures with the epithet \u201cgolden\u201d stood on a rhomboid limestone column atop a wooden base. A work that glorified Marie Bonaparte's sexual obsession is similar to depictions of these creatures, which were inspired by the works in the Maiasta series. One sculpture of these animals was taxed as a propeller blade when it was brought through U.S. customs. The sculptures of these creatures were stripped of detail to depict the essence of flight. For 10 points, name these animals that Constantine Brancusi sculpted \u201cin space.\u201d", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "birds [or Bird in Space; or Birds in Space; or general equivalents like avians but not specific birds]", "round": "Early Autumn Collegiate Novice - Packet 6.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "EFT", "question": "One act which repealed portions of this bill was the Garn-St. Germain Act. One part of this bill has been supplanted by a change which established a \u201csix transaction\u201d limit. A reenactment of this legislation was the subject of the Volcker Plan. It was modified heavily with the passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, and its section Regulation Q allowed the Federal Reserve to regulate interest rates for savings accounts. For 10 points, identify this act which separated banks based on what business they were in and established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and is alternately known as the Banking Reform Act.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Glass-Steagall Act [accept Banking Reform Act before mentioned]", "round": "Round 10 updated.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "One section of this work analyzes a defense provided before the High Court of Vendome by Gracchus Babeuf, while another examines pornography and the rise of \u201cAesopian Language.\u201d It opens by comparing certain forces to the shadow of nuclear war, and includes a section quoting Barthes' Writing Degree Zero and referring to Brecht's \u201cdistancing effect,\u201d while examining the phrase \u201cHAPPY CONSCIOUSNESS\u201d rendered in all caps. It advocates a process in which \u201cthe Pleasure Principle absorbs the Reality Principle,\u201d called \u201crepressive desublimation,\u201d in the section \u201cThe Chance of the Alternatives.\u201d This work claims that a \u201cdazzling array of lifestyles\u201d masquerades as free choice, causing false needs, and in turn the titular construct. This work issues a rallying cry for a \u201cGreat Refusal\u201d to the technological and cultural developments this work argues have enslaved modern society. For 10 points, identify this work, published a decade after Eros and Civilization, which posits that consumerism has led to the creation of a limited figure, written by Herbert Marcuse.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society", "round": "r05- Illinois-Maryland.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 25, "tournament": "FICHTE", "question": "This narrative poem uses its ancient setting to obscure such daring sentiments as labeling God \u201cthe supreme evil.\u201d One character dreams that a fire started without heat is put out by love and rebukes the chorus for trying to comfort her pain. Two men who are chastised for obscuring their deeds with talk, (*) Toxeus and Plexippus, die during the central action of this poem, after which a head and hide are awarded to the female title figure. Althea avengers her brothers by burning the brand that controls Meleager's life in, for 10 points, what poem by Algernon Swinburne?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Atalanta in Calydon", "round": "13_fichte09.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "According to legend, one leader of this nation gave food to two angelic figures before defeating the Germans and founding the Piast dynasty. Another dynasty in this country won in the battle of Grunwald against the Teutonic knights while allied with Lithuania, known as the Jagiellon Dynasty. One movement in this nation centered on the Gdansk shipyard was known as Solidarity and was led by Lech Walesa. For 10 points, name this European country that was the home of Pope John Paul II, and whose capital city named the Soviet Union's Warsaw Pact.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Republic of Poland or Rzeczpospolita Polska", "round": "4q2-08.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "Chipola Lit + Fine Arts", "question": "This man wrote that \u201cEternity's a Five Year Plan\u201d and \u201cYour Harry's Tom, your Tom is Dick\u201d before asking, \u201cif Hate's a game and Love's a fuck who dares call himself a man?\u201d in his poem \u201cJehovah buried,Satan dead,\u201d and wrote about a man who \u201clay by the roadside on his back dressed in fifteenthrate ideas wearing a round jeer for a hat\u201d in \u201ca man who had fallen among thieves\u201d. This author also wrote about a man who said \u201c\u2018there is some shit I will not eat'\u201d and \u201c\u2018I will not kiss your fucking flag\u201d before the \u201cpresident...threw the yellowsonofabitch into a a dungeon,where he died\u201d. For 10 points, name this poet and author of \u201ci sing of Olaf glad and big\u201d, \u201canyone lived in a pretty how town\u201d, and The Enormous Room.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "e.e. cummings", "round": "10.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "RMP Fest", "question": "The Book of Jubilees states that people who fail to obey this mitzvah are \"the children of Doom and eternal Perdition.\" A Sephardic tradition is to read portions of the Zohar related to this mitzvah as it is being performed. Those born during the forty years in the desert did not do this, and it was performed in mass at Gilgal. The Maccabees forcibly did this to people, and Jeremiah applies this to the states of both people's ears and their hearts. One can only be excepted from obeisance if they have had three brothers die from complications during it. For 10 points, name this covenant-fulfilling action whereby the foreskin is cut off.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "circumcision [accept: Brit Milah] {EN}", "round": "Round 2.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Delta Burke", "question": "In one novel by this man, Amy Robsart is hidden in Cumnor Hall by her husband Robert Dudley, and is murdered by Richard Varney. Another novel by this author sees Charles Porteous dragged from Tollbooth prison, to which the title ironically refers, and Effie Deans marries the outlaw Robertson. This man wrote the novels Kenilworth and The Heart of Midlothian, which are both part of a 27-novel series of works named for his first novel, in which the title character is a soldier fighting for Bonnie Prince Charlie. For 10 points, name this Scottish author whose \u201cWaverly\u201d novels include The Bride of Lamermoor and Ivanhoe.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Sir Walter Scott", "round": "DB 2010 round 7 (WUSTL).doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 20, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "This thinker discussed\u00a0Photoblepharon\u00a0and Robert Oppenheimer in her book of short stories,\u00a0Luminous Fish. This scientist, who used the phrase \"a torture chamber shared with children\" to describe her miserable marriage to Carl Sagan, pushed into publication a paper by Donald Williamson claiming that caterpillars and butterflies did not share a common ancestor, and she recently contributed to a paper arguing that symbiotic spirochetes switching from round body to helical form might, rather than HIV, cause symptoms recognized as AIDS. This scientist wrote a book discussing the earth as an \"emergent property of interaction among organisms\" whose chapters include \"Sex Legacy\" and \"Against Orthodoxy.\" This author of\u00a0Symbiotic Planet\u00a0first gained fame when she convinced the\u00a0Journal of Theoretical Biology\u00a0to publish her paper \"On the Origin of Mitosing Eukaryotic Cells.\" For 10 points, name this biologist who promulgated the endosymbiotic theory of the origins of mitochondria and chloroplasts.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Lynn\u00a0Margulis", "round": "2010 - Chicago Open - Round 13 - Speculative Hipsters.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "Chicago Open History", "question": "One siege of this city aimed at overthrowing Stanislaw Leszczynski [\u201cLechinsky\u201d], whose daughter was married to Louis XV and who thus enjoyed French as well as Swedish support. Russian forces under the Irishman William de Lacy were victorious after the French fleet was forced to withdraw from Westerpl\u00e4tte in 1734, ending that war in Russia\u2019s favor with the ascension of the Saxon candidate Augustus III. An earlier siege of this city in 1577 ended inconclusively, with this city gaining an independent charter from Stefan Bathory in exchange for supporting his claim to the throne of Poland and paying a huge ransom. Those events are alluded to by the fictitious Oskar Matzerath after he participates in the Defense of the Polish Post Office, which took place in this city on September 1, 1939 and constituted Nazi Germany\u2019s overthrow of the Free State instituted in this city by the Treaty of Versailles. For 10 points, name this now-Polish Hanseatic city where Lech Walesa led the first Solidarity strike.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Gdansk (or Danzig)", "round": "2011 CO History Gauthier Steinbaum.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "The introduction to one of this man's works discusses the execution of the regicide Robert-Francois\n Damiens. This thinker developed the method of \"genealogy\" to show that modernity\u2019s episteme was not\n \u201crationally inevitable.\u201d This writer also attempted to trace the origins of the \"repressive hypothesis\" and the\n concept of \"biopower\" in another work. This author analyzed the \"medical gaze\" in The Birth of the Clinic\n in addition to writing The History of Sexuality. Another of his works describes how Bentham's Panopticon\n allows guards to exert control without continual observation. For 10 points, name this French thinker who\n wrote Discipline and Punish.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Michel Foucault", "round": "15.pdf"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "QuAC I", "question": "Walter A. Shelburne wrote of \u201cthe theory of\u201d this \u201cin scientific perspective.\u201d The developer of this concept drew a schema showing it as the outer ring of a series of six concentric circles, just outside the two circles showing the anima and the shadow, with the ego in the center. Its formulator saw it as a biologically inherited repository of images and ideas \u201cthat have existed since remotest times,\u201d which he termed archetypes. Formulated by Carl Jung, this is, for 10 points what two-word name of given to the shared repository that predates an individual's personal ego?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "collective unconscious [don't accept any use of \u201csubconscious\u201d]", "round": "Round2Final.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "TJ NAREN", "question": "He discussed the use of cocaine in treating \"nasal reflex neurosis\" in letters to his colleague Wilhelm Fliess. The first section of one of his works is titled \"The Horror of Incest\" and examines Australian Aborigines, and another work argued that the conflict between individualism and society's demand for conformity created the titular unhappiness. In addition to Totem and Taboo and Civilization and its Discontents, his Beyond the Pleasure Principle divided the psyche into the super-ego, ego, and id. He introduced the Oedipus complex and his theory of the unconscious mind in The Interpretation of Dreams. For 10 points, name this Austrian psychologist and founder of psychoanalysis.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Sigmund Freud", "round": "Round 10.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 14, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "This composer's interest in the poetry of Walt Whitman is evidenced by his early Overture: Walt Whitman and a setting of Whitman's \u201cFrom Noon to Starry Night,\u201d The Mystic Trumpeter. He paid homage to Thomas Hardy with the tone poem, Egdon Heath, and he used a fantasia on \u201cThe Dargason\u201d for the finale of two other suites: his St. Paul's Suite and his Second Suite for Military Band. His most famous composition ends with a \u201cfadeout\u201d effect from an offstage choir, opens with a militaristic theme in 5/4, and has movements subtitled \u201cThe Winged Messenger\u201d and \u201cBringer of Jollity.\u201d For 10 points, name this British composer of The Planets.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Gustav Holst", "round": "Oxford.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "HSAPQ ACF 2", "question": "After being snubbed by Utsusemi, the title character of this novel meet that woman's friend; later, he meets the beautiful Yugao. The title character's mother Kiritsubo dies after being neglected by her husband, who paid more attention to the concubine Lady Kokiden. The author of this novel is present in it as a child that the title character meets in the mountains. The title character marries Princess Aoi, who dies in childbirth. For 10 points, identify this long novel about the titular son of the Japanese emperor, written around 1000 CE by Murasaki Shikibu.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "The Tale of Genji [or Genji monogatari]", "round": "Round_13_HSAPQACF2.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 21, "tournament": "Penn Bowl", "question": "In one of this poet's works, the speaker describes himself as \"imperially male\" \"the tall kingdom over your shoulder,\" and says to his lover \"no treaty... will salve completely your tracked and stretchmarked body.\" In another poem, he describes a procedure for unclogging an inced-over pump. As well as \"Act of Union\" and \"Rite of Spring,\" this author wrote a poem describing a \"rat-gray fungus\" growing over the fruit collected by the speaker and his friends. He also created works describing a boy collecting jars of frog spawn and another about his father's efforts with a potato drill. He also wrote a poem describing the type of location where the Great Irish Elk was found, which he speculates are bottomless locations caused by Atlantic seepage. For ten points, name this poet of \"Blackberry-picking,\" \"Death of a Naturalist,\" \"Digging,\" and \"Boglands,\" also known for his translation of Beowulf.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Seamus\u00a0Heaney\u00a0", "round": "Rice.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 24, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q1", "question": "Asclepius (as-CLEH-pee-us) gained the ability to resurrect the dead from a potion given by this goddess. This goddess gave Bellerophon (bel-AIR-oh-fon) a bridle to tame Pegasus. This figure carried a shield, made from Pallas's skin, that displayed Medusa's head. Along with Hera, this goddess was passed over in favor of Aphrodite by Paris. After her father ate her mother, Metis, she sprang fully-armored out of Zeus's head. For 10 points, identify this virgin Greek goddess of wisdom and namesake of a major Greek city.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Athena [or Athene]", "round": "4q1-07.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "The Tachash animal was created to provide skins to cover this object, and the Quran states that it will be found by the Mahdi in Lake Tiberias. David brought it to the house of Obed-edom the Gittite after Uzzah was smitten for touching it, while the people of Ashdod were afflicted with hemorrhoids for refusing to give it back. It also caused the statue of Dagon to twice be prostrate towards it, while manna and Aaron's rod are two of its contents. For 10 points, name this sacred vessel containing the tablets of stone with the Ten Commandments.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "The Ark of the Covenant", "round": "Round_01_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 2, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "In special relativity this quantity's four-vector includes an \u201cenergy over the speed of light\u201d term, and the time derivative of its expectation appears in the common form of Ehrenfest's theorem. The fact that this quantity does not commute with position gives rise to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. Newton's Second Law gives force as equal to the time derivative of this quantity, and it is conserved in both inelastic and elastic collisions. For 10 points, name this quantity whose change is equal to impulse and which is equal to mass times velocity.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "linear momentum", "round": "Round_10_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 6, "tournament": "Penn Bowl", "question": "During a visit to his parents' hall, this figure finds his grandmother with 900 heads, and his father catches two whales using oxen as bait. That visit is made by this figure and Thor, who is unable to break a glass cup until he throws it at the head of this figure's father, as recounted in the\u00a0Hymiskvitha. This god is unable to lift a mile-deep kettle belonging to his father Hymir, and in the\u00a0Lokasenna,\u00a0this god\u00a0is taunted with cuckoldry and impotence.\u00a0He is slated to kill and be killed by a figure guarding the gates at Gnipahellir, and another event surrounding him led to his wrist being nicknamed wolf-joint. This fated enemy of the Hel-hound Garm had his hand bitten off when the gods tried to bind Fenrir. For 10 points, name this Norse god of war, after whom Tuesday is named.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "\u00a0Tyr\u00a0[accept\u00a0Tiv,\u00a0Tiwaz, or\u00a0Ziu, prompt on\u00a0Things]", "round": "Maryland A.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 36, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "One character in this novel works with the chemist Homais to try and cure the clubfoot of the boy Hippolyte. The protagonist of this work begins to borrow money from the merchant Lheureux (luh-ROO). This novel's main character starts affairs with the landowner Rodolphe and the law student L\u00e9on, which are discovered at the novel's end by her husband Charles. For 10 points, name this work that concludes with the swallowing of arsenic by the title character Emma, a creation of Gustave Flaubert (flow-BAIR).", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Madame Bovary", "round": "30.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "VCU Open (Sunday)", "question": "A four-measure movement in this piece consists entirely of whole notes in parts other than the solo soprano, who sings a long series of descending triplets and rising eighth notes while singing \u201cDulcissime, totam tibi subdo me!\u201d The final movement is in 3/2 time but contains a rest-quarter-quarter-quarter rhythm repeated for the entirety of its middle section. Another movement includes a song sung by a (*) swan while it roasts on a spit, part of a section set \u201cIn the Tavern.\u201d Other movements include \u201cVeni, veni, venias\u201d and \u201cIn truitina,\u201d both set \u201cIn the court of love.\u201d It is most famous for a movement which compares the titular substance is ever waxing and waning like the moon. For 10 points, name this cantata whose most famous for its opening and closing \u201cO Fortuna\u201d movements, based on songs found in Benediktbeuern and composed by Carl Orff.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Carmina Burana", "round": "Round 6.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q2", "question": "This tissue's basic functional unit is activated by calcium binding to troponin-C (truh-POH-nin-\"C\") and is bounded by the Z-line. That unit is called the sarcomere (SAR-co-meer). A disease that affects this tissue is named for Duchenne and is called its \"dystrophy.\" This tissue, which can be smooth, cardiac, or skeletal, forms structures such as the gluteus maximus (\"GLUE\"-tee-us MAX-ih-mus) and the deltoid (DEL-toyd). For 10 points, name this tissue, which attaches to bone and contracts in order to permit motion.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "muscle", "round": "4q2-11.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "This artist created the dream sequence for Hitchcock's Spellbound and collaborated with Luis Bunuel on the film Un Chien Andalou. This creator of Lobster Telephone also painted the \u201cdisintegration\u201d of another of his works. That work features yellow cliffs in the upper right and ants swarming on a pocket watch in the bottom left. For 10 points, name this Spanish surrealist who painted three melting clocks in The Persistence of Memory.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Salvador Dali", "round": "round01.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "A story about this creature says that it was once captured by a king, but it refused to sing for three years because it was without a mate - the king tried to solve its loneliness by setting a mirror next to it, but that only caused this creature to die. Another story says it was once sought out by many similar creatures, who journeyed through several valleys until only thirty of them remained, at which point they realized that this creature was just a reflection of themself in the water. In another tale, this creature instructs her student to break a branch off a tamarisk tree and create an arrow, which is to be aimed at the forehead of Isfandiyar. This creature becomes the nurse of Zal after he's abandoned on Mount Elburz by his father Sam, and she grants Zal three feathers to call on her in his time of need. Sometimes said to reside within the sacred plant Haoma, or the Tree of Life, FTP, name this great bird who appears in Persian mythology.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Simurgh (or Angha before mentioned, or kalavinka before \"water\")", "round": "FINALS2.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "BATE", "question": "This was used in 2004\u00a0to explain the bizarre behavior of a mixture of cyclodextrine and methylpyridine.\u00a0\u00a0In NMR, they cause a shift in the signal of a proton to a lower field. \u00a0A system of them helps antibodies bind to their corresponding antigens, and they help keep molecules in DNA bound together. \u00a0The IUPAC determined that one criterion for\u00a0classifying\u00a0bonds as these is that they are primarily electrostatic\u00a0attractive\u00a0forces, not\u00a0dispersive\u00a0forces. \u00a0Their bond\u00a0length\u00a0is approximately 2 Angstroms, twice that of covalent bonds, and the\u00a0strength\u00a0of these bonds is about one tenth of covalent bonds. FTP, name this type of intermolecular bond that is responsible for the extremely high boiling point of water, an extremely strong type of dipole-dipole forces.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Hydrogen Bonds (prompt on dipole-dipole before it is mentioned)", "round": "Round 1.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "Princeton Buzzerfest", "question": "In one work this author details the life of a tomb-maker who makes extra money by playing the organ at an insane asylum, while another of his novels sees Swartz give a refugee proper documentation only after he tells him his life story in the title Portuguese city. In addition to The Black Obelisk and The Night in Lisbon, he also wrote about Robert and Otto selling their auto workshop and visiting Patrice in a Swiss tuberculosis sanatorium in his novel The Three Comrades, while the turbulent life of the German surgeon Ravic is told in The Arch of Triumph. Another of his novels, The Road Back, is thought to be a sequel to his most famous book, in which the patriotic teacher Kantorek convinces Paul B\u00e4umer and his friends to join the Germany Army during World War I. For 10 points, name this German author who wrote All Quiet on the Western Front.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Erich Maria Remarque", "round": "MichiganB.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "Fall Novice", "question": "The protagonist of this novel is introduced to a life of crime by Jack Duane, whom he meets after attacking a bartender who tried to short-change him. The central figure is given jail time for attacking his wife's boss, resulting in him being blacklisted and having to find work in a machinery factory. This novel ends with the protagonist attending a Socialist rally and centers on the problems of Lithuanian immigrant Jurgis Rudkus. For 10 points, name this muckraking novel by Upton Sinclair.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "The Jungle", "round": "round08.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "NTSS", "question": "One controversial suggestion of the Gaia hypothesis is that ancient organisms with this property sacrificed them- selves for the benefit of the planet. Denitrification occurs most quickly in soil with this property, while hydrogeno- somes take the place of mitochondria in protists of this type. Gas gangrene only develops under this condition, and methane is a byproduct of this form of digestion. Also a method of respiration that produces hydrogen sulfide, iden- tify this term that describes environments or processes like fermentation, which function in the absence of oxygen.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "anaerobic [or anaerobes, etc.]", "round": "14.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 15", "question": "In this novel, Retty Priddle and Izz Huett are both in love with the protagonist's husband. Another character in this novel is Farmer Groby, who employs the protagonist. One character in this novel, Angel Clare, moves to Brazil to restart his life. The title character of this novel kills (*) Alec, the father of her illegitimate child, Sorrow, and her real last name is Durbeyfield. For 10 points, name this novel by Thomas Hardy.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Tess of the d'Urbervilles", "round": "09.pdf"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 24, "tournament": "HSAPQ 4Q 1", "question": "When using the Schulze method of this, the Floyd-Warshall algorithm is typically applied. The Bucklin form of this is also known as the Grand Junction method, though it enjoys limited use because it fails a criterion named for Condorcet. An illustration that no system of this can always turn a set of individual preferences into a single community preference is known as Arrow's Impossibility Theorem. First-past- the-post is a common system of, for 10 points, what fundamental act of democratic political participation?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "voting [accept word forms]", "round": "Round_05_HSAPQ4Q.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 10, "tournament": "HSAPQ VHSL Regular Season", "question": "In a novella by this author, a man relates to train passengers how he killed his wife because of her affair with a violinist. This author of The Kreutzer Sonata wrote a story in which a fall from a ladder leads to the slow and agonizing death of Ivan Ilyich. He created Pierre Bezukhov, a man who thinks he\u2019s destined to kill Napoleon. In another novel by this man, the title character has an affair with Count Vronsky before jumping in front of a train. For 10 points, name this Russian author of War and Peace and Anna Karenina.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Leo Tolstoy", "round": "14.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "A novel in this language told of a railroad worker's attempts to lose his virginity, Closely Watched Trains. One author in this language wrote The Red Commissar, as well as a novel about a zealous army soldier, The Good Soldier Svejk. In another novel in this language, Ludvik Jahn writes \"Optimism is the opiate of people.\u201d That novel shifts between three other narrators, and is titled The Joke. The same author wrote a novel in this language which ends with a car crash killing Teresa and Tomas, The Unbearable Lightness of Being. For 10 points, name this native language of authors Jaroslav Ha\u0161ek and Milan Kundera.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Czech language <YC>", "round": "Round 06.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "This composer commented that he wanted to use the title \u201cDivertissement\u201d for a concerto because he thinks that concertos are \u201cwritten not \u2018for\u2019 but \u2018against\u2019 the piano.\u201d That piece\u2019s \u201cAllegramente\u201d movement features a \u201cblues\u201d theme and opens with a whip crack. This composer wrote a piano work that begins with the cellos and double basses playing the background for an unusual contrabassoon solo. He uses a G-sharp arpeggio to depict ascending waves in the section \u201c A Boat on the Ocean\u201d of a piano work whose other parts include \u201cThe Valley of Bells\u201d and \u201cNight-Moths.\u201d This composer of Piano Concerto in G uses a recurring B-flat ostinato to represent tolling bells surrounding the corpse of a hanged man in a section called \u201cLe Gibet.\u201d This composer of Miroirs was commissioned by Paul Wittgenstein to write a piano concerto for the left hand, and he depicted an evil dwarf in a section titled \u201cScarbo\u201d designed to be more difficult than Islamey. FTP, name this composer of Gaspard de la nuit who also wrote a \"Pavane for a dead princess.\"", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Maurice Ravel", "round": "PACKET13Gioia.doc"}
{"category": "Social Science", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "RMP Fest", "question": "This man examined the development of consciousness in a 1978 Dialectica article titled \u201cNatural Selection and the Emergence of the Mind\u201d, while this man collaborated with Sir John Eccles on \u201cThe Self and its Brain\u201d. Some of this man's notes were published in 1982 as \u201cThe Open Universe\u201d. One work by this man proposes the rule that \u201cC.P. plus E.S. equals U.P.\u201d and divides its titular concept into \u201cnaturalistic\u201d and \u201canti-naturalistic\u201d versions. Another of this man's works contains a chapter titled \u201cThe High Tide of Prophecy\u201d, which criticizes three 19th century thinkers. This man traces the lines of thought he criticizes to Heraclitus and Plato, whom this author of \u201cObjective Knowledge\u201d accuses of furthering the \u201cMyth of Origin and Destiny\u201d. For ten points, name this fan of falsifiability and critic of Fascism, a philosopher of science who wrote The Poverty of Historicism and The Open Society and its Enemies.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2008, "answer": "Karl Popper {BA}", "round": "Round 2.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "GDS Ben Cooper Memorial", "question": "This group produced a \u201cFinal Act,\u201d containing all its decisions. In its final weeks, the Earl of Clancarty replaced Viscount Castlereagh at this meeting. Switzerland was declared neutral, Norway and [*] Sweden were joined under a single ruler, a 38-state German Confederation was formed, and the French monarchy, represented by Talleyrand, was restored with the ascension of Louis the Eighteenth. For 10 points, name this event chaired by Prince Metternich which aimed to create a European balance of power in Napoleon's absence, hosted in the capital of Austria.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Congress of Vienna [OH]", "round": "Ben Cooper 2010 Packet 4 COMPLETE.docx"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "This document claimed that the person to whom it was addressed had refused a golden crown in favor of a phrygium. The creator of this document claims to have served as that addressee's groom and to have met with the addressee while accompanied by his high ranking satraps. The namesake of this document claims to be moving to the east and leaving his lands to its addressee, Sylvester I. This document's veracity was attacked by Nicolas of Cusa and Lorenzo Valla. For 10 points, name this forgery in which the first Christian Roman emperor allegedly gave land in Italy and other authority to the pope and Catholic Church.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "\u201cDonation of Constantine\u201d [or \u201cDonatio Constantini\u201d; or \u201cConstitutum Constantini\u201d]", "round": "1.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "His collections of poetry include Playful Evil, Easter of Gea, and a translation of Goethe's Roman Elegies. The influence of psychologist Alfred Binet can be seen in his essay On Humor, and other psychological themes can be seen in his short story collections The Trap and And Tomorrow, Monday.... He wrote about Sicily in the late 19th century in The Old and the Young, but his most successful novel was The Late Mattia Pascal. He is most famous, though, for his plays, including (*) Right You Are (If You Think You Are), Henry IV, and one featuring The Boy, The Child, The Son, The Stepdaughter, The Father, and The Mother. FTP name this Italian playwright best known for that play, Six Characters in Search of an Author.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Luigi Pirandello", "round": "Round 5.rtf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "Jean Barraqu\u00e9's Opus one is a single movement fifty minute long serial type of this musical work. Franz Schubert's pieces of this type include ones identified by the D numbers 958, 959, and 960. Leos Jan\u00e1cek memorialized the death of Franti\u0161ek Pavl\u00edk in a composition of this type titled 1. X. 1905. Another of these pieces, Chopin's Opus thirty-five, contains a third movement funeral march. Mozart composed eighteen of them, including one in C major labeled \"for beginners\" and one in A major whose third movement is titled \"Rondo Alla Turca.\" For 10 points, name this type of composition for a solo instrument, which is the form of Beethoven's pieces nicknamed Appassionata and Pathetique.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "piano sonatas [prompt on partial answer]", "round": "10.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 13, "tournament": "T-Party", "question": "This author is currently working on a novel set shortly after a psychic terrorist destroys New York City. The narrator of one of his stories watches Rafa smash a Coke bottle over the head of another character in order to see his pig-ravaged face. This creator of the upcoming novel Dark America and the masked man Ysrael penned a collection that ends with the story \u201cNegocios\u201d. In this man's best-known work, Abelard Cabral protects his daughter Belicia from the desires of Rafael Trujillo, setting off a fuku that leads to the death of Yunior de Las Casas's overweight, geeky roommate. For 10 points, name this Dominican-born author of Drown and The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Junot D\u00edaz", "round": "Finals 2 - T Party 2010.doc"}
{"category": "Philosophy", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "ACF Fall", "question": "He studied philosophy under William of Champeaux and theology under Anselm of Laon, though he later came into conflict with both of his teachers. He described his ethical beliefs in Know Yourself, and was condemned for his nominalist doctrines at the Council of Soissons. He wrote an autobiographical work entitled Historia calamitatum. Though his book of biblical contradictions entitled Sic et Non was widely used to teach logic and dialectic, he is most famous for his love affair and ensuing castration. For 10 points, name this early scholastic and lover of Heloise.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Peter Abelard [or Pierre Ab\u00e9lard]", "round": "2009 ACF Fall edited - Yale B + Northwestern A.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "St. Anselms and Torrey Pines", "question": "This quantity can be estimated by adding 198 to the sum of the group contributions with Joback\u2019s Method, and the entropy at this point is given by Trouton\u2019s constant. Adding a non-volatile solute to a pure solvent results in this quantity\u2019s \u201celevation\u201d and [*] superheating occurs when a liquid\u2019s temperature is above this quantity. This quantity is lower at higher elevations and this point is equal to the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid equals the atmospheric pressure. Measured with an ebulliometer, for 10 points, name this quantity for liquids which is 100 degrees Celsius and 212 degrees Fahrenheit for water, at which a liquid turns into a gas.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "boiling point", "round": "Round 3.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "The protagonist of one of this author\u2019s novels asks her admirer to search for her fictitious childhood\n friend, Enola Gay, who gave birth to \u201cLittle Boy\u201d after being raped. In that work, the mediocre author\n Samson Young watches as Nicola Six tries to become the \u201cmurderee\u201d of her former suitor, Keith. In\n another of his novels, subtitled \u201cA Suicide Note,\u201d the hedonistic Brit John Self is conned into moving to\n New York to work on a nonexistent film. Another of his novels follows Dr. Tod Friendly, who is revealed\n to have been the Nazi doctor Odilo Undverdorben, and is told in reverse chronology. For 10 points, name\n this author of London Fields, Money, and Time\u2019s Arrow, whose father wrote Lucky Jim.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Martin Amis", "round": "02.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 48, "tournament": "HSAPQ NASAT Tryout Set", "question": "Cajal (kuh-HALL) bodies in this structure contain scaRNAs, which direct post-transcriptional modifications of another type of RNA unique to this structure. Transport into and out of this organelle is dependent on a GTPase called Ran. Importins and exportins move proteins across this organelle's membrane. A smaller organelle within this one is the site of ribosome (RYE-bo-some) production. This organelle is surrounded by a membrane known as its \"envelope,\" which breaks down and disintegrates during prophase. For 10 points, name this organelle that contains much of a cell's genetic material.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "cell nucleus", "round": "nasat-tryout-science.pdf"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 17", "question": "After lying to another deity with a flower, he was cursed to no longer be worshipped on earth. This god\u2019s city is found within the heavens situated atop Mount Meru. After assuming the form of a swan, this figure was attacked after lying about reaching one end of the lingam. This led to him losing one of his five heads, with which he saw in every direction. Using his own substance, he created his consort, Sarasvati. In his four (*) arms, he carries a water jug, a scepter, a bow or spoon, and the Vedas. For 10 points, name this creator god of the Hindu trimurti.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Brahma", "round": "tournament17-01.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "ACF Regionals", "question": "William of Tyre notably wrote about this engagement, discussing the difficult advance through narrow roads and orchards, and the desertion of the traitor princes. Otto of Friesing wrote about the failure of Prester John to come to the aid of the losing side and Osbernus described in detail the capture of Lisbon. Baldwin III received the invading army who then proceeded to meet at Acre and whose central leaders included Conrad III of Germany, who arrived in Jerusalem long before Louis VII. FTP, name this engagement prompted by the fall of Edessa and called by Pope Eugenius III; a crusade supported by Bernard of Clairvaux in which the Christian army was turned back from Damascus in 1154.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2006, "answer": "the Second Crusade", "round": "Michigan A.doc"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "Bezalel made the first one and shaped parts of it to resemble blossoming flowers. On Mount Sinai, Moses was told to make this out of a single piece of gold, with an elevated center to symbolize the Sabbath. Five of them were on each side of the entrance to the sanctuary in the Temple of Solomon. The last one was apparently lost before a reproduction was displayed on the Arch of Titus. A similar object is used during the month of Kislev and has a place for a \u201cshamash.\u201d For 10 points, identify this symbol of Judaism, an eight-branched version of which is used during Hannukah.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "menorahs", "round": "PACE NSC 2009 - Round 16.doc"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 18, "tournament": "Penn Bowl", "question": "One example of this class of particles participates in the GIM mechanism. That particle in a certain pair undergoes OZI-suppressed three pion decay when in the n=1 and n=2 states. Theoretically, bombarding a deuterium nucleus with gamma rays will produce the undiscovered penta- form of this class of particles. A phase in QCD consisting of free floating particles of this type and gluons forms the namesakeplasma containing these particles. The J-psi particle is comprised of one variety of this particle and its antiparticle, and one type of this particle is the heaviest of all elementary particles and was discovered at Fermilab in 1995. For 10 points, name this elementary particle with varieties like strange, top bottom, up, down, and charm.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "quark\u00a0[accept\u00a0charm\u00a0until \"penta\"", "round": "Illinois B + Brown B.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 19, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "Gfr\u00f6rer et al. attest that this person miscounted by sixty years in making Lysanians tetrarch of Abilene thirty years after the birth of Christ. Tertullian and Epiphanius charged Marcion with mangling this man's namesake book. This person was present at the conversion of Lydia and subsequently lodged in her house, while his namesake book mentions such figures as the widow of Zarephath and Naaman the Syrian. That book, which is dedicated to Theophilus, is sometimes referred to as the source material for Acts. Eusebius attests he came from Antioch, and, at Troas, this man joined Paul's company. His book opens with an account of John the Baptist's father, Zachary, and this evangelist's symbol is a calf or an ox. His gospel mentions Mary's Magnificat and the stories of Lazarus and the Rich Man, the Prodigal Son, and the Good Samaritan. For 10 points, name this gospel author who also wrote the Acts of the Apostles.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "Luke", "round": "r11- Stanford.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "MW GSAC XVII", "question": "This composer arranged an array of themes taken from Rossini in his ballet La Boutique Fantasque. Vincenzo Galilei is among the composers whose lute pieces are worked into three suites of another of this composer's compositions. His tone poems include one which depicts the title entities in four movements at different times of day and another which depicts scenes of a catacomb, the Janiculum, and the Appian Way. For 10 points, name this Italian composer of Ancient Airs and Dances, Fountains of Rome, and Pines of Rome.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Ottorino Respighi", "round": "Round 1.doc"}
{"category": "Mythology", "question_num": 15, "tournament": "T-Party", "question": "The land ruled by this deity contained a cave inhabited by dangerous women who sought out unfaithful lovers and a boiling spring home to a worm called the cuiluhuexi [kwi-lu-HYU-shi]. One ritual dedicated to this god involved the killing and eating of amaranth-paste idols, and his titles include \u201cNinth Lord of the Night\u201d. This god served as the third of the five suns, while his sister was the salt goddess Huixtocihuatl [hwi-shto-ki-HWA-tl]. After Tezcatlipoca abducted his first wife, Xochiquetzal [sho-chi-KET-zal], he fathered Tecciztecatl [tek-kiz-te-CAHT-l] with Chalchiuhtlicue [chal-chi-OO-tli-kyu]. For 10 points, identify this deity who governed the souls of the drowned and who demanded child sacrifices, the Aztec god of rain.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Tlaloc [accept Tlalocan before \u201critual\u201d is read]", "round": "Editors 3 - T Party 2010.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 22, "tournament": "NASAT", "question": "One character in this play tells a story about paying ten dollars a month for fifteen years to buy furniture on credit from the devil. In the final scene of this play, two children pay tribute to their dead father by singing about a dog named Blue. The main character of this play warns his son by saying \"strike one,\" \"strike two,\" and \"Don't you strike out\" before that son attempts to assault him with a baseball bat. At the climax of this play, the protagonist's wife decides to raise Raynell after learning that her husband cheated on her with Alberta. The protagonist refuses to allow his son Cory to play college football, and creates this play's title structures for his wife Rose. For 10 points, name this play set in the 1950s, which focuses on Pittsburgh garbageman Troy Maxson and was written by August Wilson.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2010, "answer": "Fences", "round": "4.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 38, "tournament": "HSAPQ Colonia 2", "question": "A character in this novel wins 43,000 rubles playing faro; the loser is unable to marry his cousin Sonya, and instead must save his fianc\u00e9e Marya from an uprising of serfs. The lucky gambler, Nikolay Rostov, also hits on Helene and survives the resultant duel with this novel\u2019s protagonist, Pierre Bezhukov. Pierre seeks glory by joining the fight against Napoleon in, for 20 points, what sprawling novel about the defense of Russia by Leo Tolstoy?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "War and Peace [or Voyna i Mir]", "round": "colonia-03.pdf"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "HSAPQ Tournament 9", "question": "One painting done by a member of this art movement depicts a long-necked deer next to two red boars. That painting, The Fate of the Animals, was completed by an artist of this movement who also painted Fighting Forms. Another artist of this movement discussed its use of color in his book On the (*) Spiritual in Art and painted Squares with Concentric Circles. This movement's foremost painters were Franz Marc and Wassily Kandinsky. For 10 points, name this German expressionist art movement whose name was inspired by a painting of an azure-clad man on horseback.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "The Blue Rider [or Der Blaue Reiter; prompt on German Expressionism]", "round": "tourn9-09.pdf"}
{"category": "Science", "question_num": 12, "tournament": "Chicago Open", "question": "Barton sometimes names a method using a non-nucleophilic base to convert this class of reactants into a vinyl iodide. They are not imines, but the reaction of a certain precursor to this group with tosyl chlorine produces an important reagent, and that reagent\u2019s most frequent application with a strong base in two rounds creates this class of compound as an intermediary. The reaction of those bases' final product is a vinyllithium compound. Members of this group are frequently synthesized from an aryl diazonium salt and a beta-keto-ester in the Japp-Klingemann reaction. This functional group is also commonly formed from reaction of a similarly named compound discovered by Kurtius with a ketone or aldehyde, whose oxygen molecule is then replaced with an NNH2 group. FTP, name this intermediary state of reactants in the Shapiro and Wolff-Kischner reactions.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "hydrazones [do not accept or prompt on hydrazine or hydrazides or other wrong answers]", "round": "PACKET03Peterson.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 3, "tournament": "Chicago Open Literature", "question": "One character in this work claims \u201cThinking is the most unhealthy thing in the world\u201d but that \u201cin England it is not catching,\u201d causing another to accuse him of hypocrisy because he wants to stay inside and write. The former calls Meredith's work \u201cchaos illumined by flashes of lightning,\u201d contrasts Balzac's \u201cimaginative reality\u201d to Zola's \u201cunimaginative realism,\u201d and claims America has ironically been done irreparable harm by the story of Washington's cherry tree and its moral of (*) honesty, because that story is \u201can absolute myth.\u201d That character also asserts that Art only expresses itself, and that Life should imitate Art far more than Art imitates Life. For 10 points, name this dialogue between Cyril and Vivian about the necessity of prevarication, written by Oscar Wilde.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2009, "answer": "\u201cThe Decay of Lying\u201d", "round": "Rd04.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "Prison Bowl", "question": "The commanding general of the Union was only in command because Major General C.F. Smith was injured. The leaders of the defense included William J. Hardee, who attacked William Sherman's forces on the left flank. In this battle, John McClernand attacked Leonidas Polk along the Purdy Road. On the second day of this battle, General Don Carlos Buell came down from Tennessee and forced the Confederates to retreat to the town of Corinth. The Union was trying to capture the Memphis and Charleston Railroad in, for ten points, which Civil War Battle of 1862 also known as Pittsburgh Landing, the bloodiest battle of the Civil War?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Battle of Shiloh (accept Battle of Pittsburgh Landing until mentioned) [PM]", "round": "Packet 9.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "Chitin", "question": "One scene in this play sees the Commissioner of Public Safety being rejected funds for the navy, after which the title character compares her country to a piece of wool.\u00a0 The two choruses in this play have a battle between water and fire after the chorus of old men attempt to smoke out the people holding the Acropolis hostage.\u00a0 It is resolved after the Athenians and Spartans divide up the lands of Greece on the naked body of Peace.\u00a0 For 10 points, name this Aristophanes comedy where women abstain from relations with their husbands to end the\u00a0Peloponnesian War.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Lysistrata", "round": "Round 12 - UMD 4.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 11, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "In the fourth section of this work, Xenomanes describes the dim-witted monster Quaresmeprenant. In another section, the first title character fails to learn from his instructor, Holofernes, but has more success with the humanist Ponocrates. One character in this series founds an abbey whose motto is \u201cDo what thou wilt,\u201d the Abbey of Th\u00e9l\u00e8me. In one book in this series, Picrochole wages war with King (*) Grandgousier. The second title character has an entire country living inside his mouth, and also has a multilingual companion named Panurge. For 10 points, name this series of novels about a pair of giants written by Fran\u00e7ois Rabelais.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "The Life of Gargantua and of Pantagruel [or La vie de Gargantua et de Pantagruel]", "round": "Packet 2 - Prelims 2.doc"}
{"category": "Trash", "question_num": 7, "tournament": "Terrapin Invitational", "question": "In a desert in this game, you are able to find two differently colored sesame seeds that talk and ask you to reunite them, even though it is not possible to do so. One enemy in this game is described as \u201cborange\u201d and is found in a factory behind a waterfall that you must stand in front of for three minutes. In that factory you have to use a jar of fly honey on (*) Master Belch in order to defeat him. Some food that appears in this game includes trout-flavored yogurt, skip sandwiches, and brain food lunches. The latter of these restores some of your character's PP which allow them to use attacks like PSI Rockin' and PK Starstorm. FTP, name this SNES cult classic where the world must be saved from Gigyas by Paula, Jeff, Poo, and Ness.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Earthbound", "round": "FINAL_Columbia A+Toronto.doc"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 9, "tournament": "HSAPQ NSC 2", "question": "The title character of one of this man's plays sees the Latin words \"fly, man\" appear on his arm in his own blood. This author wrote the line that begins John Donne's \"The Bait,\" and created a character who trains a slave named Ithamore to be his evil aid before falling into a boiling cauldron after poisoning his own daughter Abigail. He wrote \"come live with me and be my love\" in \"The Passionate Shepherd to His Love.\" For 10 points, name this author of Doctor Faustus and The Jew of Malta.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Christopher Marlowe", "round": "Round_03_HSAPQ_NSC2.pdf"}
{"category": "Literature", "question_num": 16, "tournament": "Terrapin Invitational", "question": "The death of one couple in this work is compared to \"the elm to which wantonly the tendrilled grape entwines.\" Vafrine is sent to spy on an approaching army, while Wiseman of Ascalon instructs two men on how to get to the Fortunate Isles. When an effigy of Mary disappears from a temple both Sophronia and her lover Olindo claim responsibility for the theft. One character is called in to reverse the enchantment of a (*) forest, allowing his compatriots to gather wood to build siege machines. A group of soldiers is transformed into animals after being seduced by Armida, who falls in love with Rinaldo. Ismen the sorcerer foretells the coming to Saladin, FTP, name this epic poem about the First Crusade by Torquato Tasso, named for the holy city the crusaders sought to liberate.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2011, "answer": "Jerusalem Delivered [or La Gerusalemme liberata]", "round": "FINAL_WillZafar.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "ACF Nationals", "question": "At one point, the narrator describes the \u201csupernumeraries,\u201d a body created to allow people to purchase a chance to serve with the venerated scholae. In addition to detailing instances of abuse toward astrologers and the reformation of adultery laws, this work relates the success of a plot to strangle Princess Amalasuntha in her bath. It also recounts the deeds perpetrated by the forger Priscus who enlists the Church of Emesa to extort its supporters. This work, which inspired a drama by John Masefield and a novel about a \u201cCount\u201d by Robert Graves and included such chapters as \u201cJustice for Sale\u201d and \u201cHow landowners were ruined,\u201d marked a departure from its author's previous works: On the Wars and On the Buildings. Beginning with a chapter on Antonina's manipulation of Belisarius, for 10 points, identify this chronicle of misrule in Byzantium under Theodora and Justinian, a work by Procopius.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "The Secret History or Historia Arcana", "round": "Editor's Round (PO 3).docx"}
{"category": "Religion", "question_num": 5, "tournament": "NNT", "question": "According to Hebrew lore, this creature stayed in the Garden of Eden as Adam was banished. Some traditions say a Chinese version of it is called f\u00e8ng hu\u00e1ng, a mythical creature that rules the southern sky. Ancient Egyptian accounts call it the Bennu, and depict it with two feathers on its head. Accounts since then place it in Arabia, from which it returns to the Heliopolis about every five hundred years. Known for building nests of myrrh and frankincense, this is, for 10 points, what unique bird known for its crimson color and ability to hatch a replacement after catching fire?", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2008, "answer": "Phoenix", "round": "NNT_Packet_4.doc"}
{"category": "Fine Arts", "question_num": 8, "tournament": "PACE NSC", "question": "One work by this artist features alternating lines from a Jonathan Edwards sermon and the Song of Solomon in its section \u201cThe Puritan\u201d; that work is American Document. In one work by this choreographer, different dancers play the Maid, Warrior, and Martyr aspects of Joan of Arc. A woman dances solo near a bench in a dance this artist set to music by Zolt\u00e1n Kod\u00e1ly, Lamentation. This artist\u2019s Seraphic Dialogue and Frontier had a set designed by (*) Isamu Noguchi, as did another work she choreographed featuring the Revivalist and the Bride, who have solos in a section containing variations on the Shaker hymn \u201cSimple Gifts.\u201d For 10 points, name this modern dance choreographer who commissioned Aaron Copland\u2019s ballet Appalachian Spring.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2011, "answer": "Martha Graham", "round": "Packet 21 - TB 5.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 17, "tournament": "Minnesota Open", "question": "A Whitehall Review article denouncing the public feeding of reptiles featured a headline comparing it to this conflict. Martin Farquhar Tupper wrote violent poems on his recommendations for this conflict. One notorious incident in this conflict saw William Hodson strip three captives naked, shoot them dead at Bloody Gate, and dump their bodies at a police station. One precipitating cause for it was the implementation of the \u201cdoctrine of lapse\u201d devised by (*) Lord Dalhousie. It was kicked off by the attempted assassinations of Mangal Pandey. Other actions during this conflict include a massacre of women and children after the Siege of Cawnpore, as well as Colin Campbell's defense of Lucknow. Set off in part because new rifle cartridges were thought to be soaked in beef or pork fat, this conflict resulted in the dissolution of a certain company and the formation of the British Raj. For 10 points, name this 1857 rebellion in India initiated by the namesake group of native soldiers.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "Sepoy Rebellion or Mutiny [accept Indian Rebellion of 1857 until the final line, accept India's First War of Independence and equivalents, prompt on Indian Revolt or Rebellion]", "round": "Round 05 - Penn + Bruce et al.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 1, "tournament": "MW GSAC XVII", "question": "One general in this war was assassinated at Eger, since some feared he would traitorously make peace with the enemy. Another participant, Frederick V, had his army savaged at the Battle of White Mountain. Another battle of this war, L\u00fctzen, saw the defeat of General Wallenstein and the death of an opposing commander, who had earlier won the Battle of Breitenfeld over the forces of General Tilly and was Gustavus Adolphus. It began after the representatives of Ferdinand of Styria were introduced to a pile of manure in the Second Defenestration of Prague. For 10 points, name this war mostly fought in Germany between Catholics and Protestants which was ended by the Peace of Westphalia.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "HS", "year": 2009, "answer": "Thirty Years' War", "round": "Round 3.doc"}
{"category": "History", "question_num": 4, "tournament": "Princeton Buzzerfest", "question": "This organization organized a boycott involving white stickers to demonstrate their opposition to immigration from a certain country. This organization was founded after a dispute when part of another similar organization broke a cigar makers' strike in New York by undercutting the strikers' wage demands; a member of the striking union would become this group's first president. One initiative pursued under his leadership was the placing of white stickers of cigars made by white workers in opposition to Chinese immigration. A breakaway faction of this group focused on industry, founded by John L. Lewis, as opposed to the initial focus on craft, would eventually rejoin in 1955. For 10 points, identify this labor union, which merged with the Congress of Industrial Organizations and was founded by, among others, Samuel Gompers.", "accept": null, "difficulty": "College", "year": 2010, "answer": "American Federation of Labor [or AFL-CIO, do not accept after \u201cindustry\u201d]", "round": "ColumbiaB.doc"}