This will be the It's Academic Database of questions for practice and pseudo-competitions between members. Currently I am planning for a fairly feature intensive application, the features that I intend to implement are as follows:
- Full Database of Quiz Bowl and It's Academic Questions and answers that is queriable for reference or learning purposes
- Solo-Practice Mode where a user will be able to select a category of questions or some other selective factor and then answer the questions.
- Multi-player Mode - this is the big feature that will require a lot of work. Multi-player will inlude the following:
- Ability to player against 2-10 other people
- Group mode where you can play 2-10vs2-10 others
- A Chat Room
- Score Keeping
- More, possibly
- Full user integration into the current system
- Different game settings ie 2v2 or free for all
- Full gamification through a match search type feature
- Fully functional vote system for deciding on things
- Admin privalages for certain users
- Get the persistence layer figured out