This package is written an tested on Ubuntu 20.04 + ROS Noetic environment. Dependencies are also for this environment.
Install ROS in your Ubuntu 20.04 computer (follow this tutorials):
Create a ROS Workspace: ~/catkin_ws
Please install all the packages listed below in your Ubuntu PC or Jetson Nano, in the given order.
- ros-noetic-moveit
Extract the metapackage ros-quadruped-robot
into ${ros_workspace}/src
. and catkin_make
your workspace.
git clone --recursive
To be updated...
Gazebo execution (Since simulation is performed with vrep remote api, roscore must be executed first)
roslaunch quadruped_description gazebo.launch
Run the modules needed for the demo with roslaunch
rosrun quadruped_master
rosrun quadruped_master
CoppeliaSim execution (Open the scene: ros-quadruped-robot/quadruped_vrep/scenes/ ), and play
Run the modules needed for the demo with roslaunch and the movement program
roslaunch quadruped_vrep vrep.launch
rosrun quadruped_master