Desde Cero is a project to practice creating and maintaining a website with WordPress.
- Initial configuration with WordPress 6.6.2
- Git ignore file
- Language pack (Spanish)
- WordPress versión 6.6.2 or higher
- PHP versión 8.1 or higher
- MySQL versión 8.2 or higher
- WampServer or equivalent (to run in local environment)
- Step 1: Clone the repository
- Step 2: Initialize WampServer
- Step 3: Create wp-config.php file (see example file)
- Step 4: Create data base
- Step 5: Add .htaccess file
- Step 6: Create a virtual host in your local environment /desdecero.local
- Step 7: Go to /desdecero.local from your browser
- Great! Well done!
git clone