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Quarkus Photobook Demo App

Keep a Changelog v1.1.0 badge license code of conduct Quality Gate Status Coverage Docker images


Recently I followed some Mongo DB courses and attended the Spring I/O 2023.
So I decided to practice a bit. This project is the result.
Currently is just a simple POC integration of Mongo DB and Quarkus

There is a live version at the link

This is an alternate version of the springboot project based on quarkus


software docker compose local build and run
Java runtime version no yes
Java build version no yes
Apache Maven no yes
Node JS no yes
Docker yes no


Start via docker compose

docker-compose -f src/main/docker/docker-compose.yml up -d

Start in dev mode

  1. Create mongo db instance with db initialization (script src/test/resources/mongo-db/mongo-init.js) :
docker run --rm -p 27017:27017 --name MONGO8 -v `pwd`/src/test/resources/mongo-db/mongo-init.js:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/mongo-init.js mongo:8.0.0-rc8

This will start a mongo db linked on the default port and with the default username/password (root/example).

  1. Start the application in dev mode

The back end

mvn quarkus:dev

And front end

cd src/main/react
npm install
npm run start
  1. Access home page


project environment variables

In case you want a custom mongo db connection :

key dedault
MONGODB_URL mongodb://localhost:27017/photobook_demo

container environment variables

Other custom environment variables :

key dedault description
JAVA_OPTS_APPEND append java options (for instance '-Xmx1g')

For the Dockefile.jvm build, see the RedHat UBI OpenJDK image documentation for more options.

Quarkus package

It is possible to compile the application to a single jar package :

mvn package -Pbuildreact

And then run

java -jar target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar

Native image compilation

The code has been set for native compilation with GraalVM (tested with GraalVM 22.3 CE).

It is possible to compile :

mvn install -Dnative -Pbuildreact

And then run


Refer to Quarkus Documentation for more informations.

Docker image

docker container (jvm)

Build quarkus application (jar)

mvn package -P buildreact

Build container openjdk

docker build -t quarkus-photobook-jvm -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm .

Running the container :

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --name quarkus-photobook-jvm quarkus-photobook-jvm

docker container (native)

Building the native image :

mvn install -Dnative -Pbuildreact

Building the container image :

docker build -t quarkus-photobook-native -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.native .

Running the container :

Native optimization : PGO

This section is based on

One of the most powerful performance optimizations in Native Image is profile-guided optimizations (PGO).

  1. Build an instrumented image:
mvn package -Dnative -Pinstrumented
  1. Run the app and apply relevant workload:
mv ./target/quarkus-photobook*runner ./target/quarkus-photobook-instrumented
hey -n=30000 http://localhost:8080/photobook-demo/api/photobook/view/list
hey -n=30000 http://localhost:8080/photobook-demo/api/photobook/view/images/springio23/language/it/current_page/1/page_size/5

after you shut down the app, you'll see an iprof file in your working directory.

  1. Build an app with profiles (they are being picked up via <buildArg>--pgo=${project.basedir}/default.iprof</buildArg>):
mvn package -Dnative -Poptimized

Benchmark scripts

Prerequisites :

  • running mongo db
  • hey installed
  • psrecord installed

At the end of a run, an image will be plotted in the target folder.

1. Benchmark JIT

mvn clean package

2. Benchmark native

Follow steps in 'Native optimization : PGO' section


3. Benchmark result

Sample result of JIT benchmark run :

JIT Benchmark Result

Sample result of native (AOT) benchmark run :

Native Benchmark Result

application stack

Layer 2024 version
Persistence MongoDB 8
Java version GraalVM 21
API REST Quarkus 3.11.x
Node JS Node 20
Front end package Vite
Front end UI React 18.3

Deploy on Google App Engine

Prerequisites :

  • google cloud account
  • GCloud CLI

Simple app.yaml for AOT and Simple app.yaml for JIT

Customize the app.yaml and run gcloud

For JIT version the uber kar packaging is needed :

mvn package -Dquarkus.package.jar.type=uber-jar
gcloud quarkus-photobook-runner.jar --appyaml=src/main/appengine/app-jit.yaml

For JIT version or

gcloud quarkus-photobook-runner --appyaml=src/main/appengine/app-aot.yaml

For AOT version

Further reference :

Deploy on KNative

Prerequisites :

  • container environment (docker / podman)
  • Kubernates (for instance minikube)
  • Knative

After setting up Knative, Customize the quarkus-photobook-jit.yaml or quarkus-photobook-aot.yaml service deployment.

And run

kubectl apply -f quarkus-photobook-jit.yaml

For JIT version or

kubectl apply -f quarkus-photobook-aot.yaml

For AOT version