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Fulminazzo edited this page Dec 15, 2024 · 7 revisions

In this page, you will find all the possible values for many fields described in the wiki. They are divided in general and platform-specific.



These values belong to YAGL itself. They are proprieties automatically distributed and available to both admins and developers.

The following is a table with all the available variables and their context of use.

Variable Meaning Context
<player_name> The name of the player currently viewing the GUI GUIs and contents
<player_display_name> The visual name of the player currently viewing the GUI GUIs and contents
<player_uuid> The UUID of the player currently viewing the GUI GUIs and contents
<players_count> The number of players currently playing in the server of the viewer GUIs and contents
<page> The number of the current page Pageable and Data GUIs and contents
<pages> The number of pages available Pageable and Data GUIs and contents
<previous_page> The number of the previous page Pageable and Data GUIs and contents
<next_page> The number of the next page Pageable and Data GUIs and contents

Note that some of these will not available in all Minecraft versions.

General Bukkit/Spigot

Bukkit/Spigot 1.13+

They can be specified by using the name found in this page, by their key or by their name (from Minecraft).

Currently only used by the particle POTION_BREAK.

Bukkit/Spigot 1.12-

They can be specified by using the name found in this page or by their name (from Minecraft).

Currently only used by the particle POTION_BREAK.

WARNING: these were NOT available in Minecraft 1.8.