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elycruz committed Nov 10, 2018
1 parent 9cf6a65 commit d76f006
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Showing 70 changed files with 15,753 additions and 1,524 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -240,6 +240,8 @@ BSD 3 Clause - Included in sources.
- Added `native` which includes all the
static methods that live on `Object` though
flipped and curried.
- Added 'fjl-mutable' as part of source. All methods of 'fjl-mutable' now
live directly on 'fjl' and are defined in 'fjl/objects/defineProp' (or more directly in src at './src/objects/defineProp').

#### Development changes.
- Updated 'dev-deps' to use latest babel.
Expand Down
202 changes: 202 additions & 0 deletions dist/amd/object/defineProp.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
define(["exports", "../function/curry", "../jsPlatform/function", "../errorThrowing", "./is"], function (_exports, _curry, _function, _errorThrowing, _is) {
"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(_exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
_exports.defineProps = _exports.defineEnumProps = _exports.defineEnumProp = _exports.defineProp = _exports.toTargetDescriptorTuple = _exports.toEnumerableDescriptor = _exports.createTypedDescriptor = void 0;

function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); }

function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); }

function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; }

function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; }

* Creates `defineProps` and `defineEnumProps` methods based on `{enumerable}` param.
* @param {{enumerable: Boolean}}
* @returns {function(*, *)|PropsDefinerCall}
* @private
function createDefinePropsMethod(_ref) {
var enumerable = _ref.enumerable;
var operation = enumerable ? defineEnumProp : defineProp;
return function (argTuples, target) {
argTuples.forEach(function (argTuple) {
var _argTuple = _slicedToArray(argTuple, 3),
TypeRef = _argTuple[0],
propName = _argTuple[1],
defaultValue = _argTuple[2];

(0, _function.apply)(operation, [TypeRef, target, propName, defaultValue]);
return target;

* Creates a descriptor for a property which is settable but throws
* errors when the `Type` is disobeyed.
* @function module:object.createTypedDescriptor
* @param Type {TypeRef} - {String|Function}
* @param target {*}
* @param propName {String}
* @returns {Descriptor} - Property descriptor with just getter and setter.
createTypedDescriptor = function createTypedDescriptor(Type, target, propName) {
var _value;

return {
get: function get() {
return _value;
set: function set(value) {
_value = (0, _errorThrowing.errorIfNotType)(Type, propName, target, value);

* Returns a target-descriptor tuple whose 'descriptor' will be set to
* enumerable (`enumerable: true`).
* @function module:object.toEnumerableDescriptor
* @param {TargetDescriptorTuple} - [target, descriptor] tuple.
* @returns {TargetDescriptorTuple} - Array of target and descriptor.
toEnumerableDescriptor = function toEnumerableDescriptor(_ref2) {
var _ref3 = _slicedToArray(_ref2, 2),
target = _ref3[0],
descriptor = _ref3[1];

descriptor.enumerable = true;
return [target, descriptor];

* Returns an target and descriptor tuple from given.
* @function module:object.toTargetDescriptorTuple
* @param targetOrTargetDescriptorTuple {(*|Array<*, *>)} - Target object or tuple of target and descriptor.
* @returns {(Array<*>|Array<*,*>)}
toTargetDescriptorTuple = function toTargetDescriptorTuple(targetOrTargetDescriptorTuple) {
return (0, _is.isType)('Array', targetOrTargetDescriptorTuple) ? // Strict type check for array
targetOrTargetDescriptorTuple : [targetOrTargetDescriptorTuple];

* Allows you to define a "typed" property on given `target`.
* @function module:object.defineProp
* @param Type {TypeRef} - {String|Function}
* @param target {TargetDescriptorTuple} - Target or array of target and descriptor ([target, descriptor]).
* @param propName {String}
* @param [defaultValue=undefined] {*}
* @returns {TargetDescriptorTuple}
defineProp = function defineProp(Type, target, propName) {
var defaultValue = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : undefined;

var _toTargetDescriptorTu = toTargetDescriptorTuple(target),
_toTargetDescriptorTu2 = _slicedToArray(_toTargetDescriptorTu, 2),
_target = _toTargetDescriptorTu2[0],
_descriptor = _toTargetDescriptorTu2[1],
descriptor = _descriptor || createTypedDescriptor(Type, _target, propName);

Object.defineProperty(_target, propName, descriptor);

if (!(0, _is.isUndefined)(defaultValue)) {
_target[propName] = defaultValue;

return [_target, descriptor];

* Allows you to define a "typed", enumerated property on `target`.
* @function module:object.defineEnumProp
* @param Type {TypeRef} - {String|Function}
* @param target {TargetDescriptorTuple} - Target or array of target and descriptor ([target, descriptor]).
* @param propName {String}
* @param [defaultValue=undefined] {*}
* @returns {TargetDescriptorTuple}
defineEnumProp = function defineEnumProp(Type, target, propName) {
var defaultValue = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : undefined;

var _toTargetDescriptorTu3 = toTargetDescriptorTuple(target),
_toTargetDescriptorTu4 = _slicedToArray(_toTargetDescriptorTu3, 2),
_target = _toTargetDescriptorTu4[0],
_descriptor = _toTargetDescriptorTu4[1],
descriptor = _descriptor || createTypedDescriptor(Type, _target, propName);

return defineProp(Type, toEnumerableDescriptor([_target, descriptor]), propName, defaultValue);

* Allows you to define multiple enum props at once on target.
* @function module:object.defineEnumProps
* @param argsTuple {Array.<DefinePropArgsTuple>} - Array of argArrays for `defineEnumProp`.
* @param [target = undefined] {Target} - Target to use in internal calls if one is not provided but encountered 'argArray'.
* @returns {Array.<TargetDescriptorTuple>} - Results of each call to `defineEnumProp`.
defineEnumProps = (0, _curry.curry)(createDefinePropsMethod({
enumerable: true

* Allows you to define multiple props at once on target.
* @function module:object.defineProps
* @param argsTuple {Array.<DefinePropArgsTuple>} - Array of argArrays for `defineProp`.
* @param [target = undefined] {Target} - Target to use in internal calls if one is not provided but encountered 'argArray'.
* @returns {Array.<TargetDescriptorTuple>} - Results of each call to `defineProp`.
* @curried
defineProps = (0, _curry.curry)(createDefinePropsMethod({
enumerable: false
/** ============================================================= */

/** Type definitions: */

/** ============================================================= */

* @typedef {*} Target

* @typedef {Object} Descriptor

* @typedef {Array<Target, Descriptor>} TargetDescriptorTuple

* @typedef {Array.<TypeRef, TargetDescriptorTuple, String, *>} DefinePropArgsTuple
* @description Arguments list for `defineProp` and/or `defineEnumProp` (note: some
* parts of array/tuple are options (namely the last two args)); E.g.,
* ```
* [String, [someTarget], 'somePropName', 'someDefaultValue] // ...
* ```

* @typedef {Function} PropsDefinerCall
* @description Same type as `defineProp` and `defineEnumProp`
* @param argsTuple {DefinePropArgsTuple}
* @param target {Target}
* @returns {Array.<TargetDescriptorTuple>}

_exports.defineProps = defineProps;
_exports.defineEnumProps = defineEnumProps;
_exports.defineEnumProp = defineEnumProp;
_exports.defineProp = defineProp;
_exports.toTargetDescriptorTuple = toTargetDescriptorTuple;
_exports.toEnumerableDescriptor = toEnumerableDescriptor;
_exports.createTypedDescriptor = createTypedDescriptor;

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