Key-Value database that talks RESP
java redis docker-container maven-pom sonarqube sonarcloud log4j2 html
- Open the command prompt and type in the following:
docker pull fungover/haze
(This downloads the Docker image)
- Open the command prompt and type in the following:
- Start a new container with the image, mapping the port 6379 on the host to port 6379 on the container:
docker run -p 6379:6379 fungover/haze
- Start a new container with the image, mapping the port 6379 on the host to port 6379 on the container:
- You can change the behaviour of the server by putting in environment variables when starting the container. For example, you can set the server port to 6440. To do this:
docker run -p 6440:6440 -e HAZE_PORT=6440 fungover/haze
Commands that the Server support:
- SET: Sets a value to a key in Redis.
- GET: Retrieves a value to a key in Redis.
- DEL: Removes the specified keys.
- PING: Tests if the Redis server is running. If the server is running, it returns "PONG".
- SETNX: Set the value of a key, only if the key does not already exists.
- EXISTS: Returns if key exists, it returns 1 if the key exists, and 0 otherwise.
- SAVE: Saves the current state of the dataset. It is helpful if you are creating backups or snapshots.
SET key1 "Hi"
GET key1
DEL key1
SETNX mykey "Hello"