Build Frontend as part of Maven lifecycle
Run Maven Command: Use the following Maven command to install Node.js, npm, and the frontend dependencies:
mvn clean compile
BE/FE strucutre to increase seperation. FE is React using Vite install. -npm run dev => runs React only, -npm run start => runs SB + React.
TODO: Proxy is "configured" in FE\package.json, this is to help with communication BE => FE
1. Get client ID and client secret (Use this link to create an OAuth app to use locally)
- Set the Homepage URL to http://localhost:8080
- Set the Authorization callback URL to http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/github
- Register the application
- Generate client secret
Option 1:
IntelliJ navbar -> Run -> Edit configurations -> Environment variables
Option 2:
Create a .env file in the root of the project
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=id (replace id with your client ID)
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=secret (replace secret with your client secret)
## Swagger UI Documentation
- Swagger UI can be accessed at: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html.