This library offers a template engine, which uses PHP files as templates.
composer require futape/php-template
Hello <?php echo $name; ?>,
this is an usage example of futape/php-template.
Your installed PHP version is <?php echo PHP_VERSION; ?>.
Here's a list of all defined variables:
foreach (get_defined_vars() as $name => $value) {
echo $name . ': ' . (string)$value . "\n";
use Futape\PhpTemplate\Template;
$template = (new Template('template.php'))
->addVariable('name', 'Stranger');
echo $template->render();
/* Hello Stranger,
this is an usage example of futape/php-template.
Your installed PHP version is 7.2.0.
Here's a list of all defined variables:
name: Stranger
... */
The template file is executed in its own variable scope and has access to the defined variables only, as well as
superglobals and variables made accessible via global
Moreover it can access constants and can utilize any PHP functionality you an use in other PHP files as well.
The library is tested by unit tests using PHP Unit.
To execute the tests, install the composer dependencies (including the dev-dependencies), switch into the tests
directory and run the following command: