Releases: futurerealitylab/Holojam
Releases · futurerealitylab/Holojam
Archived research SDK from 2016
Last pushed version from master.
Holojam v0.2.5 (IK Update)
Created new IK system, revamped default actors Created the HoloIK component, which can be attached to any PairTarget HoloIK encapsulates a custom suite of IK classes in a single component, each able to operate independently as its own module. This includes leg, torso, and arm functionality (which in turn orient other parts, e.g. neck, shoulders, hips) The torso orientation solver can function with or without tracked (known) feet positions, allowing lightweight and scalable setups HoloIK integrates seamlessly with the Pairable system, triggering when paired with hands or feet. The displayed render will vary based on the number and type of pairables connected The arm IK algorithm was sourced from the previous ArmIK.cs script and then heavily refactored A single value (head length) is available as a parameter--every other value is derived from this number, simplifying setup The rendering system utilizes scale-independent meshes to display variable-length arms, legs, and joints Orientation functions independent of ground plane HoloIK also includes a module for natural eye blinking Several new models created, including a full head with eyes, a transformable cap, shoes, a torso and poncho (for partial torso rendering), and limbs/joints New clothing texture and skin materials added New ActorIK prefab was created, pre-configured to use the new IK system as well as the new models and materials New Foot pairable created with the new model, old Grip pairable renamed to Hand Modified ActorInstantiator to optionally support actors using the IK system ActorInstantiator colors upgraded Scene updated with new default actors and pairables Small patches Added new Motive tags for VR4 Cleaned project
Holojam v0.2.4
Fixed Viewer prefab
Holojam v0.2.3
Network code refactored and updated
Holojam v0.2.2
Fixed all tracking flag issues / added features HolojamView IsTracked accessor now takes into account instance list Inspector displays 'Untracked' or 'Paused' (for Synchronizables) on component disable Tracking flag is now sent and received over the network (LiveObject, HolojamObject, HolojamView) Tracking flags are reset per receive thread if no data is flowing in (after a timeout) Fixes the case when a thread pauses on Socket.Receive(), leaving behind stale HolojamObjects All tracking flags in custom inspectors should now be consistent with the actual data (stable) Fixed packet loss warnings Tweaked (finalized) fence material and holobounds prefab Cleaned project
Holojam v0.2.1
Build push
Holojam v0.2 - Milestone
Rewritten under the new network paradigm
All deprecated code has been replaced by new components with redesigned
functionality and visual accessibility
July 5 Pre-Jam
v0.1.9 Updated VRConsole
Major Update -- Pinpoint tracking, pairables ActorManager now uses separate viewer in-scene to render to VR. Various items/issues fixed and tuned—all actors render with much greater fluidity and accuracy, and remain consistent/generic across all builds and clients Pairables added—an alternative for the previous practice of hardcoding user trackers into builds Now any tracker in the space can be paired to a user. Simply hold the unpaired piece near your visor—it will flash briefly and assume your avatar’s motif color. Unpair using the same technique Hand (grip) examples included, options included to modify offset (many body trackers are soft) Scene reorganized and updated etc.